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Everything posted by kumi-chanmi

  1. Usually I go and listen to my fav music and bounce and dance and watever, but at other times I write or have one my friends come and I bascically bother him till we have a reason to play fight! :animesmil
  2. sometimes guys don't really know what they want and its a bit hard to figure them out most of my friends are guys and they don't understand, but taking it slow is much better than rushing into things. most people learn that the hard way.
  3. I've actually broken my head open twice and that somehow made me smart. I also have problems with the fam, we are totally broken especially since they all have done stuff to each other that I really never wanted to know.
  4. i've seen both ringu and the eye, and I loved the both of them. But ringu does make you a bit jumpy.
  5. This show is hilarious and completely weird. But that's what makes it so funny! I've tried watching a whole episode but it was to hard, because his nose hairs just started beating everyone up. :animesmil
  6. I usually dream about friends and family, especially the ones who are completely gone. One of my dreams was the day after one my aunts died she said to not be afraid and to hold onto everything dear.I remember when I went to hug her in the dream she suddenly dissappeared and i fell then i woke up.
  7. I love J-tunes, even though my family thinks i'm crazy. My Fav's are utada hikaru and boa both of their music just gives a sense of happiness to me. Sometimes even the sad songs are a bit comforting to me. I mostly get the music from animes I watch or games I play.
  8. Not all people believe in arranged marriages, but in some cultures they do. It's not our right to judge someone just because they were arranged to marry someone. Even though I believe people should date each other and know each other before they're married, some cultures don't seem to beieve that should be the case. Yes I do believe that people should be in love before they marry. Even though my parents never married.
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