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Demoness Satoe

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Everything posted by Demoness Satoe

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][B]It has to be one, if not my current favorite, anime. The dubbed version generally... sucks. In my opinion. I prefer watching the subbed (they're a million episodes farther ahead anyway). So why is my siggy/avvie still FMA? I worked too hard on this banner to change it.[/B] :catgirl: [/SIZE] [/FONT]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]Well, I dunno, really. That's hard to say. Espacially since I'm a big gaming fan, but if I get the present, that's probably all I WILL get. You see, I've been debating on whether or not to get the Nintendo DS Lite. I made a mistake giving away my first DS, and now I want it back. But my parents have a strict budget on my Christmas List, so I won't be able to get all the new manga I've been asking for. :animedepr I'm a hopeless cause...[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=SandyBrown][SIZE=1][B]Well, I think Yaoi/Yuri is rather creepy. I'm not against Gay couples, but I don't really enjoy seeing them, well, y'know. It just doesn't seem right. Plus, think about it in the characters point of veiw. Would two best friends, brothers/sisters, or people who are total opposites of each other, be caught making out? And think about it rationally. Unless foretold in the stories, the characters [I]AREN'T[/I] Gay/Lesbians. But, don't get me wrong. I'm not flaming anybody for what they like, or trying to teach my beliefs to you and force them down your throat. I'm just simply stating the facts, and my opinion.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][B]It can be; depending on the user or needers usage. Money is something everybody wants, because it can buy even more money, in a sense, and they want it to seem powerful. But "The Root of All Evil" term I can't agree with. People do bead things for many other reasons, not just money. But yeah, a major cause is.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=SandyBrown][SIZE=1][B]I mainly veiw this holiday as a day off from school, and a day to get together with the half of my family I hardly ever see. They usually come down here, but this year I'm going there, all the way to Washington D.C. I have to wake up at 6:30 in the morning, but It'll be worth it.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][B]-sigh- Well, probably not me. At least this year anyway. Traveling from NY to Houston is alot. And there is no way my dad would even consider taking me down there, besides the fact I'm only 14. Maybe next year...[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][B]Yeah, I watch Naruto. It's pretty awesome, actually. Though I haven't seen it in quite awhile...[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][B]For me, it depends. I like to watch dubbed episodes, just so I can know what they're saying without having to read words, and possibly miss parts of the animation. But some people's voices sound better in Japanese. Take Jiraiya from Naruto for example. His dubbed voice sounds like a dead man off the street, but his Japanese voice suits him alot better.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][B]Wow... I don't know where you found this article, but that's really sad. The children mist hate her about now...[/B] :animecry:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][B]Kangaroos. :animeknow Whenever somebody says 'Austrailia', I don't know why, but the kangaroos automatically come to mind. Like Iceland and Ice Cream. Though we're not talking about Iceland, so I don't know why I said that. xP[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][B]Not only spam [I]threads[/I], but spam posts as well. If people can't post a certain amount of characters, or have a specific reason behind things, then they should be deleted. Just my opinion, not to critizize the mods in anyway whatsoever. I think they do a fantastic job; alot better than most sites do nowadays.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][B]It seems like the series is a good one... but no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to find Episode 1 on the Internet or otherwise anywhere.[/B] :animedepr [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][B]Well, on a brighter side, it was actually the first ever anime I saw. It was enjoyable, and me and my friends used to act like Pokemon and stuff. I collected alot of action figures, and the best part is, you weren't considered uncool or an outcast by liking it. Half the reason I gave up watching it. The other half... I don't think I have to repeat myself...[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][B]Well, I've seen the whole series at least 3 times to date, and I'd have to say one of the best things about it is the storyline. It's a little rushed in parts, but otherwise, it's good. The action really falls under animation in a sense. Now, I could be wrong, and get flamed like heck in future posts, but the animation is sort of what makes the action look as good as it does. It's one of my favorite animes; the artwork is pretty awesome![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]My avatar, in all honesty, doesn't really say all that much about me, besides the fact that I like InuYasha. xP I decided to find a matching random picture off the internet, so yeah. I keep it 'cuz it looks cool.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. Demoness Satoe

    Last Movie

    The last movie I saw was Just My Luck. It was kinda alright... humorous in parts... but other than that, it isn't really one of my favorite movies...
  17. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]Well, yeah. I could think that. But also it's a matter of what the animators see in ther persons voice; not so much a lack in Voice Acting...[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]Sometimes it's with my good friends, sometimes it could be sitting in solitude, all by myself at a table, not talking to anyone. To me, solitude is relaxing, for some odd reason. It's perfect if I don't feel like being with anyone at the time; I just lock myself up in my room.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]Well, there could be a major debate on this for awhile. All the characters play a huge role in the storyline, and it's true many things would be different without one of the characters, namely Goku. My personal opinion is Goku. Alot of things wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for him. But there were also many bad things that happened on his behalf. Like, for example, Freiza and Cooler attacking Earth. True, they never would have came to Earth if it wasn't for Goku, but they also would be alive and reeking havoc on the rest of the universe. And without Piccolo, Gohan wouldn't have been able to become such a skilled warrior, and without Gohan, Pan and Videl probably wouldn't have been in the storyline. It is only natrual though, that Goku seems the most important, because he is the Main Character. The series mainly revolves around him.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]Yes, actually. Plenty of times. One of them was, for example, on one of the episodes of Naruto (I think it was Episode 80), that the [spoiler]3rd Hokage died,[/spoiler] it was just so touching. It was basically flashbacks of everyone's good and bad times with him. But it was touching. Another was the ending of Dragonball GT. It was the last episode, when Goku was remembering all the good times he had with the people on Earth. It wasn't really all that sad, persay, but it was touching. And the last one I am going to name was an episode of Full Metal Alchemist, the episode where Scar [spoiler]kills the Chimera that is Nina and Alexander.[/spoiler] I only cried once over it, though. I saw it a second time, and it wasn't sad. Probably just one of those one-time things.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=deepskyblue][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]Demoness Satoe[/B], I added spoiler tags to your post. In the future, please do not reveal aspects of a show without using spoiler tags. Especially since there are others who have yet to see it. When ever you list a potential spoiler, be sure to use the tags. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE=Evilelf1989]I think they have went a little too far with pokemon. Its a great show but it has been on TV since I was in 2nd grade and im now in 10th.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]I have to agree with you. Well... mostly anyway. I know where you're going with this. The series was on since I was in 3rd Grade, and I'm in 9th now. It was probably on for longer, but that's when I discovered it at least. It made sense to continue the series for a little longer after the first season, but they just made too many branches and variations of it, so I quickly lost interest in it. And to think... I used to be a huge fan when I was younger, and now I could care less...[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]The most recent game I got was Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2. (As of Sunday.) The gameplay is interesting in the beginning, and the storyline is -somwhat- unique, but it's not really a game you can play for hours at a time. And to unlock most of the good characters, you have to save up alot of points; you could be playing for hours, and still not have enough to unlock your first character. Definatly a game for someone who has lots of patience.[/B] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]Well, I don't really know about how many volumes there are, I assume around 28, but there is, for those people who don't know, something on Yahiko no Sakabatou, in an old episode of the Shonen Jump Magazine. Just a heads-up for you guys![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]Some of you may not agree with me, but I think they should add a season onto Full Metal Alchemist. It would be kinda cool to see Ed and Al fighting together with [spoiler]Al's body back[/spoiler]. Well, it ended so suddenly, and with such few episodes... I just think that they should add onto it is all.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [size=1][indent][color=#007520]I added spoiler tags to your post. Make sure to use them when talking about plot elements so as not to ruin the series for others. ;) -r2[/color][/indent][/size]
  25. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]I'd have to say that more people than you think probably watch Naruto. It is definatly classified under one of my favorite animes. Not my favorite, but it's up there. At first, I didn't really think I'd like the show. I saw it as dumb and boring. My little brother actually got me into watching the show. I first saw it on Cartoon Network. I despise that channel... but I only used to watch it for Naruto. When I realized you could watch it on YouTube, I went for that. For some reason, I prefer the dubbed episodes, so I was a little hesitant at first. The series is actually pretty good, once you get past Naruto's training with Jeriya. (Did I spell his name right?) Anyway, for those of you who like Ninja shows, or just want to see a new anime, I strongly reccomend it![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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