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  1. [QUOTE=Kitchen Sink] In the end, even the Nazi's were given better treatment with regards to their war crimes trials. That speaks volumes.[/QUOTE] I dunno...just about everyone hated the Nazis then. They killed even more people, and Hitler was crazier than Hussein. I've heard of some famous Nazi mass murderer-generals being caught living in America in the 80s. Those did seem pretty fair(I saw it on Unsolved Mysteries, so I probably don't know the half of it). But then if Hitler would've been caught, I'd bet that the trial would be much further from "fair" than Hussein's.
  2. I got about 4 of those art things before, and the markers were always dry(but I still loved mine too lol!) I figured out that there was better stuff when my mom gave me my good pencils for Christmas when I was fifteen. I remember always wanting cooking gadgets. Now all I've got is a pastry blender, a juicer, and every time I go to Bed Bath and Beyond, I play with a whisk that would make a better cat toy.
  3. [QUOTE]So either way, a form of public hanging is a form of public humiliation, of which I'm sure Saddam's still pretty pissed off about being found looking like a hobo in a hole.[/QUOTE] He really did look like a hobo, didn't he? So that's what they're going to be doing to him when the bottom drops out of the gallows(or whatever they're hanging him from)...I guess that shouldn't be surprising with the way Americans think of him. Oh, what his own people must think of him then! He actually did stuff to them. Then again, a lot of us Americans are just bleeding hearts about that stuff. Thankyou very much for clarifying that. It's very interesting, and it'll be nice to know what I'm talking about when my history class gets to WW2.
  4. [quote name='Zidargh']he'll be forever remembered next to those such as Mussolini - a representation of the failure of his authority.[/quote] [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Times New Roman]Good point, but I think Mussolini wasn't hung in public. Didn't they just find him in some gas station? Besides that, Saddam might be able to give a speech or say something dramatic that'll encourage his sympathizers before he dies; you know, like when Mel Gibson yells "FREEDOM!" at the end of Braveheart(I don't know whether or not the real William Wallace did that).[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. Well actually, it seems to be the love of [I]things[/I], or maybe just love in general. It could also be the need or desire of things. Annoyance, envy, and anger(for no reason) also seem to be causes. You know that you'd just love to slap some person you just can't stand - some people just decide to blow them up with a bunch of other innocent people...but I guess they might have been taught that by their parents because their parents [I]love[/I] them. I believe that love in general(money, people, things, etc.) is the cause of most evil, but after that, it gets extremely technical.
  6. This has probably been brought up before in the thread(I've been keeping puppies from chewing on the walls instead of reading), but he keeps asking to be killed by firing squad, and not hanging. Why would execution by firing squad be so different from hanging? Why wouldn't they see him as more of a martyr if his death were more humiliating?
  7. [COLOR=SeaGreen]Government standards for schools are pretty pointless. Soon they'll be starting a required government test(you know, the bubble forms) for PE classes in the districts around here. We even need PE portfolios right now. Aside from boring the students and teachers, I don't see what those could possibly accomplish. It's just so troublesome and takes up space afterward.[/COLOR]
  8. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=SeaGreen]Lemonade? Hmm...Kool-aid lemonade is a good toilet cleaner! But yeah, to conform, hair gel. It doesn't really matter what kind. Try experimenting with spiking techniques just after you get out of the shower - since it's just water, you don't have a bad hair day if you screw up. I should know because I did that when my hair was short(I also pretended to be a gangsta! "Wassup homie G-dog skillet nizzle biotch yo?") If nothing else works, try cutting your hair just a bit shorter. That works pretty well too, 'cause it stays up easier. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. Well, just remember to be completely honest, but also be a little cautious with things like metaphors. Most guys in relationships just take everything literally(from watching most of my friends' relationships, as I've never dated myself - I'm 17 and I've seen how much drama there is in high school relationships, so I'm staying out of it). Best of luck!
  10. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Times New Roman]Yeah, those new weirdo bars are pretty nasty. I can't see why people aren't happy with moderately "healthy" stuff that tastes at least ok. They're probably like that old guy on the mouthwash commercial - "The burn says it's working!"[/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. I thought I ate a lot of junk food, but it turns out that I'm sitting at the computer eating squash. Does spaghetti with salad croutons for breakfast count as junk food? Where did all my junkfood go?...Oh yeah! I lived on cup'o'noodles last week! Ramen really is junk food, because to get it all dry, they fry it in some sort of oil. It's also got quite a lot of sodium in those flavor packets...But I love it anyway! :blah:
  12. [quote name='Waterbender']What I look for in Anime, is Artwork. If any show has bad artwork, i turn it off right then and there. I do not like having to sit through a whole half hour watching lop-sided people....are they fighting?[/quote] _____________ Yeah. I agree about the artwork. Also, if there are too many "cutesy" characters, it's really hard to take the anime seriously. Commercialization is a little annoying too. It just seems to make the anime get old REALLY fast, like all the Naruto merchandise coming out in the US. It just makes the anime involved look so stupid when they start selling a whole bunch of merchandise! Bad ending songs are also a factor for me. I don't know about anyone else, but when you get to the end of a really good episode, you're thinking "that was a good episode!"(hehehe yes, I know - that was sooooo creative :P), then there's this weird, awful sound or stupid lyric that totally derails your nice train of thought and you realize that it's the ending song. Thankfully, there aren't that many animes with really bad ending songs, but that really ruins it for me, like eating pizza with a really bad crust.
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