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About Zetsu

  • Birthday 11/05/1990

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  • Biography
    16 years old, 5'5", black hair, green eyes
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  1. Who do you think the hotest Naruto character is? If your fav is not on the poll post it anyway. I have the hots for Itachi..I'm sorry girls...but he is mine..ALL MINE YA HEAR!
  2. I really wanted to get a PS3 but after countless price raises and the Sony Confrence at E3 (lols giant enemy crab) I just don't one. I don't that it has new BluRay technology. That's the reason it's so expensive in the first place. :animeangr
  3. I am 16, and I have one boyfriend and it turned into a nasty relationship. My only advice is stay away from people you suspect to do drugs (I hope that sentance made sense). My boyfriend got in with some pretty nasty druggies at my school and ended up getting expelled and charged for attempting to sell drugs to one of the security officers at my school. When I found out I laughed about it...he came to me for help and I could give him money because, like most teens, I was totally broke at the time. So he dumped me and has been harassing me for about 7 months now. Anyway, stay away from weird druggie people. :nono:
  4. My abusive father screwed me up! :mad: His constant screaming and chasing and abusing was just way to much for me to handle. He always put me down and mocked me. It started when I was a bout nine. I am turning 16 in about three weeks....not even and it still continues. I remember trying to explain bruises to rich brats at my school. :mad: I think that is what screwed me up.
  5. Firstly I am gonna have to agree with vegeta rocker. I miss my ex a lot. But I dream about events that have already happened. I also dream of *cough* Sasuke *cough* :animeshy:
  6. The best time of my life....hmm :confused:...this is hard. I'm gonna say: About a year ago, me and a couple friends skipped out of the afternoon of school (bad me, BAD!. We went down to Chinatown and the Beaches. We just basically spent the day walking around and chatting. It was really fun. I have no idea why I chose this but, I had a good time in general and it made me feel good.
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