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About Sparky3000

  • Birthday 02/15/1989

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  • Biography
    shorty,quiet shy,
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  1. okay all FMA fans know these deaths: [spoiler] [B]Nina & Alexander Tucker: [/B]Nina is only a 3 year old girl, and alexander is a big loveable dog. [B]Hughes:[/B] poor hughes, all FMA fans cried after that [B]Hoenheim:[/B] he pretty much commited sucide, to sacrifice himself to help Ed. Ed was in total shock after that. [B]Alphonse Hedrick:[/B] another sad death, but it was pretty much predicted [/spoiler] Chrno Crusades: [spoiler] Okay then ending was pretty much a heart breaker, Chrno and Rossette do dying together, and holding hands, that was so great but all too sad [/spoiler]
  2. I like the Naruto abridge, there were so many funny jokes in it. especially Sasuke vrs the log. (sasuke got pwned every time)
  3. Here are some pics of my D Gray man chalk drawing It took me a long time to do . It took me 5 days to plan out everything, three days to do sketch the derawing out with pencil and two for the drawing. i r8uined the skin of all my fingers rubbing the chalk on the ground. It will take a week or so till i fell the fellingi in my fingers again. enjoy. please tell me what you think After 5 hours [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/9776/chalk001uu5.jpg[/IMG][/URL] After 1 day and 10 hours [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img335.imageshack.us/img335/3113/chalk002wu6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Final drawing: [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img335.imageshack.us/img335/2011/chalk003ek2.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  4. arigato,thanks for your help.
  5. thanks, i will try to put them on in tokyopop.com ohh do i put photographs in the art studio too?? i did an anime chalk drawing in my backyard.i have pictures of ito nmy computter
  6. umm hi i am new here, do you have a place for AMVs'??? i made a couple and they are really good.
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