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Mike McColgan

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Everything posted by Mike McColgan

  1. [QUOTE=Mike McColgan[color=navy][size=1]I tagged your posts for you. Like Shin said, spoiler tags are common courtesy. Speaking personally, I started watching Lost on DVD well after the first season had already finished airing. At that time, I know I'd have been most unhappy to run across spoilers because a poster assumed that everyone else was fully caught up with the show. - Dagger[/size][/color][/QUOTE] If you don't want to be told what happens, then why go into a thread dedicated to the show? It's like going to a book club meeting but not leting people talk about the book because you haven't read it and don't want it ruined.
  2. With the PS3's super graphics the bloom will be even brighter! Excellent! I stopped playing Oblivion when I had about 10 hours into the game and my save file pooched. :(
  3. I have never missed a concert that I have wanted to go to. I flew from California to Massachusetts two days before St. Patrick's Day to see Dropkick Murphys for 3 shows on 3 different days. Then I flew back the following Monday. I'm so hardcore.
  4. [quote name='Shinmaru]Some bad news though: [spoiler']According to Wikipedia, the 6th episode is going to be a Kate-centric episode. Noooooo!!!! :( :( :([/spoiler][/quote] Hey, atleast there are no more [spoiler]Ana-Lucia episodes. I cheered when she died. I just wish it had been painfully in a fire instead of shot.[/spoiler] God I hated her. I now have a new theory for why Locke couldn't walk before he got to the island: [spoiler]When the cops raided his druggie compound, the guy he let live ends up shooting him in the back paralyzing him.[/spoiler] But my theory changes just about every episode. Lost [URL=http://imagesocket.com/view/emot_arghf46.gif][IMG]http://content.imagesocket.com/images/emot_arghf46.gif[/IMG][/URL] And why is everyone spoilering stuff that's already happened? This is the Lost discussion thread right, so should we be able to discuss stuff that has happened without spoilering it? [color=navy][size=1]I tagged your posts for you. Like Shin said, spoiler tags are common courtesy. Speaking personally, I started watching Lost on DVD well after the first season had already finished airing. At that time, I know I'd have been most unhappy to run across spoilers because a poster assumed that everyone else was fully caught up with the show. - Dagger[/size][/color]
  5. I had a roommate for a semester when I went to Fitchburg State College in Massachusetts. He was pretty cool. Always had some weed and/or beer money and was pretty chill. When I moved to California, my roommate was a buddy of mine from high school. We were roommates for 10 months. He was kind of an asshole, but so am I so we got along pretty well. I moved out in June, but it took that ****er until 2 weeks ago to get me my share of the security deposit ($300) back. :mad: But now I'm back in Massachusetts, freezing my *** off, and living in a single apartment. The only downside is there is no one to split cleaning with. :(
  6. Beer: Guinness, Sam Adams, Killians Liquor: Jameson Whiskey either straight up or mixed with anything.
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