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Everything posted by inuyashaXDkiss

  1. I own about forty manga (mostly ruroni kenshin)which i gladly display in my bookcase. I have final fantasy:advent children, which i love to watch mainly because cloud is in it :D . I own two miyazaki films that i love and four other anime dvds. I also own kingdom hearts: chain of memories, for gameboy advance, and i tottaly love it! Though ive had it for a few years now, i havn't been able to beat it! :animecry: Last but not least is my inuyasha plushie. He's just so cute!!!... Thats all for my awesome geeky perchases for now anyways. :catgirl:
  2. arigotou. im glad there isn't anything wrong with my computer...or with me!...
  3. Hello, i was wondering if anybody could tell me what i am doing wrong? First i clicked the picture button and entered the url. When i looked at my posts later on, i noticed that there was no picture, just the url! Am I doing something wrong, or could it be something else...i wonder. :catgirl:
  4. ....uh, could it be tht the reason no one is replying is becaus u dont care?...or that im being spamful?! oh...dear.
  5. if i could eat only junk food for the rest of my life i would. *sigh* too bad that most no wait all junk foods are really unhealthy, and if i did eat only...say bacon cheese burgers, and mountain dew, for a month...i probably would be twice my size. scary thought. oh well, i guess i'll just have to make do with whoppers and diet pepsi. *sigh*
  6. i just cant get the http to...grrr! im not even sure how or what...*sigh* just could somebody give me an example of what ur supposed to do with the [url]http://.....??[/url]
  7. i messed up on this so sorry i wasted ur time. im really sleepy and im to tired to do anytinhg about this. gomen nasai. gomen. *means sorry in jappanese.
  8. i love anime for the beautiful eyes, the cool music, the action, and just because i love all thats animated! well, most animation anyways.
  9. well i guess what first comes to mind are the vast deserts, kangaroos and thoose cute koala bears. and uh, hot weather. *note i have never been there and to top it all off i live in Wisconsin, US; here it rarely gets over 80 in the summer. [IMG]http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/ceres/Ceres3.jpg[/IMG] i like this pic, dont you?
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