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Everything posted by SasukeUchiha321
[COLOR=Navy] Cali was walking beside Aurora when her pads had started to bleed again. Aurora had looked down and noticed her freinds paws. "Hey can we all stop a minute. I need to bandage Cali's paws" She had called out but no one answerd. She decided to take a few minutes to clean cali's paws and bandage them but when she was done the gang was gone. " Cali, looks like it's us again " she sighed "We need to watch out though okay?" Retorted Cali "Alright " Soon they had started walking again.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Cali's paws hurt from walking the whole distance, though she said nothing. As they reached the cave she layed down, her paws red and raw from the journey. The pads on her feet had been warndown so much that they had begun to bleed awhile ago. Aurora had stoped to notice Cali cleaning her paws, but had also realizied the blood coming off. She picked her up and walked in the cave then whispered to her "We'll fix it in the morning I promise" With that she fell asleep.[/COLOR]
Sign Up Warriors: The New Prophecy (PG-LV)
SasukeUchiha321 replied to SasukeUchiha321's topic in Theater
Okay well We need to get more charries or else this RP wont happen HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
[COLOR=Navy]After Kaho went upstaires Cali looked at Kai."It's nice to hang out with other people for a change but," Cali paused for a moment."But I don't know how long my mamma will stay with everyone" Aurora jumped down from the tree and started wandering deeper into the woods.By the time she stopped she was right beneath the tree that Ari was in, not knowing that she was in there.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Cali woke up to relize that she was all alone in the room. She got up and went downstaires and went ovr to Kai and Kaho. She smiled and jumped on Kai's lap. " Sorry I never got to say thanks to anyone for helping me and my mamma" She looked around. "Where is she anyway" Aurora had wanderd away from the house and was near a river gazing at the stars. "Why would a human go to great lengths to protect us its all way to fishy if you ask me" She sighed. "Sooner or later we'll find out exactly what he's up to and then they'll be sorry. I just wish things were alot simpiler than they are now" Just the somthing hit here on the head."Owwww! Where did that come from" She looked down to see a nut laying beside her. She looked up to see a squirrel. "It's okay" She was surprised sny other time she would of yelled but she found herself getting the nut,jumping into the tree and gigiving it to the squirrel "Be more careful next time" The squirrel sqeaked a thanks but there was more to it that she seemd to under stand. "Be careful, there are some bad people wandering the woods" It squeked."Okay I will" she replyd and with that the squirrel left. 'That was very interesting'She thought.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy] Cali's ears pricked as she heard the faint muffled crying. She went upstairs to Kaho's room and walked in "Are you okay?" She asked "I heard you crying, Is there anything you would like to talk about?" She jumped up onto her bed. Downstaires Aurora was outside walking around by a small streamm. she sat down and looked at the star's. "What a beautiful night" she said aloud knowing noone could hear her.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]She Jumped down from the tree and walked inside. "So whats going on here something smells good" She walked over and picked up Cali. "Well its almost time to eat lazy. "I am not, I was out side Idiot" She sat down and smiled as Cali purred in her lap.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Aurora's ears pricked as she decided to go outside. She didn't feel to comfortable around humans She went out and sat in a tree looking around. She suddenly spotted a figure in the tree's Before she could say anything it disappeared. 'That was weird' She thought. "Mamma, What are you doing" Cali yelled "Nothing just getting some fresh air"[/COLOR]
Cali look very annoyed."Is anyone going to notice me" She followed Adamu and Ceres and watched the duel. She decided that she would get ceres attention instead and started rubbing on her leg.
"I said get away" Auroa cried "Mamma please just let them help" Aurora calmed down as she saw Cali crying. She didn't fight them as ruby touched her leg but she did cry out in pain
[COLOR=Navy]She sat and watched as the sun was high in the sky.She felt a little feverish thinking it was just from the heat.'Aurora you don't look so well' Cali thought. Aurora started to feel faint as she held Cali.She set Cali down and grabbed her head. "Mroooooooow" Cali yelled. As she ran to Karzar trying to get his attention. She gave up and followed Adamu's scent. It lead to a dorm door.'I hope they didn't leave' She thought. She started clawing at the door frantically.The door nob twisted as someone started opening it.It was Adamu! She started meowing to get his attention[/COLOR]
Sign Up Warriors: The New Prophecy (PG-LV)
SasukeUchiha321 replied to SasukeUchiha321's topic in Theater
yes is it thnx -
"Cali who are these people" She asked "Mamma, they're going to help you" She layed down and purred "Mamma please let them" Aurora looked up at them but said nothing as Kaho and Ruby came closer
Sign Up Warriors: The New Prophecy (PG-LV)
SasukeUchiha321 replied to SasukeUchiha321's topic in Theater
You are accepted -
[FONT=Arial]*Yawn* She was tired from not sleeping but didn't move. " I wonder why he wanted me to stay so much?" She told Cali. Cali looked at her confused." It's okay" She smiled winking. "Lets just watch okay" Cali smiled and purred 'I wish you were always like this' Cali thought[/FONT] What was that voice from earlier and why did it want me to watch the duel. Oh well, It was probably my imagination. [FONT=Fixedsys]Why do you look so confused and scared little girl.are you worried that I might hurt you. but you don't even know who or where I am so keep your eyes open[/FONT] 'there that voice was again.'She was a little shaken. I hope its just my imagination
Sign Up Warriors: The New Prophecy (PG-LV)
SasukeUchiha321 replied to SasukeUchiha321's topic in Theater
Kibatsu you are accepted -
She looked at the duel and decided to stay since she had nothing else to do
OOC: Cali is Aurora's cat. She call's Aurora mamma because she never knew her own ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But I don't want her to go plz help.
Sign Up Warriors: The New Prophecy (PG-LV)
SasukeUchiha321 replied to SasukeUchiha321's topic in Theater
You to are accepted and I think that we might have to be 2 chracters is noone else joins and angel your chracter has to be an apprentice right now because they havn't gone through training. -
She looked down with sorrow in her eyes recalling the dreams that she had been having. "Still I don't see why I would listen to you. I'm the schools best and I stand alone" Cali looked at her then back at karzar and tried to get into his arms. "Aurora plz don't be like this" She thought
" What makes you think I'd listen to you" She said sarcasticly putting cali down. Cali ran over to him and lick him. "Cali get over here"
She sat watching the duel holding cali. "Aurora please cheer up" Cali thought. " What a waste of time" Aurora said as she stood up and walked towards the door"
Sign Up Warriors: The New Prophecy (PG-LV)
SasukeUchiha321 replied to SasukeUchiha321's topic in Theater
You are accepted and if your a warrior it can also end in claw, tail, pelt, fur ect. -
She decided that she was just going to tell them what was going on."Please help me" She said "my mamma's hurt very badly and she's an anima like you, the humans hurt her, will you please help" tears started to roll down her cheek.
[COLOR=DarkRed]The clans have become one. Thunder, River, Wind, and Shadow, but Starclan has sent a new prophecy. A threat that could kill all, but 5 cats stand alone 4 from the clan and 1 from a valley far away. Can these cats fulfill the prophocy or will they back away? The has come to show true courage and fight till the death. The clans are happy together and Firestar has retired from clan leader leaving Squirrelstar in charge. Leafpelt has become the clans medicine cat and Tawnypelt has had kits.Bramble claw is deputy now. Things are very peaceful and Squirrelstar has had four kits that are four moons old, They are Flamekit, Thunderkit, Icekit, and Grasskit. On Squirrelstars way back from Highstones to speak with Starclan she found a kit barely a moon old. The kit was badly injured so she brought it to the clan. They named the kit Moonkit for her fur being as white as snow and the cresent shape on her head. None of the cats thought it was a good idea to let the cat come into the clan because it wasn't clanborn, but since Squirrelstar was leader and she brought it in the first place Moonkit stayed. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=SandyBrown]The story takes place when Squirrelstar's kits are 6 moons old and ready to be apprentices. You can be one of the cats mentioned in the background story or your own but we can't start the RPG without the main cats, Squirrelstar(Taken), Brambleclaw(Taken), Leafpelt, Silverwind, Blackear, Flamepaw(Taken), Thunderpaw(Taken), Icepaw(Taken) and Grasspaw.(Paw comes after the first part of the name when they become apprentices.)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Character Sheet Name: Moonkit (Must end with paw if appentice, Kit if your a kitten, and star if leader) Gender: Shecat (Shecat is female, tom is male) Rank: (Leader, Deputy, Medecinecat, Warrior, Apprentice or Kit) Kit Description: Is a pure white shecat with a black cresent (Hence the name Moonkit )on her head. She has jet balck paws and a black tip on her tail. Her eyes glow a silvery color and her pelt looks like Silverpelt when the moon shine's down on her. (Also hence the name Moonkit) Original clan: None (Thunder, River, Wind, or Shadow) Personality: She is shy but very enthusiastic. She is also full of energy and gets into a lot of trouble. She is the youngest of the clan right now but could be a bigger mess and handful than all the cats combined.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy] Name: Brambleclaw Gender: Tom Rank: Deputy Description: Dark brown Tabby with one white paw and ear.Has amber eyes. Original clan:Thunder Personality: Has a bit of a temper but is loyal to his clan. He was very surprised that Squirrelstar had chosen him to be deputy. He is loving and would risk his life for his clan. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I'll also play the role of Starclan because I know what the prophecy is. Have fun Roleplaying and remember we are cats so make sure you know and type things that cats.[/COLOR]