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Everything posted by SasukeUchiha321
[COLOR=Pink]OCC: Fine she's a cat.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Aurora just escaped from another group of humans but was injured badly. her shoulder has a deep wound and her leg is in very bad shape. she was walking about a mile away but was heading towards Kaho But falls to the ground as she can't walk anymore. Cali was ahead by a little. Cali runs back to Aurora and rubs against her. " Are you okay?" She cried. " I'm fine I just need a little rest" She leaned against a tree that was behind her. "I'll go find someone to help you." Don't you relize there's no other anima anywhere just humans" "But Mamma (She calls Aurora Mamma Because she never knew her own.) I sense Anima about a mile away plz let me go find them to help you" She rubbed against her. "fine but I don't like it" " Thank you Mamma" She ran off in the direction of the group. About 15 minuites later she came across the group and Meowed very loudly Trying to get there attention.She walked up to Kaho and rubbed on her leg. "Please notice me" She thought.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]"Mother" Aurora said weeping " Don't go, Don't leave me" Fire was surrounding her mom And she was being dragged away. "MOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She woke up in cold sweat Panting and breathing hard from her dream. She kept having the same dream often and hadn't gotten a good rest in a while. Aurora sat in her room as she thought about her family, well they were more like vague memories than thoughts. she Lay back down in her bed in the obilisk dorm and sighed. Her cat had jumped on the bed with her rubbing against her hand and purring trying to comfort her. "Cali," She said to her cat Smirking." You always want food. Sometimes I feel like I can understand you but that's nonsense. Who ever heard of someone being able to communicate with animals" "Aurora?" Called A voice. "I thought you'd be watching the duel" She heard the voice again but no one was there. "Oh well. Come on Cali lets go watch the duel." She picked up Cali looking around still wondering who had said that stuff And walked to the duel. "Aurora" Cali thought. " I wish you would stop having these dreams." She purred and licked Aurora's hand. " Don't worry Cali, These dreams should go away soon. They reached the dueling area. Aurora, Even though she was a loner, she enjoyed watching duels. She didn't seem Intrigued by this duel though. She sat and hugged Cali.[/COLOR]
"Mother" Aurora said weeping " Don't go, Don't leave me" Fire was surrounding her mom And she was being dragged away. "MOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She woke up in cold sweat Panting and breathing hard from her dream. She kept having the same dream often and hadn't gotten a good rest in a while. Aurora sat in her room as she thought about her family, well they were more like vague memories than thoughts. she Lay back down in her bed in the obilisk dorm and sighed. Her cat had jumped on the bed with her rubbing against her hand and purring trying to comfort her. "Cali," She said to her cat Smirking." You always want food. Sometimes I feel like I can understand you but that's nonsense. Who ever heard of someone being able to communicate with animals" "Aurora?" Called A voice. "I thought you'd be watching the duel" She heard the voice again but no one was there. "Oh well. Come on Cali lets go watch the duel." She picked up Cali looking around still wondering who had said that stuff And walked to the duel. "Aurora" Cali thought. " I wish you would stop having these dreams." She purred and licked Aurora's hand. " Don't worry Cali, These dreams should go away soon. They reached the dueling area. Aurora, Even though she was a loner, she enjoyed watching duels. She didn't seem Intrigued by this duel though. She sat and hugged Cali.
Name: Aurora Tinosaki Age: 14 Side: Anima Sex: Female Half: Wolf and Cat Appearance: Human form [url=http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e120/Willow_creek/anime_girl_fav10837.jpg]Picture[/url] [url=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c309/michael47271/Wolf%20Girl/6e3a52c4.png]Picture[/url] [url=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c329/anime_wolfgal/e631dfd0.jpg]Picture[/url] Cat form [url=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c309/michael47271/Wolf%20Girl/684ed1b1.jpg]Picture[/url] [url=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c309/michael47271/Wolf%20Girl/695ce635.jpg]Picture[/url] [url=http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b8/XxToBeThEoNeXx/Catgirl.jpg]Picture[/url] [url=http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e120/Willow_creek/normal_akeome.jpg]Picture[/url] Wolf Form [url=http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e120/Willow_creek/.jpg]Picture[/url] [url=http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e120/Willow_creek/wolfgirl.jpg]Picture[/url] [url=http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l136/AngelsentfromHell/Wolfkimono.jpg]Picture[/url] She has a scar on her chest that is more like a birth mark. the shape of the scar represents Life and Death. Personality: Usually shy, she dosn't like to talk about her being an anima, actually she dosn't like to talk about anything period.She's more of a loner and never associates with anyone. Bio: Aurora has travled alone with the exception of her cat Cali. She's been on the run from humans that want to capture and kill her. She's past Kaho and the others a couple of times but since she stays in her human form they havn't recognized her. In the past she's had a rough life. Her parents loved her until she turned 5. on her fifth birthday she and her parents found out she was an anima amd they aboandond her. since then she has never felt like she can trust anyone except her cat cali (See pic). She found the cat abandond and left to die just like she was.She somehow feels connected to it like Cali was a part of her.Cali's grown now and stays by Aurora's side no matter what. After Cali trusted Aurora she Told Aurora her secret. Literaly told her that she could talk. She has a bell on her neck and a ribbon on her tail. Aurora just escaped from another group of humans but was injured badly. her shoulder has a deep wound and her leg is in very bad shape. she was walking about a mile away but was heading towards Kaho But falls to the ground as she can't walk anymore. Cali was ahead by a little. Cali runs back to Aurora and rubs against her. " Are you okay?" She cried. " I'm fine I just need a little rest" She leaned against a tree that was behind her. "I'll go find someone to help you." Don't you relize there's no other anima anywhere just humans" "But Mamma (She calls Aurora Mamma Because she never knew her own.) I sense Anima about a mile away plz let me go find them to help you" She rubbed against her. "fine but I don't like it" " Thank you Mamma" She ran off in the direction of the group. About 15 minuites later she came across the group and Meowed very loudly Trying to get there attention. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]Again, you're using too many and too large pictures, but I guess there's no use nagging about it in this post, so I'll send a PM your way. - Sandy[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Name: Aurora Age: 8 Gender: Female Appearance: [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h320/SpiritGem85/Anime/Neko/HugMyCat.png[/IMG] [url=http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h320/SpiritGem85/Anime/Neko/nekogirl.png]Click[/url] [url=http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h320/SpiritGem85/Anime/Neko/wow-1.jpg]Click[/url] [url=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/jenna_keiku/animewolfgirl3.jpg]Click[/url] [url=http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i99/anime666demon/Anime/girls/satuwolf.jpg]Click[/url] [url=http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i99/anime666demon/Anime/girls/satuneko.jpg]Click[/url] Personality: Shy, Sweet, and mysterious Bio: She has known about the ore since she was three. Her parents left to find it and they never came back. she's been alone since then fending for herself. now she plans to find her parents and the ore so she can get rid of it for good so no one has to suffer what she went through. Animal: A wolf and a Kitty Animal's Name: Wolf: Meldaniel Kitty: Neko Animal Description: Wolf: Whte with black paws and a black tuff on its neck. Very play ful. Kitty:Shy kinda like Aurora. Calico kitty See pic. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]You should only use one or two pictures in your sign up, especially if they are as large as yours. Too large pictures distort the page width and too many of them causes loading issues to those who have slower connections. Please remember this in the future. - Sandy [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Deathsye]Several years have passed since the events of the Shadow Riders. New students and teachers have entered the school in the past years. And with new students come new talent. One such is the newest Ra Yellow Adamu. Which used to be a Slipher but quickly rose up trough the ranks and became the best Ra in a long time. He is but one of many who has joined. But, as of late it has appeared that some students have disappeared near the abandoned dorm that was said to be haunted. (er... Something) This has lead many to speculate that the Shadow Riders have returned and are planning a comeback. Are the new students ready? Only one way to find out. --------------------------- Basic RP Rules- 1. No Godmodding! 2. No powerplaying 3. You may have romances if you want if there are lady characters. NOTHING OVER DOING IT!!! 4. Have Fun. Of course ^^ ---------------------------- Sign Up- Name- Age- Gender Rank- (Students- Slipher Red, Ra Yellow, and Obilesk Blue) (Teacher- Normal or Head Master) Appearence- Deck Type-(Monster Type) Best Card- Bio-[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy] Name-Aurora Age-14 Gender-Female Rank-Student-Obilisk Blue Appearance-Tall thin girl with white hair that has baby blue streaks in it.Her uniform is mostly white with blue around it.She has blue eyes. Deck Type-Light/Dark Best Card-Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon Bio-She has just come to this school and has been pretty much a loner. The one freind she had be came sick with cancer and died.When she was eight her family abandond her and thats when she believed she could trust no one. She has a moody personality and often stays away from people. but she has one secret that nobody knows about. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]OOC:Hello I'll be starting a naruto RPG. There is no limit to which character you can be(even if its your made up character).The only thing is you cannot have the same character that someone else has used or signed up as but other than that you can do pretty much anything.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]I'm Sasuke Uchiha. The story takes place in the village of Konoha right after graduating from the ninja acadamy.it is night in the day of graduation.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]"Hmp. I can't believe all the people that graduated." I said to my self as I walked home.It was A Beautiful night. There was a full moon out lighting up the sky."That was only one small step though" He thought back into his past."Only I can kill him"[/COLOR]
Naruto role play You can be any character you want aslong as someone else hasn't taken it Me Sasuke Uchiha *Walks through the forest*
(Walks through the forest) Where is that Idiot Naruto.
Hey you can pick any character you want as long as someone else hasn't already picked it. Me:Sasuke Uchiha
Naruto Roleplay first come first serve.