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About scgm

  • Birthday March 3

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  1. scgm


    name:Jhonthan Red deck:nightngal redeyes black dragon redeyes black meatl dragon masaki silver fang metor dragon giai the daek knight babydragon machain doll dragon capture jar black pendant transit tax harpy lady harpy ladies 3 sisters shild and shword dream clown
  2. no i do not think they have to many ff and they should keep makeing more
  3. thank you three Stooges. i am happy to be on the show
  4. i say put any gundam series on and ditch tenchi or batman
  5. name:clfe wepon:sord Special ability: none
  6. I say forget about ho-ho and keep your team because it is rather neat and strong
  7. i have a question about dynasty warriors 3 who do you have to kill to get health
  8. I still play psx games athough my psx is broken:bawl: :bawl:
  9. scgm


    my brther already new that besides i keep all the periods to my sleepyes imesan :drunk: :drunk: go home ...............................:drunk: :drunk: :drunk: :drunk: ......../ ..............................////,.............................../get of my carg :drunk: ggrrr:drunk: :drunk: :drunk: don't touch me
  10. scgm


    where are gundam eposoides shown
  11. when do the next epsoids of the dragonball seris come to toonami. you know the ones after the world marchel arts tourment ends.
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