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  1. i don't think it is as simple as 'who's to blame' in a situation like this. it is more of a 'build-up to the inevitable'. when children fall prey to school pressure, society, parents, or even their own dark thoughts, the natural human response is to hide. i am sure these issues are not new to any of us. hence, we have no right to alienate them, yet, it is also hard to relate to them.
  2. the fox character triggered a memory of 'The fox and the grapevine' story. Bascially, a hungry fox stares up at a ripe and juicy grape punnet. However, he cannot reach it no matter how hard he tries. Finally, the fox gives up and assures himself that the grapes were sour anyway. nostalgic story. perhaps you could do something with it.
  3. new york is the urban temple. i see the Statue of liberty doing a slow dance, holding a gun made of whipped cream with the words: 'happy birthday New York, ma baby' scrawled in double choc.
  4. This is known as the 'phenomenon' that only occurs in Japan. Basically, kids just snap under pressure and lock themselves away in their rooms for years. They do not come out, are fed through cat flaps, live in piles of rubbish, and in the worst case scenarios, finally come out of their rooms in their mid 20's, only to murder their whole family. Japan keeps this a secret. Parents keep it a secret. Why does this happen? and only in Japan...? it's a little bit interesting...and also a little bit sad.
  5. i once visited spotlight and bought 17 packets of googly eyes, one of each size and shape.
  6. musiQ_Q....well....to cut a long story short, i used to have a mild form of insomnia... i'd stay up all night either charging batteries or listening to myself breathe. the Q_Q in my net name is actually what my face used to look like in the morning.
  7. characters that are maddening and mad: Haruhi from Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi is pretty maddening, like a candied apple with no apple. Mad would be....me perhaps.
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