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Everything posted by Madarame2

  1. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Well, the last game I bought was Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkaichi 2! I play it almost everyday and I´m pretty good at it now. Yesterday I tried the hardest difficulty level and was awefully dissapointed ^-^! It´s the best Dragon Ball game ever! Lot´s of charas! In-game-trasformation is back! Nice new combo-system! Change the BGM manually before the VS-Battle! [COLOR=Red]My favourite charas: Vegeta(I´m number one!)! Bardock(I´ll change the future!!)! Tapion(I´ll show you the power of courage!!) Broly(KAKAROT!!!!) Krillin(Why is it always me...! Trunks(BURNING ATTACK!!![/COLOR] This game just rocks! I´m obbsesed![/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Lately, I´ve seen a lot Samurai Champloo and Azumanga Daioh! And I recommend both to anyone! Samurai Champloo: Cool Main-charas, cool fights and because of the HipHop-Influence very funny! Normaly I don´t like HipHop. But it makes this Anime unique! Azumanga Daioh: If you´ve seen it once you can´t stop seeing it again and again! The word "Insanity" describes it very well...it´s very funny. Drunken teachers, hyperactive girl, a spacey girl from Osaka...do I have to say more? You should all take a look, if you don´t allready know these two Anime! You won´t regret it![/COLOR]
  3. Hmm... I´ll like both! First time I see an Anime DVD, I first watch it with the german voices. But the second time only with subtiles. It´s fun to hear the original voices, too! Sometimes, if there was a funny spot, i change to japanese voices and watch it again! :D
  4. Woah! Boy, let me think... Well...Okay! These are my favourite Anime! They aren´t in any order, which means Number 1 in the list is not my alltime fav! I like them all! 1. Ranma 1/2: It was the first Anime I really loved! Crazy charas everywhere! These transformation gags are awesome and could never bore me! They relatinship between all of the characters, especialy between Ranma and Akane, are veerrry funny...You just have to love this Anime! 2. Dragon Ball Z:Ahhh, Dragon Ball... Who doesn´t know it? It´s the classical Shonen-Anime! Exciting fights, cool charas(Well, not all), rivalry, some violence... The eternal struggel for power and peace is displayed here very clear. There are always some evil guys, who need to learn a lesson! We want to live on Earth in peace ;) ! So we´ll show you what happens if you don´t let us! 3.Genshiken: In my opinion, THIS is an Anime every Otaku should like. Well, it shows the normal life of an japanese Otaku. If you are Otaku(you are aren´t you?) you should take a look! It´s funny and also realistic... 4. Samurai Champloo: Samurai fights and HipHop Soundtrack?! Yes, it´s possible. To say the truth, I hate HipHop!!! But it makes Samurai Champloo unique! Fuu, accompanied by Jin and Mugen...interesting Main-charas, which couldn´t be more different! Very intersting Anime! Take a look if you don´t know it! You won´t regret it! 5.It´s hard to say, because I like more than 5.... Well, let´s take Gantz for now(because of the episode I´ve seen yesterday): Buja! Gantz is weird!!! Full of Violence!!! Adult contents!!!And it´s just WEIRD!!! But also totaly cool! The most intersting thing about it is the character development: At first weak and shy, Kei becomes a couraged and strong fighter! These overalls are very great! Might look strang, but they are awesome! I also like Azumanga Daioh, GITS-SAC, Hellsing and Lupin the 3rd... But it´s enough now...
  5. Well, my curent username is Madarame2. In the past I had usernames like Dante(DMC) or Ky Kiske(Guilty Gear). Madarame is a character of Genshiken. He is the Ultra-Otaku! I like him, he´s funny. I took part in a Genshiken-Test. And when I finished it, the result was this: You are like Madarame! Since then I use this Username!
  6. That´s very interesting...well, let me think for a moment... YOU MAY STAY!: - Well, if Chiyo Chan Fan would kick out Hitoshi Kobe, he could stay in my house! We would get along very well! We could play some games sometimes! I need a challenge. Or we could create an AI just for me :D ! - What about Vegeta from DBZ(who else)? He´s a cool guy! He might be a bit grumpy sometimes, but I´m not better! We would get along well, too. I quess! :animeswea - Jin from Samurai Champloo! Yeah! Let´s play some Shogi(that´s what I meant!) sometimes! - Hinata from Naruto! While we are watching TV or something like that, she could look inside our fridge with her abilities and could check if theres stil lenough beer! :animesmil Without standing up! She´s also very cute! - Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh: Hard shell, soft core! Just like me. She´s very good looking, too! ;) - Yomi from Azumanga Daioh: It´s allways good to have someone who knows a lot! She might plunder the fridge sometimes, but I can live with this! ;) There are some more I would let stay at my house, but they wouldn´t get along with each other! YOU MAY LEAVE AT ONCE!: - Tomo from Azumanga Daioh: NO! She would throw away the key for my house, or something like that! She might be fun, but she is FAR to insane! :( - Happosai from Ranma 1/2: Get away! He would steal the underwear of my female roommates! I wouldn´t allow that! :nono: - A Tachikoma from GITS-SAC: No "pets" like this, please! They are a bit annoying... There sure are more I would toss out, but don´t know more of them now!
  7. Well, I don´t really care so much... I´m a calm person which first thinks and then acts...so I would choose places like this: The most important thing is that it should be calm, quiet and relaxing. Something like my room or under a tree next to a lake... Alone or sometimes with close friends...I don´t care as long I can think about my life and all that´s important to me.
  8. Nah... Hiding... Who´s hiding? I won´t hide if I don´t have to! I rather would like to take my "Broken Butterfly" and do some walking, while I´m listening to th Hellsing OST :p ! MAY THE HUNT BEGIN!!! But IF I would have to hide (out of ammo or my katana isn´t sharp enough anymore), I would hide in a HUGE mall... ^____^
  9. I was dreaming, I was traveling together with Jin, Mugen and Fuu from Samurai Champloo :animeswea ! We were in a town, I don´t know why or where, and a fight started! I was fighting side by side with Jin. I don´t know what happend then. I dreamed it after I´ve seen Samurai Champloo the first time. I liked Jin after the first time I´ve seen him. He´s such a skilled fighter, isn´t he? And I had a strange daydream... I was sitting in the bus on the way home, exhausted from work, and some seats before me were two girls. One of them had red hair and the other one was wearing big glasses. The were sitting VERY close to each other and the girl with the glasses laid her head on the other girl´s shoulder and the red hair girl put her hand on the other girls head... I´ve started to see this scene in anime-vision, maybe because I was so tired. You can imagine the rest: :animenose ... I really AM Otaku... :animeknow Haha, I hope I never forget this sight...
  10. In my opinion, many Anime were produced much better than any, I dunno, Hollywood movies. Listen to the soundtrack, recognize the story... Anime is something special! There is something for everyone. So why do people (and me :animeknow ) like it so much...? I offers completely other, hmmm :animestun , well you can´t compare it to anything else. It leads you to other dimensions of imagination and fantasy! Oh, crap, that wasn´t very usefull, right?! :sweat: I like it to much to have on objectiv opinion...
  11. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hmmm, what about Suikoden V?? It has an interesting storyline, nice charas and it´s one of my favourite games. It´s also long enough, so a lot of episodes could be created!It´s allready half an anime. Look at the cutscenes and so on! Ohh, Lyon... :animesigh[/FONT][/COLOR]
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