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  1. I started to read the eight volumes translated and I kind of like it more then the anime but that it just me. OH and I also like the mini episodes in then. Like when Kyoya and Tamaki [spoiler]switchedbodies[/spoiler] it was funny and the time when Honey got really [spoiler]fat[/spoiler] was good too. [INDENT][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][B]shadowmovement[/B], I added spoiler tags to your post. When discussing something that could spoil it for someone who has yet to see it, always use spoiler tags. Just check the sticky how to post in Anime Lounge for quick and easy instructions on how to use them. ~Aaryanna[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  2. I just downloaded it last night so I haven't seen it yet. My friend did show me some of it on his ipod and the animation looked better then with the other seasons or is it just me.
  3. I Love Yu Yu Hakusho I saw most of the episodes but they ripped me off on the last episode on cartoon network I think they cut a part from it. The Part were Keiko kissed Yusuke.
  4. I love D.Gray-Man, I read most of the manga and I just finished the third episode and there is little difference between anime manga. I think that it changes from the manga from what I saw on wikipedia. With that being said I think my favorite character would be Komui, he's so weird.
  5. I just started to watch Death Note and if find it really good. I don't understand every thing yet but I'm sure I will later in the show
  6. I like subbed animes more than dubbed. Most of the voices are better in Japanese and I like sub in English too. I find that if you have sub you can understand the show better and pay more attention to it.
  7. I love Ouran one of my favorite episodes was episode 9 when every one kept slipping on banana peels.
  8. [QUOTE=HedonismBot][COLOR=Sienna]How big is this guy? I mean, if you ran into him in a dark ally, could you take him? 'Cause it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to go running in and playing the hero against a guy who'll KO you in one punch, now would it? Either way, if this guy raped two women, maybe more, then the best option is to report him to someone who can handle the situation a lot better then you can. I don't know the whole situation (I mean, was it a violent, dark-ally kind of rape or a 'no-means-no' kind of rape?) but in general when this kind of thing goes down that's the best option. Usually going in all gung-ho guns-a-blazin just makes the situation worse. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I agree I think that you should report him. It would be the best and safest option.
  9. I lost my grandmother (on my dad's side) around three years ago. I was a huge and bad surprise to me, because she was always so healthy. She exercised and ate well and I never expected her to die before my grandfather. I remember the day ever well and how sad I was when it happed. I don't exactly remember how I got over it, but I was on a vacation at the time so it helped get my mind off of it. But I think I was able to get over it by not thinking about it so much (I hope that doesn't sound too uncaring).
  10. One thing I'm not good at is making friends. It has alwaysed been harn for me to start to talk to someone who I've just met, and I'm also a little shy which doesn't help.
  11. I think my favorite animal would be a wolf. I don't know why either it just is.
  12. [CENTER]Get away from me[/CENTER] Orochimaru-naruto: He just scares me too much Hoposi-Ranma 1/2: He needs a new hobby that does not involve underwear or stealing Ryoga-Ranma 1/2: He would get lost too much Shippo-Inuyasha: I find him way too annoying [CENTER]OK you guys can stay [/CENTER] Washu-Tenchi series: She's a lot of fun and could make me cool stuff Ed-Full metal alchemist: Would be cool to have around and could fix my stuff Kiyone-Tenchi-series: I like her personality Hinata-Naruto: She seems like someone I can get along with maybe friends
  13. The Nintendo Wii I have been waiting for it ever sense I saw the first ad for it. It looks like a great system with the new controller and memory card. And the games look good for it to. Zelda twilight look awesome and so does super smash brawl. I can't wait until I get it.
  14. I like it when the characters fight all the time. Like when there are two guys who fight all the time and then there is one person who tries to make them get along but never succeeds. And when they start fighting in public and everyone is looking at them like they are crazy of something. I always liked those relationships.
  15. 1. Tenchi Muyo: my all time favorite anime. I love the characters my favorite character would be Washu. 2. Outlaw Star: again the characters and how they interacted with each other 3. Inuyasha: this one I liked the plot more then the characters. the fight scenes were my favorite parts. 4. Oruan High School Host Club: I love the characters and the stupid stuff they did, especially Tamaki. 5. Fruit Baskets: the characters Kyo is hilarious. I love it when he gets mad and he gets the cat ears and tail.
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