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About SephirothNIN
- Birthday 12/04/1983
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Ah....I'm just ur average simpsonspedia, Final Fantasy too I guess, mmmm DBZ, ah crap this is just what I put in the hobbies section ><
college bozo
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Otaku (3/6)
You really need to play the Suikoden games in order since it lets you load your date at the beginning of Suikoden 2 and 3 (and most likely 4). Saving at the last point and getting all 108 stars in part 1 unlocks an awesome secret in part 2. If you do the same in 2 and load it in 3, you don't get anything TOO cool, but they will refer to the past events of 2 using your character's name and such. Anyway, 2 is one of my favorite rpgs as well, the minigames were amazing and it improved over part 1 100x. Suiky 3 was good, but many characters were boring and uninteresting. They mangled the battle system with their buddy version, and completely took out magic combos. Speaking of combos, the unites in Suiky 3 was for the most part, pathetic. Luckily I heard that in part 4, they're ditching the buddy system and going back to the older style of fighting. I also heard that Suiky 4 takes place some 120+ years before the first game, and most likely deals with Harmonia itself, so not many characters will be returning =\. Probably just those with true runes or the teleporter because...well she's nuts. I just hope Suiky 4 comes out sometime soon, I'm in a definite rpg hole.
Hey Ducktlaes is awesome! And hmm...I can't really remember any bad games for nes/genesis/snes. But as for the rest... N64: Most fighting games, i.e. Dark Rift, war gods, etc. Also Quest 64 was an insult to nature. PSX: Yu-Gi-Oh: Forbidden Memories. The game follows the pre-real card game rules, and it makes it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to get any decent cards. You win between 1-5 stars per duel, and to buy any really good card, or simply a trademark card from the show, it costs 999,999 stars, ridiculous! Not only that but the computer cheats like a freaking bastard, and can throw down the strongest monsters in the game without using rituals or anything. PS2: I guess none of you have played Unlimited Saga, because it is simply the worst excuse for a dvd EVER! The best part about the game is the FFX-2 trailer on it, because everything during the game is eye-gouging crap. There's no map or walking around, you hop around board game style from point to point and towns are just one big menu. Everything from making a single attack, to opening a door or treasure chest involves spinning a slot machine with multiple panels. Even running into an anime only presents a chance of an actual fight. The characters are ugly as hell and have a pound of makeup on each eye, and also animate like crap. The backrounds look like they're from the kids menu of a restaurant as well. This game is SO bad that it damaged my PS2. In my haste to get the game OUT of my PS2 I accidently bumped the cd tray too hard and my PS2 wouldn't play any dvds while it was horizontal for months. It just recently started working horizontally again, but I keep it vertical just in case.
I played evil zone at my friend's for a while, and it was okay then, I definately wouldn't spend $$ to buy it though. I wouldn't mind that battle system on a DBZ game because of the familiariaty, hell DBZ Legends, my fav DBZ game, has the same level of complexity when it comes to control, maybe even less, but it's fun because it's DBZ people. With Evil Zone they have an anime feel to them, but after a while it just gets boring seing the same few moves over and over.
Is that the one that analyzes the slot? My advice would be to keep resetting until the slot he analyzes is the stat+ or the no effect one. If he gets the critical he'll almost always do critical damage. And fighting him on boost is insane, I got a game over because he kept counterboosting. I don't remember when you can get the Braveheart accessory, but if you have it by then, use it! It increases your strength as your HP go down. For a lot of the game I'd keep the braveheart on someone like Jr., then use a hemlock item to bring his HP to 1, then you can do 4-5000 damage with his deathblows mwahaha
I thought the graphics were pretty decent, the actual fighting system was kind of so-so, but the game was extremely fun overall. It had the best freaking story mode out of any DBZ game I've played though. It uses a 3 on 3 fighting system, where you can toggle between who you control using the L1/L2 (I forget which) buttons, and who you're fighting using R1/R2. If you hit...I think it was select, you can switch people out, and depending on who you're using the story will change. Like...in the cell saga, if you send out anyone besides Goku, you'll have to fight cell jr.'s. If you send out goku though you'll fight cell. At the end of every saga it grades you based on how well you followed the manga's storyline. It was just really fun to use a strategy to get Gotenks out, or to get Goku to go ssj, mmmmm story mode. I had DBZ Legends but it just freaking disappeared one day gah, been driving me nuts trying to find another (free) one.
Does anyone know how many eps long Saiyuki is? I got the first dvd as a gift and I dunno whether to get s'more. Now that I'm finally done getting Kenshin dvds I'm ready to get something else...er...when I get some $$ too. Anyway I just wanted to know how many episodes were in the series, and if they're all out in America now. I'd hate to start buying saiyuki dvds and have to wait a year before they're all even out.
Although FF7 is my favorite, and had my favorite limit break system (felt like super moves), I'd have to say FF6 had my favorite battle system. I liked how everyone had their own unique skill, but could also use magic and items and such. Hm...well I guess FF9 is kinda the same way...but its skills didn't vary as much, like how all of steiner's moves just did damage. Another favorite is Suikoden 1 and 2's battle system. You simply put in the commands for your party of up to 6 people, and they played out in order of speed ala pre-ATB FF's. Not a lot of options, but it was still fun with combos and a giant party. Suikoden 3 doesn't go in there though heh, its buddy system and default attacking wasn't anywhere near the best.
I have a question about Bakura's Dark Sanctuary card from the anime when he dueled Yugi in battle city. I was just wondering what the actual card (assuming there is one) did, since the card from the anime's effects didn't seem like they would transfer well to the actual card game.
It's a pretty cool game, basically the story starts out with the main character, Laharl, being woken up by a vassal of his. He's the prince of the netherworld and he learns that he's been sleeping for 2 years and that his father's dead. So he sets out to beat everyone up and become the new king/overlord guy. Sounds kind of basic I guess but it gets better when angels and earthlings come into the story, plus it has a lot of funny moments. The only thing I don't like is you can't revive characters in a battle, only after, and also the job system has more to do with stats than abilities. So anyone with an axe will learn the same 5 or 6 axe skills, whether they're a ninja, samurai, archer, or cleric. Overall it's a fun game though, with lots to build up.
Getting to level 11 doesn't help that much, just lets you pass more expensive stuff like the mysterious seal. I recommend just getting to lv 150+ and forcing every bill through heh. Anyway I found a really awesome place to level up in the cave of trials, it's the...3rd level I think. You need to have a rank of 7 or 8 to pass the cave of trials (700 mana), but you should do that asap if you want to level up. The battle has a 3 x 3 grid of enemies...eh I forget the name of them, they're the big guys with one eye and magnetic attacks. They're level 150 (and one guy in the middle who's stronger) so you have to be pretty strong. The entire battlefield is exp + 50% thanks to a geosphere though. I just put on a lv 300 statistician on the person I want to level up, and have them kill all the enemies (at once is better, with something like big bang or winged slayer). I've gained over 100 levels with just one time through that level, heh but passing the "Triple exp" bill will help a lot too. If you're not strong enough to kill them with one guy...try casting braveheart as many times as possible on the one you want to gain exp, then have someone else weaken the enemies with a winged slayer or big bang of their own.
Ok is there some trick to the dark congress to pass bills for prinny land, alternate netherworld, etc.? Because every time I go to pass one of those extra-level places, every senator is against me completely. When I go to pass anything else there's at least around half or more who are on my side. I managed to pass the cave of trials just by beating the crap out of the senators, which took foreeeeeeever thanks to some lv 450 crumbum (my guys are all around 100-180). Are those bills just unpassable through bribes, have to beat them up? Also what's a good way to level up? Tossing enemies together doesn't level me up as much as I want. Like...if I'm level 1, and beat a lv 130 guy, it only boosts me to level 27 or so, what a ripoff! The enemies in the hidden areas are supposed to be extremely high levels, I don't want to just keep going through item world to level up lol.
Yeah sorry I don't remember exactly where the shotgun was either, just explore everywhere and you'll get the important stuff. I really liked DMC though because it was just plain fun to fight. Which is also the reason I don't really like DMC 2, they changed the combo system and it's just not very fun. They also messed the devil trigger system, and you only get one (I think, I only got about halfway through the game) and you get multiple crummy weapons in 2 that just differ a tiny bit in power, speed, or reach, pfft. I had a ton of trouble w/ the last boss in part 1, lol every time I'd have a really easy time with the first one, then lose horribly to the other, or vice versa. Took me like...13 tries to finally beat him, and a crapload of holy waters (which kick *** in any boss fight because you're invincible while Dante uses it)
k more (most likely stupid) questions from me, this time about continuous traps (or one in particular). Ok how does Skull lair work? I mean, whenever I duel my friend he always uses it (cause he knows how much I hate it), can he just use its effect whenever he wants, even on my turn? Also if I flip a monster faceup, and he removes cards to destroy it, it still gets its flip effect right?
I dunno about never, it'd just take...I dunno, 300 battles or so heh, yeah I guess that is a lot...damn. I'll just stock up on megalixirs and $$ (he gives 1800 or so each time) and go on. Besides, if I DID beat him it'd just level me up a ton and then it'd take away a lot of the challenge. Anywhoo another bikanel desert question, what is the point of the coins I pick up? I'm getting different coins...can't remember any of their names, but they don't show up in the item/key item list so I'm not sure if there's a point to em.
Ok well I'm in chapter 2 and when I went to dig in the southern expanse, some big bastard with 333,000+ HP blindsided me. He's not really...hard, and he doesn't heal after battle, he just ejeects me after I do a couple thousand damage. Anyway, my friend told me that you fight him later in the game (chapter 4 or 5 or something) in a real mission, but in that one he has multiple parts and attacks. When I fight him now in chapter 2, all he has is a physical attack that does around 300 before I cast protect, and a move that ejects me out of battle. My question was if I beat him now (after a bajillion fights), will he still pop up later in the game? Or if I beat him down to 100hp will he have that much life later too? Maybe beating him now will boost me 40 levels or something heh, and if all else, you can swipe a megalixir from him every fight. It'd help if I know whether it weakens him to win in chapter 2. I don't want to go through 100 battles and have him give no exp or something gah.