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Everything posted by SephirothNIN

  1. Phooey! All that's too much effort. If you play the CC people in Balamb Garden, they'll be in the ragnarok in disc 4 and they'll have all the cards you missed on your journey. You can even get chocobo and chubby chocobo from CC members on the ragnarok. The only cards you can't get are doomtrain, kiros, and....uh....damn what was the 3rd card.....well whatever, you need to get those from the Queen of Cards, she's somewhere near the escape pod landing thingamajiggy. You know this is going to really bug me, what the 3rd card you can only get from the queen is, waaaaaah >
  2. Nah I doubt it's a very well kept secret, any mcdonalds worker can probably figure it out. Besides the government requires them to list all their ingredients, just need to know how much ::shrugs::
  3. Usually you only need to worry about the image being burned onto your screen if you have a projection TV, I've never heard of that happening on regular tv's. If you just turn the tv off if u're going to leave it on pause you'll be fine. Unless you sit there and watch the screen being still for hours there's nothing to worry about.
  4. Well the last time I sas DBGT Final Bout was in funcoland, and it was $170, heh whatta ripoff. Anyway hmm.....modding a console yourself is usually not a good idea, if ya mess up u have only yourself to blame. If you take it to someone else, I believe they replace anything they damage. Besides modding PSX/PS2 would require soldering and all sorts of wiring junk, I'd much rather pay the $30-40 (how much PSX was in it's prime to mod) and get someone w/ experience. DBZ Legends has music tracks on it, so it can be read, but it can't read the actual game info because of the region lockouts on non-U.S. games. DBGT FInal Bout is the only game released in the U.S for PSX too btw. Mod chips aren't the only way to go also, if you have a pre-PS One model of the playstation, you can use a gameshark to play modded or burnt games. You just insert a legitimate game, then after it loads, switch with the burnt/foreign game and u can play. U need to use a spring (preferrably) or something else to prop the lid open however so you can swap the discs. That trick won't work w/ PS One cause it doesn't have the I/O port that the gameshark plugs into, and I don't think the cd vers. of gameshark works that way =\
  5. Dagger's useless, even w/ Ark. I always used zidane-steiner-freya-eiko. Eiko's Holy does enough damage to make her a good offensive character, plus she can heal. Hmm....shock's high cost doesn't matter if you use Freya's reis' wind to suck the MP out of them. And quina has some pretty good skills, white wind, big guard, all that good stuff. Zidane's skills don't suck, why he has.........uh.......well stealing is always useful, and.....yeah zidane sux, heh in the fight w/ Ozma all he can do is steal and attack. Ozma was hard as hell, but if you use a tent on him as your first attack, it could poison/silence/darken him, or Quina's magic hammer (er.....think that was it, the MP draining one) and drain all his MP, he can't use curaga or meteor, which helps a LOT.
  6. Grand Dragons are fine and all, but watch out for those damn gimme cats!! heh whatever u do don't give them a diamond! You can get another one but it's tricky, hehe, stupid cat >=(. There's nothing too good to buy in Daguerro, but you need to get the magical fingertips from Treno and give them to the guy next to the library, I forget what he gives u....some sword for Steiner, ragnarok maybe.
  7. I had a subscription for a year back in.....96 or 97 I forget, but it was just so...tiny, heh and they only covered a few games per issue. I just didn't renew it and stuck w/ my EGM subscription. Besides unless you only have nintendo systems, you're better off w/ EGM. I had a subscription to gamepro for a few years beforehand too, but around 96' or 97 gamepro turned all crappy, too many games get a "perfect" 5.0's all the way accross. EGM is giving too many games perfect scores too, soul calibur, Metal gear solid, both Zelda's on N64, ah...halo, other stuff, oh well....at least my Nintendo power's don't take up much room.
  8. Well if u were watching the episode, you'd see that after super Buu escapes from the room of spirit and time, he eats everyone EXCEPT dende and popo I believe. Because when SSj3 Gotenks and Piccolo escape you see dende overlooking them from the tower-part. Also, (Spoiler?) Super Buu eats Piccolo first, then Gotenks, then he fights Gohan (beating the crap out of him, looking cool all the while), Goku comes in, barely saves gohan from being blasted into tiny bits, S. Buu absorbs Gohan the same way he did Gotenks, and then the whole Vegetto stuff starts. whew
  9. Well first off, the gundam game on PS2 is mobile suit gundam (journey or jaburo or something), not Gundam Wing. Second, Dragonball GT, FInal Bout will work on PS2. The only reason DBZ Legends and Ultimate Battle 22 wont' work is because they were never released here in the U.S., u'd have to install a mod chip in your PS2. So unless the Final Bout was burnt it would work. Second, yeah I want a DBZ game on PS2 >
  10. time travel is always a pain to explain....let's try, heh hmm......well in Trunks' timeline, the androids killed off goku, vegeta, and everyone except Trunks and Gohan, they lived, trained, blahblahblah. Then Trunks kills androids 17 and 18. Cell awakens after 17+18's defeat, and since he needs to absorb them to become complete, he kills Trunks as he is about to head back to tell everyone he succeeded in killing the androids. He steals his time machine, but because he has to revert to his eggy form to fit, he travels far back into the past, and slowly evolves into the insecty Cell. When Cell went back tho, he went into a different timeline (supposedly when u go back in time, u go into a different timeline because if u go back into your own time, it starts the whole paradox mess). ANd in the one cell went to, Trunks had warned Goku and the others of the androids and heart virus's, so they managed to stay alive and when Cell awakened piccolo and #17 were fighting. Uh......that's pretty much it, time travel is too confusing >
  11. Yeah in the second screen, in the upper right corner is a train w/ what looks like a lit up cab, just jump in and cloud'll automatically drive it forward, giving u access to the next lit up train, after that u can climb on the roofs of the moveable trains and exit left thru the train graveyard. You can steal a striking staff for Aeris from...ah forgot the enemy's name, looks like half motorcycle or whatever. Doesn't matter, before u leave the train graveyard, unequip everything on Aeris, she'll be temporarily leaving ur party.
  12. breaks schmeaks, heh every instruction booklet tells you to take occasional playing breaks, but does anyone actually go "I've been playing for an hour, I think I'll go take a break for a few minutes"? Heh maybe, not me tho, I take a break when I have to do something else, eat, sleep, play something else, school, etc. But w/ VB u don't have much of a choice cause of those stupid red and black lines >=(. Gameboy wasn't pocketsized, but it was portable and that's all that mattered. Heh it even kicked game gear's colorized butt too, gah GG was so slow and quirky, sonic was good but Mortal Kombat....ha! Fighting games shouldn't be portable I guess ô.O.
  13. Well Z.O.E is awesome, but it only has a few hours of gameplay, and not much customizability. You get a plasma machine gun-type thing, a plasma sword, and then can choose from some secondary weapons. Feels like a mech-castlevania almost. Anyway Armored Core 2 is probably better to buy. Lots of missions, you can customize your mech any way you want (I have plain AC2, not another age but it's the same thing). Once you beat ZOE you unlock the vs mode, but that's about it, you'll probably grow tired of it fast =\. AC2 is more technical stuff tho, choosing parts for your mech and coloring them, so if u don't want to think much, might want to stay away from AC2.
  14. Yeah that's a really good pic, much better than anything I could do. heh then again my stick figures turn out all lopsided and unproportional =\.
  15. Eh the new characters suck, the boxer can't kick, christie's just an eddy ripoff, and the wrestler guy...pfft. I dunno I like it better than Tekken 3 for some reason, but 2 is my favorite. Like Mortal Kombat, 2 had the most improvement over it's predecessor, and was more fun to play. After a while, tekken 3 became so...mechanical and monotonous ::shrugs::. Tekken 4 just isn't as fun as the others, I don't know what it is, you'll rarely find crowds of people waiting for a turn, maybe because there's so few characters to choose from, or everyone uses the same method, who knows.
  16. Nice banner there. Heh I asked my mom to get me some Kenshin dvd's for xmas. I had to explain how there were 4 eps on each dvd, and that I had the first few. I hope she doesn't get me the ones I have >=\, gah parents, they should hire teens to help them figure out what the hell their kids want, heh would stop a lot of confusion.
  17. I don't see how anyone could say the Virtual Boy was anything but crap. Mario Tennis and Wario were decent games, but they still hurt your eyes as much as the others. People should at least see it was a failure, it had....what 20 games at most? N64 at least put up a fight, it didn't even have any competition. Even Sega didn't develop a pseudo-visor game system, heh they learned SOMETHING from their 32x/cdx fiasco I guess. Didn't see any saturn or dreamcast upgrades. Anyway, even if the VB sold for $20 it wouldn't have done well, it was like playing gameboy while wearing red sunglasses, while someone was blowing dust into your eye.
  18. The Matrix, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and There's Something about Mary
  19. All you have to do is beat the game and sav your system data and you'll open up the whole bestiary, the coliseum information, ah....other stuff like the esper encyclopedia, and the cinemas from the game. Pretty cool stuff.
  20. Well I don't know, seems to me that when I attacked another creature the chocobo would run away unless u killed all non-choco creatures first. There's really no way to do that because usually there's more than one monster w/ the chocobo, just feed them greens to distract them.
  21. How about when ssj Goku, ssj Gohan, and Krillin are relaxing before the cell games, and krillin tosses a rock and it hits goku in the face and he yells in pain? He can take a punch from Frieza to the face and smile, but a rock tossed (not even thrown) at his face, that's gotta hurt.
  22. Yeah Vincent and Lucrecia were lovers....not sure what else to say about that. Jenova wasn't an ancient, doesn't look very humanlike does she. Ah well has nice freaky music.
  23. Yes u need the chocobo lure materia, but you also need to buy some greens to use in battle. If you attack a chocobo or another enemy when a chocobo is present, it will run away. If you feed it greens (by using it as an item in battle), it'll busy itself eating them and then u kill off the other enemies and then you'll be riding the chocobo and you can cross the marsh. Fighting the Midgar Zolom is probably too tough for you at the moment, even if you can survive beta his physical attacks will slaughter u, plus he can simply knock a character out of battle. Just get enough gil to buy a Mimmet greens and that should be enough.
  24. I think it's a tie between SNES and Genesis. Snes had the awesome rpg's (FF6, chrono trigger, mario RPG, etc.) and stuff like mario kart, mario world, mario-whatever. But Genesis was my fav for pure action games. Altered Beast, ghouls n ghosts, forgotton worlds, rambo, whatever every genesis game I had was actionish (not counting Phantasy Star 4, mmmmm). Of course the genesis also has Toejam and Earl! Heh I love that game, too bad I didn't think of d/l the rom until all the sites I used for d/l roms went offline >
  25. Well, I would go for my wallet and my 3 psx memory cards. My wallet because I haven't taken anything out in like...3 years, heh very outdated phone #'s, ticket stubs from NIN and Tool concerts...ah....a gameworks card from 3 years ago, heh. And my memory cards because...well u can buy a new FF game, a new PSX, but each of my memory cards has at least......500 hours of game-time on it, and yeah that COULD be replaced...heh but jeez that would take forever. I remember one time...2 years ago I think it was, my mom and I were staying w/ her friend in Vegas for the weekend, she and her friend had gone out to get something to eat (at 2 or 3 in the morning), and I was up playing FF Tactics. Then a 6.0 or 7.0 (forget which) earthquake hit in the middle of the dessert, heh my mom and her friend walked in just as it started, we were far away to not have anything fall. Hell my mom didn't even notice, I just asked if she thought the plants were swaying oddly. Of course then we could feel it cause we were on the 3rd floor and everything was half-swaying. Anyway, the point of this whole thing is that when my mom went all "omg it's an earthquake," the first thing I did was get my 2 memory cards (got 3rd one later) and pocketed them, hehe. Hmm....actually I have 4 PSX ones now, but the last one has....nothing really, tekken 3 save, dbz legends, stuff that is pretty replaceable. My first 3 have stuff like FF6, 7, 8, 9, Tactics (mannnnnny hours), Xenogears, Castlevania:sotn, ah...star ocean 2, grandia, heh all rpg stuff, aaaaaaah just thinking about my memory cards in danger is getting me paranoid, how much do those black box things on airplanes cost? Maybe I can get one of those for my memory cards. =P
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