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Everything posted by SephirothNIN

  1. Well Tekken 4 in the arcade is pretty cool. Obviously the graphics are amazing, the only things that suck are the character selection (around..12 or 14, I forget), tekken 2, 3, and tag all had more people >=(. Also because of the new arena "Walls", it's too ez to become trapped against a crowd of spectators (that are really just a wall) and not be able to get out. Perhaps if it had an 8-way run type system like in soul calibur. Either way, as long as hwaorang and Xaiyou (or whatever) are in it I'll be happy. Now all I need is another installment in the "Vs" series (like marvel vs. capcom 2).
  2. Well....the Super 17 and evil shenlong sagas are completely different, and the super17 one is pretty short, altho both are good. To tell the truth, I liked all of the sagas except the first GT one, where goku, pan, and trunks are travelling thru space to find the black star dragonballs. I dunno it's like they took out the action of DBZ and forgot to put in dragon ball humor >
  3. Sorry I don't know of any specific Brolly wallpapers. But, if you select "3d-flying objects", you can browse your PC and insert any pic and it will make it into a flag-type thing, if you put a Brolly picture there it's...sort of a screensaver =P.
  4. In the banon/terra(the magic user)/edgar, locke, and sabin scenarios, the main goal of all of them is to get back to Narshe (the very first town). So just...make your way back, I think all you have to do w/ Terra's scenario is take a boat from...uh...I forget the town name....Nikeah maybe...Locke's (the thief) scenario is a bit longer, that's the one u need to use the secret entrance to the cave, and sabin's (the guy who dived in after Ultros the octopus) is probably the longest.
  5. I would also have to say the Buu saga is the longest, because there were a lot of plot turns. In Frieza saga, once goku and frieza started fighting, everyone else was pretty unimportant, same w/ the saiya-jin saga, no1 thought that yamcha was going to be the victor or anything. In the Buu saga however, gohan's getting trained because they think he's the one who can stop Buu, but goten and trunks are also getting trained, everyone has their turn to fight and die, get eaten, whatever. It's just a lot of awesome fighting, the cell saga had a lot too, but it was mostly goku and gohan =\. Ah either way, I loved most of the villains except android #16, nappa, and kuii.
  6. Yeah Orlandu is freakishly strong, but that makes it even worse when he's confused or charmed. Besides Beowulf's chicken does squat to bosses like Elmdor, heh besides making them easier to hit I mean. Even WITH Orlandu, a group of tiamats or red dragons can still cause trouble. FF8 was the cheapest of the cheap I think, u don't even NEED aura, just kill off one guy and cast life, instant-ready-for-limit breaks >=(. Anyway I didn't find Sabin's blitz to be that cheap, Bum Rush did just as much as Ultima would do. What I thought kind of ruined the game was the vanish - xzone/doom combo, it works on almost every boss! Ugh it's like you want to beat them w/o using it, but if all ur guys are dead except one you'd most likely xzone them away, made it incredibly too ez, and you get the phantom esper (w/ xzone....I think) pretty early on in the game >=\.
  7. I don't know I think Brolly is pretty evil. He only sees Goku the day he's born, and then again when vegeta and the gang travel to the new planet Vegeta, it's not like that's all he's been thinking about since then. He was blowing up cities and planets for fun, Paragus' (his dad) control over him wasn't making him more evil, just making sure he didn't overdo it. Once the control crown thing was broken he went right back to wanting to beat the crap out of stuff. If he had killed goku and the rest, I think he would go on to take over the universe, Frieza-style, instead of becoming a lumberjack on Earth or something.
  8. Hm...I don't know what this new commercial has in it (which is weird cause I'm always watching TV), but so far I've come to the conclusion that I hate the GAP commercials. Everyone singing and bobbing their heads, Old Navy's just as bad, that one black chick on the guitar was good tho, which kinda pisses me off that they have anything "rock" associated w/ the gap >=(.
  9. I dunno I'd rather play MGS2 now than wait 3 months just for a making of cd u'd watch once and then be finished with it. I just bought MGS2, and altho I'm hopelessly lost on the barge, it's damn fun just wandering around shooting people w/ the darts. Hopefully I can be somewhat done w/ this game by xmas time....er....FFX time I mean, heh not like anything else great is coming out.
  10. I don't know them anymore, sorry. But all of the ones that were released were glitchy, and you couldn't even play as him, he was just CPU-controlled like in the flashback, so what's the point? Also it would cause weird problems when a Sephiroth cinema came up or something.
  11. Usually when people fuse it's to become stronger, heh I doubt a tien/yamcha fusion could even beat up android 18, would be funny at least tho. Altho out of those....I dunno vegeta/trunks would be cool, gohan/goten would just sound the same, hard to come up w/ a fusion name, oh well.
  12. If you mean the treasures you get from Propositions then no, they're just key items that increase your treasure hunting rank. If u send along the right job classes you'll gain more JP btw, like....if it's to defeat some villain, a knight will get you more jp. Some are obvious like when they say they need a good healer, or a math tutor, etc. Some are more vague, like when they say they need to explore a sunken ship, a geomancer will practically guarantee a crapload of JP =P. That's all they're good for tho, and you should always do the propositions in towns that are right next to another town, that way you can go back and forth making the days pass by, w/o having to deal w/ random battles. Too bad you can't send non-special characters like Cloud along tho =\.
  13. I found one of the best jp/exp-gaining techniques was monk+time mage, either having one of your characters able to use both, or having a monk around your other character using time magic. Simply have them use haste on themself every turn, and use Chakra to regain lost mp. That's how I got Cloud up to higher levels....fairly quickly, helps since his speed is horrible as a soldier, plus having your whole party with haste makes any battle a LOT easier...unless u're poisoned or something, heh.
  14. Well when I lived in Vegas last year (utter hell), one of the (extremely few) good points was the anime club. It only had about 20 people, which were probably the only people in the entire 2500-populated school who liked anime >=(. Blah enough Vegas-bashing, heh I could go on about THAT forever, anyway it was pretty cool. We tried to do a comic-type thing, and 18 people could draw very well (other 2 were my friend and I, heh we suck), but it didn't gain enough interest for everyone to wholey support it. Most of the time we would go in afterschool and people would see who brought what anime and we'd watch it. We saw some stuff like ranma...uh...patlabor, cowboy bebop, some trigun, etc. A FEW times we had stuff actually planned out, my favorite was when my friend brought his dreamcast and we played marvel vs. capcom2, heh one time someone brought DDr, but my friend and I left and went to his house...to play m vs. c2 of course =P. Some people tried to start one at my school this year (in Burbank, not crappy-Vegas, oops), but they couldn't find a teacher to sponsor the club >
  15. I don't care if they each played 10 instruments, I can't stand Linkin Park, they're thoughtless wailing makes me want to smash something (not in the good way, in the "aaargh ::steps on radio::" way). That rapping guy in it is certainly the worst, but he just makes the lead singer sound like an idiot, sitting there screaming the same thing every so often. Lyrics-wise they are unimpressive as well, altho I've only heard the radio singles (damn radio), but it seems like they wrote them just to appeal to mosh-pitty teenagers who want to jump up and down. Oooh look spiky hair, wow how deep and meaningful >=\. I'll take NIN and Tool anyday.
  16. I don't have any pets technically, heh my aunt has a black and orange cat tho, and since I feed em and train them to be an army of darkness I guess they're SORT of mine. The black one kills mice and stray birds, heh the orange one drags the carcass to the back door and leaves it there, what a weirdo. Anyway I DO know Loki from a few places, first off I had this weird norse comic thingy where...balder shoots...Odin because....Loki guides him? something weird, heh also I know it from the Genesis game Ghouls n' Ghosts (awesome game), the last boss is the lord of darkness, Loki, heh that game is so freaking cool, but also hard as hell, I swear even w/ unlimited continues it's extremely hard, everyone should play it tho, where else can you slice up zombies, ride on the tongues of mountains, fight cloud's with a giant eyeball, and hop on the devil's knee?
  17. Most of the time newer versions are to enhance it, like longer controller cords, less...screwing up of stuff, heh um....analog sticks and then dual shocks, but then they took out the i/o port! >
  18. Well, super buu turns her into an egg and steps on her, it's not really a hilarious death, or one that makes u cry or anything...I dunno it was just a death, I thought Dabura's death was funnier. Heh seeing him get all tense and then become a giant cookie w/ the "-_-" look on his face, but then again majin buu was a lot more comical than his other forms.
  19. Blah...why the day AFTER x-mas? Did they just not want to sell them out in the holiday rush or what? Heh isn't selling all of their games good anyway? Humph now I can't ask for it for x-mas....unless they preorder it or something...hm...Well either way I'll have to figure something out, heh I managed to get FF8 and 9 with about $5 (borrowing from mom, aunt, cousin, friends, whatever, paid them all back tho....eventually, heh). No way I'm going to toys r us or kaybee or some place like that, they're too freaking expensive tho, ah too bad they don't release special editions of games with watches or posters or anything like in Japan, I'm sure people (like us) would spend a few extra $$ for the cool stuff.
  20. Er...FF6's desperation moves were a billion times harder than FF8's limit breaks. That was one of the reasons it made FF8 soooo ez. All you need to do is kill someone and use a life spell, or just attack them down to critical. Later on when you get aura, Ha! even easier >=\. FF6's was insanely impossible. Just to be at 20 or so HP and not die was hard enough, then you had to pick "attack", it didn't have a handy arrow to pick limit breaks, and even then it's a 1 in 20 shot, not easy by any means. As for the sphere system....yeah I like the idea, but I will miss the ATB, the whatever system that's grandia-ish doesn't look as......um...good I don't know. I did hear that weapons and armor/accessories aren't a big part tho, argh that sux >
  21. Well I assume you mean marvel vs. capcom 1...tho sentinal's not in it. Anyway that's how you open up the secret characters, play thrue one player mode as morrigan to open up Lilith, Chun Li to get shadow lady. The others are probably their counterparts, i.e. beat it with venom to unlock red venom, hulk for orange hulk. There's a gold war machine, roll...ah....that's it I think. There's more to it than that tho, in the arcade version if you wanted to fight the secret people you had to finish each match with a super move, do a double-team super at least once, and do the move where u control both fighters at once for a limited time at least once. Then before u face onslaught you'll be challenged. Roll , Lilith, and Shadow Lady have their own moves, but venom, hulk, and war machine just have tweaked attributes like speed and power. Gold War machine can't block tho, but he can't be knocked down or up, he's a REAL badass >
  22. You can learn 2-swords from the ninja class for 900jp I think, lets you hold 2 weapons and therefore attack twice, very awesome when you put it on a knight or samurai (ninja blades are weaker). Also the Samurai can learn 2-hands, which makes you hold 1 weapon with...duh both hands, heh makes it a lot stronger ::shrugs::. If you just press select in the menu it'll tell you what EVERYthing does btw.
  23. Getting levl 8 in every class isn't worth it if you're just using them as a stepping stone. You won't need a lv8 archer because they become obsolete after ch. 1 gradually, and having a maxed out oracle isn't that threatening, heh. You just need to learn useful skills, and then stay as that class until you can upgrade AND buy equipment. For instance after the first battle in the game, you can turn most of your guys into knights, but you won't be able to buy them good weapons or armor until you get to Igros, so you'll be at a disadvantage. Don't make your guy a samurai if you can't buy samurai swords yet!
  24. It's been MANY months since I've played FF9, but if my memory serves me right, u just ride your chocobo out to the ocean part where shimmering island used to be (if it's still an actual place u're not at that part of the story yet). You need to be in the place so when u bring up the large map the cursor is pointing to "shimmering island", use a dead pepper and you'll dive and hit the treasure box of goodies.
  25. Yeah that's a kind of vague question, I can only give u some general ones, like always check the AT before u do a move like a spell or anything that isn't instant, that way you can see if the enemy has a chance to move out of the way first. ALso checking the AT is always great so you can plan out your attacks, ganging up on one enemy before they have a chance to heal. Don't finish battles quickly if u don't have to either, get some JP and exp by throwing stones or attacking/healing your own guys.
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