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Everything posted by SephirothNIN
Well I'm usually around the sony, Final Fantasy, and anime boards, but I was a big nintendo fan til the N64 hit, so might as well take a crack at it. 1. I forget what year, 1889 or something before 1900, they were a company that made playing cards 2. Nintendo ltd.? 3. 1985 with the NES I assume? 4. Huh? 1985 5. 1986 or so
FF6 didn't have "limit breaks" technically, but it had a desperation type move that is the same concept. If you had under 30-40HP (maybe it's a % I'm not sure), and you choose fight, there's a 1 in 10 (or so) chance that you'll pull off your character's desperation attack. Celes did a chainsaw-like move with her sword, Mog has a move that looks like pummel, ah....cyan's is one of my favs, screen turns black and you see a large circular slice. It's pretty insanely hard to get down to the right amount of life, and even then there's a small chance you'll execute it, but they're freakishly strong. I remember I had black belt (counter-attacks randomly) on sabin early in the game (whenever u get the black belt) and he was hit down to critical condition, he countered w/ his desperation move (Tiger...fang maybe, looks like a drop kick) and it did over 2000 damage.
Yeah I don't really see any kung fu or tae kwon do in there. The closest 'martial art' form I can think of is shotoken, what ryu and ken use in Street Fighter, hehe. Altho if that is the case then capcom got it from DBZ, since DBZ was first. The Kamehameha and hadouken both have the same hand motion, dragon uppercut (shinryuken) is in the Hildegarn movie (13), and in the Janemba one (12) goku uses a very hurricane kicklike (no clue what the hell this is in Japanese, something long) against a bunch of fat Janembas. I'm sure there are more shotoken references ::shrugs::, people like vegeta and piccolo have their own weirdo style tho, and I'm speaking mainly about goku, gohan, krillin, and the other humans who use the ryu-ish style.
Er....are we talking Fatal Fury anime or game here? รด.O. Well the game I liked a lot, heh the first one had problems, in story mode u could only play as terry, andy, or joe, but otherwise it was cool (kimkap's my fav). It was the first game to introduce super moves as well I believe (if not that it was some other SNK fighter), and it's very much like street fighter except for the A B C D button layout (weak/strong punch&kick). Neo geo was a good system, it's just that the games were over $100 so it just wasn't worth it. Recently SNK closd up shop and are no more, the last game they're releasing is wild ambition on Dreamcast I believe. Hopefully Capcom will gobble up all their lisences or something, heh or......yeah capcom I hope. Too bad for snk tho, if they hadn't tried the neo geo pocket (and color), and neo geo cd, maybe they could've survived on arcade games alone. As for the anime, I've only seen the one with the armor of mars, but I thought it was damn cool, the characters are drawn very stylish and the fights are cool. I didn't like the end fight too much tho, heh.
Hmmm FFX's system resembles FF9's the most, where each party member has their own specific skill. I know tidus has party-enhancing techniques, yuna has summons, lulu does the black magic thing, etc. It also takes a piece from 6 in that anyone can learn magic if they wanted to, which comes from that weirdo spirit globe thing. The way I understand it is that u spend AP or whatever u get after battles on a globe, and, like FF Tactics, u can buy different skills or status-boosters that way, seems...ok...I also heard that like Braeth of Fire 4, u can switch ur party members on the fly. No more ATB either ::sniff::. Instead u get a grandia-like line where you can see who goes when....I dunno I just hope the limit breaks aren't insanely ez to do like 8, extremely rare like 6, or always coming up at the wrong time like 9 >
Hmm...I loved FF9 but the number of eidolons was disappointing, maybe it was the fact that only dagger and eiko could use them. Plus you just found them in gems, except Ramuh. I really liked the fact that they were a bigger part of the story though, heh the first time you see Odin (demolishing Cleyra) was damn awesome, same w/ atomos and Bahamut. Also having almost every bit of FF Tactics equipment didn't hurt either =P.
Gaming What did you name your FF Characters?
SephirothNIN replied to NeoCactuar's topic in Noosphere
Hmm...same with me I leave the characters alone, because otherwise when you talk to people and they say "Aeris blahblahblah" or "I think cloud's a blahblah" u have no clue what they're talking about, heh. When you have to name your character like in...FF...5 or something, I usually just put Mike (my name), well in FF5 I put Butz but that's different. I don't know, I don't want my friends to be carrying swords in FF games and saving the world >=\. -
You need to either breed yourself a green chocobo to pass over the mountainous area near cosmo canyon and get to the forest, or wait until later in the game where you can fight Ultima Weapon, once you chase him around and defeat him, he will open the path to the forest; It's a giant puzzle tho, and the apocalypse sword is all the way at the end, u just need to know how everything reacts with another. Meaning how u put flies in the plants to pass over them, or if u put a froggy in a plant and stand on it, it will shoot you into the air. Other things interact like...put a beehive by the flytrap things and you can pass safely...not too complicated and if u hit square or something it starts you at the beginning again.
Hmm....well obviously Nine Inch Nails is my favorite band, heh 2nd fav too. But after that...ah...Tool would be next, then A Perfect Circle, Manson...Tori Amos? Ah...then a buncha other bands are pretty good like nirvana, sound garden, red hot chili peppers, blahblahblah. Since I saw NIN, Tool, and APC in concert tho I can die happy, the rest of the bands pfft, heh I don't care about.
Too bad they didn't leave it as Dolphin, I dunno I think gamecube is a stupid name >=\, hell Dreamcast's original name was the Katana, heh which is much cooler than dream+broadcast equalling dreamcast, blargh! I think some of the chips inside of the DC say Katana on them, haha. Oh well, doesn't matter what systems nintendo comes out with, if they continue to butcher the controller so that fighting games play like crap (I'm talking about street fighter not smash brothers), then why bother, I hope GC has some rpg's too, yeesh N64 had...what Quest and aidyn chronicles? IN....5 or 6 years, blah that's y I sold mine for $$ to buy more PSX games, hehe.
Anime What time is Dragonball Z on the I-Channel?
SephirothNIN replied to Master_Dexter's topic in Otaku Central
Well here in CA it was on Sunday's at 7:30PM and Wednesday's at 10PM, they show the same episode on both times, I'm not sure which one the new one is and which one the rerun is, heh I have never managed to catch it on both days in the last 2 months! very pathetic, either way if u watch it every Sun. or every Wed. u'll be fine. -
1. Dragonball Z 2. Dragonball GT 3. Dragonball 4. Kenshin (only saw 11 eps but I love it) 5. Trigun (only saw 5 eps but it's also cool) *btw this list would be different if I considered X-men or Ninja turtles anime, heh kenshin's cool and all but, xmen!
so ah....do u remember the name of the theme song, or could u look it up on the tape or something? heh I really want to d/l that thing, ah I guess I could look it up somehow ::yawns::, Has anyone ever played the PSX game Evil Zone? (Eretzvaju in Japan, much cooler name), for some reason the character design reminded me of MKR...or....persona or Kartia....something like that. Well Yoshitaka Amano designed Kartia, heh n/m that one, any way that was a pretty cool fighting game for only having one attack button, very cinematic you (anyone) should rent or borrow it.
Hm...yeah it's a nice theory, heh but I played FF3 on SNES when it came out, and altho I think it's the best (for a bazillion reasons), FF7 is still my fav, I would have more fun playing FF7 over than any other one...er...well, FF Tactics...ah that gets messy n/m. I did find that people whose first FF game they played was 7, 8, or 9 tend to not like FF1-6 if they play them after, they're too accustomed to 3d graphics and FMV scenes and such, those people also tend to piss me off, heh not playing FF6 just because the graphics are SNES...grrrr.....well it's their loss I guess, still...grr....
Anime For those of you who see the un-edited dragonball Z epps
SephirothNIN replied to Goku213's topic in Otaku Central
Ah I had the international channel for a while, til my aunt got rid of digital cable a few weeks ago; it was unedited but...don't know what they're saying, heh. I d/l episodes mostly, subtitled of couse...I dunno I would (and did) watch all-Japanese DBZ, but I knew generally what was going on, I couldn't watch something totally new and not know wtf they're saying. Just go on mIRC and d/l eps, it'll take a while if u don't have cable or something tho (which I don't =\). -
Hmm....well goku and vegeta fight when vegeta came with Nappa, again when he became Majin Vegeta....and that's it in DBZ, in GT when bebi possessed him he fought Goku too ::shrugs::. When goku fought Majin Vegeta it was pretty even, but vegeta might've been slightly stronger, since he'd been training nonstop since goku died, and goku rested more, heh but Vegeta couldn't go ssj3 so in the end he would've lost if goku used that.
Yeah um....way to recolor stuff (better than anything I could do tho, ha!). As for Sega...yeah they should steal all of microsoft's secrets and put them out of business, Mwahahaha! Nintendo will never go out of business, heh just with mario, pokemon, and zelda they can't go out of business. Of course they need other games, w/o Rare N64 probably would've done incredibly horrible, haha. Hmm...I liked Dreamcast...not enough to go buy one mind you, but it was and is the only place to play marvel vs. capcom2 for free =\, luckily my friend had one. Besides that...ah nothing too special actually, how depressing. Blah I hope they don't succumb to microsoft's $$ ways, that would suck for nintendo and sony....altho I'm sure not too many people are dying to get their hands on Virtua Fighter 4 for PS2 =\. They need to do what nintendo does and keep the old names alive. I swear if they make a new toejam and earl I'm going to yell out "yeeeees!" at the top of my lungs, that was the most fun I've ever had on the genesis, heh I had it for 4 years and only beat it once! (the sequel was good too, but not as awesome), or streets of rage, wtf altered beast....a REAL phantasy star not that online zelda-wannabe...gah I don't want another house of the dead or virtua fighter, sonic's only had...what 2 games since....Sonic 3d? that's pathetic, at least mario cameos in other games like smash brothers or SOMETHING, oh well if DC had had "new" old games it might've been able to survive a bit longer (hard to survive when sega keeps releasing systems a year ahead of the higher-powered competition).
Hm...my friend had the first 2 tapes out fo a 4-tape set, and he let me borrow them....an hour per tape I think ::shrugs::, anyway I remember it was pretty cool. I know I loved the theme song (if you know the name of the intro song, please PM or email me, or something so I can d/l it, hehe). Anyway the little bunny thing that had endless food...that was cool, forgot the name...something that started with an M? heh It is sort of sailor moonish...but I like MKR better, the villains are a hell of a lot cooler, no trains for hands or anything, haha, more stylish. Damn I have to borrow those again or something, the only SM-ish aspect I see is when they "transform", oh well, I've been neglecting my borrowing power from friends, heh time to put that to good use.
Hmm...the only boss I had trouble w/ really (where I needed 3 fairies just to beat it, still no game over, heh) was phantom ganon, I don't know why the first time I fought him I just kept getting fireballed in the back, heh but then a year later when my cousin needed help beating him I took over and it was no problem, weird.
Ah...I don't see any site, either way duh what did you think, they were going to release the gamecube and sit around doing nothing for a few years? They're constantly researching and developing new hardware...ah I seem to remember they had a separate partner for Nintendo's next system...instead of...whoever they have now, heh damn I forgot a bunch of stuff...either way yeah, they're hard at work at the next playstation as well ::shrugs::, the chance that it'll come out in the next 4 years tho is pretty tiny. Most game consoles' lives have been about 5 years, not counting a bunch of failed sega ones like 32x tho...ah virtual boy as well. Game Boy outlasted em all tho, and if nintendo had never made GBC or GBA, people would STILL be playing the original game boy....or pocket perhaps...guess they have no choice until someone else comes out with a portable videogame system with good games and stuff. Neo Geo pocket was good but....no killer ap, same w/ wonderswan...oh well.
what are you people talking about, gameplay doesn't change as time passes, it all depends on the type of game. FF3 for the SNES was just as long as 7 or 8...9 was a little longer, hell Xenogears was 1 disc and was longer than...pretty much everything. Metal Gear Solid 1 is probably the same length as 2, since they need a lot of time and effort to make it. Does anyone really want to play a metal gear solid that lasts 40 hours? (and do u want to wait 10 years for them to make it?). When a series comes out on the same system (kessen and kessen 2, FF7 and FF8, um...banjo kazooie and it's dumb sequel), of course they're going to add a few more levels, make it slightly longer, and duh 32-bit games are going to be longer than NES or game gear ones. Also what do u mean disc "power"? If you mean memory than it's not exactly 12x, a PSX CD can have 650mb, and a PS2 DVD can have...ah...up to 6GB I think it is, not exactly sure, either way, disc length doesn't matter either. The x-files 5 disc game (saw my cousin play, heh) took maybe an hour because of it being mostly real footage (gah I forgot the technical word...used it a lot for many crappy Sega CD games....damn I can't remember >
Heh how can I NOT love krillin getting beat up, happens all the time. In 6 he was beaten by those mechs, in 7 android 13 got him, and gohan too (heh that giant snowball was funny). Hmm...and of course zengya...brolli in his 2nd movie...heh it's just fun, Frieza gets him, cell gets him, heh he should learn from yajirobe and silently cheer them on from the side.
Gafgarion's easy, all you need to do is steal his sword (or break it if all else fails) and he won't be able to use night sword. This tactic works against all holy and divine knights as well, since they need their sword to do their skills. Does squat against arc knights though so ::shrugs::. If you take away gaffy's sword in the lionel battle, you can open the gate and help your party against those summoners, blargh!
bah, THAT part! I rented Z.O.E. and got stuck there and couldn't finish it. Heh it sux because the cinema where I got the "raptor" program I accidently hit start so I didn't know wtf to do. >=(. I'd have to start over or something if I rented/borrowed it =\. It has a really nice battle system though, heh reminds me of Devil May Cry in that it's easy and fun.
Hmm....the Brolli movies were awesome, but I'd have to say #9 with Bojack is my fav. heh it had so much fighting, a tournament, trunks vs. tien, zengya beating the hell out of Krillin, heh and then gohan fighting them all at once, just a lot of very good fighting. Goku isn't in it much tho, but that's ok =P. All of the movies are pretty good, altho the only ones I haven't seen are w/ bio brolly and lord slug, heh I heard both of those weren't that spectacular.