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Everything posted by SephirothNIN

  1. Hmm....I don't remember how gohan or yamcha got their scars, lol I do know that Tien gets his from Tao-pie pie though ::shrugs::
  2. Ah.....sorry to break it to you guys but "King Kamehameha" refers to some Hawaiin king guy, not to DBZ =\. They did seem to love chimpokomon tho.
  3. Yeah I love FFt, heh some battles gave me trouble, like...um...pretty much any time I fought in Finath River (GAH! chocobos), but anyway Algus eh?...his auto-potion can be a real pain >=(, if u can take out the knights and wizards right around him and surround him it'll go a lot faster...yeah take him out and that'll be the end of chapter 1, you get to sit through the excrutiatingly slow text part =\
  4. Yeah anyone who's played the PC version will tell u it's horrible, heh but I don't know I liked it, even has a 2-player co-op, much easier to smack the 2nd player for taking your $$ if they're right next to u than online. It only loads when u switch levels or exit/enter town too so it goes pretty smoothly. It is pretty dark though ::shrugs::, still fun.
  5. You probably should've just edited your response there, but anyway, u hated the kalm flashback, are u insane!!! Heh some of the coolest Sephiroth moments were in there >=(. Anyway, most hated moment eh?...hm...well I liked all of FF7, but I'm sure there's something I can get pissed off with in 8...oh ok found a few...any time u have to find Cid, ugh that bastard, u always have to go talk to everyone, then go back, talk to someone else, wander around, then, oops he was hiding somewhere the whole time! >
  6. Hmm...I don't know I'd rather they started over at Radditz then at the gohan-high-school stuff...er...I mean the tournament w/ the grand kai, because I JUST saw that in September, they did the same thing with the android stuff, they showed it and then immediately reran it from the future trunks part, I wish they could start over from the beginning so it'll at least seem slightly fresher =\. They have a lot of episodes translated they don't have to keep showing only the newest ones ya know, bah
  7. After Super Buu escapd the room of spirit and time, he eats everyone in kami's lookout post as well (everyone else on earth was dead by then anyway), I think that includes....chaozu....krillin...ah...#18..hm...yamcha, master roshi...pretty much everyone except Dende (not sure if popo makes it). But then piccolo and gotenks escape to later be eaten and absorbed and stuff
  8. Well I presume we won't see the next batch of translated eps until next summer, the rest of the Frieza saga was shown in september, then the next year the androids thru the end of cell, and now the buu stuff, so unless they go overtime or something....blah too long
  9. Hmm...Super Butoden 2 is my fav of the snes ones, I was saying Legends was the best PSX one...altho I think it's the best on any system. Heh u can really decide what goes on, if you send in vegeta and trunks during the android fight, they'll fight 17 and 18, but if goku shows up #16 will too....plus lots of other things, like in the Frieza fight, u need for Krillin to get killed for goku to go ssj, if only gohan went ssj2 it would be practically 100% true to the anime, you even get scored on how closely you followed the manga's story, damn cool. Anyway in SB2 it took a bit too long to fill up your energy bar, but the martial arts system was definately awesome (better than Legend's 1-physical attack-button one), if only they had more than 2 or 3 moves =\. Anyway...ah...yeah might as well go d/l DB2 as a rom or something, fun battles and stuff. As for DB GT Final Bout, after u put in the R, L, D, U code for the secret characters, u put...ah...what was the code....hit square 5 times, and then triangle 9 times, to unlock ssj4 goku. Flying IS blargh...bah how many people have wanted to know how blahy Final Bout is in this last week alone?!!
  10. Not THAT hard, heh u're the ringleader, just pick a time.....ah....before Friday at 5 anyway, heh have junk to do Friday night (gah), anyway u just set up buddychat and it'll invite them all ::shrugs::
  11. the Legend of the SSJ on SNES is...pretty good, you don't just pick "fight" though, you pick different cards that do different attacks, some are ki cards that let you do your special moves like kamehameha. It's does follow thru the end of Frieza starting w/ Radditz, but the battles were kinda...blah, you get into a random battle every 3 steps or so, and the boss fights don't last very long, plus there's weird switches to pull and I didn't even SEE Zarbon!! >
  12. Totally incorrect eh? heh ok anyway...let me see...when bibidi first created buu he was "kid buu", the one goku defeats w/ the genki dama. When Vegetto is eaten by buu and goku+vegeta escape with all the other chocotastic people, he reverts to Kid Buu and Kaioshin explains the wholeeeeee situation, I know they each have directions because kaioshin(pretty sure he's East) was watching when the North Kaioshin fought Buu, he was doing pretty well too but (I forget exactly what happened) N-Kaioshin ended up sacrificing himself so that the Kaioshin that's alive now could escape, after he ate the North guy he fattened up. Also Rou Kaioshin (dunno if that translates into a direction or what) is alive, he's the one in the sword, can tell he's alive because he exchanges his life for Goku's, whew...anyway...ah...yeah maybe there's different universes or something, I haven't seen that ep in a while. And in Japan king kai is kaiosama, and kaioshin is...er..well kaioshin, they're pretty diferent, sama meaning....king I presume, and shin meaning super/supreme or something similar to that, so they're not all related or something
  13. I don't know I played The Summoner for about one hour and wanted to smash my head through a wall for stimulation or something. I dunno it seemed to take good parts from Diablo like sidequests and butcher them horribly. Heh talking to was boring and uneventful...sword fighting was blah...maybe it gets better on later...I just couldn't stand the beginning, tap tap tap, slash slash slash....why couldn't they just trade insults ala the curse of monkey island? =\...either way AC2 was much more fun, but how the HELL did you beat that last guy in the arena?...er...he is number 60 or something after you win, he's much much MUCH harder than Ares or anyone...ah well it's not TOO worth it, he has some rapid fire laser that takes off a crapload of damage, plus he jumps real high and hits me from there, blargh!
  14. Frieza and Cell WERE in GT though, Buu...ah...ubuu I guess...ah crap there goes that argument, heh oh well. Goten and goku are practically identical anyway, too bad the flying system in that game sux, heh you are on the same level about....10% of the time, yours always flying around shooting mini beams and stuff. Oh and it's so freaking impossible to beat the CPU in beam battles, I have to beat the crap out of Triangle w/ my middle finger, yeesh, heh and meteo moves have been reduced to...2 different combos as opposed to super/desparation moves >=(. Ah well I'd still rather have it than....not, heh
  15. Yeah gohan and goku were meant to fuse, but buu didn't really eat gohan, heh he absorbed him. If he ate him goku would've pulled out chocolate crumbs or something when they escaped Buu. Also when kaioshin/kibito fused they didn't know wtf happened, same with Vegeta, heh goku didn't exactly explain what would happen or what it would be permanent, guess he didn't care ::shrugs::. Ah too bad they didn't stay Vegetto, would've been able to beat the crap out of pretty much everyone.
  16. No offense but how could anyone possibly think that's son goten? Lol you know DB GT takes place 10 years after the buu saga, does that look like a teenager to you? Anyway son goku's original gi in dragonball was blue so that's what he wears later on. As for DB GT Final Bout...yeah one big thing I had against it was the bad character selection, too many ssj's. Ah I could list the characters but...ah let's just say there's goku, ssj goku (from DBZ), SS Goku (uh....gt maybe), ssj4 goku, vegetto, super vegeta (cell fight one), gohann (forget if it's mystic or plain old teen)...and then the reg baddies like kid buu, cell, and frieza, piccolo of course...ah...let's see...I traded my copy for DBZ Legends (much better) a few months ago so I might have left a few out...oh yeah pan, teen ssj trunks, future ssj trunks...hm....::counts on fingers::, no ssj3's or gotenks tho, what a ripoff...ah I guess it IS GT afterall...nice game for ah...if u can't find legends or UB22
  17. Hmm everyone assumes that's red XIII but can u see his tattoo? Don't even see how it could be any of them, since his mom and dad died and he was the last of his kind, maybe he laid eggs?...er...still would need another mate then ::shrugs::, maybe that weirdo boss from Ergheiz? Either way, yeah it's hard to tell if all humans died or they just let Midgar's looks go or what. Guess they wanted people to come up with their own conclusions
  18. Yeah everything's pretty right here, about Spopovich and Yamu anyway, but Piccolo doesn't really know how strong he is, he just knows he has the same type of power as the guardian before Kami had ::shrugs::, I think piccolo's stronger and could've taken on those non-Dabura weaklings in babidi's spaceship. Anyway Kaioshin explains more about what buu did to the other kaioshins much much later on, after super buu eats vegetto. Speaking of which, is it "vuh gee toe" or "vuh jet oh", had a big argument with my friend earlier today, heh.
  19. way to breathe, no-breath...er...I mean wtf asking questions in the middle of the day?! Blargh should set it up a little better! If everyon has AIM u can invite them all into an AOL buddychat and it'd be a wholeeee lot easier, and would make it so people can't just look up the answer, heh um...but at least give a day's notice before u just start asking, yeesh
  20. Although I don't have a GBA...and probably won't get one (heh), and don't know too much about Golden Sun, it should be pretty good, since it's from the same team that did the Shining Force series...ah...what was their name...oh, Camelot, and those were pretty fun, but I'd rather play FF Tactics 100x over and over again than any Shining Force one =P. I don't think I'd have time to play it anyway, heh I'd much rather borrow Lunar and.....suikoden, plus FFX's coming soon, ack so little time. Oh er....Camelot DID make beyond the beyond too tho ::gulp::, hopefully it'll be nothing like that one.
  21. yup the GC can't play dvd movies or music cd's, it only accepts that mini-format thing that GC games come on. In Japan Pana(ma)sonic released a $300 version of the GC that COULD play dvd movies (and probably music cd's), and it should be coming out here eventually. Heh I doubt nintendo's just going to sit back and let the whole dvd market pass it by....er....well then again you never know, they did do that with the cart-ish N64 to music cd's =\
  22. Yeah I rented that game and (don't kill me) didn't even touch the MGS2 demo inside. Lol even if the game sucked I wouldn't play the demo, it would torture me to play a few hours of a game and then have to wait til it came out...er...til I got it anyways. Yeah ZOE is more actiony, very awesome, BUT, no customizability really, those secondary weapons were pretty useless, except for that beam sword...ah...forget the name at the moment, either way u rarely rely on those weapons =\. Too bad they just don't make a virtual on game with gundams, heh now that would be a good game
  23. Yup I knew that, they also recently made a game entirely based off of that story, think it's just called "Journey to the West" or something, either way I heard it's vaguely FF Tactics-like, and characters can transform into werebeasts or something, I'm not sure as I don't know the whole legend. Also did ya know that sonson from Marvel vs. Capcom2 is from the same story? the main character in journey to the west with the powerpole (forgot name for it...uh...something with an N I think), flying nimbus, and werewolfish transformation wasn't male or female really, and if you take a look SonSon has a giant extending pole, flying cloud, and can turn into a giant rampaging ape.
  24. Well when bi-bidi first created buu, he was small, skinny, and is what goku uses the spirit bomb against in the end of DBZ, as "Kid Buu". He only become the fat "Majin Buu" guy after eating the fatso north kaioshin (I think the kaioshin who has kibito for his bodyguard is...east....might be west though, I get em mixed up). After he ate the north one he became all fat and playful, and easier to control. Heh he got all excited after bibidi promised him some cake ::shrugs::
  25. And Sephiroth and Aeris would end up together because...? Heh nah I think the Sephiroth-killing-Aeris part of the game was very important (and cool) to the story. It made a lot of people want to kill Sephiroth more....er....well it just made me think he was a crapload more cooler but what're ya gonna do ::shrugs::.
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