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Everything posted by SephirothNIN
Anime Uh? SSJ4 question...(to Altron and others)
SephirothNIN replied to conpiracymonki's topic in Otaku Central
Ah...that's a very nice picture of ssj3 chibi goku, but I don't remember him actually going ssj3 anytime in GT...um...maybe I missed that one episode or something, does anyone else have the slightest clue or is it just a picture somebody drew? -
Gundam Wing, kiddy?!...haha are u insane? I mean just because 08th ms team concentrated more on romantic mumbo-jumbo doesn't mean it's more complicated, actually the storyline as a whole was a lot less complex than Wing's....plus there was more diversity. in 08th MS team they used cannons...ah...machine guns, beam swords, in GW there was...tons of different beam weapons, shields, machine guns, flamethrowers...other...stuff, heh I dunno I'd much rather watch GW than 08th ms team or MSG...maybe if when cartoon network showed one they didn't repeat it 50 billion times and then take it off for months I wouldn't get so tired of it >=(, need to even it out or something, bah
Gaming does anone think they should make a zelda movie?
SephirothNIN replied to Majora64's topic in Noosphere
Hm.....I remember the zelda and mario cartoons, heh those were awesome.....but I dunno the N64 Zelda's get on my nerves, I mean I like Ocarina of Time, but there's so much pointless time spent in stupid dungeons hacking away at guys just to get to the boss. Only boss I liked was phantom ganon anyway, heh he was cool, the spider too I guess....I dunno they seemed weak...ah well, No videogame should be made into a movie that's not animated.....except maybe...metal gear solid or...I guess tomb raider, wherever the cast is modeled realistically (FF8?). I don't know I think it'd just make me dislike Link more...although animation can be bad when they crappify it like they will the gamecube one =\ -
Gaming *Exclusive* Startling SmackDown 3 Info!!!
SephirothNIN replied to Charles's topic in Noosphere
yuck who cares, I can't STAND the smackdown system, you can mash your way to a pointless victory, punch punch punch slam, special move and you won. I can't tell if it's more horrible or just as horrible as the wcw nitro system...ugh slow and choppy....makes me want to throw my controller at my TV >=(. I love the other system they had on N64 tho, revenge, no mercy, etc....ah well, no matter how authentic story mode is...ugh I just can't put up with matches u can win while eating chips and dips and reading a magazine or something. -
Ah the last I heard was that bandai had made a few demos on an unnamed system, just of the landscape of planet namek. I hope it's not an rpg tho, the legend of the super saiyajin on the SNES (w/ the cards) was good....but damn I want a decent fighter, just take the good parts from GT final bout (uh....), Legends (story mode, number of characters, team battles), and UB22 (moves system) and put em all into one or something, yeesh. The card battle one got kinda annoying after fighting the bazillionth random battle w/ the same flurry of punches, plus I've been lost on namek forever as it seems, since when did namek have switches!?
When I got my PS2 I bought Summoner with it...played about 15 min and returned it, heh so...horrible...aaaaaah anyway I bought Armored Core 2 after about an hour of pacing back and forth trying to decide what to buy, heh I decided AC2 had the most replay value to tide me over til MGS2/FFX. I thought the PSX one was ok...kinda blah, but AC2 was really fun, except that INSANELY hard guy in the battle arena once you beat the game, gah he kills me in seconds. Anyway yeah the only thing is I wish it was faster, more gundamish too, beam whips and other stuff =\. Missions were fun though, but a little on the blah side scene wise, a base, a field, etc., heh I would've liked to demolish a city, hopefully AC3 will have more things to blow up.
Ah it should be pretty obvious I go where Squaresoft goes. Heh why would anyone vote for Sony? I mean sure they made playstation, but that's pretty much it, all they have is 989 games, ah well though, Namco's kind of the same thing, tekken's good and some other games, but not enough to follow blindly, heh nintendo has nice franchises but pisses me off with their kiddishness (damn new zelda), only squaresoft and capcom have I always liked, mmmmm street fighter, heh who doesn't like that game, ah anyway....ah....yeah I've spent more time playing the FF's then....ah....I dunno eating my whole life? heh and 300+ of them are for FF Tactics alone
ah, although I've only seen 5 eps of Trigun, I really liked it. The hero is funny in a goofball kind of way, while still managing to beat the crap out of everyone, very Kenshin-ish. Either way I would buy more but I have no $$, heh and when I went to best buy to get a dvd, I saw kenshin had 4 eps per dvd, and trigun only had 3.....ah well, with MGS2 and FFX coming looks like I'm going to have to borrow from someone =\
Well I've only played UB22 for a few hours, but it's just like the SNES roms, ah....I don't remember anyone's specific moves, mostly taps and street-fighteresque motions, but everyone has the same motions for ki blasts, basically back, down, forward+ki gives you a normal ki move (masenko or whatever), while down, back, forward+ki gives you your strong ki move (kamehameha or...ah...other stuff), otherwise yeah look on gamefaqs for special moves and meteo attacks (if there are any)
Gaming favorite side quest or mini game?
SephirothNIN replied to Axel--Ignition's topic in Noosphere
Hmm....favorite mini game eh? Well chocobo breeding was cool....altho increDIBLY time-consuming, it was worth it in the end, but half the time I was thinking "ARRRRRGH another yellow one" or "darn", heh, FF8's chocobo game was useless, I just got the fatty and regular chocobo cards in the ragnaorok in disc 4, gah wtf is up with my keyboard, is it the board maybe? letters don't appear unless I type really hard: "watch me type this crppy sentncehere and se how many darn mistakes re init" bah.....well anyway ::kicks keyboard::, FF9's hot and cold chocobo game would have chocobo game would have to be my favorite, the pecking, the kweh-ing, mmmm....heh was so fun running around pecking and stuff, I dunno I got pretty good at it too, once u get 8 the moogle guy comes and asks u to stop and gives u bonus stuff....forgot what you got though, lol been so long...not gp or kupo nuts...ack how pathetic I sound, anyway I have to smack my keyboard for a while. [b][SIZE=1]Edit out the minor cuss words... ya still gotta be careful of them -Cloud[/SIZE] [/b] -
Hmm....although a movie on FF7 would be pretty predictable, heh meaning Sephiroth loses, Aeries dies =0(....damn them....sephiroth should've won >
hey weirdo did u know that people like to know the time AND the day? lol jeez, plus it's SUnday where are ya? plus....ah....other stuff.....yeah be more specific next time =\
Eh I don't like that cartoon, just the idea of jackie chan fighting monsters and stuff makes me want to barf. But if ya like long moves names, heh then you should watch the Fist of the North Star. It's on Friday's at 9PM on one of the weird cable channels.....BEYW or something is the abbreviation ::shrugs::, maybe only on digital cable, but the bruc lee ripoff character always has a name for the 'flashy'(buncha pokes) moves, like "hundred had fist poke of regret" or something, very corny, lol but the anime is pretty cool, lots of fighting and body parts exploding very bloodily, character design sux tho. I swear there's a bazillion goons w/ mohawks, chains and leather ><
No clue here, the only time Buu shows real intelligence is when Super Buu eats Gotenks and fights Gohan, seems to know what's going on an is able to taunt. He IS able to have conversations w/ Mr. Satan but....ah....not much of an accomplishment there.
Unless you mean "originally" as in Sakaguchi' head, the FF movie was alway intended to have nothing to do with any other FF. Either way, I found that I couldn't get into the movie. Even if the movie was 40 hours long, I still doubt I could, the super-modern setting, all guns and stuff....dunno just more proof y rpgs shouldn't cross over to the movie side. RPG's have too much text and character development to cram into 2 hours on screen, hell even if it was 2 hours of straight battles it just wouldn't be right. But the FF movie wasn't a total waste of $6.....ah....yeah it was a nice movie for CGG terms, and if it didn't have the whole hype behind it, and didn't have the FF name, or the FF people behind it...could've been one of thos quirky CGG movies that wasn't too bad like titan AE or something....ah....I said could've enough times right?
I don't know the action is awesome in my opinion, but thecomedy relief is always a nice distraction, heh like captain ginyu offering to do the dance of joy for Frieza. Ah lots of people complain it's too predictable, but with the exception of the cell saga, there's been plenty of twists and turns in he plot line. The Buu saga is the most complicated I think however (so it's my fav). Ah crap what was I supposed to say in this thing........oh yeah, heh I guess if I had to pick I would have to say the action, any fight with goku, and then kickass villains like Brolly, Bojack, or Super Buu.
Gaming Whats your favorite battle/ability system?
SephirothNIN replied to Axel--Ignition's topic in Noosphere
Why would you use a gold hairpin when you have economizers?! Heh anyway Atma's good and all, but if the enemy his u first w/ meteor or something (like those tyranos), it'll be doing pitiful damag, I prefer the scimitar (insta-death sometimes), and the drainer to regain my HP. As for the good ol thiefglove/offering trick, yeah that's good, but why not just give locke a thiefknife, then put offering/genji on him? Heh it's what I did for shadow anyway. Hmm...has anyone else ever had gogo with a gem box, and had him cast ultma, then quick, and mime it infinitely over and over again? :D -
No offense, but when people say how long it takes them to beat a game, it's usually about half of the ACTUAL time, dunno but that seems to be the trend, either way truthfully it took me 60-ish hours, don't remember why or how, maybe I got lost for a long period of time (not too unreasonable, heh), but as for you guys who beat it in 3 or 5 days or whatever, why rush through it just so you can say you beat it that fast? Doesn't mean u're better or a bigger fan or anything, just that you had more time, whoopee. Ah FFIX came out in November.....damn school, heh if it was summer yeah I'd probably have been playing it nonstop (bet I could find some way to hook it up to the bathroom), with occasional 'sleep' breaks. Heh hell back in the summer when I got Xenogears I fell asleep numerous times at 7 or 8AM with my PSX controller in hand, usually I managed to sleepily hit pause at least =P. Still that game was by far the longest game w/o any sidequests. Technically I've spent more time on FFt tho, heh I've lost count, but uh.....what was the question here again? Oh yeah that time thing, ah......yeah I don't want to rush through, even for that excalibur 2 thing or whatever.
Yeesh so much arguing, oh well I like that. Heh ok here's the thing, buu turns people into chocolates and cookies and such with his antennae beam thing, but none of them change his actual form except one. When he splits himself into fat(good) buu, and skinny (evil) buu, and the evil one turns the fatso one into a chocolate and eats him, that makes him become skinnified and is called Super Buu. Gohan and Gotenks aren't turned into chocolates though, Buu 'absorbs' gohan sort of through his antennae, it was chopped off and no1 realized where it was, and later when Gohan was just standing there, Buu had it spread over Gohan, and just absorbed him straight into his body. Didn't change his form tho, so....ah....hope that clears it up a little (Gotenks was also absorbed through the skin the same way).
Ah you got lucky this time, heh looks like I won't be going anywhere this weekend >=(, lousy all-my-rides-being-busy, gah......heh either way, resign me back up....er....wait resign is bad, ahhhhhhhhhhh just put me back in and lemme know what time and stuff =P, byebye
Ah well I got my DBZ legends for free-fifty-free, that's always the best way to do it, heh. But as for DB GT Final Bout....yeah it was released, I rented it from blockbuster a looooooong time ago, then some super-smart guy stole it from them. Heh it'll bring in big $$ nowadays, I remember a funcolandish store around here was offering to buy it used for $130 or so, must be extremely rare. But if you don't care about authenticity, screw it and get a copy. Final Bout isn't....that good though, Ultimate Battle 22 is just like the snes fighting games so it's pretty cool. I had a copy of GT for a while, but I dunno it's too....floaty, heh moreof a game of tag w/ beams then any sort of hand to hand combat. Legends is by far my favorite, although the battle system is super-simplistic (only 2 attack buttons), it has an awesome super-accurate story mode that can be changed depending on who you use and who you beat, a 3 on 3 fighting system, and over 30 characters. Ah well I forgot what my reply was for....ah.....oh yeah, borrow and/or copy
Ah WOrker 8 is freakishly strong huh? But sorry there's no way to stop his self-damage or perma-innocence. But he does have auto-counter too (crappy movement however). Anyway, you can't fight the battle at Nelveska Temple until you do the Beowulf and Reis quest. You shouldn't need to go to goug machine city yet if you already have worker 8, so head to Goland Coal city instead, go to the bar and ask about the new rumors, then head to lesalia, then after beowulf joins it's off to Goland for 4 or 5 battles that are relatively tough (damn chemists!!). After you finish that section, you should then be able to fight the Nelveska Battle which is freaktacularly hard, if you want to poach or get treasures, but oh well, just try and kill Worker 7 new fast before you get the crap beaten out of you by the monsters. And after the battle you'll get one of the best characters in the game, so make sure you have an open slot or someone ready to boot off (like malak, how useless)
BAH! heh damn u and your "Fridays" ::waves hands around in Friday motion::.....gah I'm going to have to drop out then, this Friday I'm going to go to my cousin's til Monday or so =0(, bah....heh I love gameshow type stuff too (videogame or anime anyway....ah ok regular too), but I'm pretty sure their PC doesn't work, heh ever since my cousin took it apart and 'put it back together', meaning he fried something, gah....gonna have to kick their (er....how much can I swear in here? ack n/m) *** in street fighter and stuff, wahhhhh.....heh ah well.....probably would've won too easily anyway, heh since I seem to (be the only one who) always knows what u're talking about, gonna have any more of these?
Well I don't know about non-American PSX's, but I bought this handy lil thing called "Pro Action Replay", Japanese version of Gameshark or something, but anyway, it'll play any burnt or non-US games, you just need to put in a legitimate game first, let it load up the menu screen, then switch it w/ whatever you want and hit START GAME. I seem to remember an old version of gameshark (3.0 and older maybe) let you do this trick also. Either way, yeah there was a giant recall due to some weird defect (forgot what it was though). As for Cloud, yeah it's him, why would anyone think it's not him? He has all his limits plus one more, you just need to get the Materia Blade from the top of Bervenia Volcano for them to work, er....yeah starting from Level1 with him DOES suck, heh but if u have patience (no life also helps, for me anyway) he's pretty good, finishing touch is by far the best I think.
Well since the Lord Slug movie was released a while ago, I assume they'll show it on CN fairly soon. After the 5 or 6 buu episodes are all done tho, then it's a whole more year (probably) til they have more translated, bah! But as for d/l them, try morpheus (forgot website, it's like napster but u can look for audio or visual stuff), or IRC, IRC has a crapload of people w/ all kinds of anime....stuff, anyway you'd need a good modem, a lot of time, and space if you want decent quality however. I have some and I'd sell them but.....eh I don't have the 2 VCR's to make copies, that takes $$, the whole mailing out of stuff, dunno seems full of effort, and everyone knows trying it the first step towards failing.