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Everything posted by SephirothNIN
I was looking up stuff on what the dark exodia from the new intro did (exodia necros), and I found a picture of another exodia card called "Dark Master Exodia." He's a lv12 monster and has a giant star in the center of his...well...body, I was just wondering if anyone knew what he does.
Your last party will work just fine, as long as you set Rena to healing and Leon to attack with all his MP. Then control either Claude or Ashton. If it's still not working, leveling up always helps, or improving your equipment as well. There is a shop hidden in the snow on a small island north of the field of...power...I think, whichever field was in the snow and had switches you had to protect from big guys in battle. Anywhoo in that shop you can buy rare metals, and also the magical rasp item. Having the magical rasp will let you make better items with blacksmithing and magical rasp. You don't have to buy the rare metals though, all you need is 20 pieces of iron and a decent skill level in alchemy. Then you need 5 musical instruments and to learn at least one song for each. Oh and you have to learn the super specialty "Orchestra", which needs art and music I think. Anyway, when you choose to use the orchestra, a short song plays, and during this song your chances of ANY item creation shoots to...I dunno, 95%? And if you're fast you can get in a good 5 or 6 creations, depending on if they're all the same thing. Meaning you spend the whole time cooking, or metalworking, if you switch between skills you'll waste critical seconds in the menus. You should use the sacred tear for Claude, since it halves MP use, and the same for Rena's special MP halving weapon. If running out of MP is a big problem, you can always create Fairy rings by using Metalwork on green beryl, that accessory also halves MP. Hmm....have you pickpocketed from everyone already? Because the guy in the bunny suit in Fun-City (in the bunny-race room) has a pair of bunny shoes. If you haven't tried pickpocketing them from him, save outside fun city and keep trying until you get them! Bunny shoes make whoever wears them insanely fast, and it's one of the only....3 in the game you can get I think. There's also a way to be invincible for a short period of time. I forget if it's the Lunatic Ring or the Lunatic Earring (both made from metalworking on moonite), but one of them makes you invincible, but in permanent "peep" mode, which basically means you can't do anything. You can make an item that negates peep by metalworking on a sage stone with Claude (a few others can make it as well). But if you put the lunatic (ear)ring and peep non on your character, you'll be invincible in battle. Unfortunately, peep nons tend to break in the middle of battle, I dunno if they have a time limit or what but all of mine have broken, and it takes a while to make another one. You're at a high enough level where you can't learn any more spells/killer moves from leveling up, but inside the cave of trials is another killer move for ashton, as well as another spell for Leon, but they're in pretty deep and it's insanely difficult in there. I've only managed to get down to level 11 before some random battle of a dozen machine-gun-toting robots killed me. But if you just go to the first level and battle a bit you should level up a lot, and be able to use the SP on good stuff. You should get Leon and Rena a level 10 in motormouth because it'll let them cast their spells much faster. I'd recommend not learning flip at ALL though, because it tends to be more of a pain as you watch Claude or Ashton struggle to run around the enemy, who's moving at the same speed, until they finally die. At level 87 there's no way you could have every skill mastered, so level up some more (with comprehension on so you get more SP) and then spend them on like...kitchen knife (which gives you a 20 x skill level bonus) or biology, which has a 10 x SL bonus I think... An easy way to level up is to make a "dream bracelet" by having Claude or Celine metalwork on a rainbow diamond. It raises your level by one while wearing it. Now you need to use reverse side until you get a "forged medal" which reduces the exp you need for your next level down to 1. It's easier to get one forged medal and then reproduce it (while orchestra's playing) then to just keep making them. Anyway what you do is...damn I hope I get this right, first you put on the dream bracelet, so that your lv87 character is now lv87, and their "exp to next level" should shoot up extremely high. Now use the forged medal on them and they'll only need 1exp to gain a level. After one battle, remove the dream bracelet and the exp to next level should be at 0, get in another battle and you'll gain another level right away...if you live. Also you should disable all of the spells you don't want Rena and Leon to use. Just leave Rena with the mass-cure spell, the strongest single cure one, and dispel, and on Leon leave...Daemon's gate and Gremlin Lair. DG is stronger, but GL hits 4x, and there's a way to use a combo spell so that it hits 4x for a lot stronger, but I forget exactly what it combos with. Off the top of my head all I remember comboing is rena's gravity press with celine's thunderstorm, and rena's ray with celine's starlight. When you get a spell to combine (by having them cast at practically the same time) you'll see a different view of the battlefield and both spells should (somehow) play out at once, usually giving more damage. Also at the bottom of the screen you'll see some weird message like "Friend -> ABSB -> Friend" I've had the game since it came out and I just found out a month ago that that friend -- > absb message had to do with combo stuff lol.
I had a harder time w/ Bakura than Bandit Keith, because he had a ton of labryinth walls and millenium shields, and I only had one way to beat 3000 def, and that was w/ a twin-headed thunder dragon with the right zodiac sign. But anywhoo one way that will help is to play a lot of duels and use your star chips to buy cards. Most of the decent cards are impossible to get without a gameshark or if you're completely insane, as they cost 999,999 chips. But here are a few that are possible and might be some help. Card / password / cost Forest, 87430998, 55 chips Wasteland, 23424603, 55 Mountain, 50913601, 55 SOgen, 86318356 55 Umi, 22702055 55 Yami, 59197169 55 Millenium Shield, 32012841 200 Labryinth Wall, 67284908 200 Lala LiOon 09430387 25 (thunder elemental) Your best bet without gamesharking is to get a twin-headed thunder dragon (2800/2100). Even if the opponent has a high def monster that you can't kill, they're stupid, just throw a weak monster in atk mode and the CPU will attack with one of their monsters, completely forgetting you have a giant dragon on your side. The crap cards you start out with and win are useless on their own, so you have to use the game's weird built-in fusion system. One way of fusing is to put one card from your hand on top of one on the field. For example, you can make mystical sand (2100 atk) by combining any female card (like princess of tsurugi) with any rock-type card, if you have a rock-type card on the field, just choose to play princess and put it on the same spot as the rock, they'll combine. The other way is if you have them both in your hand, then just select one (a 1 will appear above it) and then the next (a 2 will appear above it) and choose to end your phase or whatever (been a while) and they'll combine. It's also a good way to cycle through your deck, if you want to play a monster, pick 4 crummy cards first, making sure the one youw ant is #5 so it stays, because cards that don't combine simply get bumped off to the graveyard by the next in line. And then next turn you'll get 4 new cards. Keep fighting low level people until you have a lot of combinable cards, yamamoto dragon scrolls are great, since you can mix it and any other dragon to make a stronger one. Then if you mix a dragon with atk larger than 1600, and combine it with any thunder card you'll have your twin-headed thunder dragon. Umi should help a ton, since it'll boost your lightning cards, and weaken his machine bastards too. I've heard that if you duel people a ton of times you'll eventually start winning good stuff from them, like on your 100th one with the 2nd Joey (forget his name in the game) you'll get his red eyes, but I haven't had the patience. My advice is to use a gameshark, lol I mean if you're playing as Yugi, why should you be forced to use a deck with monsters whose atk is 500-1000, one or 2 magic cards, and one useless trap? Even with gameshark the last few bosses are insane though. Stupid guys have decks filled with gate guardians and black meteor dragons and there's no tributing or special requirements. Also gameshark will let you actually pull off the ritual cards, although they're a lot more demanding (to get out black luster soldier you need a neaber warrior, kuriboh, and gaia the fierce knight, along w/ the ritual magic card all on the field at the same time), they look cool. Don't try to watch a 3d battle w/ any gameshark-gotten cards though, tends to freeze (the blue eyes ultimate dragon looks extremely wimpy in the ancient 3d anyways).
Everyone's favorite parts seem to be so emotional, heh but my favorite was when Frieza discovered the Namek dragonballs needed some sort of password or secret phrase, and Captain Ginyu offered to do the dance of secret phrases (or was it words?) for him. Or when the Great Saiyaman tells Videl he'll see her at school, before realizing he shouldn't have said that.
Movie #7 was w/ super 13. I haven't seen the US version of movie 8, but I have it in Japanese w/ subtitles and it's one of my favorites. I'm sure they cut out a lot of the cool Japanese music and replaced it with (ugh) drowning pool or something tho, meh! I liked the part where Goku hits Brolli w/ his kamehameha from a few feet away and he asks what the hell that was. Anywhoo movie #9 is my favorite, and it has more fighting than any of the other movies. There's a martial arts tournament that is infiltrated by a gang of space pirates. I don't want to give too much away (although who knows when movie 9's coming to the US), but the movie takes place after cell's death because goku is dead and gohan can go ssj.
I'm pretty sure Galic Gun is the same in Japanese, but for destructo disc and the special beam cannon they had Japanese names (kienzan and makankosappo). Funimation probably just translated them to something that made more sense in English. I don't know what the literal translations are, but they probably didn't want Krillin using the "supreme ring whirlwind cutting complete" or something. Kamehameha's just a word Toriyama's wife thought up so they leave that as it is. Er...although I did see some GT and movies in Chinese (had a friend translate for me) and they change it there, no clue what it was but it was weird.
Forget the Aeons, if you powerup enough people's weapons so that they can break max damage that'll make the fight easier. I'm thinking the giga-graviton-using Sin was the one you fight that keeps sucking you in, I might be wrong tho it's been a while. Anyway with powered up weapons you should be able to easily do over 100,000 once he gets close enough to hit with blitz ace and Auron's overdrives. Ultima and Copycat are strong but against bosses with that much HP, you can do more damage with physical moves.
I think Final Fantasy 6 was the best one, with lots of individuality w/ everyone's specific talents, but also customization with the espers and relics. If there's one thing that bothers me in FF7, 8, and X it's the practically utter customizability. You can just swap magic and abilities and it doesn't really matter who you bring with you. Anywhoo FF7 is my favorite however, I enjoyed it a lot more than FF6, and that was awesome. I think it had a better balance of story and dungeon, not to mention the best limit break system (freakishly easy to do in 8, and extremely rare in 9). Other rpgs I've loved and can play 50 billion times over again are Star Ocean 2, Suikoden 2, FF Tactics (close enough to an rpg), mario rpg, hmm...and Xenogears, heh I don't mind all the text the story was awesome.
First off let me say how freaking awesome this game is. I just got it 3 days ago and I'm a good 30 hours into it (would've had more but had to go to bozo school). I'm only in chapter 5 though, but anyway I had 3 questions if anyone can help me. 1. What does (if anything) the switch behind the throne in Laharl's castle do? I pressed it way back at the start of the game and didn't notice anything happen. 2. Is transmigrating worth it? Someone in the game said you start back at lv 1 w/ better stats and you level up better, but I haven't noticed that much of a difference. It's hard to tell because by the time I have them up to lv 10 or so I have better equipment too. Or do I have to get to level 1000 and start over to really see big differences? 3. Are the hospital prizes cumulative? I mean should I just claim them whenever they pop up? Or if I let them keep building will better and better ones show up? I thought this at first, and let my "claim prize" list grow to 7 or 8, but each prize seemed to be better than the list, so I THINK you don't have to wait, but I'm not sure. Well that's it, the geo system is awesome, heh I FINALLY figured out how to nullify all of the colors, the booklet (in black and white) didn't do a very good job of explaining it well. The trouble is keeping everyone alive while the color chains are going on. I can always have one person survive, but then the dead people won't get the bonus exp
I've played more FFt (PSX one) than FF7-X combined, I forget if I went through 5 or 6 times, but I loved the game. Now I only played the first hour or so of FFTA, but I was pretty disappointed - the whole thing had a kiddied down feel to it. Not like it's for 4 year olds, or even the snowball fight. Maybe it's just that FFt never put you through a practice battle. It made the first fight of the psx FFt harder, but still I found it much more fun than having to endure a snowball fight to teach me how to move and attack. Maybe there was an option to skip it I didn't notice. Perhaps it's explained later, but the whole "magic book" thing seemed weak too. Like a story out of a mario bros. game (not counting mario rpg...or mario is missing I guess), but rpg/strategy games should give you more to go on than that. I didn't like the way the moogles looked either, or the lizardman come to think of it. And I actually groaned outloud (luckily the teacher was way on the other side of class) when Marche referred to Final Fantasy, it just seemed so cheesey. One second he's utterly confused, the next he's all "oh yeah I know you from the Final Fantasy games." I'm not a super huge strategy fan except for FFt, Kartia, and Disgaea. I just got Disgaea and I don't feel sorry one bit that I don't have a GBA. Oddly enough if someone were to let me borrow their GBA and FFTA I'd play it all the way through (after Disgaea), heh I'm just not going to go out of my way.
I've beaten Deep Dungeon, and even with lv99 people it's still hard. Mainly because you have to find the tile that leads to the next level. Beowulf is extremely useful though, since you have to keep one enemy alive while you search for the exit. If all the enemies die the battle's over =\. Yeah the treasures in there are awesome, but you have to reset a lot if you get a phoenix down instead of a chaos blade. Best to use rafa or someone else with really low brave since they have a better chance of getting the good items (instead of phoenix downs). The boss at the end of deep dungeon wasn't too hard, unless you want to learn Zodiac that is. Took me foreeeeeever to get him to use it, he kept using poison frog and other weak attacks because I had used a knight w/ 2 swords to bring his magic attack down to squat. When he finally did hit me with Zodiac it only did about 15 damage
Errr I assume you're just talking about the psx FFt? Pretty sure that it was just "Final Fantasy Tactics." Either way yeah I love that game, you could take a 6-month break and go back and pick up right where you left off because you could view all past cut scenes whenever you wanted. The help mode was also extremely useful, just hit select and wherever you are, BAM, instant explanation. I loved the twists and turns in the story, but one thing I didn't like was how in some stages it wouldn't let you go anywhere. Like that one...swamp with the big tree in the middle, even with teleport it just WON'T let you stand on it grrrrr. I wish they had made the next FFt on PS2 though, seeing as I don't have a GBA and my PC sucks too much to run any GBA emulators (hell I can't even run snes ones that are less than 1 year old). The summoning animations in FFt might not have been exactly breathtaking, but all of the sound effects were awesome. Like un/sheathing swords, or their death cries, mmm gonna have to play through this game again when I'm done w/ star ocean 2.
Well yeah I know about energy nede, but I was asking the best way to get money BEFORE Clik is destroyed, since I wanted to get the bandit gloves and swipe the Mischief from Filia. I'm in Linga now so I'm all done with that Clik stuff. I do have another Mischief related question tho heh. I know the Trickster armband is in the Eluria Tower, and I remember it had the same super-free-item ability Mischief did. But I could've sworn there was one more item that randomly gives free stuff, somewhere in Fun City's battle...arena, I think, but I don't remember exactly. So does anyone else know? was it survival mode or something?
It's practically impossible to use reverse side, you can learn the skill but you need 1 vellum paper every time you use it, and I'm at Lacour now and I still haven't seen one.
I've beaten SO2 before, but never beat the blasted cave of trials. So I started over (so I could get Ashton this time instead of Opera). Anyway I'm trying to do the trick where you get the bandit gloves before Clik's giant mess, so I can pickpocket the mischief from her, and I was wondering if anyone knew a good (EASY) way to get $$? I tried buying food ingredients (using identify all), making food, and selling it back, but that's too slow. I know a place that's great for getting $$ but the enemies are freakishly hard and I have to go back to an inn after every battle unless I want to spend all my $$ on ressurection bottles (which is kinda stupid since I want to GET money). To the west of cross castle is the mountain (where you fight the giant bird in the Ashton sidequest), but if you head to the right in the first mountain screen you'll come back out on the world map in a desert-type area. In that area are weird carrot guys, as well as annoying machine headless guys who can freeze time (very annoying), but they frequently drop damascus and orilchalcum (good for selling). So is there another, better, way to get $$? Keeping in mind I haven't gone to Clik yet so I don't have access to a lot of skills like orchestra or copying. Also it's just celine, rena, and claude.
I've only played the first 2 ACs, but they were pretty fun. The control took some getting used to though, I tried playing again after a few months of it gathering dust and it was freakishly hard for me to do simple stuff like boost and strafe and turn at the same time or something. Anywhoo I preferred a fast humanoid legged mech w/ a sniper rifle and lots of missles on the back for power. I pretty much went through everyone in the arena by shooting them from a distance while peeking out from behind a pillar hehe. I liked being able to sell parts for the same price you buy them for as well (in AC2 at least), lets you experiment with any combination. Too bad I suck at paint-type programs tho, would've been cool to make my own emblem.
Gaming Super Mario RPG:legend of the seven stars
SephirothNIN replied to Lord Prozen's topic in Noosphere
Mmmm Mario RPG, before I played Lunar 1 I thought MRPG was the funniest rpg I'd played, heh and it's still pretty up there. Like when Frogfucius is giving some speech and then starts yelling at Lakitu because they can see him. Or when a teary-eyed Bowser "lets" Mario join his Koopa troop. It was also fun playing look-the-other-way, or the barrel jumping game. Could someone explain the yoshi racing to me though? I don't know why, but I've NEVER been able to figure it out. Yoshi just stands there and will only move when I feed him a cookie, but that's not even close to enough to win a race. Do I have to tap a button rapidly or hold it or what? -
I recently loaded up my old Symphony of the Night save just to see what I had on it, and I discovered I still hadn't bought the blasted $500,000 Duplicator! I was wondering what the best (easiest) place to get $$ was? I remember constantly exiting and re-entering a place in the inverted castle, where the boatman and waterfalls were. One of the candles there drops a $4000 bag. But then, a few screens before the button where you need the demon familiar, there's a $400 bag, and it's right next to an exit so that might be faster. Just want to know if anyone knows of a better way to get $$ (besides using the jewel sword and selling gems). I'm 30 hours into the game and only up to $210,000 =\, altho I did buy everything else the librarian had, heh maybe I should've saved Joseph's cloak for later.
If you're going to have one person curing nonstop you should make it Rinoa, since her ultima will do 9999 max, but w/ Zell's duel you can get in waaaaay more, over 100,000 if you're fast. And I'd say the last form has around 500,000 HP since it took 2 lionhearts and more before she lost. Triple and then cast regen on everyone in case you can't cure in time after her hell's judgement move that reduces everyone to 1hp.
Suiky 1 came out in 1996, Suikoden 2....I'm not sure, 1999 I think. Both on PSX. And getting 108 stars in part 1 was a LOT harder, because there was no investigator who gave you clues on how to recruit anyone. 1 is pretty awesome for an old rpg, and 2 improves on it in ever freaking way. I prefer part 2 because in 3 they changed a lot of stuff. For instance in Suiky 3 you use that weirdo buddy system, where in each 'pair' only one person can do a specific move, while the other is defaulted to attack (unless they're both part of a combo). In Suikoden 1 and 2 you simply gave everyone a command. Also they took out the elemental combos in part 3. In 1 and 2 if 2 people used level 4 spells they would combine to make a stronger one. Or if you had 2 level 4 spells you could slap on 2 runes. Another difference is the combos, the ones in Suikoden 3 were, for the most part, useless. There are less cool characters in 3 as well, so I'd recommend 2 as the best. But you'd have to start w/ 1 and then load your data when u start 2, and then load THAT data when you start 3 (it opens up 2 additional plays to perform and they refer to whatever you named your army in part 2).
I liked the Bebi/Super 17 saga as well, but even if the first 20 eps were just mindless adventuring, they should still show it and not just skip them completely (like they are). Everyone's going to be confused when the first ep has kid goku, pan, and trunks suddenly on a metal planet. I mean Goku's a kid throughout DB GT they should at least show the very first ep where that happens.
Hm...I had some weird problem w/ YVD where I accidently deleted some stuff and I had to re-d/l the whole thing, and there was a PHG set in there...it's not very well translated though it doesn't seem like an official translation, but then I have no clue where it came from. All I d/l was the main program and the images, both off of xerocreative. Anywhoo I think 3 judges is a bit too much. Heh I doubt all 3 would be online every time someone has a question about ultimate offering ya know, but how many people have signed up so far? When is this thing supposed to kick off, December or something?
Have u gotten Landis? He was one of the last ones I got and was pretty hard to find (although not as hard as that squirrel bastard mukumuku from Suikoden). You have to go to that forest...I THINK it's Kaput forest. Anyway just go there with an empty slot in your party and just keep fighting until he randomly appears in battle with you. Otherwise well....unless u know exactly who u're missing it's a little hard to help lol. *Oh yeah, I forgot you only need to get 104 stars. You have to get 104 before the final battle in the....er....ceremonial...whatever, lol haven't played in a while. Anyway the last 4 stars you don't get until after beating the game (and only if you got 104 before).
Relinquished is cool, but more often than not I get stuck w/ a bozo creature while my opponent whips out a millenium shield or a gravity bind/messenger of peace. He has a cool effect but I'd like him more if there was an easy way to get rid of an equipped monster. Would a cannon soldier or type zero magic crusher work perhaps? I forget the exact relinquished wording (since there's about 20 pages of it) so I dunno if it's still counted as a monster or as a magic.
What happened to contact details? Well either way my email's in my profile (Seph1roth5@aol.com). I've been playing YVD w/ a few of my friends but wouldn't mind a tourney, heh I'm too used to their tactics by now anyway. It doesn't look like 16 people have signed up, but 8 would be fine too. I've never heard of apprentice but YVD works fine I think, there're only 2 or 3 patches anyone might need and they're tiny and easy to install. The only problems might be w/ some card rulings (might want to post some official Konami ruling site or something to settle mid-game disputes) and if there's an error or something while dueling, should decide whether that should be a do-over or whoever had the most LP being the winner.