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Everything posted by SephirothNIN
Yeah that's what I do too, it's just stupid to try to spread out all your magic and GFs over every character. Anyway you shouldn't waste Ultima on HP, 100x regen or curaga will boost it high enough, and if your level is in the 90+ it'll easily hit 9999. Ultima is best junctioned to strength or magic. If Griever's still killing you try summoning Cerberus and triple-casting shell on everyone (if you're not using quistis and her mighty guard). When you get Griever down to really low HP (the sky starts changing color) make sure you're fully healed and have shell on everyone because that's when he'll cast Shockwave Pulsar, which should do a crapload of damage (but if u have shell only 4000 or so). You can have Quistis learn shockwave pulsar btw by getting 100 sharp spikes (from tri-face cards or from fighting them in the deep sea research facility) and using tool-refine (Siren has to be lv100 though). I used SWP on the last Ultimecia and it did a good 30,000 damage, but that's still pathetic compared to other people's limit breaks. Looks cool though.
Shadow of Eyes It's come in handy every single time I use it, and usually people aren't going to pay 1000 for seven tools of the bandit to stop it. If it's a flip monster then it throws off the opponent. And whether it has a flip effect or not, the opponent played it in defense most likely because its attack is either pathetic or you have a strong monster out, so you can destroy it and do some damage.
Change of Heart + creature swap. Did that to my friend once heh, swiped a creature w/ CoH and then gave it back to him w/ creature swap for one of his. Er well that's all I can think of besides obvious stuff like messenge of peace + fire princess or something.
actually you can get auras very easily. You'll need the ragnarok though. Not sure if u you have soooo what you have to do is enter the middle teleporting mirror (on the left side big chain from the orphanage to ultimecia's castle). The middle one will take you to the island Odin's on, I forget which direction...to the east I think, but around a mountain is a chocobo forest. Catch a choco and then ride it south through some shallow water until you get to the southern continent. The ragnarok is just parked in the desert there. Ok now there are 2 hidden...ok well they're not hidden, but they're islands. The island closest to hell is the island furthest to the west. land on it (check the menu to make sure it says it's closest to hell). Enemies on this island are tough if u're not strong enough, they're always level 100. You can level up here but I'm trying to tell ya how to get good spells. Slap on diablo's encounter-none ability, and then just walk around hitting the select button (X or circle, or whatever you set it to) and you'll find lots of hidden draw points. All the best spells can be found here, ultima, tornado, aura, triple, curaga, full-life, meteor....and...flare. The catch is you can only draw between 1-5 per draw. So walk around getting every spell. Then head over to the island closest to heaven. This one's a little trickier to find. Go all the way north, and then to the east, there are a few islands there just land on em all and open the menu til you find the one closest to heaven. This island is smaller and there aren't as many draw points, but u need to let the ones on the Hell island recharge. Anyway the point of all this is because junctioning ultima to any stat (except speed or evade) increases it more than any other spell. So if you get 100x ultima on your main team (on magic or strength preferrably) you'll be a LOT stronger. I'd suggest Squall, Zell, and Irvine as your team. If you're fast zell's duel can do more damage than a lionheart. Btw since u use gameshark I guess u don't mind cheating, so a cheapy way to get lots of hits w/ duel is to hit pause right as the command list pops up. Then unpause and do the motion quickly. Pulse ammo sux too, AP ammo is just as strong and faster too. Quistis might be a better person to take in the beginning of the fight. That way you can cast mighty guard, when you fight the last form of ultimecia ur party is randomly chosen anyway.
Mythological stuff eh? Oh well here goes: Name: Basilisk Lv: 7 Atk: 2400 Def: 2300 Attribute: Dark Type: Reptile Effect: When your opponent summons a monster (including flip or special summons) destroy it unless they pay 1000 life and discard a card from their hand. If Basilisk is attacked or attacks another monster, flip a coin. If you call it right that monster is destroyed at the end of the turn. Name: Great Roc Lv: 6 Atk: 2000 Def: 2400 Attribute: Wind Type: Winged Beast Effect: Negate any field magic in play while Great Roc is face-up. While Great Roc is in defense mode, decrease the attack of all other monsters by 600. While Great Roc is in attack mode monsters with an attack of 2000 or less cannot attack. Name: The Sirens Lv: 6 Atk: 1950 Def: 2400 Attribute: Dark Type: Sea Serpent Flip: Put a counter on every monster opponent controls. When opponent summons or sets a monster put a counter on it. When an opponent's monster attacks, add a counter to it. At the end of opponent's turn remove a counter from each of their monsters. When a monster controlled by opponent has no counters it is destroyed and removed from the game. Name: Cassandra the Cursed Lv: 3 Atk: 900 Def: 1800 Attribute: Light Type: Spellcaster Effect: Whenever a monster attacks, remove the top card of your deck from the game. When a monster is summoned, discard a card from your hand. You may pay half your life rounded up to give control of Cassandra the Cursed to your opponent.
I liked SoM for a while, that is until my 5th time thru and I got stuck at that blasted wall boss in Pandora. Heh I've never been able to beat him, never felt up to mass leveling up. Everyone says to keep using the earth spell but I keep running out of time before I can kill him (so he smushes me against the wall). I have weird problems w/ RPGs tho, I'm more likely to be stuck for an hour because I keep missing one door instead of on a boss, so it's strange. Another stupidly easy part I get stuck on EVERY time is the complete beginning. When the hero falls off the log and you have to get the sword. I keep wandering around forever, eventually I figure out to keep heading down despite the sword calling out. Hopefully next time I start it up I'll remember what to do =\.
Anime CN Schedule: September/Early October
SephirothNIN replied to Cyber E.'s topic in Otaku Central
my friend just came over w/ his chinese DB GT tapes, and since I dunno any of that he translated for me while we watched. Assuming he didn't make it all up as a twisted joke I think it was pretty cool. There's definately going to be a lot of editing tho, as I doubt cartoon network is going to want to show little kid goku naked so much (from the back). Does anyone know if they plan on showing all 64 eps (not counting the ones they skipped grrr) this year? Doesn't really sound like it if they're only showing it on Friday, which sux, oh well. -
Gaming Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millenium characters
SephirothNIN replied to ARTommy's topic in Noosphere
I like using Hibiki because she's freaking cool, a bit hard to play offensively though but still. Kim Kap Hwan and Iori are my other 2 favorites, but Rock is pretty cool (you know that Rock is Geese Howard's son that was trained by Terry?). What is the point of the lv3 combo super moves btw? I know Rock, Hibiki, and Geese have them, might be some others but I don't remember. But it seems like a waste of 3 levels (especially compared to Geese's freakishly strong lightning cage super) and requires a lot more work. Not to mention that only Rock's has a flashy ending, the others might as well just finish a match with a low medium punch or something. I almost prefer playing this game more than marvel vs. capcom 2, cause M vs. C2 has too many cheap bastards playing some combination of cable, storm, magneto, psylocke, and cyclops where all they do is call in their partners endlessly. It's a lot harder to be cheap in Capcom vs. SNK 2, heh unless u're playing someone stupid and you sweep them to victory, but then that's their fault. -
What about on the airship when Cid tells Cloud to say something and Cloud says "let's mosey" ? that definately made me laugh the first time through, ok all the other times too.
I think the graphics are pretty good, especially the 3d intro (altho it's not the exact same as the TV version). I tried that heart virus trick and it's still damned hard to get the great saiyaman. It's like the CPU always does its charge attack and knocks you out of the ring the second you leave yourself open >=(. Anywhoo I thought the story mode was really fun (still second to Legends) but they left out a lot of stuff seemingly for no reason. Like when #18 breaks vegeta's arm, would it really have been THAT hard to show some of their actual fight? Or Trunks trying to interrupt or anything? I'm sure they had pleeeenty of room on the disc grrr. And MK2 DID have combos! Juggling ones anyway, where you could jump kick someone in the corner, low punch them twice, then do a move. Or there's also scorpion's jump kick - teleport punch - spear. Also having 100% balanced characters isn't always the best. In the psx game DBZ Legengs the characters are pretty balanced, so if you're playing vs. mode and you're vegetto, and your friend is say....Krillin. It might only take 2 of vegetto's cinematic moves to win, but it might take krillin 4 or 5. In story mode that works fine but in vs. mode it's a little annoying.
Anime How did you get to like Yu-Gi-Oh!
SephirothNIN replied to LastSheikah's topic in Otaku Central
Hm...well my crumbum friend told me to watch yu-gi-oh because it was really good and he was super obsessed, but I really didn't like it after the first 3 eps I saw. Heh I thought too many people explained every detail multiple times for no reason, still do...kinda, and I stopped watching it for a week or 2. Then for some reason I started watching it again, around the time yuggy faced kaiba on duelist kingdom, and since then I've just been watching it every day and recording the Sat. eps (why wake up early when u have a vcr). I'd buy the cards and play that too, heh but all my $$ is going to buy Kenshin dvds, oh well. -
Anime Man, since when was this announced!?!
SephirothNIN replied to Jinzouningen17's topic in Otaku Central
So the game's coming out eh? I've been seeing commercials for UB 22 for a while (since they started I'd assume) and it's been driving me nuts, heh at first I thought I had imagined it or something but then my friend said he had too. Personally I'm super mad at gamespot for giving it such a crappy score (1.2 or something), because I've played UB 22 a lot at my friend's and it's just as good as the snes fighting games, super butoden or whatever (not hyper dimension). Also DBZ Legends (my fav) has the most characters in it, 33 I think after you unlock them all by playing through the story mode correctly. I had Final Bout and Legends, but somehow my legends got lost, grrrr I bet it's still in my room somewhere > -
Meh just because the box says Namco doesn't mean it's not a Squaresoft game. Ok well TECHNICALLY it's not, but the team that made Xenogears left Squaresoft and formed Monolith Soft as a part of Namco, so it's still the same team >=(! Anyway I'm only 60 hours into it (with 15 being the card game) but I really like it. I don't get why Chaos's card is that...er...bunny tho (as opposed to human or realian), it's really messed me up a lot. Have any of you gotten all the drill keys in the drill minigame? I remember getting one and there was a good prize, wondering if I should bother w/ the other 4 doors. If it's just blechy armor and so-so items I'm not going to try, seems like they only let you access the messed up angles argh! ><
What the dubbed version horrible?! Er...wait do you mean the cartoon network dub or the dubbed vers. on the DVDs? Because I have 74 eps on DVD and I love the English voices (the only complaint being Cho the sword hunter's). True only the Japanese one has Kenshin actually saying 'oro', but still. Then again, I don't know if Cartoon Network is going to use the same voices as the DVDs, I mean I HOPE they will, and besides they've been using so many of them already. The voice actors for Seijuro Hiko and Sano both do voices on Lupin III and...I'm sure there are more but I can't remember. Even though I have a lot of eps on dvd, I'm still going to watch it on cartoon network for 2 very important reasons. 1. it doesn't interfere with simpsons reruns, and 2. to see the differences between the versions. On a side note, Seijuro Hiko's and Sano's voices can also be heard in Xenosaga. There's someone who sounds a LOT like Sojiro's voice too, but I can't be sure because it's a girl playing a guy's voice in Kenshin ::shrugs::.
Strange I don't remember any 'Brother', but the best player on my team was that al bhed salesperson Ropp...er....think he was al bhed. Ropp was a really good forward or whatever, and his pass and attack were always way up there. And of course whoever you give the ball to is going to level up faster than anyone else duh. As for Wakka's reels I think I played around 45 games before I had them all, but I'm not sure how many of those were leagues. If a reel wasn't the prize I just tried again later. And the Jecht shot was great when there were multiple defenders around, but if you have an open shot, always go with the....er....crap I forget the name of it, it's the special shot Tidus starts w/ where he does a pseudo-backflip and kicks it, anyway if you can time that one right it'll increase your Shot power by a lot more than the jecht shot, usually can get it around 15-20 higher I think.
Yeesh why does everyone have such an obsession with dragons? Almost half of these madeup cards are dragons or involve dragons, if it weren't for that amazoness thing that went on we might as well call this thread "made-up dragon cards". Enough with dragon cards already! That being said, here are my dragon cards. Name: Dragon Lair Mother LV: 7 Atk: 2100 Def: 2500 Attribute: Fire Type: Dragon Effect: Use only during your turn. Sacrifice a creature to bring a Dragon into play from the graveyard at half of its attack and defense. At the end of your next turn the Dragon's attack and defense return to normal. If Dragon Lair Mother is sacrificed in this way, increase the attack and defense of all Dragons you control by 300. Name: Falling Star Type: Magic Attribute: Field Effect: During each player's standby phase, decrease the attack of each Dragon and Dinosaur they control by 600. If at any time a Dragon or Dinosaur's attack reaches 0, destroy it. Name: Dragon Egg Hatcher Lv: 4 Atk: 0 Def: 1550 Attribute: Fire Type: Machine Effect: Play with the top card in your library face up. If at any time the top card in your library is a Dragon card, put the Dragon into play and destroy all creatures you control except for that Dragon and Dragon Egg Hatcher. Name: Dragon's Hide Type: Magic Attribute: Continuous Effect: When Dragon's Hide is cast sacrifice one dragon and gain LP equal to its defense. You cannot play any magic or trap cards while Dragon's Hide is in effect. Name: Infernal Hydra Lv: 7 Atk: 2100 Def: 2000 Attribute: Dark Type: Dragon Effect: If any damage is done to Infernal Hydra by a fire type creature, remove this card from the game. If Infernal Hydra is destroyed by any other type of creature, put it back into play at the end of your next turn and increase it's attack by 500 until the end of the game. Name: Raging Tempest Tiamat Lv: 6 Atk: 2250 Def: 2500 Attribute: Wind Type: Dragon Effect: Permenantly decrease the defense of any creature attacked by this card by 300. If another creature attacks this card, decrease that creature's attack by 300 permanently.
Xenogears, a beginner RPG, wtf?! Although it's one of my favorites, I doubt any beginner is going to be able to sit through the hours of text and dialog if they're not used to it, despite the fun battle system. I can't believe how you've all COMPLETELY overlooked what I think to be the best rpg for beginners, Super Mario RPG! It has a pretty good storyline, lots of humor, and easily recognizable characters (if you've never played mario you shouldn't even be allowed to come to this message board), and a fun battle system. Hell I think more rpgs should use the timed attack/defense system SMRPG does. It's not TOO difficult and I want to say again how funny it is, heh all the animations Mario goes through when recounting what happens or Bowser's tears, or Booster's....well just Booster in general, is hilarious. I don't mind graphics on rpgs (hell I've played a bajillion hours in Saga Frontier 1, and that's as ugly as they come), but I think super mario rpg graphics are very good. All the nice little round characters don't appear awkward when jumping, and there're nice effects like rain and...er...running. Save Xenogears for when you can truely appreciate it, and have lots and LOTS of time (I didn't even get to the final save point until I was at 85 hours, and then I left to go do some side stuff).
Blarghable! I've been stuck in this blasted "puzzle" for over an hour, if anyone could tell me where the hell to go it'd be veeeeeery helpful (and w/o telling me anything like the last boss or who I fight at the end of the place, damn spoilers!) Ok I'm in the Song of Nephilim right now, and I'm at that blased elevator where you have to destroy boxes in order to decide which floor it goes to (first place in the song of nephilim). I've managed to get to all the floors, 2-7, but can't move on. On floor 6 there are 2 pathways that have a giant gap in them and then another tower on the other side, so I ASSUME that I have to flip a switch/push a button somewhere in order to get the bridge to extend or something. Maybe I missed it on one of the other levels, it's probably extremely obvious. I seem to have little trouble with hard puzzles, but anything involving finding a switch or button, ha! I'm stumped for hours, that's why I never finished resident evil 1 I think ::scratches head::. Anyway I've been to all the floors again and again but I just can't freaking find anything >=\.
On the hundred/heli gunner fight, when you get to choose who stays and who goes, take barret and red XIII w/ you. Red's limit, sled fang is long range and will do a nice little bit of damage to whichever boss you're fighting. Have him and/or cloud use either bolt spells or throw grenades, right hands, or any offensive items you have, otherwise just have them defend until their limit meters build up. After that fight, switch the rows of everyone, meaning put cloud/tifa/red/aeris in the back row, and barret in the front. Because very soon you'll be fighting another boss, and he'll attack from behind, so all your characters will be in reverse row. If you reverse them before the fight tho they'll be just the way ya want em.
If you're going to go lv-4 key hunting, or anything-hunting for that matter, in the Omega Ruins, get the skill that turns off the random encounters. Er...I don't really remember what item you need at the moment, I think I got one from those bastards in the omega ruins who counter your attacks w/ something like "Pharoah's Curse" and it petrifis you. They look like big stone...er...things, I'm PRETTY sure they randomly drop armor with the "no encounters" or whatever-it's-called skill on it. That makes it a lot easier. Even if you're really strong, Malboro's can mess you up completely and you don't want to have been in 20 random battles while hunting for a lv4 key, only to lose all those skill levels because of that blasted bad breath.
Actually it's "invincible moon", and if you never bother learning angelo strike you have a pretty good chance. Then it'd only be between angelo cannon, invincible moon, and wishing star. And since wishing star hits 8x for high damage (8000+) you'll probably wouldn't complain too much if that's the limit that occurs. Besides if you want to be invincible THAT bad, use a holy war!
The only one I didn't get on my own was the bozo one on top of that chunk of ice, definately needed help with that one. But for some strange reason I got the chest in the coister w/ all the conveyor belts easy enough. I liked the music that played when you were going through a cloister of trials, but yeah I felt it was kind of tedious, and would've rather fought a big boss of sorts than go through a sphere puzzle. But hey, at least they didn't leave the random battles on during the trials, now THAT would've made it downright miserable.
The Lunar Cry is what they called it when [spoiler]all the monsters fell from the moon[/spoiler]. Anyway yeah the crater is pretty pointless, but there's a hidden draw point there, but it's nothing too special, dispel or something like that I think. [color=indigo]Added spoiler tags. - Desbreko[/color]
Strange, I never heard that you needed to have the airship. Are you leaving the screen before you try to open the chest maybe? I accidently left the screen after FINALLY beating the first butterfly part, and when I went back the chest was gone >
Is the battle system very similar to the show's or actual card game's? I just borrowed the PSX yuggy game, uh....forbidden memories I think is the name, and it has a lot of weird differences, like you HAVE to play a card every turn, and everything can be fused almost, it's not bad, but I would've preferred if it were a bit closer to the original. I have a few free renals since the store messed up a bajillion times, so I'll probably rent duelist of roses anyway, but it'd be nice to know how yuggy the game really is.