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Everything posted by SephirothNIN
Why bother using Silence if you can just summon Carbuncle to use reflect on everyone. Make sure someone has the item command or something equipped though in case she uses ice strike..er...still should say which Edea fight you're talking about though.
I just recently played through all 3 Suikodens for the first time, and 2 was probably my favorite. Although 3 had a great storyline...I don't know the team battle system made things a lot harder, you could only heal your buddy for the most part (not counting magic or scrolls), and if you did a combo using up people in multiple teams, everyone else would be defaulted to attack. Speaking of attacks the combos (unites) in part 3 have to be the most awful, especially since 1 and 2 had many useful and cool combos. In 3 only a few were useful (sharon/sanae/emily, cecile/thomas, etc.), and out of the 108 stars you could use, a lot less seemed any fun to play (like the lizard clan people). The support character idea was pretty cool, although in the end almost half of them are just inferior versions of the other half. Still, for some reason I wound up playing Suiky 3 for almost 120 hours, strange, and I'm still not done with the last flame! I forget how to do the spoiler tag so let me just ask, what sort of idiot has an S in Pale Gate Magic, but has a flowing rune permanently stuck to their forehead?!
Do you mean monolith and Namco? Anyway I read that when the team left Squaresoft to join Monolith (or create it, same thing) that they kept the creative rights to Xenogears or somthing along those lines. Maybe it wasn't "creative rights" but it was some technical mumbo-jumbo like that.
I'm pretty sure kami means god, as in dragonball z or a bajillion anime songs, shin means something along the lines of very powerful I think, it's all over street fighter. As for xenogears/saga, I'm pretty sure they're part of the same series. For over a year (maybe even a few) they've been saying (they being square, and then when the team moved to monolith, them) that Xenogears was part 5 of a 6-part series, and Xenosaga would be part 1. Xenosaga's supposed to take place 10,000 years before Xenogears I think I heard, but it's still very coincidental that the main character of XS, has the same last name as Citan from XG, Uzuki, maybe they tie in somehow in part 2, 3, or 4. Also I don't think parts 2-4 will all be "Xenosaga part 2" or anything, considering XG had a different name they'll all probably have a different title, like xenomania (or something that actually makes sense). As for the molestion part of XG, the only thing I can think of that comes close is when you first meet Billy and he's so pressed for money that he was on the verge of whoring himself out.
I have a question that none of my friends have really been able to answer, is the effects of skills like cheer or focus cumulative? Like...if I use cheer 10 times, will it have the same effect as just doing it once? I think I tried it before but I can't remember if it made any difference, was too long ago.
Invincible Moon is worthless against omega weapon unless you never learned angelo strike or wishing star, since any one of those could come up. If you really want to beat Omega by being invincible, just give someone ITEM and stock up on holy wars from Gilgameshy's card. As for Siren...hm...sure she can silence enemies but against bosses she's not all that good. The best reason to make sure you get Siren (besides having all the GFs) is for her refining ability. I think it's...tool-refine or something that you need to turn 100 sharp spikes into the item that teaches Quistis's strongest blue magic, Shockwave Pulsar. Or was it curse spikes? Ack I know it's whatever spike those tri-face bozos drop, and they're hard to get too. The best place to fight tri-faces is in the undersea research facility, before you fight Ultima Weapon, tri-faces will randomly appear as enemies, stock up then! Because that's one of the few areas they'll appear, and after u beat Ultima Wep they won't be back. After that you'll be forced to win lots and lots of tri-face cards or something. Shockwave Pulsar is freakishly strong, I think it did over 33,000 to the last boss for me, the only spell that's stronger is Meteor. If you have an angel-winged Rinoa w/ max magic, and soften up the enemy with doomtrain, each hit of Meteor can do 5000+.
the ordeal to get the ragnarok? All you have to do is take the middle warp mirror thing at the orphanage, get a chocobo from the forest behind a mountain on the island Odin's place is on, and then just ride it to the southern continent and the ragnarok's just there parked in the desert.
I don't think waiting til disc 4 is easier at all, then you wouldn't have bahamut/eden for all the fights at the end of disc 3. Anyway, when u're getting bahamut, what you have to do is only walk when the light dims, if you walk when the blue...thing is lit up at all you'll have to fight a battle, either the snake thing or....sometimes a ruby dragon. Hm...everything else seems to have been covered...oh, when you return to the research center after you get bahamut, bring Zell with you! he'll make the puzzle a lot easier because at the end, where you would normally need....2 or 3 steam...points or whatever, Zell will just punch it (if you say he can) and you can pass.
If u want to beat overdrive sin work on fully powering up everyone's ultimate weapon so that you can break max damage. Blitz Ace, attack reels, and grand summon will make short work of him. If you can't get anima yet try grand summoning valefor, his 2nd summon attack is really strong, and he's easier to get break max damage for. The others I forget exactly how to get them to break max damage...I think powering up certain legendary weapons is the trick. As for Yunalesca, the important thing to remember is when she uses her hell-biter move, don't cure everyone of the zombie status, she uses mega-death that instantly kills everyone; but zombied characters won't be affected. Other than that just do what you would for any other boss, hastega and strong attacks. And after don't forget to pick up the sun....sigil or crest, I forget which, that way you won't have to go all the way back (altho you'll need to return to zanarkand later if u want anima) Armor that protects against petrification? I don't remember the exact...item, but you probably have at least one, just go to customize and pick a random armor, and look for stone-proof, it'll tell you what item you need and (if you have enough) how many it'll take to put it on an armor.
Gaming Okay, I'm gonna keep trying this 'til I get it right.
SephirothNIN replied to aj142's topic in Noosphere
Hmm...well I know the game I've spent the most time on is FF Tactics. Heh I've played through it 5 or 6 times, w/ over 100 hours on each save. I think it's so fun to go through again and again because it's always very different, I never have the same assortment of jobs or skills, and sometimes even people. I could probably play through 50 more times and never get bored...er...if my friend wasn't borrowing it at the moment anyway. Another game I could play for hours and hours is capcom vs. snk 2 (w/ someone else anyway). Although I prefer marvel vs. capcom 2, it doesn't have as much variety. In Capcom vs. snk 2 there are....48 characters I think, each w/ 6 different modes of playing, so it takes a loooong time or a blister for that game to get old. -
if you spent time boosting your stats, you shouldn't bother grand summoning the Magus Sisters, since they're regular attacks like passado or....whatever the other ones are, will do close enough to 99,999 anyway, using all 3 of their turns to do the delta attack is a waste of time. Also I don't see what the point of yojimbo's 4th attack is, sure it's insta-death but it costs a lot of $$ and won't even work on bosses. Yojimbo works really well against the arena monsters w/ only physical attacks tho, since he has a high evade. Anima's always a good overdrive to use, altho I wish turning on the short summoning sequences didn't also make their overdrives shorter >
Aeons are extremely useful, even if he banishes them after one attack, because that's still damage and your party remains safe from any of his attacks, altho moves that knock the enemy's turn back like valefor or shiva's special attacks are useless, use them anyway because if the enemy is immune to a certain status, the move will do more damage.
I had the same problem with that bastard black waltz, I seemed to keep getting far and then dying when I was close to victory >
no1's mentioned Shell, that's weird, heh but shell will make Seymour's spells do a lot less damage. He was hard but I managed to beat him in one try, I probably just got lucky w/ my nul attacks. Another good method (that works w/ every boss) is to fill up your overdrives (aeon's too) before you fight him, and valefor might even be better than ifrit or shiva in this battle, because he's not an elemental so he's less likely to be taken out w/ one fira or blizzara.
I think it depends on which attack u're using, status, aurochs, etc. They seem to do more hits and damage if you line up 3 slots tho, w/ attack reels he does around 14 hits if they're lined up.
Do you really need "amazoness"? I mean wouldn't an Amazon ___ be female anyway? Er...the people I mean.
Lupin III seemed like what cowboy bebop would've been, if it was made 30 years ago anyway. Then again I don't really like cowboy bebop, so it was a little hard to like the first episode last night, and it really sux that they're going to be booting inuyasha so that bastard lupin can have his stupid show. They better at least keep translating Inuyasha eps and show new ones later on, I think there's around 90 eps in all, no clue how many they've shown so far. Bah they changed yu yu hakusho's intro to just clips also, what a ripoff. I like having inuyasha and yu yu hakushy 4x a week, but then their Sat. lineup is really disappointing w/ zoids and GI Joe smushed, and then they even took off the old batman/superman and replaced it w/ their phony batman beyond yuck. I actually like GI Joe, but not on Sat. when there's a bajillion zoids episodes before it, meh.
Very Onimusha-2-ish deadeye =P, oops I better uh....make a up a card or few so this post doesn't look too spammy. Name: Forgotten Phoenix Lv: 6 Atk: 2650 Def: 2000 Attribute: Fire Type: Winged Beast Effect: Decrease the attack and defense of any creature attacking or attacked by Forgotten Phoenix by 200. At the end of any turn in which Forgotten Phoenix was sent to the graveyard return it to your hand and lose 1000LP Name: Hollow Ascension Type: Magic Attribute: Equip Effect: Equipped monster loses all effect and flip abilities. At the end of each of your turns flip the monster into defense mode and decrease the defense of the equipped monster by 200 and increase its attack by 500. Name: Terra Nightmare Lv: 6 Atk: 1700 Def: 500 Attribute: Earth Type: Fiend Effect: Terra Nightmare cannot be put into Defense mode in any way. When Terra Nightmare is summoned reveal your hand to your opponent. Discard every fiend or rock type monster in your hand and increase Terra Nightmare's attack by 400 for every monster discarded in this way.
Making cards isn't too hard, heh but some people make a little slightly-insane ones ::glances at the Link card::. I haven't seen every card so I hope I don't use a name that's already been made tho >
You left out the strongest cid of them all! Orlandu from FFt! he was T.G. Cid (thunder god), and could beat the living crap out of the mechanic cids, heh even the spear-carrying cid from FF7 would be blasted to pieces. As for moogles I know they were in FF5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Tactics, and X in some places, I don't remember any in 4 and I'm not sure about FF3j.
Gaming Spectral Keeper getting on my nerves, help requested.
SephirothNIN replied to spike speigel's topic in Noosphere
If you summon an aeon you'll be able to pull off an attack before the spectral keeper uses glyph mine to kill it, but still summon every aeon you have, what else are ya gonna do with em? Just keep teleporting so that he doesn't counterattack the crap out of you, but if you have a full overdrive w/ someone like tidus or auron and they're in front, just use it on the spectral keeper and teleport later. -
If Seymour's killing you in the first turn, what you should do is put your fastest 3 people first (this is assuming yuna isn't one of the 3), then switch yuna in and have her summon an aeon, it's faster than starting w/ yuna and using it on her own turn. Don't use hastega until it shows that one of your characters will get the next move. If your characters get faster but Seymour kills you on the next turn, it won't do much good
There's probably some loose story like in the past street fighters, maybe Abyss (the last boss weirdo) just...went on a rampage and all the good and bad guys got caught up in it or something. Anywhoo the action is faster than marvel vs. capcom 1, but the characters arent' as detailed. It probably has the most characters in any fighting game too (56). When picking a character you can also select what type of move they'll do when you call them out or during a team super (like anti-air, projectile, etc.), so there are a lot of different combinations you can use. My only complaint is that 1: cable is waaaaay too freaking cheap, and 2: they took out some cool super moves like morrigan's lv3 eternal slumber, or chun-li's air super move (long japanese name), but otherwise it's a great fighter.
Froggy Captain Ginyu can't just switch back to his old body, he needs to say 'change now' and frogs can't talk, and unless Bulma's stupid enough to make another voice box for him, he's probably trapped for a looooooong time
Hasn't there been about 10 Seymour Flux walkthrus already posted on here? Ah well, the most important thing is to get protect up on everyone, that'll halve the damage his cross-cleave does and let you survive. Hastega...er....always helps as well. Summon all of your Aeons as well, they'll do damage and your characters won't be able to be hit so ::shrugs::. I remember it was a really hard battle, mainly because I couldn't protect against his cross-cleave and lance of atrophy every time.