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Everything posted by SephirothNIN
The action in ZOE was fine I guess, but comparing the few mech designs to Xenogears is just plain blasphemous. I hope in ZOE2 they let you reach a higher level than 8, and have more subweapons that aren't so useless. I've never gotten past that blasted part in the game where you get infected and have 1 hit left. I go to the right...area but I can't find any bozo entrance to the place I have to go, so I stopped playing. I lost interest anyway, heh mostly cause I was stuck for a long time tho.
hey Ark was pretty hard despite being a boat, I don't remember why tho, maybe he counterattacked a lot? Anywhoo that tent strategy works really well. I used a tent on Ozma super-later in the game and it helped a lot, w/o it I probably wouldn't have been able to win. I don't remember gizamaluke being too hard, just use regular boss strategies like using your best attacks and healing when ya need to.
I thought Freya's trance threw spears at all enemies, not just more spears on one. Altho I've never....tried it on a single enemy. When I did it on a group though she threw a bunch of spears and it hit everyone.
It didn't seem to me that after the 4th or 5th it got harder, but higher-level spells did. Like...with a low spell like Fire, I could get a good 8 or 9 in just by rotating. But w/....say Flare, it would go at 1/2 the rate as fire, and by doing the same number of rotations I'd only get 3 or 4 flares. Ultima's a big waste of Fury, as it does pathetically small damage and you only get a few of em, you're better off w/ flare or drain.
Well assuming u did everything in Garden already, and quisty tells you it's time to go to the fire cavern, first exit the garden. Keep going south til you...er...are out of the garden, then just head East until you get to the cave, that's it. It'll look like a...er...cave by the foresty area.
er...there are so many things...wrong with that whole strategy, first off vincent's only limit break w/ a 5-hit combo is Hellmasker, and the hits are pretty weak, in a final boss fight you really don't want to use someone who you can't control anyway. Cid's limit also hits way more than 9 times, but they're relatively weak missles as well. Your best bet (if you really really want to do the limit break thing) would be Tifa's 7-hit limit break combo (assuming you don't miss any) or Barret's catastrophe. If you use a hero drink on cloud, it'll significantly increase the damage each hit of Omnislash does as well. A ribbon for pale horse?...eh...maybe just one, and then have them use white wind to insta-cure everyone. Try not to kill the last boss until you've seen his Supernova attack, it looks really cool, heh and you can always screw around and use an elixir on the boss if ya want to see Supernova a few more times.
Try using the DeBarrier spell from the destruct materia Sephiroth chucks at Cloud's head. Once you take out the last boss's barrier one knights of the round will be all you need. Anywhoo to get w-summon you need to get 64,000bp in the battle arena and you simply buy it. Make SURE that you don't leave the battle arena or your BP will reset, it really sux. I spent 30 min getting omnislash and w-summon for my cousin (I kept getting crappy slots and barely any bp), only to accidently leave and lose all my BP >
Bizarro Sephiroth was a lot easier with only one party that had all of your best materia and equipment. If you try to spread it all out between 2 or 3 parties it's trickier, altho it's not that hard either way unless you have few materia and low levels. As for emeraldy weapon...hm..yeah that final attack-phoenix and KoTR tecnhique is pretty much the way to go, but I don't think anyone mentioned the Underwater Materia. You have to morph a Ghost Ship that can be found in the underwater reactor under Junon, I find them a lot in the screen where you're in an underwater glass tube and you can see fish and such swimming around outside. You can't rely on KoTR only tho, if emerald weapon kills you and triggers Phoenix, you have to cast KoTR again or else you'll just mime the phoenix. So bring along 4x cut if ya have it. The enemy skill Big Guard is also extremely helpful, since it halves the damage of emerald weapon's multi-lasers (the ones that do damage anyway).
You won't be able to put the fire out at Da-Chao until later on in disc 2. When you are at the underwater mako reactor near junon, look for a treasure chest right before the submarines, you'll find Leviathan scales in there. Use those to put out the fires in Wutai. As for enemy skills, the giant birds Zemzlett are the ones you can get white wind from. Big guard and white wind are really useful, but for the first half of the game Trine was the one I used the most. It only cost 20mp and yet it was just as strong as lv3 magic, maybe stronger. I have all the enemy skills on 3 materias except for shadow flare, I only have that on the one after I fought Ultima Weapon. I heard dragon zombies in the crater use it but I fought a bajillion of them and all I got was Pandora's box (what is with that anyway, a giant question mark?!). The part of the temple of ancients that took me the longest was the first screen w/ the vines, was hard to see where u could walk and stuff. W/ the clock room all u have to do is move it slowly until one of the hands is touching ur doorway, and the other hand is touching the doorway of the one u want (door 4 has a ribbon if I remember right), and if u get knocked off by the second hand you can get a nail bat. Hm...demon's gate was freakishly hard, but I had some trouble w/ Materia Keeper...altho that is probably cause I had vincent and (stupidly) used his galian beast, so every time beast flare came up it'd super-heal the materia keeper >
Yeah Love Hina is funny, but no1 mentioned the insanely happy intro song Sakura Saku by Megumi Hayashibara! The ending song Kimi Sae Ireba is good too, not happy at all, much less insanely, but it's fine. Love Hina again has a happyish intro as well, but I don't think Megumi sings it ::scratches head::, someone else I guess. Anywhoo I really liked Lova Hina, although a lot of eps seemed pretty...random, it still had a lot of funny parts, and Keitaro's constantly getting beat up. Too bad only 3 eps of love hina came out, grrr I heard the manga is a lot longer but they just never made more than 3 for some reason.
Tidus' weapon is really good, I don't remember everything it had, but it definately has break max damage, and triple overdrive I think, hmm....and 2 other things but I don't remember. Anywhoo there are....3 or 4 different arrangements of balloons, and the easiest one to get 0:00 on is the set where the first balloon is closer to the right (your) side. The trainer will try to get the balloon, but because you're closer, you'll be able to get the first balloon and then the next 3 or 4 because the trainer will be stuck behind you. Then once you get around the first curve, either go straight ahead if you see a bunch of balloons, or angle towards the finish line if there's only a few, it'll save ya more time. Try to memorize where the first bird pops up too, cause after you dodge one bird (by quickly swerving to either side), another bird appears every 3 seconds or so. If you want to get 0:00 u can't get hit by a bird at all, just getting hit deducts 3 seconds from ur time, but it also costs u another few seconds because when u get hit u stop temporarily. It only took me about 12 tries to get 0:00, but it was 12 infuriatingly frustrating tries >
Ugh I can't stand Disturbed at all, and can't even imagine their horrible music being played to goku fighting. I've only seen japanes subtitled movies, but I really like the music in them. The music in movie 8 for example really fit w/ Brolly beating the living crap out of everyone, I hope when (if) funimation ever brings out movies 8 and 9, they'll leave the Japanese music in and not butcher it w/ wuss rock.
The island where u can find cactuars is South of Esthar, not East. They're in the giant desert section of the map east of the lighthouse. As for actually fighting the things, I found squall w/ the lionheart hit them almost every time, and if the others ran away who cares, just means u have to get in another battle. If you have a high compatibility, try summoning a GF too, they'll come out super-fast. I could've sworn there was some easy way to beat a cactuar but...er...I don't remember what it is, I remember spells didn't do that much damage, and just made em run away. My best guess would be to go into battle w/ someone in critical HP so they can use a limit break right away, maybe Irvine.
Snk vs. Capcom 2 is really cool, but there are a few characters from snk vs. capcom1 that didn't make it, like Ibuki...don't really remember others actually. It has 48 characters, and 6 different -isms that completely change how each character controls. P-ism characters control like Street Fighter 3, they can parry and have 1 large super meter. S-ism characters control like old SNK style games, and u charge your super meter by holding down 2 buttons. A-ism is like Street Fighter alpha, and has custom combos and super moves. There are a bajillion different combinations and is one of the best 2d fighters on PS2. BUT, Marvel vs. capcom 2 is coming to the PS2 within the next month or so, and that's extremely fun too. It all depends on whether you prefer traditional street fighters tyle, or the high-flying triple-teaming screen-filling super meter style.
Also when you put in the safe combo, u can't go over or else you'll have to start all over. Afterwards, just talk to vincent about Sephiroth, then u have to go into the library place. Not sure why, but a lot of people have told me they talked to vincent and left and nothing happened, so try wandering around down there. Vincent SHOULD join u when u start making ur way back up the hidden spiral staircase. As for the boss in the safe, Lost Number, he's very strong, but he is easily paralyzed. So summon choco/mog or use aeris' Seal Evil and you can beat the crap out of him. Equip deathblow and u'll make the fight go faster, it has 100% chance when the enemy's paralyzed. Depending on the last hit you do to Lost Number when he gets below a certain number of HP, he'll change shape. If you hit him w/ a physical attack you'll face the magic side of LN, hit him w/ a spell and u'll face the physical side.
I would hate to have to play M vs. C2 on the xbox controller, but I do hope they add something in for the ps2 version. They could probably add in shadow lady, evil morrigan, and the other hidden characters from marvel vs. capcom1 w/ no problem at all, but I doubt they will =\.
Hmm...I think FF6 is the best one, with everyone having individual skills, and having the largest variety of equipment. FF7 is my favorite however, since I had the most fun playing it and er...well it's just my favorite lol. FF5 was fun as well, but after FF tactics the job system in 5 tended to get on my nerves, like how it re-equipped u every time u switched jobs or abilities >
I haven't seen the first kooler movie, but I have the 2nd one...er...altho it's all in Japanese so I have no freaking clue what they're saying. Guess I'll have to get the dvd so I can know what everyone's talking about. Anywhoo I thought the action was pretty good, like when goku punched kooler in the chest and he just smiled. Btw did Kooler also know the instantaneous teleportation trick? I thought when goku went into that bizzarely colored place he was using it, but I'm not sure (don't understand Japanese).
I have the DBZ OAV, and it's ok. I prefer the regular 13 DBZ movies a lot over the OAV. Most of the time goku, gohan, etc. etc. just seem to be fighting weak, weird monster-like things that aren't a challenge even in giant groups. They're stupid monsters that fall into their own traps and don't really talk much. The villains that come back were a cool scene, but a short one =\. Better to see movie 7, 8, 9, or 12 those are awesome mmmm. The OAV's ending is also rather...strange, but hey might as well watch it if you can find it.
Can anyone else see my avatar? I used to have a Sephiroth one before the big remodeling. When the remodeling was done however all I could see on my own posts was a red X, and when I went to choose a new one they all appeared as red X's. Is there just something wrong w/ my bozo PC, cause I can see everyone else's avatars just fine ::scratches head::.
Well I pretty much agree w/ everyone on that the storyline and action was well, but some parts did bore the living crap out of me. Like one scene where it showed a street for a few minutes as cars just passed by. I sat by patiently waiting for something to happen but then it just dragged on and switched over to something else (eventually). Maybe it would've been better if all sorts of people hadn't told me how cool the movie was beforehand, damn expectations.
Maybe 10 hours was by speeding like hell through the game. FF9 was a long rpg type game, but it was still possible to breeze by in 12 hours or so (for that excalibur 2 mess). True Xenogears was insanely long, mmmm Xenogears...oops where was I..oh yeah heh it was insanely long, but there was a lot of text that had no relevance to anything. Sometimes I'd be stuck talking to some random bozo in town for 5 minutes, because I'd mash on the X button to get through it and accidently initiate the whole conversation again =\. Plus I got lost in a few dungeons, that certainly made the game long. I think I'd buy xenosaga even if it was only 3 hours long anyway, because if they DO put out the other 5 parts of the xenogears saga, I'd feel pretty stupid having parts 2-6 and not part 1 =\.
If you picked up the elemental materia from Shinra HQ (from answering the mayor's puzzle right on the first try), slap that and fire materia on your armor and beta won't hurt you. It's bozo headbutt that knocks you out of battle is more of a pain, not much you can do about that. Try bringing Cloud cause he's your strongest probably, especially limit-wise. Barret for his back-row attack power. Bring Tifa if she has 2 or more limits learned, otherwise bring Red XIII, and you'll have a better shot at actually beating a midgar zolom. It is a lot easier to just pay the 2000gil and get a freaking chocobo lure (and some greens), but zoloms give good exp and learning beta would make it your strongest spell for a long time.
He probably means Anima, that's the only chained aeon. Anywhoo Seymour flux was a big pain wasn't he, took me a buncha tries as well. If you use protect you'll cut cross-cleave's damage in half. If you have some lunar/light curtains you can mix them w/ Riku's overdrive and get a nice mighty guard. As for lance of atrophy, cast hastega and then use a holy water to cure the zombie first thing, because Seymour will always follow it up w/ full-whatever, but because u're no longer a zombie it won't kill you. That little ball thing, mortichis or something, is a good target as well. When you kill that it'll suck HP from Seymour to revive itself. You should also worry more about building Yuna's stats, because all aeons' stats go up w/ hers. If you have the items you can also slap auto-remedy on to protect against the lance of atrophy's zombie.
The hidden scene thing at the end was pretty cool, altho I don't have a clue if it's a K2 preview or what it would've been like, it's hard to tell. Anyway you get bright crystals from those Defender bozos, the ones w/ the shield, and that's probably the item I had the hardest time getting too =\. Helps to have lucky strike on everyone (goofy gets it early on, then Donald, Sora around lv 69), 3 defenders always appear in the hotel hallway in Traverse Town, can keep fighting them til you get enough. Depending on how far you are that might be the best place to level up as well, each defender gives 240exp. If u've gotten to the hades cup, you can always fight the rare truffle at #46 or so, hitting one of those 100 times gets...over 5,000exp. Also once you beat the hades cup in time trial mode, u can pick any # seed to start out (not just 50th, 40th, etc.). Also rare truffles and white mushrooms (the ones who want spells) are the enemies to get mystery goo from, not in the coliseum tho, there are a bunch of places to find white mushrooms: forest in wonderland, camp in tarzan's world, undersea cave in atlantica, treasure room in agrabah, graveyard in halloweentown, and right before the final save pt. Rare truffles are a bit harder to find, but they seem to pop up on the ship in neverland a lot, as well as right before the last save pt. As for Sephiroth, once you do enough damage to him so that he starts using his sin harvest or whatever move, attack him! If you're fast enough you can hit him and cancel his move so u won't even have to waste an elixir. The best way to avoid Sephiroth's fire move is to use Sonic. Jump in and attack 2 or 3x, then start chaining sonic, Sora's invincible while the move's going on. Usually after a few hits Sephiroth counters w/ the fire, so the Sonic will keep you safe from that. And that slashy move he uses is cloud's omnislash from FF7 move for move, except the last hit anyway, the slashes are deflectable, but u can't do much about that last hit w/ the lightning-type explosion. Rolling around usually dodges all of the meteors as well. I had more of a problem w/ him when he was constantly teleporting, should just sit and guard then so u don't get chopped up. I think Sephiroth gives around 19,000exp, but I don't remember, it'd be easier to just fight the rock titan over and over again, he's a lot easier.