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Everything posted by SephirothNIN

  1. Does that mean powerpuff girls will be on at 5:30 again after? Meh...I never liked the ppg, especially in the middle of all sorts of anime. I'd much rather they show outlaw star, tenchi, or even sailor moon, just something anime-like. Well maybe not johny quest, heh I don't really wanna watch either of those >=(. Ah well, G Gundam was pretty cool, reminded me a lot of Xenogears, they even had a Hyper mode. When did G Gundam come out btw? I know Xeno came in 98', and I figure G Gundam's older, just wondering who took the hyper mode idea from who.
  2. Why does everyone think kid buu is his strongest form? Buu's strongest form was after absorbing piccolo, gotenks, and gohan (before gotenks unfused inside him obviously). When Kaioshin had a flashback to when buu was in his original kid form, it showed him killing all the other kaioshins. After he ate that fat kaioshin and turned into the tubby majin buu, he was weaker I suppose. But after eating his good half and becoming super buu, he grew stronger. He kept getting stronger and stronger as he absorbed piccolo, gotenks, and gohan, so ripping them all out would make Buu weaker. Ack that's...confusing, anyway the power increase from all the people he absorbed was stronger than his original form.
  3. Yeah there's only one gem box u can get in the game =\, u can bet it at the coliseum to win an economizer if u're feeling stupid tho. Some other things you can get from the coliseum are bet magus rod to get: Strato bet regal crown to get: genji helmet Also the Illumina battle wasn't THAT hard, just be sure to use Celes because she'll runic away a lot of the attacks the bozo monster uses, I don't remember....which monster it was, just that runic helped a lot. Also, gogo can keep mimicing it continually, if you skip the other 3 people's turns. You CAN get another atma weapon, but you steal it from the last boss so....only thing you can do w/ it is throw it w/ Shadow.
  4. The best sword in the game is Illumina, you get that by betting the ragnarok sword you get if you choose to pass up the ragnarok esper. Illumina also boosts physical and magic evade by 40% I think. Anywhoo, yeah shouldn't rely just on Ultima, but it's still stronger than genji glove/offering. That combo lets you do 8 attacks yeah, but they're random attacks, so if you're fighting against a 5-part boss it'll randomly hit them. If you use a gem box/economizer combo you can cast Ultima twice and hit all enemies for almost 20,000 each. Genji glove/offering works really well in the coliseum however, where you can't control your characters, who tend to mix in physical attacks along w/ scan, poison, or other useless tactics (I swear when I use Terra she morphs and then just sits there and does nothing until it wears off). If you learn enough skills you can probably use pretty much anyone besides setzer, umaro, and mog who are pretty unpredictable. Gau is too but if you use a good rage it shouldn't matter (like Tyranosaur, that rage has Meteo). I don't know any game genie cheats, but there is one way to cheat. First give Gogo a gem box (an economizer helps a lot too), and then make sure he knows the Quick spell from the raiden esper. Then in battle have gogo use X magic and pick a strong spell (like Ultima, flare, meteor, etc.), and then Quick. Gogo will use the attack spell, then quick on himself, making it his turn again, simply mimic yourself over and over. It doesn't work all the times, enemies/bosses w/ counter moves will be able to break it up, but that's as close as you can get to cheating I suppose w/o a game genie.
  5. I loved the old vampire hunter D, bloodlust is...good, graphically, but I just don't think it's anywhere near as awesome as the original. Bloodlust had plenty of cool parts, but...eh I dunno, a lot of the fighting was over way too quickly, just...one slash and then the battle's over. The intro to bloodlust was pretty cool tho, with the black carriage and the ice, still a cool movie, but the original was more fun.
  6. I've played Timesplitters 2 a lot, the multi-player deathmatches are fun, but the story mode is pretty blah. It doesn't even make sense, you're just thrust into a specific time and told to get a briefcase, or a jewel, or who knows what. Then when you touch it freaky aliens appear, you run back to the start and the level's over. At least the story mode is 2-players, but there's not much strategizing, just blast away everything. Building your own multiplayer battlefields is pretty fun too, once you get the hang of it.
  7. Buu's strongest form was after he absorbed gotenks & gohan actually. He turned back to kid buu after goku took everyone he had absorbed out. If absorbing people made him stronger, wouldn't taking them out make him weaker? Kid Buu was buu's original form that you see in Kaioshin's flashback to when buu killed the other kaioshins, the super buu w/ everyone absorbed was definately the strongest form, and only vegetto could've beaten him.
  8. I think if there's any $$ to be made FFXI'll find some way to come out. They already have partnerships w/ EA, who has a bajillion $$ and the resources to handle an online game. Sony owns...what 19% of square? I think they'd want to try to keep Square as much to themselves as they can before nintendo gets too chummy. Still w/ the hard drive, network adapter, monthly fees, etc., I doubt I'd be able to buy it. Still, could always play at a friend's.
  9. FFV has a prehistoric version of FFt's job system....er...rather FFt has a much-more advanced...ah I dunno FFt's job system works so well. If I hadn't played FFt first, I bet I would've enjoyed FF5 a lot more. I really did like FFV, but I kept getting annoyed when like....you changed jobs or abilities, and had to completely requip yourself. Or how you'd spend a long time to get to the next job level, only to be rewarded w/ a slightly improved ability, like having black 4 upgraded to black 5. Fooey! I would've rather had a larger cast of characters than a few that change jobs, but it was still a great rpg, much longer than FF4 too.
  10. Wtf?...er....what a confuzzling question. I..don't even know where the hell you are heh. But if you mean early on in the game, bring Celes along and she can runic away all his magic attacks. If you mean Kefka later on in the game, you'll want to equip all your people so they're battle ready. You'll start w/ 4 people, and when one dies, the next in line replaces them. Life3 from the phoenix esper, gem box from the tower of fanatics, and some economizers from the dino forest north of the veldt will all help. After you have locke in your party in the 2nd half, if you go to Narshe he can unlock the weapon shop, and the guy inside will either give you the ragnarok esper or the sword. If you take the esper you can learn Ultima, which will do a crapload of damage. If you got the sword instead...hm...the only other way to learn Ultima is to get the cursed shield in Narshe (in one of the other shops, I forget which) from some guy. Equip the cursed shield and the ribbon for 255 battles (doesn't have to be consecutive, or on the same person), and it'll change into the Paladin Shield (freakishly good). The paladin shield can teach you Ultima at the same speed as the esper. Those will make the Kefka fight a lot easier, but if you don't have that stuff...equip espers like zoneseek (shell on everyone), golem (safe on everyone), starlet (mass healing) or palidor (makes everyone do a jump attack), and...heal and do damage, just treat it like any other boss battle.
  11. FF8 = hard? Did you play the game w/ a blindfold on or something? W/ aura and...heh n/m n/m...can talk for a long time about how easy FF8 was...anyway I like all the FF's (ESPECIALLY FFT!), but 8 and X are...lower than the rest, mainly because they lacked certain FF aspects that I've become to used to. MP and equipment in 8, exp in FFX. If I had to pick a 'worst' I'd go with FFX tho, as I liked FF8's story more and plus Sin was a big blob of boredom.
  12. It was called the stolen fayth temple? Anyway that's where you'll find Yojimbo if you have a crapload of $$ (at least 200,000 maybe). If you wanna get past that bozo blocking the small path in the calm lands you're gonna have a crapload of work to do. First talk to the woman who lets you ride a chocobo and ask to train chocobos. There are 4 different tasks you have to do, dodging balls and birds and such. The 4th task has you racing against her, and if you want to get past that guy, you need to get a time of 0:00 in the race. It's a pretty big pain, but doesn't take that long (it's just very frustrating). In order to get 0:00 you need to get every balloon possible (each balloon takes off 3 seconds), but each bird that hits you adds on 3 seconds at the end. There are 3 or 4 different arrangements of balloons, so try for the one that starts w/ a balloon near Tidus and you can get an early lead. After getting 0:00 the guy will be near the shop and will congragulate you, just go down the unblocked path now. If you leave the screen he'll be blocking the path and u'll have to get 0:00 again ><
  13. Eh I can't say any more about Turles not being related to Goku, they just look alike. Turles IS in the '14th' movie, the OVA thing, along w/ Frieza (or was it Cooler? ), Lord Slug, and some other bozo I don't remember. It was an odd movie where the saiya-jins fought a bunch of....weirdo monsters that were incredibly weak for the bulk of the movie. That 2nd son thing could work out, since it would fit w/ daughters too....sort of. Bra's Vegeta's 2nd child and she looks just like Bulma ::scratches head::. Ah nevermind.
  14. Nope you have to kill them with the actual weapon. I'm not sure if tidus/auron/wakka's ovrdrives will capture an enemy, or things such as quick hit. If you really want to go back, sidetrack, and do all that, you should just go on ahead. There's only 2 areas to plow through until you can go anywhere you want w/ the airship, and it saves you a lot of walking. Where you are now there's no better place to level up, so if it's not doing any good, keep moving forward, the enemies will get stronger and give u more ap.
  15. Mmmmm Kenshin...you thought Yahiko's story was sad tho? Heh he can't even begin to compare to Sojiro's. I loved that entire episode where it showed his childhood, it really showed why Sojiro acts the way he does..ah..don't want to spoil anything. Also around ep 38-39, the eps w/ Seijuro Hiko are some of my favorites, and here I thought Kenshin was the coolest hiten mitsurugi user, heh forgot about his competition. Too bad dvds cost $25 each, I'm only at episode 57 or so and it's a slowwww climb to the end of the series >=\.
  16. So you wouldn't need a giant katana GinnyLyn, already got one of those? Anyway I'd love a mog doll, but....25cm seems a bit too small. Altho I don't have a ruler hmm...well still, maybe if it was a foot tall that'd be cool. 25cm is like....a giant keychain or something heh....actually a giant keychain sounds cool too....ah crap if u can mooch $50 off ur parents go for it.
  17. There's usually only 2 ways to go in the sewers, if u're getting lost it's probably because of the spinning wheel things you have to jump on to hop to the other side. Eventually u'll want to make it to another ladder leading up to the main parade route so...just keep heading in that general direction until you get there.
  18. I have AC2, and altho I think it kicks ***, it would be a LOT easier w/ some freaking analog control. I think AC3 has that, and since it has a better arena and more missions (I assume), you should definately get that. Hopefully AC3 will have better beam saber weapons as well, the ones in AC2 were boring, if they could set it so you could swing it in different directions w/ an analog stick that would be awesome::drools::. They need more varied weapons, in AC2 there were a crapload yeah, but it was just slightly different machine guns, or rifles, or beam blahblahblah.
  19. DBZ UB 22 has a better fighting system, just like the snes ones, but I prefer DBZ Legends 3 on 3 fighting, and awesome story mode. There are a crapload of different scenarios you can fight depending on who you send out to fight who, and there's....15 or 30 special fights (I forget how many >
  20. The japanese name of the game sounded cooler, 'Eretzvaju', maybe that translates into Evil Zone I dunno. Anyway I've played a lot of the game and it IS fun, but it's not very deep. You only have one attack button and one....block button? Hmm....maybe there's only one attack button I don't really remember. There are cool anime-style attacks, but since it's not very deep, and each character only has around 10 attacks, it gets old after a while.
  21. Eh don't even bother leveling up. If you just have one ultimate weapon maxed out so you can break max damage that's all you need. Maybe my speed was a lot higher, but when I fought Ultima he got off one move that did....1,000 to all my guys, and then he just sat there dying. Omega seemed even easier oddly enough, tho he managed to pull of TWO moves, a mass-attack to everyone...1500-2000 or so, and a physical attack that missed. After beating him I actually reset to fight him again, wanted to see if he had any cool moves. But he just sat there like a stupid potato lump, ugh. Omega Ruins is the best place to level up, watch out for malboros and those tombstone type guys that counter w/ pharoh's curse, stupid status effects. Anywhoo the more u spend leveling up to fight Ultima/Omega, the more disappointed u'll be, just fight them now and maybe u'll think they don't extremely suck. [size=1][color=orangered]Did you even [i]bother[/i] to read my post about spoilers? - Break[/size][/color]
  22. Auto-potion is good for that battle, but if u saved before...er...like u did then that's not really an option. Two swords is kinda hard to pull off too, as Wiegraf has a shield and built-in counter that does a good 80 damage. I found it a lot easier to chip away at him w/ either the geomancer's Elemental, or the monk's Earth Slash. Both of these moves have a longer range than Lightning Stab. If you just remember that L. Stab has a distance of....3 I think, and that it hits 4 squares, you can always stay just out of reach and keep attacking him. U'll need a high movement if you want to use this tactic tho, 5 or 6, and high speed too. As for Velius your best bet is to just take him out first. If you try to spread out and kill the archaic demons too u're just going to get overwhelmed. Velius always casts cyclops on his first turn, so make sure you check the AT so that when it hits whoever it targeted, ur other characters aren't demolished too. It's definately one of the hardest battles in the game, also later on in Ch. 4 the battle at Limberry is a giant pain, if u want to steal a lot of good stuff anyway.
  23. I dunno I've seen all the eps in DBZ, but that doesn't mean I won't watch it on toonami. Sure it's butchered but who cares. Anyway unfortunately they're not showing all of DBZ on cartoon network >
  24. FFXI looks like it'd be fun, but online rpgs are supposed to be different than console rpgs. The characters in online rpgs usually don't have much...development because they want you to...have your own character. I don't think an online rpg would have a main villain type person, that does things that affects you. I'd rather have a giant offline rpg tho, and since FFXI's gonna cost a lot of $$ to get running I'll probably never play it, unless they release a PC version anyway.
  25. I like FF7 and 9 in 3d, but that's because they still retained the good ol super deformed style of the earlier ones, especially FF6. I loved in 6 how the characters would blush (like locke), or how characters would fall down all anime-style, ala mog. I liked 8 and X but...w/ the more realistic character models there was no anime-style humor. They could always make a stunningly awesome 2d rpg like FF6, and throw in FMV cinemas....doubt any company would do something like that. I'm less concerned w/ the graphics than I am at Square taking out staple FF parts, like MP and accessories w/ FF8! or Exp w/ FFX! Bah....I hope as the FF's keep coming out they try to keep the old feel of FF still.
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