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  1. the quality of it is really good... though i've got to say that Light's laugh is kind of weird at first, but i got used to it. i can't wait until i see more eps of it :catgirl:
  2. [quote name='drakkeness']Queensland's okay in the winter but its way to humid in the summer I'm from country Victoria nice and warm all year round..Which is also semi-desert and not all australians avoid them some find them very interesting.. :D[/quote] i really wouldn't call victoria nice and warm all year round... winter and early spring and pretty cold
  3. it was halloween yesterday, kids knocking at the door and saying 'trick or treat' in synchronisation really reminded me of when i was little. though i never got a chance to go trick or treating, i always watched my older brother Mark dress up to go with his friends, and i always enjoyed listening to his adventures afterwards... ah... nostalgia
  4. [quote name='musiQ_Q']i don't think it is as simple as 'who's to blame' in a situation like this. it is more of a 'build-up to the inevitable'. when children fall prey to school pressure, society, parents, or even their own dark thoughts, the natural human response is to hide. i am sure these issues are not new to any of us. hence, we have no right to alienate them, yet, it is also hard to relate to them.[/quote] i agree, i think we shouldn't find someone to blame, but instead do our best to reach out to them. to help them come out of their 'shells'. we need to send them a message that the world is not such a horrible dark place and that they can trust the people around them... and that they can trust us to accept them back into this world.
  5. when u say new york, i think of a man in a sailor suit with a piece of cake climbing up the empire state building singing "New york! New york!" in a surprisingly manly opera voice, and the people in the street sing "honor the work" and then you see this really shaddy figure in the background, silently laughing at the whole scene (silently cuz they need to keep the image that they're suss and shaddy), and that person... is me
  6. Yeah... i heard that they contact other hermit children and exchange information. It's actually a conspiracy of a secret company, they leave after their 20s cuz that's when they're offically allowed into the group. The cases where they murder their family is usually just when their family gets in their way.
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