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Everything posted by DarkAngel_2.0

  1. [COLOR=Red]ooc// suddenly, Ruby appears from out of nowhere! *flash! Things explode!!* [i] Not my memory box , huh?[/i] Ruby sighed in dissapointment. She was in her room and looked up at the ceiling. She sighed again in bitter dissapointment. "All that work for nothing.." She said outloud to noone. Kampfer had passed her with she was in her brooding mood. He didn't need to ask, Ruby wouldn't have answered anyway. [i]I wonder what the hell happened to the dust to make it lock everyones memories away.[/i] Ruby pondered. Getting frustrated, Ruby checked her wounds. They had sort of healed. She decided to go see Meister for more missions on the surface. "Anythings better than laying around here anyway." She reasoned.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Red]Kane saw the black haired girl glance at her, curiosity Kane thought. 'She has the smell of angel blood on her...' Kane noticed. She smiled evilly,"I think I like her.." She muttered to herself. In the meantime she saw a couple lower demons slacking off. She created a whip of flames. "Keep moving! " She said as she brought down the whip.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Red]"Waugh!" Ruby yelped as she almost lost her balance, her guess was that Tsudo had started fighting. The ones behind her were catching up. Their deformed eyes red with hate. She ran backwards shooting flame after flame at them, taking the ones in the front down. But they were only replaced with new monsters. "Damn." Ruby swore. Then she tried out her new technique. She pushed off the ground as hard as she could. She was momentarily airborne and unleashed flames that circled the monsters. Trapping them. They shrieked as they tried to escaped but were caught. Then Ruby sent a frost of hailstorm at them until mist rose because of the clashing of hot and cold. When it cleared they were suspended. Like statues.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Red]" ...if you kill the leader, you discourage the rest?""Ruby finished for him. HE nodded. His sword at ready. Ruby ran ahead and yelled back," I'll distract them, you take care of the leader one!!" she jumped running away from Tsudo waving her arms and shooting fire in the air. "Can't catch me...." She yelled sticking her tongue out. She looked back at Tsudo as the monsters followed her, she gave him a thumbs up sign. The big Gyne stayed behind, while the smaller ones ran after Ruby.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Red]Name: N/A Alias: Shikigami Age: 22 Description: [URL=http://images.quizilla.com/F/FR/FRE/freak4fantasy/1135298788_sblackhair.JPG]Click HERE!![/URL] Weapon(s): [URL=http://crystaltips.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/01.jpg]Ooohh....shiny!![/URL] Location: Egypt Bio: N/A[/COLOR]
  6. ooc// second post!! [COLOR=Red]"Kane! Milady..." A demon said bowing. Kane sat on her chair overlooking the work of the slaves. It bored her She had her chin propped up by her hand on seat. "yes?" She asked her red eyes straying to the demon. "Kane... we have heard reports... the demons are getting restless." he said. "Hmm... we will attack soon." KAne said getting irritated. But she wasn't lying, the angels were going down. [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Red] Ruby put her goggles on too and headed after Tsudo towards the Palace. "There has been a lot more monster sightings here now that I think about it.." Ruby agreed. When they arrived at the entrance they encountered a few eyeballs but that was all.They eyes were disposed of easily. "Some thing or [I]someone[/I] is irritating the monsters, to the point of getting out of the Palace." Tsudo said, wiping away the blood off his suit. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Red]"I say we go to the surface to find out.." Ruby said. Tsudo nodded. "But after the scare Sky gave Meister?" Tsudo replied. "Who says he has to know?" Ruby grinned evily. "But, ...?" Tsudo raised an eyebrow. Ruby sighed," We'll be careful and stick together... blah blah rules blah blah." Ruby said half heartedly. " What's wrong with you and safety rules?" Tsudo asked. "There's only one rule I live by: Rules are beneath me and work is mundane" She grinned.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Red]"hmm... hard to tell. Maybe when she loses her grip or gets too distracted.. her mind zones out of her body. Maybe she's a spiritual something or whatever. "Ruby said twirliing around ideas. Tsudo nodded in agreement. "or..." Ruby continued. "or?" Tsudo asked. Ruby looked up at him. "there was outside help.." She said.[/COLOR]
  10. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=Red]Name -Ruby Blaze Age -17 Student Template - The firey red head!! Weapon -[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/fn_hp_sasfs.jpg]clicky clicky!![/URL] School of magic - Elemental Magic(fire Magi)(can I? there seems to be a lot of Fire magi here... if too crowded will change to something or other :animeswea ) Minored school of magic -Summoning magic Abilities/Spells -spirit bullet: She takes a willing spirit and inserts it into a bullet, shooting out. This coupled with her fire power makes a vary nice blast for long range shooting and as the bullet enters the victims body it takes their soul as well. Fire circle: concentration is involved here. She makes a ring of flames around her and it makes for an unpenetrable shield moving and blazing 360 around her, to ward off any attacks. Personality -She is silent and sarcastic but tick her off and you won't live to see teh next sunrise. her Attitude matches her specialty(fire) Physical appearance (picture wanted) -[URL=http://memo.donmai.us/images/trinity-blood-4-02.jpg]clicky clicky^^[/URL] What does he/she look like without the uniform (use picture).[URL=http://images.quizilla.com/N/NariaEriya04/1047626377_aintooboef.gif]Clicky clicky[/URL] (picture her with out a tucked in shirt) [might revise in future Background / character snippet: She doesn't really dress like a girl... mostly baggy pants and loose shirts. She doesn't act girly either...not macho chick but somewhere in between.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [COLOR=Red]"SKY!!" Ruby shouted. Sky snapped out of the trance like state. She looked around her, her eyes slowly returning to focus. "What happened?" she asked her eyes worried. Everyone looked at her. "Were you being controlled? Or Exorcism?" Tsudo asked reaching slowly for her sword. He got it away from her, her body limp. "here, let me help.." Ruby offered taking Sky's right side while Deathseye took her left. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DimGray]"Y'know Kaliasan wasn't always like this!" RAgnor smiled and laughed. Getting ready to tease her. Al cheered up,"REally? YOu dont' say.." he grinned wickedly. "Oh yeah, when she stayed with us awhile back, she used to parade as a [I]human[/I]" RAgnor smirked. "Oh crud.."Kali muttered. They walked the last couple of miles back to the house laughing at Kali because of her ventures as a human. "--so then she said,'Are you sure you have to cook it that much?' she was so used to eating her steak bloody raw.!!" Ragnor laughed. Al was red in the face from laughing. Kali was still on Ragnor's shoulder being carried back."forget it, you've made fun of me so much I can't get angry anymore." She sighed. "So who is Radcliff?" Al asked still getting over the giggles. "he was my closest freind." Ragnor said smiling, remembering. "he was also Kalisan's 'brother' as a human. We and other orphans made up a family. Only they knew we weren't human, and they still accepted us. It's rare to meet people like that right?" Ragnor said reaching the steps. "Yes, yes it is." Al said knowing exactily how rare.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Red]"That's it! No one hurts out my sensei!" Kali roared, shouting flames out all around her. Al dodged quickly . "hmm.. whaddaya know actually caught me. A bit" Al said looking at his slightly burned knee. "nothing I can't handle, is that all?" Al said looking back at Kali. But she was gone. " Hide and seek? Okay!" Al said. "raaugh!!" Kali growled and then stopped abruptly. Al looked back in surprise. "hah barely caught me by surprise---!" Al said and questioned what he saw. Kali was in freeze mode(?) she couldn't move,"ahh.."she gasped quietly. Ragnor, the real one, was standing in back of her. Holding her wings together fromthe joints. "ow... that's gotta hurt." Al winced,"is playtime over?" Ragnor stayed quiet and signaled Al to follow him back to the mansion. "lemme go sensei.. please.." Kali whispered. "Are you [B]calm[/B] now Kalisan?" he said in a quiet steely voice. Kali nodded, her pupils going back to normal. They kept walking through the woods in silence. "The wings are going to take a while though.." Kali muttered, still being held by the wings. "now the reason I got you blood packets was because there are [I]individuals[/I] that actually care what happens to humans." RAgnor said looking at Al. He shrugged almost apologetically, looking at Kali. Kali nodded," it wasn't your fault, it's just,I haven't drank blood packets in a while.." kali muttered again. "just drink the damn things.."Ragnor sighed," you had no problem with it when you were staying with Radcl--"He stopped abruptly, because of a sharp kick by Kali.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Red]"your story? oh the poofy haired guy?"Ruby said looking up at him. "nothings wrong...really" Ruby said looking at Tsudo. He raised an eyebrow. "Just some guy....." Ruby sighed touching her neck. Tsudo said,"Guy? Sahama?" Ruby shook her head. " HE's the one who put the mark on my neck. I had a dream about him when I was barely awoken. Is it like that.. having dreams of your past life just before you awake?" Ruby asked curiously.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Red]Kali saw his fear, as she did in all the others. "Don't worry I'm no t going to kill you... just to make you wish you were dead. And no sensei to stop me" She said evilly. "This is a little trick I learned.." Kali groaned, she doubled over. Everywhere you could hear a sickening crack. "What the... hey I thought that was only a myth! Can you command bats as well?" Al said jumping up and down. "huff..huff..naw that's a myth or joke someone made up. This is becase of my demon blood." Kali said, Her leathery black wings extending up to the moon. "now who wants to play tag?" Kali said, her demon blood boiling, and her eyes turning to slits, losing whatever humanity they had left.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Red]Kali flicked her hair back over her shoulder. "tsk. What do you take me for? I don't kill out of necessity, only a little blood taken. I bite my own tongue and the marks go away. Big deal, I [B]was[/B] human once before you know" "oh really?" Al said unconvinced," YOu were human?" Kali shook her head,"only acted human.." SHe became sad. "Anyway, you wanna fight? Then come on!" KAli grinned sharpining claws.[/COLOR]
  17. name: Kane Morinozuka (everyone called her Mori)(leader?) age: 16 When and how you died- July 30 2190: she died when a driver ran her over, while she was running after her cat :catgirl: Appearance- Has short black-blue hair, and Red eyes. SHe stands around 5'6" Race-demon Short Bio- She always love her cat, and would follow her to the ends of the earth. Which she ended up doing. She was not kind but not heartless, she would scold to teach a lesson, but she would also be there with arms open to embrace the hurt. She showed to be a good girl, but she had a dark side to her. Weapon-Twin swords, they are black and almost unbreakable, around 10 pounds both of them. reach from her shoulder to her hips. She uses them to transfer her power to sometimes. Magic-fire, darkness
  18. [COLOR=Red]Kali tossed and turned in her bed for 15 minutes, she didn't want to sleep. She wanted to [I]feed[/I]. ANd she didn't care much for sleeping, for vampires they had a dead sleep, no dreams only motionless until they hunger. [B]And she was hungry.[/B] "I'll just go up top to locate food, Al and sensei are probably setting up a trick downstairs." Kali reasoned stepping out of her window and jumping to the roof. She found Chris there. "Heh sorry didn't know it was taken." Kali said, and quickly smelled human. [I]Only 100 yards away[/I] Kali measured,[I]should take one jump.[/I] She waved goodbye and dissapeared to the normal human eye. Really she jumped really fast so her outline was a blur, she was over her target in a couple of minutes. "Human girl." Kali said in the air, her pupils turning to slits.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Red] "hmmm... promise you won't be drunk while were up there and you got a deal." Ruby said noticing the stack of beer that was piling up next to Tsudo. "Do I have to not be drunk, how about a little tipsy?" Tsudo pleaded. "Sure, sure just stop drinking. You're acting happy and it's creepy." Ruby laughed. "Yeah, we're not used to seeing emotion on your face!" KAmpfer said, slapping both RUby and Tsudo on the back. "uff." They said almost hitting the table. "Sorry still getting used to the small people." Kampfer said, looking pointedly at Ruby."Waddaya mean small?! I'm still growing!" Ruby fought back. They both roared with laughter. [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Red]Ruby sat watching people come up and hug Sky. She saw how it annoyed her, and she left. "She must be pretty strong.." Ruby said. "She took down Pecatto, on her first trip to the surface." Tsudo said wavering. "Wow, bet she's better than the Emo(official name for Tasubaki)" Ruby said ordering another beer. "Hmm.. can she go with us on the next group mission?" Ruby asked Kampfer. "I want to see what damage I can do with my new technique.." Ruby grinned evily. "Is that really the point of these missions?" Tsudo asked. Ruby shrugged, she didn't really care. Only to get a memory box.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Red]Ruby sniffed the soup, "I'm hungry "she realized and said aloud. She wandered into the kitchen. She found Kaho and Kai hard at work. "Can I help with anything?" She asked. Kai said," you could set the plates, if you don't mind." Ruby nodded. She took the plates and tried to juggle them," I wouldn't do that if I were you.."Tankyo said snatching one of the plates and setting it firmly on the table. "Fine.." Ruby sighed and finished setting the bowls and forks.[/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE=2][FONT=Papyrus][COLOR=Red]"yeah.. he's building up a tolerance." Ruby chuckled. sitting back down," And don't worry about the vases, it didn't hurt...much.. well it's better than being fighting outside with that emo chick." "So how was she?" Tsudo asked drunkily. "She passed out covering me, good thing that creature was already weakened." Ruby said facing away from the Eilion fans. "anyway.. about your tolerance. You have got to get a hobby, dude. Will Meister let you up there yet?" Ruby asked. Tsudo shook his head. "Goddamit I'm dying of boredom down here.." Tsudo said. "First time I've been here.. the surface is pretty much livlier than this." Deathseye said looking around. "should we beg Meister again? " Ruby asked. Kampfer shook his head," After what we did to the training room?" "oh yes...that :animeblus " Ruby chuckled. She still saw people working on it, repairing it.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  23. [COLOR=Red]"mmhhmm.." Ruby muttered. Kampfer looked back at her," Weren't you goiing to stay with your friend?" he said. Ruby looked behind her and said," My 'friend ' is out to get me with something bigger." Ruby whispered. Everyone stayed silent. "did you heal?" Ruby asked Sky as they all sat at the bar. Sky looked at the wound," I'll be fine... what's your name, anyway?" she said looking at her suspiciously. "Ruby... Blaze" She said looking at another girl come near where they were sitting. She whispered in someone's. ear, stealing glances at Ruby now and then. Both girls glared at Ruby. "uh.. bartender! Drink please? And yes I am above age" Ruby finished annoyed, turning around. "What are you hiding?" Sky asked Ruby suspicioulsy. "Would you belive me if I said nothing?" Ruby asked slouching. [I]Damn Eilion fan girls..[/I] she thought acidly.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Red][FONT=Book Antiqua]"So.. Tankyo.. can I touch your ears again?" Ruby asked eagerly. Tankyo looked at her for a while longer. " You try to and its the last thing you eil do." She threatened. "Fine.." Ruby sighed, "It is warm in here is this what a house feels like? This warm?" she asked looking at the comfyness everywhere.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Red]Ruby glanced in the other room,"Wow didn't know other people were here." Tsudo, Deathseye and the new woman called Sky were looking at her arm. "What did you get hurt with?" Ruby asked naively. "What the hell does that matter to you ?!" Sky said pointing at her, menacingly. Ruby just stared at her,"What!? Aren't you gonna make a comeback?" SHe yelled. "Sorry Tasubaki's been insulting me all day, so now they just bounce off.." Ruby said scratching her head. "And I don't really listen to a wounded animal threats." Sky looked murder at her. " oh yeah?! Why don't you just f--" [I]CRASH!![/I] "Damn. She's back at it again, good luck with the healing!" Ruby said as she went back into the other room. Where everyone heard more crashing and smashing of countless of vases. "is there something wrong with her?" Sky asked Tsudo. He looked at the room,"No, she's normally like that.."[/COLOR]
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