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Everything posted by DarkAngel_2.0

  1. [COLOR=Red]"my clothes are dusty.." Ruby said patting herself off. She entered the living room and saw another figure with Kaho and Kai. "Rita-chan how are you?" Ruby smiled. "Hello Ruby.. why are you covered in dust?" Rita asked pointing at her clothes. "oh.. I fell off the roof, nothing much" Ruby said offhandedly. They all raised eyebrows at this, Ruby said nothing and headed towards the kitchen.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Red]"Will you just listen you freaky twisted Emo !!" Ruby yelled dodging a chair, then a rock and lastly another vase. "What happened?" Tasubaki asked. Ruby sat down a couple feet away from her,"you passed out using your powers to sheild me. Why?"Ruby asked. Tasubaki looked down,"I failed in my mission then." "No you didn't you actually were in the battle until the end...."Ruby said looking at her. "Don't try to make me feel better. 'cause it's not working!" She said. "Am I that bad at it?" Ruby sighed. "Yes, yes you are" Tasubaki smiled. Ruby looked at her stupidly,"OMG! YOu smiled actually!" "yeah, so?" TAsubaki said annoyed. "You look better that way.."Ruby muttered to the side of her mouth. Ruby swore this infermary had given her in infinate supply of vases. And they all crashed against Ruby's head.[/COLOR]
  3. Sakurai:You can stop now .. Hello!! I'm in pain here!! Suzuka: ZZzzzzz :sleep: ...
  4. [SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]"Little gnome.. you are going to pay for that.." :animeangr RAgnor threatened charging. Al laughed and split himself into four, "Can't catch us !! Can't catch us!! "THey shouted in unison. "Better catch him quick. "Kali said, watching Ragnor's futile attempts. "Although no one can truly catch Puck" Ragnor said throwing things at Al. "Stop living in th Dark Ages ."KAli said taking her jacket out of his throwing reach. "She's right Ragnor!!HAha!!"Al laughed bouncing on the bed. "Take this outside before I get mad."Kali threatened. Ragnor jumped out her window,"Ok!!" Al and Kali waited in silence until they heard a thump ."Oh my god! He's insane!"AL laughed. "He's a true idiot."Kali replied going back to her bed, while hse watched Al jump too.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  5. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Red] "Forget it.. I can't get mad anymore... How many wisecracks are you gonna make about my height!? I still growing people!!" Ruby said. "oh, hello Tsudo" Ruby said noticing him accompaniying another girl. Ruby saw the girl being lead out by Meister to the surface. "Hope her test goes well." RUby said. "Aw crap I'll be right back ok?" Ruby said running towards the infermary. "What's wrong?"Tsudo asked, "My partners gonna kill me!!" RUby yelled over her shoulder. When she opened the door to Tasubaki's room she had to duck fast. [I]Crash!![/I] "Where the hell were you!?" she yelled, holding another vase. "Please stop with vases!I killed them already!"[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [COLOR=Red]"you know I don't mind using this power on humans as well.."Ruby threatened. "And stop with the short comments!! I can't help it ok!!" Ruby yelled. She walked towards the Main hall. Then she stopped halfway,"Wanna come? Or is it too popular down their for you?" Ruby smirked as she pointed towards the Underground.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Red][FONT=Book Antiqua]"Ruby Blaze" She shook his hand. [I]And what do you mean shorter?! :animeangr [/I] She thought. "So.. what brings you out to the surface? Nice view or the freindly natives?" Ruby asked charring the remains of the monsters. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Ruby got their and they were still frozen." you'll pay." Ruby threatened as she cracked her knuckles. "but.. "She reasoned lighting her hands,"it's not a fair fight." She burned them until the ice melted. They stood, weezing, their color returned. And they were[I]pissed[/I]. Ruby smirked,"you ruined my favorite sweater, jerk!" and she lounged at it. "fLAME TORPEDO!!"She said as she focused her fire on the tips of her fingers and lightened them. It managed to block it with a sheild, and slashed out at her catching her on the other shoulder. The Gyne ran towards her blindly,"you don't scare me. I've delt with one of you before. Now.. get out of my way!" She said as she kicked it in the neck hearing a satifying crack. "Now.. on to you." Ruby said cracking her own neck. "it seems I've only been able to make fire and ice. I wonder what other things I can do.." She lit one hand and melted water in the other. She concentrated on the water to keep it under her control. Then she shot the fire at the Calastro and kept burninig it until it squealed but it was still alive. Trapped by the flames. Then she slammed it with water. Everything became a hiss as the hot and cold collided with each other. "And now to get a new sweater... Damn you thanks a lot pal!!" Ruby said taking off the old ragged one."Least it's sort of warm ... good thing it's a desert." she mumbled.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Red][FONT=Papyrus]"OH my god!! what did you do?" one of the nurses asked. Ruby came in with Tasubaki all scratched up. "Here. She's got burns on her right arm." Ruby said handing her to Mikan. "And would you belive me if I said nothing..?" She joked. Mikan frowned,"I swear, you and that Tsudo.. always getting beat up.." she went off muttering. Ruby turned and went back around. "WHERE are you going?" Mikan asked in a steely voice. Ruby swore her skin crawled. "The creatures aren't dead yet. I have to go back and finish the job.." Ruby said still heading for the job,"otherwise, she would kill me when she woke up." Ruby said plainly pointing to Tasubaki. The nurse said nothing as Ruby went back up the surface[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=3][FONT=Papyrus][COLOR=Red]" :animeangr !! Hey burns are my department!!"Ruby yelled shooting more flames at it to ward off the attack. "you idiot. Stop fooling around.." TAsubaki said. "And you!Don't you dare tell me how to use my powers. Now stop being so uppitty and cover me!" Ruby yelled. Tasubaki looked at her and said,"I can put up a sheild around you , but you'll have five minutes only." Then she covered Ruby with light. Ruby grinned"That's four more than I'll need." and she headed strait for the creature. IT sent out more waves of attack and one of them caught Ruby in the shoulderr. But she still kept coming, even though she was being sliced. "She's insane.."Tasubaki whispered. "ICE BLIZZARD!!" Ruby yelled. It became trapped in an ice barrier. "THat should give us some time.." Ruby gasped panting. "See that? you went 2 minutes without making a sarcastic remark to my face.."Ruby grinned heading over to Tasubaki," hey.. aww shit." Ruby lifted TAsubaki off the ground," She's passed out." [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red][FONT=Papyrus]Ruby looked at her power." Nice." she complimented. Tasubaki looked at her seriously,"are you gonna fight or what?" she said flatly." Ok but purple isn't my color. I prefer red," she grinned lightling up her hand. She shot at the calastro. it went right thru again but not before leaving a leaving present. "aaugh!!" Ruby yelled. "idiot you can't kill them with physical attacks" Tasubaki said shoooting some plasma like substance at it. "[B]Now[/B] you tell me." Ruby muttered.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=Red]"in such a hurry to become a killer, Tankyo-sama?" Ruby said coming up beside Tankyo her nose to the wind. "What are you doing here, Blaze?" she asksed suspiciously. "you know I just pop up everywhere.." Ruby said shrugging and smiling. Then she reached over and rubbed Tankyo's ears,"So fluffly :catgirl: " Ruby smiled. Tankyo stood still. Then she kicked Ruby off the roof. "Come back when you get some common sense!!" Tankyo shouted to Ruby as she layed sprawled on the ground looking up at the night sky. "Mmm.. common sense, that's gonna be hard.." Ruby said smiling quietly.[/COLOR]
  13. ooc// this should be fun ..*note sarcasim in voice* [COLOR=Red][FONT=Papyrus]Ruby looked over at Tasubaki, she seemed serious," you don't talk back do you?" she said offhandedly. Tasubaki looked at her,"I tend to take my job very seriously. You don't have a problem with that do you?" she looked at Ruby seriously. "Nah, I just want to know how much I should keep wary....."Ruby said offhandedly. They had reached the surface. Tasubaki started to check her suit. Ruby whistled,"THis place looks more desolite every time I come here." she said saracsticaly.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='Kaise']I want to be dumped. Because that means i'll have at least been in a relationship.[/quote] [COLOR=Red]True*barely looking back at what I wrote* nevermind what I said..... :D [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Red][FONT=Book Antiqua] yeah.. your 16 and never dated but also you've never been dumped :animesmil :animeswea .. anyway I'm not so good at this cheering up thing . my definition for cheering up is mostly slapping you around until you get over it :catgirl: [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Ruby shrugged,"Sure ." she said. Chunky nodded,"I'll be telling Meister." Ruby blocked him out after that, until he went away, she sighed. "I need some where to blow my steam, but first.." she looked at her knuckles. "I really need to work on some better anger management tricks..." SHe got some cloth from the first aid she found earlier. She wrapped it in gauze, "this'll have to do for now " she sighed. "wonder what kind of ghost we'll find up there..." she said, as she nodded off to sleep.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Kali went to her room, smirking as she saw Stone follow Sasuna. She was laying on her bed when Ragnor came in. "What do you want sensei?" she asked. "can't I see my pupil just because I want to?" he replied taking a seat on her bed. Ruby looked at him,"You want something don't you?" He sighed in mock defeat,"WRONG!" Kali sighed and looked out the window,"what do you think about Shirube sensei?" she asked. Ragnor looked at the moon too. "We can't blame her can we? To her the Prince was her savior or something like that.." "And I think Stone is finally getting cured of his heartsickness.. don't you ?" he said winking. "you really have got to stop meddeling in affairs sensei. It might be the end of you." Kali laughed. "Anyways I got a good feeling about this fairy.. she's like the mother I never had... sending us to bed like that" she laughed again. "What about the other mother?" Ragnor asked,Kali became serious. "Whatever, she's dead now. Can't help that, besides she wasn't my real mother anyway. I would have outlived her, how would I've explained that?" she said looking at her floor. Ragnor sighed"you've always been difficult Kalisan (his pet name for her) ...." Kali gave him the bird.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. ooc// n-cha monipo-sama!! ^^ [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]"you didn't have to throw me you know.."Ruby said massaging her muscles. Kampfer shrugged," I'm gonna go somewhere okay?" Ruby said distractedly, Kampfer nodded and headed towards the bar. Ruby followed a dark haired man. "Hey you." He said finally stopping in a dark lit corridor," how long do you plan to follow me?" He said, a smirk on his lips. Ruby scowled. "Tell me what you did... on the surface before I lost my memory.." She said angry. He laughed mirthlessly,"I guess you're just gonna have to find that out on your own." he dissapeared, Ruby gasped she punched a wall "DAMMIT!!" she yelled. Her knuckle was bleeding now but she didn't care,"Memory box.." she said. She headed towards her room to wash off the blood. "I wonder if I'll actually drink the shots.." she wondered to herself.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red] "did she just.."Stone said surprised. "Stone my man, you have a lot to learn about the femenin psyche."Kali said patting him on the shoulders. They headed to the kitchen, where a food fight was taking place. "What happened?" Stone asked. Chris came over and said,"Al got bored and flung something at Ragnor, so he retaliated..with food." Al had split himself into five and was on one side while Ragnor was on the other. Sasuna was already covered in pastries, and was getting mad. "Hey you !Stop!!" Someone threw a pie at her face. Kali laughed and took some whipped cream from her face and threw it at Ragnor. "First hand, Kali Blake attenshun!Welcome aboard to the good ship Askisser."RAgnor said saluting. Kali went over on his side. She opened her mouth and got a good amount of whipped cream in it. "Kali what are you doing?" Sasuna asked. "Hey it's better than making dinner right?" She reasoned, Sasuna thought to herself. "Fine but who's gonna clean it up?" she said. "Don't worry we've got maids."Stone said going over to Al's side. "You asked for it"Sasuna grinned. joining forces with Kali and Ragnor. Chris and Vincent were taking their time, they were the referees of course.[/COLOR][/FONT] ooc// how about we relax and get to know each other better until we fight Prince again? :p
  20. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]"Damn him, he's been everywhere. He's hurt everyone, and messed feelings"Ruby swore. She punched at a tree. It went flying and crashed into every tree behind it. She panted and extended her hand," THat's why we have to keep fighting.. now let's go back.Stone's worried about you." KAli winked. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]"you're an idiot, you were 100 years ago and you still are" KAli said, smacking Stone upside the head(she's cruel) "But--" Stone said, then looked down," I did it again didn't I?" Kali softened,"She isn't one of your incensitive girls. She has feelings, stupid." Then she went running towards where she sensed Sasuna. She found her sitting on a log. [CENTER]"Where is the fairy where can she be? Ah here she is I'm so glad I found thee.."[/CENTER] Kali sang into the air. She sniffled," What do you want?" Kali sat down next to her. "your arm is hurt" She said in reply. Sasuna looked at her stifling her tears. "So?" Kali sighed and grabbed her arm softly, Sasuna whimpered but she silenced herself. "No internal bleeding, from what I can tell.Lemme just--" Kali said and then twisted the arm so that it was in a normal position,"Now heal yourself." Sasuna nodded and a light began to form around her arm, it vanished into sparkles. "Now about Stone.."kali began." "He's such an ass!" Sasuna exclaimed, hurt. Kali sighed," It's just been dificult for him. When I met him I was traveling with Ragnor. We were going to see his friend. When we got to his hut, Stone was hurt and bleeding, but he seemed numb. We looked inside his house." Sasuna was listening intently now. Kali continued," His beloved, Shari, was scattered in pieces. Her bloody corpse all over the walls, ceiling everything. Even I was disgusted, this was beyond bloodlust. this was [I]insane[/I] . The Prince had taken control of Stone and made him watch as he controlled Stone's body to kill his beloved. From then on, Stone vowed to never fight again, ever." Kali finished, it was now night and the woods were dark. "So, he's suffered at the hands of the Prince too.." Sasuna said. "No matter how you look at it, it all goes back to the Prince" Kali said looking at the moon. Sasuna looked at Kali,"What about you?" Kali looked at her,"He's left me with a curse... a curse heavy to bear." She said wearily, then she unbuttoned her coat and Sasuna could see a red dragon spiraling down her body. From her neck to her stomach. "What is it?" Sasuna gasped, "It is to remember.. the pain he's caused me" Kali whispered buttoning her coat up once more. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. ooc// wow two different scenes at one time.. how about htis, Al dispels the first barrier that deflects only magic(Shirube's) and Sasuna dispels the physical attacks barrier(Prince's)? [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]"Whoa!" said Kali forced to cover her face. The shrapnel rained everywhere. Stone ran towards Sasuna's falling body. "Ragnor! Catch her!" and he threw Sasuna's injured body to RAgnor who kept ber body safe against the debriss flying everywhere. "Mage barrier!" Stone said and made a blue colored wall, so that the wind died down.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Kampfer put up a dome around himself, to deflect Tsudo's excaliber. Which in turn headed towards Ruby."Aghh"Ruby shouted before ducking . Excaliber got stuck on the wall. Tsudo brought it back to him with telekenisis. The all looked at each other and began for the Coup de grace. Meanwhile outside, people murmered." what's going on? Are we being attacked?" Their fighting caused shockwaves and explosions around the room. Meister walked past the crowd . One of the junior officers(?) came to him and exclaimed," Sir! What's going on?" "just let them be, they'll tire themselves out.. sooner or later.." Meister shrugged, and kept on walking. Even more people came to add to the crowd. "I knew I was gonna be sorry for this.." He muttered as even more explosions sounded from the room.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]"Well, she can sense them." Kali looked at RAgnor," why the hell didn't you tell us STupid-sensei?" HE shrugged," I had to know how well you could sense him, I was wonderin when one of you would see thorugh his disguese" "you... I'll get you for this." She threatened. then she went running towards the dining room." Dinner later, we got demons at our doors" The all took their weapons out. Al said," Finally, I was gonna die of boredom." Sasuna was firing blast after blast at them, but Shirube had put up some sort of barrier. Vincent went up to her and said," It's no use, milady, stop wating your strenght." "No! I'll never give up!" she yelled and kept shooting. Stone looked worried,"Why don't you join the fight?" Kali asked. "It isn't mine to fight."he said,"I'll only heal" "Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before." Kali said annoyed 100 years hadn't changed him much. "Hey you !Shooting fairy, get down here." Kali shouted at Sasuna. She looked down at her and shook her head. Chris said," It's no use. She won't quit, at this rate she'll put a strain on her body. Then they'll have a hostage.. not that that would make a difference." "You know what they say: can't beat 'em, join em'" Al laughed and shot a knife at the barrier. It bounced back harmlessly. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]"Haha too many drinks?" Ruby said, stepping on his shoulders to launch herself. "oh no you don't!" Kampfer said grabbing her by the ankles and making her lose her blance in midair. "Ahh!" Tsudo shot a wave of air towards Kampfer, he blocked it by going full head at the air and slicing it. Ruby shot a fireball at Tsudo and an Ice ball at Kampfer. they both dodged and Ruby shot up only to be grabbed again by Tsudo. " Damn it!" she said as she hit the floor again. "Quake!" Kampfer said, making the floor shake and they fell off balance."Flame circle!"Ruby yelled making KAmpfer and Tsudo back away. " Excaliber!" Tsudo said as he lounged towards Kampfer while he was focusing on attacking Ruby. [/COLOR][/FONT]
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