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Everything posted by DarkAngel_2.0

  1. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]"me too.. how about all of us try to get some sort of object, but try to stop the others?" She said stretching. "Sure what kind of object? " Kampfer asked looking around the training room. It was all silver and the metal seemed strong. "how about the key? whoever loses gets to pay for shots" Ruby said looking at Tsudo, who woke up at the last sentence. "you're on." he said. Ruby threw the key on the ceiling so that it went past the metal and got stuck. "Ready, set.. go!"[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]"Lose your mind?Buddy, you never had one!" Ruby whapped him on the shoulder. "Are you gonna stop now, or should we have paramedics on the phone?" Kampfer said, sitting on the other side of him. "Call em up." Tsudo said ordering yet another round of drinks. The bartender looked at Ruby suspiciously," sure she's overage?" Tsudo nodded. "hmph." Ruby frowned. After they had convinced the bartender that Ruby wasn''t a minor, they just sat there. "I wonder if they have a training room here..." Kampfer wondered aloud. Tsudo and Kampfer looked at each other," Battle royal?" Tsudo asked. "only how to convince Meister..?" Then they looked at Ruby. "What?" she asked suspious. "Please, pretty please?" Ruby whined. "No. And that's final, not after the Sandra incident." Meister said, ignoring her. "Come on..." She whined some more. Meister sighed. "If not.." Ruby started out" I might have to unleash my bottled up energy on [I]some people[/I] " That got him," here's the key be sure to lock up when you're done. If it's still in one place"he said handing her a silver key. "thank you so much" she said and bowed to him. "yeah, yeah.." he muttered. She exited the room and walked to training room no. 5."did yo get it?" Tsudo asked. Ruby dangle the key under his nose(she's so short haha). "Hook, line and sinker"[/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Ruby had gotten to a bedroom full of admiring girls. When she got there they all glared at her,"Ruby has come to apologize Sandra" She was in her bed [I]It was only her skirt!geez![/I] Ruby thought. Meister nodded purposefully. Sandra got up, supported by girls," I'll forgive you.. if you bow down to me" she said smirking. Ruby stiffened. Kampfer had enetered the room, quietly. [I]Forgiveness or pride,Forgiveness or pride,Forgiveness or pride,Forgiveness or pride,Forgiveness or pride,Forgiveness or pride,Forgiveness or pride,[/I] Ruby thought hard. [B][I]Pride, duh!![/I] [/B] "Screw this. You started it, you should apologize. I'm not." She said and Stormed out of the room. "Pretty harsh, there." Kampfer said, catching up. " She deserved it. "Ruby said,"I will bow down to [I]noone[/I]. And if I do, they will be worthier than her." she said, her voice steely. "Let's go see if Tsudo has passed out yet...or if he's still going strong." Kampfer suggested.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Kali didn't know that much about Stone, except that he was a Seer. And that she had learned from Ragnor. She went to the kitchen asking what everyone wanted. "Sorry Sasuna, were out of tomatoe, how about salads instead. "Kali said, checking the fridge. Sasuna nodded, "here, let me help you. " She looked in the fridge and said,"What is [I]that[/I] ?" It looked like a red bag filled with-- "blood."Kali said offhandedly. Sasuna stepped back from the fridge and bumped into Stone," Ragnor always keeps some handy." he explained. He threw Kali a bag," For you." "what is it?" She asked, Stone shrugged and glanced towards Ragnor. She opened it and both girls stared inside. "Is that more blood?!" She asked surprised. Kali nodded "he just doesn't want me drinking his supply" Sasuna looked at Stone leaving."How did they know how to put my room together?" she asked, wondering. "Stone is a Seer, that means he can look inside peoples inner most thoughts, Sasuna looked startled. Kali laughed,"Don't worry, he is just a very stong Empath, plus he respects privacy, he won't look unless you're dying or out of your mind." Sasuna breathed a sigh of relief. "So what's [I]your[/I] connection with Ragnor?" She asked taking out plates. "Me and him go way back. A decade ago.. when I was still charading as a human. He was my mentor, that's why I call him sensei.." Kali said remembering. "Anyway, we need to get dinner started! A bunch of boys aren't gonna cook for themselves y'know." Kali said. "Boy is that true." Sasuna muttered taking out bowls. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Red]Meister groaned," What am I gonna do with you three?" They put on their most innocent drunk face. "hic" Tsudo said, and Ruby burst out laughing. Meister raised his hands up to the sky in a 'why me gesture'. "on other news, Ruby you're gonna have to apologize to Sandra." Ruby said,"who's Sandra?" "Skirt caught fire." he said. "Oh [I]that[/I] girl. Fine lead the way..." Ruby said following Meister out the Main hall. "be right back." She winked to both of them. Then to Meister she said," I do feel very bad for what I did.. honest. I just couldn't control my powers fully.." She said faking sinserity, while crossing her fingers behind her back, so that Tsudo and Kampfer could see. "I have a bad feeling about this.."Kampfer said suspiciously. "I need more beer, I'm not yet drunk."Tsudo said walking towards the bar.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Book Antiqua] [COLOR=Red] Stone went over to help Sasuna with her stuff, while the rest looked about the death, looking for one last kill. Ragnor leaned over to Kali and whispered," He's going smooth." Kali grinned. "Rag-sensei, you should take lessons from him." She whispered back. Then Ragnor looked at Vincent," mm-hmm" he hummed knowingly,"if only I were that bold." Kali punched him in the gut. " Whatever, stupid-sensei" Kali went over to Sasuna," your clothes are blood-stained" She said. Sasuna looked at her clothes,"oh crap." Ragnor nodded towards his house,"you're welcome to stay at my place." They all shrugged and headed towards Ragnor's house. "This is your house?" Al said looking up. It was at least 3 stories up and took up an acre. It had a kind of gothic look about it. "yeah.. you always liked places like this didn't you?" Stone asked Ragnor. When they got inside Sasuna asked," Where can I change? In [B]private[/B]" she said pointedly. Kali tooke her bags from Stone,"C'mon I'll show you the way." she offered going up the stairase. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Her eyes showed the weariness of many battles. Then she grabbed anothers demons head and crushed it into the ground, Vincent whistled. Kali looked at him, serious. "Mercy and sympathy is no weakness of mine." He held his hands up, then he shot a knife at a demon behind Kali. "you missed one." He said, getting ready for more. Meanwhile Al joined the fight, and Sasuna and Chris went inside to deal with the rest of them. Sasuna grabbed anything she would need and could carry on the way. "Hey you! Let go of my clothes!" She yelled as she kicked a demon that was in her wardrobe. She looked around her house, her beautiful home now being infested with disgusting demons. "DAMN YOU PRINCE!! DAMN YOU!!" she yelled. Al, Vincent, Kali, Ragnor and Stone all heared her outside. "She's got quite a temper." KAli said grunting as she swung her sword. "This coming from...?" Ragnor said. "Shut it." Kali threatened. Al shot out of nowhere and struck a demon in the neck, with his knife. Then another demon came up behind him, and brought his sword down on him but after he sliced him Al dissapeard. An illusion. And he came out of the ground again and swung out a sword from his sleeve. Vincent stuck another knife into the ribs of another demon and sliced him open. "Where the [I]hell[/I] do you people get these weapons from?!" Kali yelled spinning in a deadly circle with her sword. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]As Ruby lay on the couch, she sniffed around it and scratched at it. Kaho looked at her and said," What's wrong?" "She's probably just acting like a normal dog." Cali meowed. Ruby shook her head," I smell dog here ...and there and .. everywhere!!" she said exitedly. "okay, just go to sleep. It'll all be fine." Umi said as she yawned almost purring.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [SIZE=3][FONT=Papyrus][COLOR=Red]"Don't make me knock you out.." Kali threatened slightly, joking, while the energy of the battle wore off, her blood cooling down. "I was wondering were the last one was." Ragnor said, noting the firery building. "Now you know what you're up against. "Stone said behind him. Everyone was surprised," How did you two get out?" Sasuna asked. They said nothing, and they just looked at the burning building. Finally Stone headed towards another walk way. "Meet back here same time ." He said over his shoulder. "If anyone needs a place to crash you're welcome in my place," Ragnor announced to the group. Kali bowed awkardly to Vincent and let her hand free. "Ragnor if I could.." Kali began but he cut her off," You're always welcome, no matter what you've become.." he said. The group started to separate, then Ragnor smiled," Now you all know more about the Prince of Darkness,... and his cockyness. Doesn't that tick you off?" Others muttered some sort of agreement. [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  10. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]"yeah.." Ruby said looking down," But I don't need guarding ... right?" She said nervously looking at both of them. They both looked away, not saying anything. "aww . come on give me some props here people.." Ruby whined all the way to the main hall. To were Meister was waiting. They had finished off the booze Tsudo had brought for them. So when Meister found them he wrinkled his nose and said," HAve you all been drinking again?" No one said anything.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Papyrus][COLOR=Red] Kira stretched out on her tree,then looking at the town she yawned. " I want some food, "She said offhandedly. She jumped down, her hair trailing down behind her. She looked at the sleeping guards. "Those idiots, " She threw her hair over her shoulders and just walked up to them. " Hello, boys aren't you gonna get in trouble?" Thye woke up ," Oh, miss Kira, what a surprise. Come in, come in for your monthly shopping? "They asked. She nodded. The town was sleeping and she went to the tavern where she knew it would be open this late at night. She sniffed around and frowned,"It's [I]him[/I] he's been around here." she said. Her eyes flashed with their peircing red gaze, and she went towards the tavern. "I should get going,before he moves location again."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]"it always fills my heart to see a fallen fairy regain her wings" Kali said looking up at the floating figure. Chris looked at her," Sorry.." Kali apologized to him, and went running full speed at the woman sharpening her nails to points. "Demon filth ." Shirube sneered. She sent a wave of air through her staff. Kali was taken aback, and thrown at the ground. "Great... just great." Kali muttered as SAsuna went in for the kill.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Ruby took the bottle from Tsudo and gulped half of it down," Wow.. I needed that.." then she touched her neck.She curled her legs and held them against her chest, resting her chin on her knees. "It's just.... nothing. My neck just hurts that's all "She looked at Tsudo, "[B]You[/B] got hurt more than I did anyway."She said looking at Tsudo. The two men looked at each other and stepped closer to Ruby,"hold her still." Kampfer said. Tsudo held her arms together while she struggled against their grip. "Lemme go!!" Kampfer took a look at her neck, where near the muscle was and purple bruise was there. It was scarred, as if someone had peirced her skin with a knife, or [I]nails.[/I] "What the hell is that?" Tsudo asked looking at her neck. Ruby looked down ashamed," That is my punishment for being to weak to protect myself from [I]him[/I] " "Weak and I'm helpless "Ruby said and stopped struggling," I can't even defend myself.."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Everyone got up and used their senses. Kali looked at Sasuna," YOu've been through hardships with this guy, haven't you?" Sasuna stayed silent. "not all fairies are saints. You musn't judge." she said. Kali grew her fangs and Sasuna gasped," And not all vampires kill or the fun of it." Kali laughed loving the reaction and walked towards Ragnor. "Ragnor, should we attack now or--" he looked at her and said to everyone," If you want to fight now is a good time to start doing so, to learn what kind of power you're up against." Everyone stood still for a moment, then headed out the door, to meet the Prince of darkness. When they got outside there was a woman instead,"I have come by request of my Master, to see your pathetic group of a resistance." Shirube declared. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red][FONT=Papyrus]"Me!" Kali said, taking a seat and getting her cards dealt. Others came and played as well. IT was as couple of minutes before the silence became unbearable. Finally Kali said,"Does anyone else smell the blood of the dead around these parts?" The others kept looking at their cards. Chris gave no emotion, Sasuna looked at her disgustedly," Hungry?" Kali stared long and then said slowly," I know one of the people who called for us. Ragnor Wulfsson he's called. His people say something evil is coming." "Al looked up "How evil?" Chris spoke," He's killed millions of people just for the sake of seeing the earth drenched in blood. More are soon to follow." "And that's why you're here. All of you." Said Stone walking into the room. He wore his hair long and in a pony tail, his sleeveless shirt and baggy pants giving him off as a teenager. But his dark eyes showed the wisdom and tiredness of an immortal. Ragnor came in after him, took a glance around and explained," You all have been sought out for your special abilities or your--infamy around thesse parts. You have a mission and you will carry it out for the sake of everyone. " "Your freinds, family or if you don't care about anyone ." He looked at Kali," yourself."[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]"ooww ow it hurts" Ruby whined, in the privacy of a curtained room. she had just put her sweater back on, when Kampfer came in. "How's the wound? Enough to die?" He said. "Not yet. At least." Ruby said, " Where's Tsudo?" "He went to the bar, couldn't stop him." He said taking a seat. "What's up with you, lately?" he asked. "First there's that thing on your neck that you keep touching, and then you're all moody." Ruby sat down opposite him," It's nothing. I tell, you" then she touched her neck uncounsiously. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]"Tsk. I smelled Fairy on that person"Kali muttered. then she wondered "Hmm .. i'm not hungry right now." She followed in the shadows behind the girl. She wore clothes like a punk. Then she smelled blood. "Ick.. that's past its prime." They reached the inn and she entered after the girl. She looked around, It was a normal inn, but she knew to go into a specific room. "This town smells like blood, and death." then she licked her mouth.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Ruby clapped Tsudo on the back,"Good for you ! All that booze has numbed your ability to feel pain." SHe said smiling. He looked at her, then tapped her stomach," ANd you, what about that cut?" Ruby muffled a squeak. "N-nothing. It's fine I'll be right back." And she ran out the door. Tsudo looked at Kampfer," She's lying isn't she?" KAmpfer nodded. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. ooc// the rp is up here's the link [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=756662#post756662]here there the darkness comes[/URL] Sorry, but I finally found a pic that I did that looks similar to Kali, [URL=http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p139/DarkAngel_Blaze550/07_06_0.jpg]click this thing[/URL] Pay no attention to the words in the background.... :animeswea
  20. [SIZE=3][FONT=Papyrus][COLOR=RED]"This time Darkness has gone too far." Stone said. Ragnor looked at him. Then he looked back at the devestation, the village was in ruins and bodies littered the floor, blood oozing everywhere. "The stench of blood reeks to high heaven." He said in disgust. Anything worth saving was drenched in blood and rotting. IT had come and destroyed the village and surrounding villages. All had been ravaged like this one. "Hunters we've found a survivor." one of the remaining villagers said. They brought a girl over, she was in a stupor and her eyes were unfocused. "We found her, she had been taken to see the demon and ever since then she had stayed inside his house."The old man said. When she did not move Stone stepped forward and pressed two fingers to her forehead, for he was a Seer and unlocked the minds of humans. Then suddenly, as if he was burned he took them away, his face grim and his eyes full of silent hatred. "This girl may never be touched by another man agian, given what she's been through" Ragnor mirrored Stone's look. "I think it's time we called a group of hunters together, don't you?"Ragnor said, Stone nodded. "Before the Darkness devours us all." Kali Blake woke, rubbing her eyes. She opened her door and found a page waiting, a letter in hand. ?for me?? The young page nodded. She opened the letter,? Dear Ms. Blake, We have kindly taken your -- abilies into focus. If we could request a job from you..... She kept reading the note out of the inn. "Hmm.. that place isn't far from here.I could make it running .. but the sun might slow down my process" She shrugged and Started running. Ooc// Okay people the rp is here*tada!* write your littles hearts away. Anyone can meet anyone :catgirl: [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=2][FONT=Papyrus][COLOR=Red]Tsudo managed to get away from the nurse. He opened the door as quietly as he could. ANd that's when Kampfer took his shoulder and dragged him to bed. Ruby showed up in time to see Tsudo protest. "Ok, we get it. Just sit back down." she sighed, taking her tray and dumping it." you don't understand the nurse--"tsudo said. "She's taken care of " Ruby finished. THen she took out a beer from her sweater pocket. "Were did you get that?"Tsudo said. "Snuck it. They wouldn't belive that I wasn't underage." Kampfer and Tsudo looked at each other with a glance that spoke volumes. "What? I knew you were gonna go to the bar anyway. It's better than having to collapse on your way there." Ruby said innocently. Tsudo stopped drinking and said,"Who collapsed?" Raising an eyebrow. Ruby looked at him seriously," I wonder how much those needles were to hurt..." She wondered aloud. Tsudo just kept drinking. [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  22. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Ruby woke up and looked around. "Why is everyone in the trees?!" She jumped off her tree and headed to a nearby river to wash off the blood. "It might attract unwanted company.." She reasoned. Then she went back to her tree only to find Cali looking at her. "My bad, I didn't wake you did I?" Ruby apologized as she went up to the branches. Cali shook her head,"Just checking were you all were." Ruby lookedover at her," Don't trust us?" CAli replied "What about you?" "FAir enough." Ruby shrugged, beaten.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Ruby stole some food away from the cafeteria and snuck out the back door. "Safe." she sighed, before bumping into another. "Ow.. like I need anymore bruises."She whined rubbing her cheek. Then she looked up, and swore. "Goin' somewhere?" Kampfer said, his arms crossed. Ruby smiled nervously," Wait, weren't you going to check up on Tsudo?" He shook his head, "no , first I wanted to know what happened, so I can skin both you're asses properly" "How thoughtful of you " said Ruby scarfing down food, heading towards the hospital wing and filling in Kampfer of what she knew.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Ruby limped to her room when she met Kampfer on the way. He looked at her ran to help her keep her balance,"Damn, what the hell did you do?" Ruby was slowly losing control and said,"NOTHING. Absolutely nothing." Kampfer looked down at her. She felt tears well up in her eyes. She wiped them away and said," Thanks , i'll take it from here. Check up on Tsudo, he's not doing to hot either." She closed the door and went to her bathroom and looked at her wound. She winced just looking at it."Ouch. No wonder it hurt so much." It reached from her collarbone to her stomach. "Gonna have a hard time patching this up." she got her towel and headed towards the baths, after she made sure no one was around. She snuck a few clothes out of a basket and headed to the baths, were she proceded to wash the blood off and patch it before any more came out. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [SIZE=2][FONT=Impact][COLOR=Red]Ruby saw blackness and her stomach hurt all the way to her chest. Her vision became clearer and she saw sand. Someone was carrying her. "Aahh!!" she yelled as she remembered the Antro. Tsudo looked at her ," you ok?" He was carrying her, through the desert back to the Main hall.She scrambled and tried to get off," Don't worry!! I can walk.." "Don't be stupid, you passed out remember? you should really be more careful." Tsudo said. Ruby managed to get down she looked at the ground," So I am in the way... I couldn't even save my own skin.." she walked away. Her body felt weak , but she didn't care, [I]HE was right... HE has my memories and HE will pay!![/I] Her clothes were stained with blood and she walked a bit ahead of Tsudo, ashamed of her being weak.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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