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Everything posted by DarkAngel_2.0

  1. [COLOR=Red][FONT=Papyrus][SIZE=3] Ruby looked at the blond nurse," Must be tough, huh?" She asked the other red head. The nurse nodded in sympathy. The ther boy was looking at her too, then he grabbed the wires from the ceiling. "Careful with those, you'll get a shocking experience" Ruby said to the boy. Then she picked up her new clothes and towel and asked the nurse," where is the bath, thsi dirt is not my best style." The nurse pointed toward the door, "It's only a bit of warm water, but we do have more of cold water." Ruby shrugged resigning to take a long cold shower. Then she remembered the other boy," Hey, what's your name?" she asked still heading toward the bath. "Tsudo.." he said as if the name was still a bit foreign, which it probably was. "I call myself, Ruby, If you want to know." she called over her back wanting to say to someone other than herself, to confirm it.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red][FONT=Papyrus]'Space. I remember floating and then energy suddenly leaving my body. And .. exhaustion, bliss to be away, the surface, away from whatever was chasing me... But the being wouldn't be content with that he came up with a cloth over his mouth. And he pinched me on my shoulder and then blackness........ "Sir! This one is still alive!! Her heart rate shot up!!" A fuzzy voice yelled far away, like an echo. "Still alive? Impossible ! her condition, She went strait into shock!but her wounds are far worse than all others, which are now dead, Hurry get her onto a bed!" Another voice yelled. Hands.. they were everywhere, groping at my limbs. I mumbled some sort of protest but it was lost in their hurry. After the agonzing and awful smelling medicines I was left in peace. I touched the back of my neck, it hurt as I touched the sensitive spot near my vein... knocked out. ' She shook her head, A dream, something about dream. She saw something on her torn glove. It was a ruby with a flame inside it. the other glove had the same insignia. "I've been erased.." She said almost in a daze. " yes you have" a nurse with blond curls said," now a name for me please." The girl looked at the glove." Ruby... Blaze. My name is Ruby Blaze." she said with more confidence. The nurse wrote it down and pointed to a pile of clothes and a towel. "Take a bath, 'cause you reek and then get dressed" Ruby grimanced at the pain of moving, and moved faster when the nurse left in exasperation. "Cold hearted bitch." Ruby muttered as she strained to get the clothes. [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. Name: Ruby Blaze Age: 17 Gender: female Race: Egyptian class: warrior/assasin Weapon: twin blades Skills: Basic defence/ attack manuvers , specialty is speed surprise attacks magic: binding/ releasing magic that she reads from ancient egyptian scrolls that she keeps in her coat. appearance:[URL=http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p139/DarkAngel_Blaze550/07_06_0.jpg]Click here[/URL] ( pay no heed ot hte letters in the background :animeswea ) bio: She's had a rough life, even killing to make money. She was abandoned by .her parents in an Egyptian armoury and thus was taken as an appreantis to a great warrior. When she finished her training on her back was tatooed an oath of determination, reminding herself to never give in to others. She had surpassed her mentor and was hired by many. Her past induced her to be cautious with everything , so she also made herself an assasin, as a part time job. She doesn't know who her parents are or her family, and now she doesn't care. What she lives by is " If they abandond me then why should I care for someone who doesn't want my." Personality: Her past made her silent, strong and deadly. She has sworn to herself that she must not feel. But nobody is perfect so she settled by being silent. her eyes hold pain but she keeps it well hidden. she will protect the one's she cares for, no matter what.
  4. [FONT=Papyrus][COLOR=Red]As they neared the girl she looked worse. Her face was strained with the effort of staying concious and her leg looked numb which was an okay sign. Ruby knelt down only to be slashed by Aurora's claws. "Don't touch me!" She cried. Ruby didn't back down she had heard her cry out, but in it was a note of despreation and pain.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. Name: Ruby Blaze age; 18? gender;Female bio:when she woke up she went through shock. she guessed that when she was frozen she was going through something. appearance:[URL=http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p139/DarkAngel_Blaze550/07_06_0.jpg]click this thing[/URL] Pay no attension to the words in the background... :catgirl: Personality: She is definatly out of the 'girl ' stereotype category. Willing to finish a fight no matter what the consequences. A little tomboyish and her set of personal rules are twisted(and funny) free spirited and eager to prove someone wrong. Fav skills: Flame circle nature attack rain of blood(use when injured psycho defence :catgirl: plz tell me if I need to chane anything!!
  6. :animeswea Sorry Sasuke ! All that Anime has gone to my head. Is it better now?
  7. [COLOR=Red]After they had followed the cat which dissapeared they looked everywhere but couldn't find the cat. Ruby then raised her head and sniffed north,"I smell the cat again. It's this way." after following they found the place where the cat's mother was leaning on. She was in bad shape, her leg was wounded and so was her shoulder. she was breathing hollowly and in short quick breaths. The cat was standing over her, attending to her mother. By now Kai, Umi and Tankyo had followed along with Ruby and Kaho.[/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=2][FONT=Papyrus][COLOR=Red]name: Flamepaw gender: Shecat rank: apprentice Description: She has dark black fur and on her feet , chest and tail tip is a ruby red tinge. Her eyes are always searching and are a deep blood red color. she is not fluffy just sleek and is hard to see at night. original clan: Shadowclan personality: she has a troubling past and has had enough of emotions so she doesn't express herself well. she likes to stay in the shadows if ever possible. She wants to fight to protect others and to do that she despreatly want to become a warrior. ~~~~~~~~2nd character sheet~~~~~~~~ name: Shadowmoon (?) gender:Tomcat rank:warrior description: Like his name he isn't really black, but a dark gray he's got the tabby 'M' on his forehead. his eyes are unusually black, maybe a deep dark blue.. original clan:Shadow personality: cool calm and collected, he knows of Flamepaws past and respects her decisions. He's also very smooth talking and sarcastic.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=Red][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ruby looked up in the air and sniffed, " Cat. I smell cat! And blood fresh blood, with a sense of fear." The cat looked at Ruby and hissed. Ruby growled deep in her throat.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Please put more effort and substance to your posts in the future, this is simply too short for roleplaying purposes. Thank you. - Sandy[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. Name: Kira age:17 gender:female Looks:stands around 5'5 and has red hair that reaches to her waist. she doesn't bother with her looks and has cold eyes which are a blood red. she wears baggy black pants and an leather jacket. weapons: large Sword race: demon side: good personality: she doesn't really show emotions well.If you manage to become her friend she'll protect you. she not what you call a 'princess' if you get my drift. bio:SHe's lived her life charading as a human and she became wll known for her kindness(good actor). since she was alone she was taken in by a family and became one of them. the family was actually other orphaned children and she grew to love and protect them. THen one day she had comehome late and saw that all of her family was brutally killed. she arrived just in time to hear her brother final words ," the shadows.. shadows" before he passed away. with that she grew bitter and cold and went back into a forest. She will protect though. and she went ahunting when she heard of a certain shadow demon.
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