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Dr. Funk

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Everything posted by Dr. Funk

  1. Box jellyfish, blue ringed octopuses, and just about every single animal down there that can kill you.
  2. [QUOTE=Revelation][color=#4B5B5B]Hey there [B]Dr. Funk[/B]. I'd like to welcome you to OtakuBoards on behalf of the staff. Have you had time to take a gander at the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][B]Rules[/B][/URL]? If you haven't, you should. I'd like to remind you to remember the rating before you post your thread. I'll let it slide this time but please remember it because without a proper rating, a thread is susceptible to closing. I'm not sure if you have or have not, but please check out the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44313][B]OB Anthology Basics[/B][/URL] sticky. - Revelation.[/color][/QUOTE] I attempted to. Right as I was posting the thread, I put the dash mark, but apparently the "PG" got deleted in the process. I went back to re-edit the thread, but the PG went only into the title on the page.
  3. "Jesus it's cold out here" Hal thought. He was perched up in a tree, and despite his coat blanketing his entire body, he was shivering feverishly. It was nearing the end of winter, but the last few days were always the coldest. Hal pulled out the cartridge from his rifle. Not a single bullet was missing. He was beginning to forget how long he had been out here, and not even remembering if he had fired a shot or not. He tossed his rifle sling over his shoulder, and shimmeyed down the tree. He folded his arms together, and plowed through the thick snow, back to camp. Hal stopped at a large rock at the base of a hill. He looked around, then pulled a white blanket off the rock, revealing a hatch opening. On each corner of the hatch, were four locks. Hal reached for a necklace he had on, and pulled it off, revealing a set of keys. He unlocked each one, and lowered himself in, he closed the hatch door and twisted it shut. Hal lowered himself down the ladder and into the dark hallway, and began walking into the main room. It was cold down here, and he could hear the voices of the other soldiers in his unit talking. But something was wrong. "I'm fuckin' dyin'.....!" "Someone get me a towel!" Hal rushed down the hall and into the kitchen. Laying on the table was a human, his jacket soaked in blood. Dave had never seen this soldier before. "What the fuck is going on?!" "Soldier...this guy, this guy is a soldier, we found him in a net trap, there was an arrow in his gut!" "*Shit..." Dave muttered "Get some antiseptic, clean the wound thouroughly, and put a bandage over it"
  4. AD 2156 , evolution has quickly come, creating hybrid humans. Fast forward 650 years later, nuclear war occurs, wiping out huge portions of the world. With hardly any order, everyone is constantly fighting for medical supplies, food, and anything that will better to keep themselves alive. In a fit of frustration, alliances form: Hybrids and humans, each one in a constant pursuit to eliminate the entire opposing race. This idealogy quickly spreads all over the world, which leads us to this particular story.... Vorkuta, Russia. In the dead of winter. The sound of branches snapping off trees sounds like pistols firing in the frozen forest. Visibility is extremely limited. The humans take refuge in hidden underground shelter, while the hybrids hide in camoflauged treetop forts. In such cold weather, radio transmission is limited, and certain platoons have to live off their supplies till the cold ends. Rules: -No godmoding, obviously. -Be conscious when attacking people, as in no "Freeman lunges from the bushes and attack John, he twists Johns arm, therefor breaking it, and stabs him in the leg with a knife" -All forms of weapons are allowed. -When I say "Hybrids", I mean, half-human, half-(Insert animal, mythical creature, etc here) -Magic: Hybrids only, and it depends on what kind of half hybrids you are. If your half dragon, or half phoenix, you can have small bits of magic. Insert the following information. Name: Hal Lewis Age: 59 Height: 6'1 Eye color: Gray Hair: Gray Race: Human Weapons: Dual beretta pistols on his belt, a sawed off shotgun in his boot holster. An M1 Carbine assault rifle, a hunting knife strapped to his belt. A strap going across his chest with an array of grenades. Born in: Amsterdam, of American descent. Trained in: Covert operations Platoon: 1001th Bravo unit. Wearing: Snow camoflauge, white boots, goggles, a white ski mask revealing his eyes(or goggles) only. Background: Born in Amsterdam, knew only his father. At an early age, he was taught how to use basic firearms by his father. His father was a farmer, but since he knew Hal would have to fight one day, his father felt it was neccesary to teach him the basics. When Hal joined the army, he was found to be an excellent marksman, and was given a job in a sniper unit in Somalia. Hal found this job extremely dull, seeing as there was hardly any activity in this area. He applied for a job in covert operations, and was shipped to Russia.
  5. Dr. Funk

    Last Movie

    The Departed and Saw III at a double feature last night. The Departed was outstanding, an incredibly smart thriller, definitly one of the best Scorsesse films I've seen. Saw III was great to, pretty visceral, some of the people in the audience left, and a definite recomendation to Saw fans.
  6. Probably Zanzibar, Africa. I went their several years back and it had some of the greatest SCUBA diving sites I've been to.
  7. Laughing, cackling, screaming Descending into madness We drive forever this gray desert Descending into the flames of hell Bats clouding the earth Red and blue spiders, crawling into our flesh A joker and a stingray, exchange thanks And a bullet ridden man, crawls near We drive forever this gray desert Descending into the flames of hell I can see it now Flames on the horizon Ash floating in the sky Falling upon our swollen skin Descending into the flames of hell Fire scorches our backs The warlords pursue us The red lights flashing in our eyes Their fingers inches from our very throats As they close in on our very souls Fire scorching our backs The souls of the damned cry innocence "You pigs!" we shout "You mercenaries! You killers!" "Leave us our enterprise, leave us our enteties be! The souls of the damned cry innocence As we hold on to the mountains of brimstone Tumbling, falling, cursing madly at the generals of madness Pelted by the biting of a hundred snakes We go down, firing our matchlocks A clenched fist raised in the air The souls of the damned cry innocence And I see, sweeping valleys of fear
  8. Dr. Funk

    Weird Al Yankovic

    Welcome to about two weeks ago.
  9. Dr. Funk

    Saw III

    Already saw(heh heh, "Saw") it. Hardcore Saw fans will enjoy it, and probably the most gruesome one in the series.
  10. Not movies that you just enjoyed, but movies that had some form of impact on you. * The Godfather * The Shawshank Repemption * The Shining * Lord of War * The Weatherman * One Flew OVer the Cuckoos Nest * Fight Club *Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas * Momento * Pulp Fiction * Reservoir Dogs * Bladerunner * The Fifth Element * Citizen Kane * Akira * Princess Mononoke * Wargames * Office Space * Saw * Casablanca *Happiness * Schindlers List * The USual Suspects * Indiana Jones(Series) * Airplane! * Life of Brian * Psycho * Goodfellas * Mean Creek * American Beauty * LA Confidential *Ferris Buellers Day Off *An American Werewolf in London * Vertigo * The Birds * Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind * Paths of Glory * Das Boot * Dr Strangelove * A Clockwork Orange * 2001: A Space Odyssey * Requiem for a Dream * Sin City * Million dollar Baby * Raging Bull * Alien * Aliens * Cinderella Man * Forrest Gump * Crash * Donnie Darko * Full Metal Jacket * Ben-Hur * Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid * Bonnie and Clyde * Fargo * The Big Lebowski * O Brother, Where Art Thou? * Raising Arizona * Standy By Me * Mystic river * Scarface * Heat * Dog Day Afternoon * Young Frankenstein * Spaceballs * A History of the World: Part 1 * Snatch * The Boondock Saints * The Thing * Caddyshack * Jaws * King Kong * Night of the Living Dead * Dawn of the Dead * Rocky * The Exorcist *Se7en *M*A*S*H *Star Wars(Series) *The Matrix *Apacolypse Now *North by Northwest *Clerks *Serpico *Rear Window *12 Angry Men *Chinatown *Leon *The Pianist *Taxi Driver *The Royal Tenenbaums *The Wall *Carlitos Way *The Warriors *Hell is for Heroes *My Neighbor Totoro *The Great Escape *Elephant Man *The Departed *Tokyo Godfathers *Metropolis
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