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About Damburaki
- Birthday 01/24/1991
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Arial]This is from the POV of a geisha, but this is kinda old so....enjoy anyway! [SIZE=4]The gazes from my audience Were bedazzled and in awe As I danced before them Or at least from what I saw Fans danced open As I swayed to the side Fluttering in my hands With a graceful slide Dramatic lights and costumes Add effect to what I do Fans disappear in my kimono Seems like magic to you "Such a hypnotic dance" A comment left unspoken I can tell they're ensnared Like a child and a shiny token Oh the stories I can tell And the lies I can unweave Not a word from my lips On this tranwuil eve I gaze up through the roof To the shielded skies Turning my umbrella I hide my eyes I disappear from sight Flashing timid smiles Thunderous applause Could be heard for miles[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=3][FONT=Arial Narrow]Seems like I've been on a hiatus. I'm going to make one post that'll be an old poem (revised of course) and then I'll indulge you with something new. Alright? Have a good one.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow]I've been doing some thinking lately and this is the product of some of those thoughts. Hope you enjoy. [SIZE=3]There's nothing more that I want That to return home To be in the heart of excitement To let my thoughts and feelings roam But here I am in this foreign place Everday I open my eyes Everyday there's an unfamiliar face Somewhere I encounter more lies There is no point in calling out And hope that someone will come for me Staying here is the new plan My cold hearted destiny I will never get used to this--no But everyday I stay awake I look for a chance to go Every opputunity I can take[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow]I was on YouTube and I was looking through Stephen Lynch songs. I'm sure it was him, I can check up on that later. Anyway, the song is [B][U][SIZE=3][I]Life's Gonna Suck.[/U][/B] Life's gonna suck when you grow up When you grow up When you grow up Life's gonna suck when you grow up It sucks pretty bad right now [Hey if you know the words sing along!] You're gonna have to Mow the lawn Do the dishes Make your bed You're gonna have to go to school Until you're 17 [It's gonna feel three times as long as that] You might have to Go to war Shoot a gun Kill a war You might have to Go to war When you get out of school Santa Claus does not exist And there's no Easter Bunny When you grow up You'll realize Big Bird isn't funny Funny Funny Ah ha ha ha ha ha ooh... Life's gonna suck when you grow up When you grow up When you grow up Life's gonna suck when you grow up It sucks pretty bad right now You're gonna end up Smoking crack On your back Face the facts You're gonna end up smoking crack And then you're gonna die [Interlude] And then you're gonna di-i-i-i-i-i-i-ie Hey! Hey![/I][/SIZE] Yes, the song is short, and man it's funny. I'll try to get more.[/FONT][/COLOR]
Art Just A Random Question To All You Artists Out There
Damburaki replied to a topic in Creative Works
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Well, my dad was a big inspiration to me to start drawing. He used to draw when he was younger (be it on the walls, in his notebook, etc) and I thought that it was really great, his work. He does realism (real life people, things...) and I draw anime. He tried to teach me and it was fun but my style is anime. However, he still teaches me things I need to know, so he's a really big inspiration to me.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm....I think i'm gonna go with that second choice. I mean, I can alway's get some chicken grease on my hand's before I bite them. Yummy in my tummy. Would you rather chew on a piece of oakwood? Or.... Would you rather suck on a piece of cherrywood?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I think I would suck on a piece of cherrywood. The chewing bit seems like it would do havoc on the mouth and especially if you have braces. >_< I don't but that's just something that should be counted into thought. Would you rather get a full body wax OR be tipped in hot tar?[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow]I'm still somewhat sick; my last poem and this poem are currently the byproducts of this and yeah. More to come on from that. This time I shall type carefully. :animesigh Anyway, enjoy this one. [SIZE=3]Back inside this hell hole That I thought I escaped but now I'm trapped here, tugged down by the bootstraps I want to be free but how? Inside me there is a plea That screams thru emptiness as vast as the sea Don't forget how hard I've tried--the tears I've cried The anger is building and makes me wish I've died Tried so hard to get away Plotting every night and day Heaven knows what I went through To forsake my past...to forget you[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow]Second and fourth lines of the first verse rhyme with the second and fourth of the last verse. I'm pretty sick when I wrote this. This is actually something I thought I'd write considering my mood. [SIZE=3]The words that you speak to me Do you realy mean them? The person that you seem to be Are you really there? Eyes covered by a flop hat Or the drifting of a cloud Put your dreams up to bat Pray you'll hit them above the crowd The dust kicks behind you As you run around the plate You're running real fast too Escaping the pain before it's too late Nothing seems to take them away Memories of that femme Her being is in your mind everyday But I guess to you, it's too troublesome to care[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
I liked this. It was very nice; I enjoyed it.
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Arial] [-Puts finger to cheek-] Well...let me think. Heh. Of course I have. Mainly I was in Cowboy Bebop or Samurai Champloo, but there was one that I can't forget. I was in Saiyuki I [as my OC of course] was taking a nap and then Goku and Hakkai began to play Mah Jong on my stomach. I blinked and opened my eyes and Sanzo and Gojyo were arguing about nothing in Sumo wear. I stared at them and was about to say something until Goku rushed back in (where he went I'll never know) in J-Rock clothes (yes, the torn jeans, buttons, paper clips, the whole she-bang) and claimed that he went on the Oprah show and won a million dollars. Then Hakkai appeared behind him and robbed him... I was eating a banana/melon looking thing... :animeswea Then the strangest thing happened. Cut to: we're in a van--a green van--on our way to --get this--Kroger. We get there then Goku, Gojyo and Hakkai jump in the car (because Sanzo was driving) and showed me packs of hamster food. Then I woke up. :animestun I also had another one where all the Gundam Wing characters were individually killed off. Aside from the gore it was [I]hilarious!![/I] [/FONT][/COLOR]
You're right. It was laziness on my part. I will do something better. I understand that some lines have flaws. (The first four lines of Stanza Two [care....there = the rhyming lines). I will do better. Even though, rewriting is in order. I prefer to leave it as a relic of progress and not only that but it's to show that my best work is not written when I am lazed out. Thank you for your concern and critique. [size=2][color=DarkSlateBlue][font=Arial Narrow]I wrote this for someone who thinks that their life has ended and seeing as it's hard to express with my voice, I hope this helps. I know the last two lines sound off but that is fine; I wanted that line in there so much. It proves a point.[/font] [size=3]I continue to hear "If looks could kill" The way you stare at me They probably will You threaten to crush my hopes and dreams That would be the end it seems You can try to hide your past Maybe the memories will stop at last Don't think about the scars you had You're not bleeding, but they hurt really bad Blood and pain keep you alive The only ways you know how to thrive Pain is the reminder you still live And you put up barriers that must never give Words constricted like a tightening rope You force yourself to give up hope Let me help you, I insist Maybe then you'll find a true reason to exist [font=Verdana][size=1][color=Red] Please do not double post. If you need to add more, simply edit your original post. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. -- Lady Asphyxia[/color][/size][/font] [/size][/color][/size]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=3][FONT=Arial]Thank you very much. I shall. :animesmil [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
___A simple recreate___ Oy ya... here's something that I just thought of because I'm a bored person and I just felt like I needed the release... [CENTER] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Depiction of a Broken Mirror[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=3][FONT=Arial Narrow]Sitting here watching you It really makes me cold Sitting here watching you Makes my heart feel old Nothing else seems to matter It's really sad but true And I realized all this Sitting here Watching you Not that I really care About what you say Protest to me. Go ahead I'll pretend you're not even there The reason I am sitting here At least for a moment now Is because I need your help I just have to ask, but how? Sometimes when I sit here All alone it seems My answers always come to me Deep from my dreams But not this time, this reason Is far beyond myself I try to find the beginning By reading my journals on my self But now... Somewhere deep within me There, the answer stays But as I sit here watching you And all your silly ways I think the answer is to live I can't find that on my shelf Is too bad I lost you Just like I lost myself[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]This is really great. I think that it's well-done and nicely executed. Once again, great writing.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]I know that it sounds kinda stupid and what have you not, but my favorite place is when I'm in meditation. Now I won't leave you there. You see, everytime something stresses me out, I just bottle it up ya know, but as soon as I close my eyes or zone out for a minute, I go to that tranquil place where no one can reach me. It's sorta hypnotic; it pulls you in a trance and the next thing you know, you're by a calm serene lake with no one else around so. Drifting... It's your own little world, ya. It's...really nice. Well, that's my favorite place to be. :animesigh [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]