Heh, I'm probably really late to reply to this post and I am going to sound kind of like a slut right now, but I'm 13, and I've had 4 boyfriends. v.v...I am actually still on my fourth one. XD But that's besides the point. This has not happened to me, and I hope it never does, but if you find out from him or someone that he is just trying to get in your pants or something, obviously,you should dump him ASAP. Thats just a word of advice...My ex, after dumping me, said he only dated me to see if I could keep a secret and because he felt sorry for me. I asked him why and he said because no one wanted to date me. Whose laughing now? He was my 3rd bf and I was his 1st. XD Good luck and I hope you guys continue loving each other. ^^