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Everything posted by Darktactic
1. My birthday: July 8. 2. Sign: Cancer. 3. [U]Cancer Traits:[/U] Loving and Emotional Shrewd and cautious Sensitive and nurturing Intuitive as well as imaginative Sympathetic and Protective Indecisive and moody Over-emotional and sensitive Clinging and possessive 4. I think that it describes me about as much as it doesn't describe me. I don't believe zodiac signs are good for anything but fun. 5. I'm more likely to pick up on your pain and suffering?
I'm good at keeping secrets, although that's about it.
Try not to think too much about it, relationships shouldn't be forced. What I mean is, if you walk up to her out of the blue and ask her," Wanna go see a movie?" she'll think you're some creep. You really don't have any choice but to wait for an opportunity to introduce yourself and get acquainted. Anyway, if she's not interested in you there's really nothing that you can do about it. These things take time.
If you tell them, there are going to be consequences. If you're up to being sent off to a military reform camp or something like that, then I guess you just flat out tell them, "Mom, Dad, I lied to you. I smoke, and I've been smoking for X amount of years." Then at least, it'll probably be easier on you than if you had gotten caught without telling them. If you recognize that smoking is a problem for you, then I suggest quitting. I mean, if you have the guts to tell your parents that you smoke, then I think you probably have the will power to quit smoking until you at least turn eighteen.
[QUOTE=Allamorph] [FONT=Arial] *cough* Okie dokie. Well, the fact is that half of the glass?s total volume is occupied by water. Full or empty implies connotation, and facts run alongside denotation; how something sounds as opposed to what it means. Yes, facts can be [I]interpreted[/I] in various ways, but that doesn?t change their truth. Say I?m a high school student with a major English paper due in three days. I enter a room in which my mother happens to be sitting and she asks me, [B]?Is your paper done??[/B] I dodgily answer, [B]?It?s taken care of.?[/B] Now, to her that means that yes, the paper is done, since that is the sentence?s actual meaning. However, my interpretation was that, since I had planned to start it the following evening, the [I]issue[/I] wis ?taken care of?, and not the paper itself. My reason for this is that I wished to avoid a tedious lecture on procrastination, which would have been given had I told my mother exactly what was going down. Instead, I put my spin on it, knowing exactly how she?d misinterpret my interpretation. Essentially, I lied. Technically, I told the truth that she didn?t want to hear in the manner she wanted to hear it. I couldn?t change the fact; I only changed her [I]perception[/I] of the fact so that she was ignorant of it. Well, that took less time than expected. Again, too bad Chiyasha?s leaving us. I enjoyed her company. Or his company. :animeshy: Yeah. Umm.....that's a little awkward....[/FONT] -A[/QUOTE] Wait. What are you arguing against/for? Is money good or evil? What I'm saying is that money can be both good and evil, based on the facts. It isn't just "good" or "evil". What I gather from what you're saying is that the facts may be ignored, but not lied about. So what are the facts that show that money is clearly one or the other (and if you aren't for one side or the other, why are you arguing with me :animedepr )?
[QUOTE=The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Hey bud, it's hard as hell to tell a sarcastic comment from a serious one on a message board. It's all text, baby. And the only way people can know are with the hints you give 'em. Also if somebody knows you from being sarcastic in previous posts. A little "jk" at the end of a sarcastic comment does wonders, though it's not the most graceful. This is all from experience, too often have people not caught my sarcasm. :animeswea Anyways, just be careful. ^L^ [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Sometimes it's just easier to put "Beware, I'm a frequent user of sarcasm and satire." in your signature. Tends to clear things up. I don't really like using "j/k" because it sounds almost as if you're retracting your statement. Expressions are practically made for sarcasm :rolleyes:.
[quote] Originally Posted by [B]Allamorph[/B] [FONT=Arial]Although this sounds stupid, what about household trash cans? What about when I buy clothing for a homeless man? What about when I donate money to help my town?s high school band buy instruments? Don?t be so pessimistic.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Those are things that technically aren't good or bad (to me). There are many ways to look at them individually. Trash cans can been seen as evil (For example, because they represent technology and you're a Luddite), and so can anything else. Facts can be interpreted in various ways, even altering the fact itself you might argue by changing the nature in which it is perceived. Is the glass half full or half empty? It's just a matter of preference.
Whether money is evil in itself or not, it seems to me that all things requiring money are negative (money is in war, politics, corrupt people, etc.). Even if there are instances where money isn't necessarily negative, I can't think of any time when it has a positive effect.
[QUOTE=The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic] I stand by my previous comment that it's innapropriate to joke around with one's religion. I never said that i can't take a joke. I'm simply saying that it's a stupid move to do something like that, because you could very easily be talking to a deeply religious person, and you could offend them. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] People shouldn't concern themselves with what everyone else thinks. There are people in the world that have different perceptions of how things should work. Some cannot be swayed no matter how much reasoning and logic you give them to support your beliefs. They have the right to. After all, beliefs aren't facts. If you try to please everyone, you'll only end up denying yourself the ability of expression. Although, I do agree that in discussions such as this that it is unnecessary to post potentially offensive remarks.
1. What religion are you CURRENTLY following? If you don't have one, then why? Currently, I do not follow any widespread religion. The reason why I have chosen not to participate in religion is because every one that I have tried has lacked sincerity and motivation. I have in many instances attempted to be a part of religion (many different forms of it), but no matter how hard I?ve sought to put my disbelief in the divine being or supreme entity known as ?God? (which applies to the majority of popular beliefs) behind me I have never escaped a certain thought in the back of my head. That thought being that religion is nothing but a ploy intended to manipulate people?s hearts to do the will of a corrupt church organization. History demonstrates the effectiveness of this strategy. Religion has served as an instigator for many wars as it pits those with opposing beliefs against one another. There is no way to argue that this is not true. The Crusades are one of numerous examples. Wars are a basic, and easy way to obtain wealth. The conquering of other peoples sated the appetites of greedy, power-hungry aristocrats who held high places in The Church. To this day, the rift between religions still exists. Sub-divisions even further divide religions. The Sunnis and Shiites sects exemplify this well. Even though they both believe in Islam, the eradication of Muhammad?s successor Ali has created a fundamental difference between the two. You may not see such obvious exemplifications often, but I assure you that they still exist. Even within sects disagreement remains, and thus, the unanimous confidence in a belief cannot be. The roots of religions are a major source of concern and contemplation for me as well. 2. Why do you follow that religion? Parents, personal reasons, etc? I follow my own rules, as there is nothing more important to me than upholding my own values. It?s the same with everyone, regardless of religion. People share common beliefs instinctively, and religion binds all of them together. 3. Do you ever feel that people often criticize you because of these beliefs? No, people do not know what my beliefs are. The only way in which they may understand is through experience with me, and not even I know myself that well. 4. This one may spark a little bit of arguing: Do you believe that your religion is the one true religion? If so provide evidence. I do not believe that there is one ?true? religion out of those that exist, especially taking into account all of the other unsolvable mysteries there are in the world.