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About eureka454

  • Birthday 08/10/1993

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    smart ,reader, writing a book series, wrote one book so far working on another one
  • Occupation
    high school student
  • theOtaku User Name

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  1. very good, i like it, it should definity be made into a manga from a book, good job:animesmil:smirk:[COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][INDENT] I removed the quote for you eureka454. There is no need to quote the entire beginning post. ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. im otaku boards becaue there are a lot of things to talk about and somany people to talk to
  3. [quote name='Babybits2002']Well, I would have to say.......edge of my seat and jam packed full of action. :catgirl:[/quote]i look for manga that is like a good book that makes you want to read more and more , and still never get bored[color=seagreen] reading it over and over again .:love: :love: :love: :love: [/color]
  4. [quote name='Kurayami Oji][size=1][color=darkred]Ah yes, Eureka Seven, I love this anime, it seems like everytime it's on I have to sit down and watch it. It's just that good, and I love the whole LFO idea, how it kinda give's you that mecha feeling without them actually being "mechas'. But this anime is just good all the way around, definetly one of my favorite's. Pretty much the only problem that I have with it, is that it sometimes tends to get a little "too over-dramatic".[/color'][/size][/quote]it was so good , and sad that i cant belive that the next episode is going to be the last and i know its going to be great so i cant wait til then and if you dont watch the show you need to start.
  5. How long does it last Im ready now.:ball: [color=navy][size=1]Snipped for smilies and the biggest quote in the universe. - Dagger[/size][/color]
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