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Trunks Kun

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Everything posted by Trunks Kun

  1. you poor thing... I'm sorry. lol. This one dates back to the Radits Saga: Gohan(In a pouty tone)- where's my mom? I forgot my other one.... I'll remember it sometime...
  2. I thought I was in trouble........-_- Majin Vegeta- I totaly agree! Vegeta's quotes are the best. ya, "I've fought stronger house plants" What scares me is this: He've done that if he knows house plants are stronger than Hercule!:haha: :rotflmao:
  3. are you talking to me? cause if you are... i'm sorry. i didn't even know i was spamming.......... Movie 13(again!!^_^) Trunks to cat: DON'T EAT THAT! IT'S FOR BIG BROTHER!! **** it.. lol. i find that funny
  4. I really don't want to know what all that was about... anyway, I forgot a few: Vegeta: Hey! Servant woman! Get me a drying cloth! Bulma: Get it yourself. Vegeta: No.(I THINK that's what he said....-_-') Bulma: Then drip-dry you jerk! (everyone is getting ready for the World Marials Atrs Competition) Vegeta: Sounds interesting, I'll join too. Hey, Trunks. You join too. That's an order. Trunks: ?! Vegeta: Unless you want your allowance cut in half... heheh... Vegeta...
  5. i love the quotes by DBZ characters. In Saiajin Saga Vegeta after seeing Piccolo and Krillin split: heheh, wow. Cool. Movie 12, Vegeta to Goku Vegeta: I'd rather DIE than fue with you Kackarotto... Goku: But Vegeta... you're already dead. Vegeta: ............ hehe....
  6. your best bet would be just press square, triangle, and circle at the same time. Repetedly that is, so you don't miss it. Most likely you'll go into a beam battle, if you do, you press triangle as fast as you can. that way you win. if you can't figure that out, which i'm sure you can, search on google for help. I've done that and it really helps... besides, if you have the Japanese version, I doubt you'll be able to read the handbook... like me..
  7. I got like, 3 PM's in one day, and the little box thing poped up. but when I clicked on it, it came up fine... but there was no PM. so I'm wondering if the thing is supposed to do that.. or is my comp screwed?? they won't even show up in the other folders ether...
  8. maybe i can help isn't the last boss(other than Veran) on ages the thing with the sheilds? if so, like Kuja said, do that, then the other one is hit him in the back with your seed shooter. that's if he has the sheilds. he'll block it if you go for the front. good luck
  9. neutral. I say Link is some sort of Elf, he's got the ears, plays some sort of flute, uses a bow... ect. but he ages fast, so he must be a half-elf.... that's what my bro. and his friends say at least... lol. and elves are cute, so I'm neutral.
  10. My brother says that Movie 13 came inbetween DBZ.... like an ep. never shown.... it just comes, and then goes right back to the eps...i dunno. lol... but, that's just me to believe it, becouse it makes sense.
  11. DBZ Movies(all... mostly), GW, Princess Mononoke, Record of Lodoss War.
  12. Chibi Trunks and Future Trunks. No contest.
  13. i think last I checked he was....
  14. Brolli was [I]born[/I] with the power of a Super Saiya-jin. Yet he wasn't one.
  15. well, I have 2. movie 12 and 13. fav. parts: movie 12, Goten and Trunks are dodging all of Hitlers' attacks from the tanks, when they fuse. lol movie 13, hm... I'll have to say all of it.
  16. you have to go into profile, then Edit Options(anyone tell me if I'm wrong) then you scroll down and go to Change Avatar. you can only customize it if you have over a certain number of posts...
  17. ya i think that's about it... I know that Trunks isn't 20. oh wait.... I think you're right, Saiyadude... I haven't watched it yet.. but I know a few people who have seen the entire saga...... I should ask them.... or just hurry up and watch it myself... anyway, here's the Gt Gang..
  18. Trunks(both future and kid)-DBZ Duo Maxwell & Chang Wufei-Gundam Wing Tapion-DBZ movie 13 they're so cute... I just can't get them out of my head... what? you guys think I'm a boy? tsh. hell no. I'm 100% pure FEmale:wigout:
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] yes, we have all heard of an online store, so why bother explaining it to us? to make us look dumb? well you my friend, are the one who is currently looking dumb.... only someone who is dumb would like to call buu, "buuhan".... we all know how many eps and movies there are, so why bother telling us? are you trying to be smart? you certainly don't look it from your post, anyone can find out how many eps and crap there are, from this little thing we are all using called the "internet".... oh, and just to let you know, before trying to show off anything, altron-gundam has seen just about everything of the entire dragonball series, you know, db, dbz, dbgt, so keep that in mind, that he WILL know whether you know your stuff about the series simply by reading what you type, and transtic nerve and I have seen loads of the series too, before it came out on crapaani or whatever you call it, so that means you have 3, count em, 3 people who know their shiit to go up against, so before you make a lame-arse post about an episode you haven't seen but try and make it out that you have, keep in mind that we will be able to tell.... [/B][/QUOTE] alrighty then. I could guess that. but, you know what? I could care less. becouse I know that I'm right and you guys aren't. if you guys couldn't figure out that we bought the eps. movies etc. from a store, then why are you saying I haven't sen it before? hu? ok, my point exactly, besides that. I'll call whom-ever I want what-ever name I want. It's not like it's your guys' buisiness or anything... geez. so why don't you and your little friends just get off my case.. if your this mean to new comers all the time, I don't see how you keep getting newbies here.. but anywho... I could careless of what you guys think of me. becouse you don't know me, where I live, or even other details about me. so the worst you guys could do is ban me...
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B] Never in one way is Buu called Buuhan ever....idiot... You are stupid...look at your posts...Buuhan... All movies...all specials...all eps...you just sound like an all-for-nothing newbie...you don't even know how many eps and specials are there..don't even look for info somewhere on the net...I can tell... You are just trying to show off...ppl that having underlying arrogance deserve to be judged... When Buu absorbs Gotenks, Piccolo, and Vegetto that makes them inside Buu at the same time as Gohan...does that mean Buu becomes Buuhantenksgettoiccolo? How dumb are you... [/B][/QUOTE] alright. now. I'm gonna calm down, now. I now know that his name was never changed. There fore, yes I am an idiot for calling him that. But that's what I like to call him. if ya don't like it, too bad. now, I KNOW this for a fact: EVERYONE ON THIS BOARD HAS HEARD OF SOMETHING CALLED A STORE ONLINE. am i wrong? NO. We bought the eps. online, though they are in Japanese, they have subtitles..(which you can't hardly read sometimes) so, YES i do have seen the eps before Toonami showed them on air. that is how I know about the eps. coming up. becouse I watch ahead. and yes I do know how many eps. and specials there are. probably everyone knows that there are 13 Movies. and. correct me if I'm wrong. but there should be 291 DBZ eps. and 64 GT eps. 4 DB movies. and 3 GT special.(which includes Bardok Special, Trunks' Life, and the GT special where Pan is old, and from I get. it's 100 years into the future.) and the DB eps. there is about 125 or 150(otherwise some where in between can't remember) now. If you haven't heard of a store. then I'm sorry. But YOUR the one that's dumb. 'cause there's this stuff called money, and you buy stuff with that money. now let's say my brother got online and bought the DB/DBZ/DB:GT stuff with the stuff called money. and *POOF* we bought the DB/DBZ/DB:GT eps, movies, and specials. OOOO. preaty cool hu? no? well then that's your problem. if you haven't heard of a store by now, your dumber than an ant...
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