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Everything posted by darkstorm123232

  1. I really need some feedback so can someone rate this out of 10 and please give me some more ideas before I post chapter 2 of the story. ~Dark~
  2. Chapter 1 ? Dark Times One Day we find our character Edward and his brother Alphonse in Central at the military base talking to Roy Mustang. ?Edward we are going to send you to the east to investigate some sightings of malice,? said Roy. ?Yes Sir, Fuhrer Mustang I will leave right away,? said Edward. ?Your train leaves at 7:00 pm Central time,? said Roy. Ed Left and Al had a question he wanted to ask. ?Brother why are we still working for the military anyways, since we already used the philosophers stone to get my body back?? said Al ?Because we need the pay and the benefits, also, I would not hurt to find out more about Scar or even Malice,? said Ed. ?Why do you even care about finding me, when I have found you, now you die,? said someone from a distance. ?Who is that, is that malice,? said Al. ?Malice I?ve been looking for you because you killed someone close to us, why did you have to kill her anyways,? said Ed. ?Who did he kill big brother anyways,? said Al. ?Alphonse, I have not told you this because I know how it would upset you if you found out,? said Ed. ?WHO BROTHER!? said Al. ?Whinrey,? said Ed. ?Is it true malice, did you kill Whinrey,? said Al. ?Yes, I killed her in cold blood, then, destroyed the body,? said Malice. ?Bastard, I?m going to destroy you,? said Ed. Ed did some Alchemy on a knife that he had to make himself a sword. Al took a pipe and transmuted it into a spear. Malice took out his two swords and attacked Al. We end the chapter with Al spear blocking Malice?s swords. Ed is just watching to see how his brother does with his alchemy. Then Scar Appears and starts a battle with Ed in the next chapter. To be continued in the next chapter????.
  3. I likeed this one to go look at my mine please it is really good ~Dark~
  4. Can someone be so kind enough to make me an avatar and signature that deals with KH2 any characters just not like peterpan,genie, and other crazy characters I was maybe thinking something like Organization 13, the Heartless, or the nobody's and i want it to be what ever the biggest size it can be like 500 x 100 maybe and i want it to be awesome i dont care about the color scheme just pick one that looks cool. Binding Chains By: Joel Hummel Let the chains that have bound you for all eternity break and shatter away, Let the god of destruction bring chaos and dismay, Let it destroy and rampage through our land, Let chaos?s womb hold the child of darkness, After he is born the chaos and Armageddon will start and never end, The only way to stop chaos is to accept and let it be, But you know our world chaos has to be, For our world to survive, God of destruction cause the next Armageddon, Let the child of chaos and darkness end the light in our world, Now destroy anyone that opposes, Just finish this world and start it a new, Let the chains the once bound you bind chaos, So that the Armageddon can happen, Let the world be cleansed and started a new, Just start the world over and help us forget. how about doing something with this in the banner just pick out lines and make it sound cool i just want one that is awesome. Thanks in advance to anyone that may except this and if there is anything i could do for you i will see what i can do. ~Dark~
  5. The Organization 13 for characters black or white i dont mind yeah how about something to deal with the heartless against the nobodies this that ok or darkness vs light
  6. I need some one to draw me up a awesome avatar and signature please i just want one that maybe deals with kingdom hearts 1, 2, and 3. Thanks to however excepts this ~Dark~
  7. Yeah they needed to revise vandread it is one of my favorite animes it is on my top ten list it is like 3rd so they just need to revisse it.
  8. I liked the poem alot and it was a great idea just keep writing ~Dark~
  9. Thanks for the feedback. Here is another one you can give me feedback on thanks This one was a 2nd place winner. Binding Chains By: Joel Hummel Let the chains that have bound you for all eternity break and shatter away, Let the god of destruction bring chaos and dismay, Let it destroy and rampage through our land, Let chaos?s womb hold the child of darkness, After he is born the chaos and Armageddon will start and never end, The only way to stop chaos is to accept and let it be, But you know our world chaos has to be, For our world to survive, God of destruction cause the next Armageddon, Let the child of chaos and darkness end the light in our world, Now destroy anyone that opposes, Just finish this world and start it a new, Let the chains the once bound you bind chaos, So that the Armageddon can happen, Let the world be cleansed and started a new, Just start the world over and help us forget.
  10. This is my poem darkness I won alot of poetry contests [CENTER]Darkness By: Darkstorm12323 There is a door to lock the darkness, People say I?m black hearted, But I just mean for the best, People think that the door can?t be locked, Because beyond that door lies the light, Other than darkness, The door has been locked, But you broke the lock, When you were nice to me, Rather than darkness, My heart fills with light, Because my heart was black, I was mean, But my heart shines bright, And now I am kind hearted not black hearted, People always thought darkness is strong, But my light and your light equal pure light, And love will conquer the darkness, And my heart fills with light because of that.[/CENTER]
  11. I agree Saiyuke Reload should be redone because it is just not finished in engilsh as you stated above so the other animes that i think sould be redone is Mirage of Blaze Silent Mobius Shadow Skill These animes weren't complete so they really weren't good to finish. ~Dark~ [COLOR=DarkOrchid][INDENT][SIZE=1][B]darkstorm123232[/B], simply listing some shows without bothering to explain [I]why[/I] you think they need to be remade, revised or redone is spam. Please put more effort into your posts. Further posts of this nature will be deleted. ~Aaryanna[/SIZE][/INDENT][/COLOR]
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