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Everything posted by victrola

  1. Falcon raced to the town as quickly as possible, he had been trying to reach the town for 3 days now. On the second day he thought it was just a mirage but a local villager just got back. Now, he thought he should rest on a hill before dark. Silverwing flew onto the smallest tree at the top of the hill and ate a squirrel he cought. Falcon took out his supplies, a sleeping bag, tinderbox, potions, a couple of daggers, and a map (to find pirate treasure). He noticed something at the cliff side of the hill, just a couple of people with their pets. Yet that was strange, it felt like he should be there. Then he remembered what he was supposed to do... "I can't believe I forgot the ore." Falcon packed all his stuff and found a filled quiver and a bow. Then he slid down the less steep edge to greet the others. As soon as he got there he nearly fell over a root. Then he stood still for a minute. The silence was eerie. Nobody had sponken since he barged in. "Let me guess your here for the ore too?"said Roj "Yea pretty much." Falcon replied,"silverwing get down here!." "Hi I'm Asunan, who are you?" "I'm Falcon. who are you two? "Roj." "Aelita." "nice to meet you all." said Falcon
  2. Falcon looked around carefully; he had been attacked by a bear a day before and dropped his sword. He stuck out his arm and Silverwing landed, dropping his sword next to him. He tried to pick it up and stumbled on something else. A large tree root. Then whispered," check out the area, the bear might be back." Silverwing flew off. Falcon turned a little after taking his sword, and saw a town he had never been to. Too exited to notice a shadow was hiding behind the bushes. ?A few miles left, Silverwing. If you would like, you can sleep in my pack.? Silverwing let out a shrill cry. Falcon looked up and saw three different clouds in the symbol tattooed on his palm. Seven years earlier he marked it into his blood with an inked knife. It was the symbol the clouds were in when the village he lived in was attacked. He learned how to control his dark side just in time for the battle. Unfortunately there were only a handful of villagers left. Everywhere in the village was destroyed beyond repair. All the riches and treasures were stolen. It occurred to Falcon, just then, that the sign is from a god, trying to warn the people of, Pirates. Fortunately the clouds weren?t close enough to resemble the symbol. That meant he had time! He could warn the village and be a hero. As soon as he realized this he ran as fast as he could to get to the village. Then he heard it, a roar that sounded like thunder. His instincts moved him left in a dodge movement. He knew that this wasn?t going to end well. The second his arm twitched, he whipped out his sword and ripped through whatever was chasing him with ease. And when he finally took time to see whatever it was. Yet he only saw it for a few seconds, then it vanished, leaving a large bag. Falcon grabbed the bag and looked inside. Thankful for his curiosity he found some knives and a katana. Silverwing jumped out of his pack and went into the bag. Falcon only watched. Then the young bird brought out a blue gem. Falcon, not knowing what it was, grabbed it and saw a whole in his sword. A hole that fit the gem perfectly. He figured out that it was the family crest. Lost since his parent?s death during the raid. Silverwing screeched, reminding Falcon about the town, and happily jumped back into his pack. This day was no ordinary day. He finally ran off in the direction of the town. Only to turn around once and notice a shadow darting into the clouds, the size of the monster he slew. Then he continued to the city.
  3. Name: Falcon Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Dark silver hair, black short sleeved shirt, white bear cloak, black boots with silver trim, black jeans, sometimes wears long black gauntlets that have pivot joints at elbows. Personality: Nice outgoing adventurer, always willing to lend a hand for a bit of money, sometimes fame, doesn't speak too much, smart, cocky of himself, has a dark side you don't want to meet. (No one knows what his original name is but him, ask him and you'll meet his darkside and forget what happens after that.) Bio: Learned about this through an old man, he helped him and gave him food, thought that the old man was too weak to fend for himself, then he was challenged to see if he could get something, falcon, too cocky to think about it accepted without knowing what it was, then immidiately wished he hadn't, then he called silverwing and went off. Animals name: Silverwing Animal desription: A beautiful falcon, loyal to his master (thanks to his strange ability with birds) silverwind is actually a Silver chested falcon, with white feathers on his back, and striped white/silver wings. woah took long! :animesigh :animestun :animenose
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