Name: Falcon
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark silver hair, black short sleeved shirt, white bear cloak, black boots with silver trim, black jeans, sometimes wears long black gauntlets that have pivot joints at elbows.
Personality: Nice outgoing adventurer, always willing to lend a hand for a bit of money, sometimes fame, doesn't speak too much, smart, cocky of himself, has a dark side you don't want to meet. (No one knows what his original name is but him, ask him and you'll meet his darkside and forget what happens after that.)
Bio: Learned about this through an old man, he helped him and gave him food, thought that the old man was too weak to fend for himself, then he was challenged to see if he could get something, falcon, too cocky to think about it accepted without knowing what it was, then immidiately wished he hadn't, then he called silverwing and went off.
Animals name: Silverwing
Animal desription: A beautiful falcon, loyal to his master (thanks to his strange ability with birds) silverwind is actually a Silver chested falcon, with white feathers on his back, and striped white/silver wings.
woah took long! :animesigh :animestun :animenose