Firstly a request (with the moderators permission). Does anyone know of a DVD copy (region free import or region 2 PAL) of Akai Kiba: Blue Sonnet (all parts) for sale and who originally released the OVA's. As for the nature of the thread. Is there an anime film or series (TV and OVA) you have seen in years gone by that you wished you had bought or taped at the time only to find it has dissapeared from society years later. An anime you reckon should be brought back.
One such OVA series is Blue Sonnet. Having seen it once on TV I couldn't help being drawn in by the impressive animation (dated today) and subsequently the unique slant to the storyline. While it was a far from perfect anime (has one of the worst endings of any anime) it was still an entertaining and enthralling series. I rate this as an anime that deserves a rerelease, even a small, Manga Collection/ADV Classics one. (Snap Poll: Which would you buy and watch; Dangaioh (on current release), Adventures of Iczer3 (Current Release) or Blue Sonnet (faded into obscurity)).
So I ask you, are there other interesting anime that seem to have fallen by the wayside that we should return to, if only to see how far anime has come. (please mention the original publisher and distributer if you know them. Constructive criticism accepted)