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Everything posted by tachiKC

  1. My newest, enjoy. [url]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/55018778/[/url] [b]Edit:[/b] It's been awhile. My latest. Kind of hurried sorry. [url]http://tachikc.deviantart.com/art/I-will-keep-you-warm-72227040[/url] [size=1][color=green][indent]I've merged your last two posts together to prevent double posting. (: - Boo[/indent][/color][/size]
  2. Hmmm. Well everyone is different, but like I said, if you place a person to high, you are bound to be crushed. Were you already dating or did you ask them out and they refused if I may ask. And you SHOULDNT feel bad. Well sure you can be hurt, but dont beat yourself up over it. You cant do anything about it, you tried your best and hardest and its the other person who is having the issues, not you. And it obviously wouldnt have worked out, so just feel good that you finally know, if need be pull yourself together, and then move on. Unfortunately its all you can do. But in the long run its for the best because it frees you to be able to form new relationships. You live you learn.
  3. Dont put a person on a pedestal. Because if you put them way up high, you are bound to be crushed. You cant be blind with infatuation because you will only see what you want to see and not see that persons flaws, and when you realize them you will end up asking yourself "what was I thinking?" If you tell them everything, then there will be nothing left. There are two completely different mindsets from "Oh wow your so great I love everything about you, I want to be with you," compared to "You seem like a great person, and I do want to be with you, but I want to get to know you better before I commit or get serious." Having a decent amount of respect for a person doesnt hurt either. Just be cautious, but dont be afraid to take some calculated risks as well. If someone rejects you, dont feel bad. While it has some to do with you, its mostly them. You cant change who you are. It just wasnt meant to be. Move on. Just because you have one bad experience doesnt mean that everyone is like that. Get out, explore, meet people, get into relationships, date, have fun, break up, get hurt, live, and most importantly, learn. Get to know what type of things you like in a person and what types of people you like, and when you finally meet that special someone, you will know that they are the right person.
  4. tachiKC


    C&C please. deviantart link: [url]http://tachikc.deviantart.com/art/Anko-64445818[/url] image [IMG]http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs21/f/2007/251/5/4/Anko_by_tachiKC.jpg[/IMG]
  5. tachiKC


    This one is of Cammy of Street Fighter. Free hand - pencils, colored in Adobe Photoshop CS2, time = 1.5 hours. Enjoy, and as always, feel free to comment. Thanks! For those who wish to see the uncolored version, just click the link [URL="http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/58595507/"]HERE[/URL]! [IMG]http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs18/f/2007/178/d/e/Cammy___Street_Fighter_by_tachiKC.jpg[/IMG]
  6. 2 years. but maybe it is infatuation. but it has to start somewhere right.
  7. As far as I can tell, from what shes told me, he broke up with her so he could mess around, smoke pot and drink and stuff. Shes over him, but NOT over the feeling of being used.
  8. Im curious, because there is a girl I really like and have feelings for, and really, if these feelings are love, then Im in trouble, because it makes things a lot more complicated. I dont know if Im just setting myself up for getting hurt, but this is the first time Ive ever felt THESE exact feelings. Like, I dont know what to do lol. I was in college this past year and there honestly was not a day when I did not think of her. Even with all of the pretty ladies over there, I had opportunities, but I just didnt want to, ya know. And she was going through alot, and her ex wasnt really there for her shes told me, but it really tore me apart knowing all that crap that she was going through and not being able to be there for her. I mean, honestly everything about her, makes me crazy. About 4 months ago, she broke up with her ex badly, and right now shes told me that she wants some space. Ive told her a lot of what Ive been feeling and shes taken it all in stride, but I get the feeling that she might like me back, but Im not sure. Maybe shes just scared ya know, kind of like I am, haha. Shes kind of hinted at it during or conversations and messaging. If only we could hang out! Thing is, that there are like 4 other guys going for her, and I dont know if I have the experience or whatever to do this. I mean, I just want her happiness, and if that doesnt include me, haha, Ill probably be hurt, and cry, but I cant blame her lol, I could never be mad at her. Anyways, my friends tell me to just let her go, but I cant. I just cant. Right now, I mean, I want to be more than friends, but a good friend who has been through alot of what Im going through says thats all you can be, and that you just have to be confident, persistant, and wait, and if SHE wants to, she will do it. He said it sucks having to keep all of the feelings inside, but thats all you can do. Man, why does "love" have to be so complicated, and honestly, girls and feelings and all of this crap.
  9. Emo yes, but Im sure many of you can probably relate. [I]This is just something I wrote about some of my past heartaches.[/I] [B]*** WHY? ***[/B] When you put all of your passion towards someone, When you tell them everything. When you open up your heart, Do they tear it away so fast, Not care at all how you feel, Leave you feeling the worst kind of pain. That one pain that only the opposite sex can give. That pain in your heart. That twisted ache. Why? Does it matter now? Does anything matter now? Why? Just why? [I]The girl I like was going through alot of stuff, and I wrote this about her.[/I] [B]*** I WISH ***[/B] I wish for you you to never hurt again. To hold you in my arms. I wish I could take away your pain. Make it my own. To be there for you in your greatest time of need. I wish I could make you feel well. To see you happy. Make you smile and laugh again. I wish I could just sit next to you. Gaze into your eyes. Kiss your lips. I wish I could be your rock. In this world full of lies. I wish I could be stronger. And catch you when you fall. Your love is all I could ever need. To be with you through it all. [I]I wrote this when I got back from college, she is still in highschool, and we were apart for a year.[/I] [B]*** WHERE DO I GO... FROM HERE? ***[/B] Where do I go from here? What do I do, To make you see That you mean everything to me. There you are And here I am. We have been apart For so long. I miss you so much. All I want to do Is to see you again. Your pretty smile Your brown eyes. Hear your voice. I lay awake at night Thinking of you And asking myself Where do I go from here? [I]This I wrote about that same chick.[/I] [B]*** SOMETIMES I WISH... ***[/B] sometimes i wish that i could lie with you and gaze at the stars on top of my roof and whisper to you all of my secrets sometimes i wish that i could tell you how i truly feel tell you everything how you make my heart race whenever you smile how you make me laugh how youve made me cry sometimes i wish that i could kiss you on the forehead on the nose on the lips gaze into your eyes and tell you how beautiful you are sometimes i wish i could take away your pain hold you tight whisper away your fears shelter you from the rain make you whole again sometimes... [B]*** Deeper ***[/B] deeper, deeper you dig yourself deeper into your hole to cry alone to get away from this world of pain and doubt i want to be there to comfort you but youre in your shell that i cannot break so i gaze down calling out your name but you dont hear the blackness consumes you pulling you down ever deeper into the abyss and all i can do is watch helplessly as you drown in your tears digging deeper, deeper...
  10. this is just to make a point, you can delete this double post, but 14 VIEWS with no replies? one reason why i dont post in these forums. *i meant views
  11. [url]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/56515887/[/url] Please critique, and tell me where I could do better. I hope to have the colored version up by the weekend. Enjoy!
  12. sorry, but ive just been really busy, this is the first time ive been to this forum in a week or two. someone can take the "lust" category if they havent already.
  13. Hey, or you could do what alot of people do and watch the animes for free on youtube, or alluc, or many other sites, like anime-eden.com or veoh.com. Or heck, you can just DL them. I dont watch Cartoon Network anymore, I dont have to. Also, while I agree that Cartoon Network has gone downhill from the good ol' mid to late 1990's, it still has much to offer. Currently, Ghost in the Shell, Eureka 7, and Samurai Champloo were the 3 best when they were airing. Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece (non-filler) are quite enjoyable. And before, Wolfs Rain, Witch Hunter Robin, and FMA were also very enjoyable. The only reason one would put up with the (very often) bad dubs, having to wait a week between episodes, and commercials, is if you do not have a fast computer, your parents dont approve of DLing, you have "morals", or you cant stand to watch the original Japanese with subs. Honestly. The animes are out there, and the sites I listed are some very good ones to go to. So dont go out and waste $50 on a DVD that you will maybe watch once, and instead do what most people do, and watch it for free via internet.
  14. i wuold like to call lust if you please. so basically, its just a drawing or whatever, based on the theme? so for gold for example, if you draw a gold coin, than that is acceptable?
  15. [quote name='SaiyanPrincessX][SIZE=1']This used to be my most visited forum. However I don't post my art here much anymore because I'll get maybe two replies and the thread dies anyway./SIZE][/quote] Basically that was the same way I felt.
  16. I myself started this out on another forum, but got the idea from my old Animerica magazines. Anyways, each month have a contest or something with a theme, like Robots, Swimsuits, Halloween, etc. Where you can draw anime characters (either any or specified) using that months theme. The way I have it set up is the contest submissions end the third week of the month, people vote on their favorite, and the winner gets to pick the next months theme. This way, everyone can become involved, and people will WANT to participate and vote. Maybe you guys could offer some incentives as well, like featuring the winner on the Fanart page or something. Im still working out kinks, and this is the first month that we have really tried that exact format, but its worked decently well for the past 2-3 months or so.
  17. thanks alot for the comments! my newest, of motoko kusanagi, my favorite anime character. took about 15 minutes. enjoy, and as always, critique.
  18. What are your thoughts on all of this? And where were you when you heard about it? Mine are mixed. I wonder why they didnt keep the kids inside the dorms after the initial shooting. They say that they just thought that it was a domestic dispute at first, but I would still think that they would keep people inside for awhile atleast while they looked for the suspect. Also, they waited I think 2 hours to even send out an email warning people, and by then he was killing again. I was actually in class at the time when a student ran in and told everyone what had happened. The professor then just stopped the lecture and turned on the TV so we could all watch.
  19. Lol! I would rather be overly cautious I suppose, then get banned or something. And what exactly do you mean by when you say this: "but you were so prude about it that the addition of that scene was quite pointless. Please, if you want to write about intimate situations in the future, do it properly or don't do it at all."
  20. Thanks a lot everyone. Here is my newest one, of Koishi from Please Teacher. [url]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/53241745/[/url]
  21. Thanks for the tip. I wasn't sure whether or not to keep everything in one long post, or to split up my chapters by separating them. I'll keep that in mind for the future. And thanks for the comment lol, I'm glad someone likes it. *edit added chapter 2!
  22. [B]Well here it is again (I now know how to do all this), this time you guys can comment on it lol, so please anyone who wished to do so with my other thread, I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions.[/B] Note: For those of you who are wondering or are curious, this takes place during episode 8 of the series when Koishi opens her heart to Kei. This is my version of events, and what I think should have happened. *edit [I]Someone pointed out to me that Kei and Koishi were NOT friends since childhood, and it was because of his standstill that he had to make new friends after he woke up. I kinda forgot about that during the writing of this, so please keep that in mind.[/I] [COLOR=Red]Also, I added chapter 2![/COLOR] [U]Chapter 1 - Standing Still[/U] Kei's thoughts turned over and over again in his mind. As he walked towards the train station, his thoughts turned to Mazuho and Herikawa. "What do I do?" he said to himself. Herikawa had called him down to the station quite late at night. He was pretty sure that she liked him, and if she did, he was not entirely sure what he would do, or what he could do. What if she wanted to continue what had started earlier...? As he walked his thoughts again turned to Mazuho, and the last several months. Sure they lived together, and sure he liked her, but he didn?t know whether those feelings were something akin to love, or if they were because she was incredibly attractive. "Maybe it?s a little bit of both," he whispered to no one. But then his thoughts turned to Herikawa. He had known her since they had been very little, and had always been friends. He was very close to her, almost if not more so then Hyosuke. He had had a slight crush on her, but then this whole Mizuho thing had started and that had kind of been set to the wayside. However, as he grew nearer to the train station, he began to have those same feelings again. She really was quite beautiful, and honestly, if Mizuho had not shown up, he would probably have asked Herikawa out. He chuckled as he remembered some of the fun times that the two of them had had. That date downtown really had been fun. Kei sighed. What am I supposed to do? In the distance, he saw the station, and quickened his pace. His heart was actually racing. What is she going to say? What is she going to do? As he walked up the steps he took a deep breath. Well, he thought, here goes everything. Turning the corner, he saw Herikawa. "Hey Kei," she said somewhat shyly. "Hey," he replied equally as shy. Wow he thought as he took her in. She really was quite attractive. Incredibly and breathtakingly attractive. Why hadn?t he noticed this more before? "I?m sorry for calling you so late," she started as he took a seat next to her on the bench, "but you disappear often, and I didn't want that to happen again. Its like every time I blink, you disappear again..." Kei could feel his heart racing faster and faster. "Well... uhh... I have low grades, and um, well I?m really busy you know..." "I see," she replied softly. Kei couldn?t keep his eyes off of her, my God; if she does anything I think I may not be able to restrain myself. He had to get out of there. He started to get up, "Look... um I don't have a lot of time so..." As he got up however, she grabbed his shirt, and put her arms around him. "This is the first time I?ve ever felt something like this. I just don't know what to do." she was sobbing now, "just watching isn?t enough, just talking isn?t enough, or even walking with you or being your classmate. Whenever I look at you my heart races so fast, and I get this feeling... that I don?t know what it is, but I want to feel it even more!" As she said this something inside Kei snapped. Everything finally came into focus. God he had been a fool for so long. All of the signs he had missed, all of the advances, all of the looks, the blushes, all these things that had been going on for so long. Suddenly he realized that he shared those feelings. That he cared for her too, but he had never really noticed that until now. He... loved... her, and here she was in his arms, opening her heart to him. "I... love... you..." she said softly into his shirt.?But... I don't know what to do... so you can do anything you want..." As he looked down at her tear soaked face, his heart melted. God she was so beautiful. And her eyes. "Such pretty eyes..." he whispered. Herikawa looked up again. Pulling her closer to him, he began to wipe the tears from her eyes. "You really are beautiful when you cry... you know that..." Herikawa blushed, "Kei..." He leaned forward, "Shhhh..." he whispered, as he held her head, he leaned forward. As their lips touched, he felt her shudder. Pulling her closer, and putting his arms around her, he deepened the kiss. Finally he felt her return the kiss, slowly at first, but becoming more and more passionate. His need for her had never been this great. Her lips were so soft. Clutching her hair as their kiss deepened even further still, he let his tongue out, gingerly, and let it explore her own, shy but passionate. Pulling away for a second to catch their breaths, Kei once again took her in. A soft moan of need escaped her mouth. He felt that same need. He kissed her again. It really was a hot night he thought, they were both sweating. He gazed at her, taking all of her in. Beads of sweat ran down her chest and into the crevice between her breasts. Her skin was literally shining from the perspiration, and he loved every bit of it. They kissed again, but this time she was the instigator. She pushed him backwards on the bench, and leaned forward into him, supporting herself with her hands. Why hadn?t he done this sooner! "Kei..." she managed to breathe as she parted again, "Do you really think I?m beautiful?" Kei nodded, "Yes... you?re the most beautiful person I know... I just never realized it before..." She put her head on his chest, sobbing again. "I?m glad..." she whispered, "I?m so glad..." Kei leaned back, stroking her hair softly. Leaning forward, he kissed her on the forehead. He suddenly thought of Mizuho, and what this all could mean. However, for tonight, he just wished that this moment could last forever. "Kei," Herikawa whispered, "just hold me." "Sure," he said. Looking up at the stars, Kei felt something inside him stir, not unlike his standstills, but this was something different, something warm, something bright. Then he knew. So this is love, he thought. As they lay entwined, Kei gazed into the stars. And for just a short while, time stood still. FIN / chap 1 [CENTER]--------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]And here is the second part. However, please note that this is really just something that I kind of wanted to do, and while it does go along with the story, is more of a bonus thing than anything. Anyways, the [COLOR=Red]red[/COLOR] is the T rated ending, and after that the M rated ending will be in white. Know that after that it gets into M material, so just be warned. Thanks, and please again tell me what you think. The next part will be done soon.[/B] :catgirl: Forever Her head was rolling. Was this really happening? Herikawa lifted her head from Kei?s chest. Looking up at him, she couldn?t help but smile. He looked so peaceful like that, gazing up into the stars. She wanted this moment to last forever, to be able to just look at him, and know that he loved her. But at the same time she wanted more. Something inside her called out to her, a need, a desperate longing. Kei looked down and gave her a small grin. ?So now what?? he whispered. ?I wish this could last forever?? she replied. ?Me too?? he said so softly she could barely hear him. ?I never realized it before, but you were always the one for me. You have always been there for me, whenever I needed you. I?m so sorry but I was just so blind for so long, I?? ?Shhh?? she breathed, putting a finger on his mouth. ?Don?t talk.? Something had awoken inside her just then, like a fire, it took control of her. Her mind body and soul all came together, and as one, her passion was unleashed. Without really comprehending what she was doing, she started to bite his ear. As she worked her way down to his neck, she could taste and smell his sweat as it ran down, in small rivulets down his neck and into his shirt. ?Herikawa?? Kei breathed, ?What are you?? His breathing was becoming faster, his speech heavy with lust. This made her need even greater. Instincts had taken over at this point. She pulled up his shirt to fully reveal his chest. She smiled appreciatively, he had been working out. Slowly, she began to kiss her way up to his chest. She pulled herself up a bit, and slowly began to massage his nipple with her tongue. She heard a moan escape him. What was she doing? But she couldn?t stop. Her cheeks reddened as she felt his nipple become hard. Reaching out, Kei lifted her chin up so that he looked at her. Sitting up, Kei pulled her to him so that she was sitting on his lap. Looking down at him, she realized that he still had his glasses on. Playfully, she took them off and set them aside. ?Ok,? whispered Kei ?Time to return the favor?? Slowly, he pulled up her shirt, stopping so that it covered her eyes. She felt him kiss her lips again, this time more passionate then ever. His need was equally as strong. ?No fair,? she breathed. She could feel his lips curve up into a smile at that. After what seemed like forever, Kei lifted her shirt the rest of the way. Slowly, his kisses wandered down lower, to her chin, to her neck. She grasped his hair, and pulled him even closer. His kisses moved down from her neck to her chest, she gasped as new sensations swept through her body. Letting out a moan, she threw her head back. The things he was doing were making her crazy. She wanted him so badly. His wandering fingers crept across her body, exploring every bit of her. ?Kei,? she managed, ?don?t stop.? As he went lower still, her panting increased, and she let out another moan, loud this time. She felt her shorts go. But suddenly, he stopped. Why! She looked down questioningly at him. ?Is this ok?? he whispered. ?I said don?t stop didn?t I?? [COLOR=Red]It started to rain, finally, the sound of it mixing with their own. For that time, all of Herikawa?s thoughts, all of her desires came to a head. The need that had been cooped up inside her was finally dissipating. That night, the two of them became one. And for a while at least, forever seemed real.[/COLOR] [COLOR=White]Kei obliged. Her moans became louder, and quicker, as he worked her. And suddenly, he was inside her. Her eyes shot open, a feeling of both immense pleasure and pain wracked her body. She couldn?t speak. A soft cry escaped her lips as she finally exhaled. It started to rain, slowly at first, but then it got harder, the sound of the raindrops mixing with their own sounds of pleasure. She heard Kei grunt, and opened her eyes again to see Kei?s smiling face right in front of hers. He put her arms around her and kissed her deeply again. As he moved inside her, she wrapped her legs around him. She gasped as he rubbed a particularly sensitive spot. When she reached her climax, she let out everything that had been inside her in one passionate scream. Exhausted, Herikawa went limp. Kei kept going until he too climaxed, his shout almost matching hers. For awhile they just laid there, whispering sweet words to one another as the rain continued to fall. Herikawa stroked Kei?s hair, and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Rolling on top of him, she looked towards the mountains in the distance. Everything was so peaceful, so perfect. For that night, when she was with him, forever seemed real.[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][INDENT][COLOR=Darkorange][B]tachiKC[/B], please do not double post. If you wish to add something simply use the edit button located in the lower right hand corner of your post. ~indifference[/COLOR][/INDENT][/SIZE] [U]Chapter 3 - Worries[/U] Mizuho looked up at the clock again. It was past midnight and Kei still wasn?t home. She stepped outside onto the deck. It felt good, as the temperature was finally cooling down with the rain, which was now coming down very slowly, tickling her skin. Leaning on the deck, gazed out towards the lake. ?Where could he be?? she whispered to herself. After her study session with Matagu, she had hurried back in the rain. Kei had still been out with Herikawa at the time, so she had showered, and changed and did some grading. She had wanted him to come home, so that she could apologize for their fight earlier, and to tell him that nothing had happened with Matagu. However, as the hours ticked by with no sign of Kei, she had begun to worry. Where was he? Had he and Herikawa been hurt? Or? the thought crossed her mind. NO! That couldn?t be happening. It just couldn?t. ?Maybe he went over to Minoru?s house,? she said to herself, or rather hoped she thought as she dialed the number. After some time, Minoru finally answered. ?Hello? Do you know what time it? oh hi Miss Kazami. What? Kei hasn?t returned yet. Really? You say he went out with Herikawa? Hmm. Well, I haven?t heard anything from him, but if he comes here I send him to you. Okay, goodnight now.? As she hung up, she just couldn?t get out the feeling that something was going on between Kei and Herikawa. First there had been the date, and now this? Plus all the other instances at school that she picked up on daily. NO, she thought. I have got to get these thoughts out of my head. There had to be a perfectly logical explanation to all this. But? she thought, hopefully not THAT explanation. It reached 4am and with still no sign of Kei, Mizuho reluctantly went to sleep. Mizuho groaned as the alarm went off. Reaching out, she hit the snooze button. Then she remembered and sat up quickly. Looking over at her side, she saw that Kei STILL wasn?t there. Now she was really worried. As she got ready for the day, her mind churned with thoughts of what could have happened. As she walked to school, she told herself that if Kei wasn?t there, that she would call the police after class. However, as she opened the door, she saw both Kei and Herikawa in their seats. Puzzled, she walked over to the podium. ?Kei, Herikawa, I would like to have a talk with you two after class, okay?? They both looked at each other, and she saw something flash between their eyes. What was that? She wondered. Something was definitely going on. ?So, the reason why I called you two here was because Kei, your uncle called me very late at night and told me that you hadn?t shown up yet, and that you had gone out with Herikawa later that evening. He was very worried about you. When I saw you both here at school, I felt that it is my responsibility as your teacher to find out what is going on between you two.? Selecting another Pocky stick from the box she was holding, she eyed Kei. She knew that he knew that what she was really asking was ?where were you last night? And was Herikawa with you.? Then she noticed that Herikawa was blushing and looking to the floor. Looking back at Kei, she realized that he too was blushing. ?If something is going on between you two, I would like to know NOW!? she said, probably a little to forcefully. Herikawa blushed even more, and looked towards Kei, ?Well, you see Miss Kazami, me and Kei just went? out and um...? ?We just went out, ok. Does it really matter what we did? Does our TEACHER really need to know?? She looked at Kei, shocked. He was no longer blushing but looked quite angry. Her heart skipped a beat. Why was he angry with her? She had been worried sick about him all night, and had discovered him at school all safe and sound. Shouldn?t she be the one who was angry? But she wasn?t. Instead, a feeling of anguish was starting to wash over her. Regaining her composure, she said ?Well, I simply wanted to inform you that your aunt and uncle were very worried about you Kei, and that if you were the reason that he was late Herikawa, to just be more careful in the future. If something really is going on between you two, then please try to be more courteous of other people?s concerns.? She sighed. ?That will be all.? As they walked out, Mizuho suddenly felt all alone, and feelings of jealousy and fear went through her thoughts. Something was DEFINITELY going on between them. She looked outside, and gazed out into the courtyards. Her thoughts turned to her relationship with Kei over the past months. While they had gotten fairly affectionate she had thought, she had never really truly felt that Kei loved her. And lately, he had grown even further apart from her. She sighed, what was she going to do? She loved Kei, but didn?t know where their relationship was headed. Looking out again, she saw Kei and Herikawa sitting down next to one another under a tree on the far side of the courtyard. Just then, a feeling of anger snapped through her. What WAS he doing with her. Then she saw Herikawa put her head on his lap. Her jealousy bubbled to the surface, mixed with anger. ?That does it,? she exclaimed, ?Marie! I want you to keep an eye out on Kei and Herikawa, and to hear what they are saying. This is a priority one!?
  23. This is my first fanfic like this everyone, so tell me what you think and where I could improve. Basically this is what SHOULD have happened in episode 8 of Onegai Teacher. There is some rated T stuff in here, just to let you guys know. [B]Standing Still[/B] Kei's thoughts turned over and over again in his mind. As he walked towards the train station, his thoughts turned to Mazuho and Herikawa. "What do I do?" he said to himself. Herikawa had called him down to the station quite late at night. He was pretty sure that she liked him, and if she did, he was not entirely sure what he would do, or what he could do. What if she wanted to continue what had started earlier... As he walked his thoughts again turned to Mazuho, and the last several months. Sure they lived together, and sure he liked her, but he didnt know whether those feelings were something akin to love, or if they were because she was incredibly attractive. "Maybe its a little bit of both," he whispered to no one. But then his thoughts turned to Herikawa. He had known her since they had been very little, and had always been friends. He was very close to her, almost if not more so then Hyosuke. He had had a slight crush on her, but then this whole Mizuho thing had started and that had kind of been set to the wayside. However, as he grew nearer to the train station, he began to have those same feelings again. She really was quite beautiful, and honestly, if Mizuho had not shown up, he would probably have asked Herikawa out. He chuckled as he remembered some of the fun times that the two of them had had. That date downtown really had been fun. Kei sighed. What am i supposed to do? In the distance, he saw the station, and quickened his pace. His heart was actually racing. What is she going to say? What is she going to do? As he walked up the steps he took a deep breath. Well he thought, here goes everything. Turning the corner, he saw Herikawa. "Hey Kei," she said somewhat shyly. "Hey," he replied equally as shy. Wow he thought. As he took her in. She really was quite attractive. Incredibly and breathetakingly attractive. Why hadnt he noticed this more before? "Im sorry for calling you so late," she started as he took a seat next to her on the bench, "but you disappear often, and I didn't want that to happen again. Its like every time I blink, you disappear again..." Kei could feel his heart racing faster and faster. "Well... uhh... I have low grades, and um, well Im really busy you know..." "I see," she replied softly. Kei couldnt keep his eyes off of her, my God, if she does anything I think I may not be able to restrain myself. He had to get out of there. He started to get up, "Look... um I don't have a lot of time so..." As he got up however, she grabbed his shirt, and put her arms around him. "This is the first time Ive ever felt something like this. I just don't know what to do." she was sobbing now, "just watching isnt enough, just talking isnt enough, or even walking with you or being your classmate. Whenever I look at you my heart races so fast, and I get this feeling... that I dont know what it is, but I want to feel it even more!" As she said this something inside Kei snapped. Everything finally came into focus. God he had been a fool for so long. All of the signs he had missed, all of the advances, all of the looks, the blushes. All these things that had been going on for so long. Suddenly he realized that he shared those feelings. That he cared for her too, but he had never really noticed that until now. He... loved... her, and here she was in his arms, opening her heart to him. "I... love... you..." she said softly into his shirt. "But... I don't know what to do... so you can do anything you want..." As he looked down at her tear soaked face, his heart melted. God she was so beautiful. And her eyes. "Such pretty eyes..." he whispered. Herikawa looked up again. Pulling her closer to him, began to wipe the tears from her eyes. "You really are beautiful when you cry... you know that..." Herikawa blushed, "Kei..." He leaned forward, "Shhhh..." he whispered, as he held her head, he leaned forward. As thier lips touched, he felt her shudder. Pulling her closer, and putting his arms around her, he deepened the kiss. Finally he felt her return the kiss, slowly at first, but becoming more and more passionate. His need for her had never been this great. Her lips were so soft. Clutching her hair as thier kiss deepened even further still, he let his togue out, gingerly, and let it explore her own, shy but passionate. Pulling away for a second to catch their breaths, Kei once again took her in. A soft moan of need escaped her mouth. He felt that same need. He kissed her again. It really was a hot night he though, they were both sweating. He gazed at her, taking all of her in. Beads of sweat ran down her chest, and into the crevice between her breasts. Her skin was literally shining from the perspiration, and he loved every bit of it. They kissed again, but this time she was the instigator. She pushed him backwards on the bench, and leaned forward into him, supporting herself with her hands. Why hadnt he done this sooner! "Kei..." she managed to breathe as she parted again, "do you really think Im beautiful?" Kei nodded, "Yes... your the most beautiful person I know... I just never noticed it before..." She put her head on his chest, sobbing again. "Im glad..." she whispered, "Im so glad..." Kei leaned back, stroking her hair softly. Leaning forward, he kissed her on the forehead. He suddenly thought of Mizuho, and what this all could mean. However, at the moment, he just wanted this moment to last forever. "Kei," Herikawa whispered, "just hold me." "Sure," he said. Looking up at the stars, Kei felt something inside him stir, not unlike his standstills, but this was something differernt, something warm, something bright. Then he knew. So this is love... he thought. As they lay intwined, Kei gazed into the stars. And for just a short time, time stood still. FIN
  24. im closing this contest seeing as how there is basically no interest.
  25. Hi all, tachi here, and I just thought that I should hold a drawing contest. This will do two things. A, it will force me to actually sit down and take my time on a drawing, and B, it will hopefully get me more recognized in this forum. Anyways, the rules are as follows. 1. So what is this contest then? Simple, just draw an original character that you have made and post it here. It can be from any genre. All I ask is that you keep it human lol. 2. Anyone can enter, so please feel free to try out. Talent helps, but even if you are a beginner, please enter because I am looking for originality and creativity, and not just skill. 3. You can enter up to three characters. 4. Give a brief background of each character, just to help flesh it out. The prize will be a fully colored picture of one to all of your characters. [COLOR="Red"]Note if you want more then one of the characters drawn, they will be in the same picture.[/COLOR] These characters can be in any setting, and in any poses. I plan on spending a considerable time on it too, so you wont be disappointed. [COLOR="blue"][B]THE DEADLINE[/B] is 2 weeks from now March 16th. After that, I will try to have the finished product by the end of the Month.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]I will judge based on originality and creativity, and if you have a background story, you get some points there too. I will announce the winner on the 17th of March.[/COLOR] Anyways, PLEASE ENTER and post your characters. I look forward to seeing what you guys have to offer. Cheers, tach
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