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Everything posted by tachiKC

  1. here is another one, this time a bleach quicky. took about 30 minutes. [url]http://www.clanbcem.com/1337gallery/albums/userpics/OMFG-BLEACH.jpg[/url] and i think youll like the finished naruto product once im done with it, so stay tuned. hopefully by the weekend ill have that one finished.
  2. I have a question for you. For the contest, are there any words or whatever that you have to put on the drawing? And can you use any characters that you want (from any anime) or does yours have to be original? I plan on doing my own drawing. I will definately try to get in on this since it sounds like fun, but an official list of all the contest rules that is clear and easy to understand would be nice.
  3. I didnt know that that was what they were for. I was trying to go a kind of Akuma look. But thanks though for the comment. I am now thinking of putting the entire team behind him, although as of yet Im still unsure. And yeah, sorry about the larger image. Ill keep them either smaller or as links from now on.
  4. A sketch of Naruto that I will eventually Photoshop. Currently it is about 40% done through the drawing stage. I still need to figure out what Im gonna put behind him. Im thinking maybe Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, or all of them (any suggestions?). Also feel free to critique. [url]http://www.clanbcem.com/1337gallery/albums/userpics/10004/naruto-prelim-sketch.jpg[/url] A quicky sketch of Yoruichi. I want to get better drawing her. [IMG]http://www.clanbcem.com/1337gallery/albums/userpics/10004/yourichi-drawing-001.jpg[/IMG] And here is my Deviantart. [url]http://tachikc.deviantart.com/[/url] [B]Ill try to keep this thread updated as much as possible so stay tuned.[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][b]Mod Edit:[/b] [size=1]I changed your first picture into a link because it stretched OB's layout pretty far. It's a burden for 56k users as well, I hope you understand. Take it easy. [b]- Retribution[/b][/size][/COLOR]
  5. cool. ill give it a shot. ill have a character of my own as well hopefully. *edit* sorry its been so long. i will try and have them up by next week. i promise. i have had 2 exams this week and another next week so ive been quite busy.
  6. Here you go. Dunno if this is what your looking for. [IMG]http://www.clanbcem.com/1337gallery/albums/userpics/10004/ava-request-001.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.clanbcem.com/1337gallery/albums/userpics/10004/sig-request-001.jpg[/IMG]
  7. Well here it is. Enjoy. Also, [URL=http://tachikc.deviantart.com/]here[/URL] is my Deviantart which I forgot about. First, before I did anything else, I completely cleaned and polished my picture as much as possible. Then I scanned it into Photoshop. I use CS but any version after 6 should be sufficient for you. Before I do anything else though, a trick I learned to get rid of all the smudges and blotches is to push Ctrl+L and adjust the tools until you get most of them away. Then you can delete the rest. After that, (this is what I do, you dont have to do this) copy your image onto another layer and then make a transparent layer between the background and the layer that your image is on. Change the layer that your image is on to MULTIPLY. Then make the background any color that you want, I usually use a blue or green, but whatever works. This is to contrast the colors and so that you know you have filled in areas. It should look like this: [url]http://www.clanbcem.com/1337gallery/albums/userpics/10004/tut-pg-1.jpg[/url] Next I did the skin and hair. I would suggest making different layers for each part of your drawing as I have done. I didnt worry about the earrings seeing as how I can easily fix them later. For now, I simply filled in the skin and hair the basic colors of what I wanted them to be, like so. Its still not much, but it is starting to take shape. Later on in the next step I will be adding highlights. [url]http://www.clanbcem.com/1337gallery/albums/userpics/10004/tut-pg-2.jpg[/url] And here are they are. Next I will be working on the costume. [url]http://www.clanbcem.com/1337gallery/albums/userpics/10004/tut-pg-3.jpg[/url] Again like the skin, I will lay down the basic colors for the costume first before I add highlights. I added two new layers for this. I also did the necklace and note the earrings that were brown earlier. Its almost done. [url]http://www.clanbcem.com/1337gallery/albums/userpics/10004/tut-pg-4.jpg[/url] Here are the highlights for the costume. Its pretty much done now. Feel free to do whatever you want for your drawing as far as shading, background, etc. [url]http://www.clanbcem.com/1337gallery/albums/userpics/10004/tut-pg-5.jpg[/url]
  8. Heres yours Medafunk. My scanner stopped working so I dont have mine, but Ill hopefully have it up later once I fix it. Im not very good with hair, which could use some work, but otherwise I like how it came out.
  9. We at [url]www.clanbcem.com[/url] are looking for a good Warden picture from the game Warcraft 3, but as of yet cannot find one. What we are requesting is a wallpaper sized picture, original, colored, and detailed picture of a Warden in some sort of pose. A black background as well with the warden off to the right side. This could be the face, or whole body, but we want this to be as professional as possible. Now this is alot to ask, and I dont really expect anyone to do this, but if you did, you would get alot of credit for it. Thanks, -Tach
  10. Rain storm. Because you are completely safe from Lightning in a car, and if you are up on a hill, water isnt a problem. In a blizzard, its cold, and you can potentially freeze to death no matter where you are. Would you rather be chased by Aliens or a Predator?
  11. Well that 80 years in poverty would probably not really even be much of an existence at all, so I think that 15 happy years would be a good trade. Would you take the [COLOR=Red]red[/COLOR] pill or the [COLOR=Blue]blue[/COLOR] pill?
  12. Tachi comes from tachikoma from Ghost in the Shell, my favorite series, and KC is my nickname, stading for Korean Chris.
  13. I, personally do not believe in a god. If you look back at history, it is only in the latter part or so of human history that we as human beings were even able to contemplate something like religion. Before that, we as humans, and our cousins such as the neandertal were migratory, and had to move and hunt for our sustenance. It was not until we started to cultivate and grow crops in such places as the fertile crescent, or other areas that we could sit down and think, hmmmmmm, what happens when we die? Now I wasnt alive back 10s of thousands of years ago, but I would assume that our ancient ancestors also felt grief for the fallen, and that they too buried them, but thier beliefs of a all powerful god were probably not there, or if they were they were very limited. Heck, animals also feel grief, but they cannot express these beliefs because they do not have the capacity as humans to think and act on those feelings. Anyways, we as humans, once we were able to sit down and think, our ancestors probably started to ask WHY and WHAT? Why do we die? What happens to us when we die? As we moved around the globe and populated it, we as humans changed in both appearance and beliefs. The cradle of human life was in Africa, and if you look there today, there are thousands of religions. If you think about it, those peoples who had to live off of the land to survive have mostly animalistic or shamanistic views about god, often having many, and giving inanimate objects such as rocks or trees spirits. It is in organized societies where the idea of one god probably came into play. This was probably to make it easier for the masses to follow, and for those in power to control them. If you look now at the current relious setup, the four largest religions (I think, I may be wrong), Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and Budhism all got to be as large as they are converting others to their cause. This applies especially to Christianity, who went the most out of its way to try and convert every single person that they could. Often those who didnt were put to death. The others are mostly concentrated in Asia and the middle east, and it is really only in the United States that others are participating in them. Europe and America are dominantly Christian societies, although as a whole America is a whole lot more diverse, as are large parts of South America and some of Australia. Africa has many many religions, and Asia is mostly either some form of Islam, Budhist, or Hindu. Now there are obvioulsly flaws on my part in there, as well as exceptions to any of the rules, but generally thats how things are. Anyways, if you honestly look at religion, it is responsible for 10s of millions of deaths over the centuries. People dying in the name of their god, people dying because they did not conform to the new religious views thrust upon them all fit in there. Christianity is responsible for far more deaths than anything that Hitler could come up with, as are Islam or any other of the major religions. But no one wants to talk about that. No one is squeaky clean. Horrible acts have been commited in the name of religion, but on the same side, some of the most kindhearted and generous. I am not trying to bash on any religion in particular, but to say that religion has always been a good thing is misguided at best and plain ignorant at worst. And here are some of my two cents. For those who think that Christianity, or Islam, or whatever religion is "the one true religion" are fooling themselves. All you are doing are rehashing words that countless people before you have said and died believing in. Im not saying that religion is bad, I think that it is essential to the human race, but that no religion is special. There have been many religions before now, and many many more when we are all dead and gone. To say that your religion is "the best" is to be ignorant of those who believe in other religions, and to say that others will go to hell if they dont believe in some book or god or man or belief is stupid, as someone else looking at you with another religion probably has the same thoughts. The bible was written by a man. A man who put his own views into it. Did god go to him and say, "this is how I want you to write this"? Why him? What was special about him? Why did god not just tell everyone that that is what he thought? Wouldnt it have been easier and put an end to the controversy? Same thing goes for Islam. Muhammed (sorry about spelling) went into the desert and had a vision. So what? I could "go into the desert" and claim that I saw god and that he told me to do his bidding. Would you believe me? Probably not? Why? What is so wrong with me having a vision? What made Muhammed special? What makes the Pope all high and mighty? I find it interesting that Budha himself did not wish for his beliefs to become a religion but his followers did. Why? Power. And if you ask yourself, if god made everyone equal, why are woman still not able to become priests in the church? Meh. Ill stop. Ive rambled long enough. Feel free to tear that apart. Those are just my thoughts on the matter splashed with some facts. Im athiest btw. I was actually raised as a pretty strict catholic, but during highschool I just kind of came to the realization that I have now. I simply sat down and thought about things with an open mind and realized stuff about religion, life, and all that. I dont disrepect any religion at all, and to be honest wish that there were an afterlife, and hope, but until someone shows me definate proof, Ill remain a nonbeliever. Sorry that was so long.
  14. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#8855ff][font=lucida calligraphy]Would you rather: [center]Be looked over or be over looked[/center] There was a famous designer who said somthing to that effect.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] Id rather be looked over, cuz then all Id have to do is raise my hand to be noticed. Would you rather be the QB who threw the game losing interception, or the coach who will have to take all the flak from the media?
  15. Im sorry but whos turn is it now, and which character do we draw?
  16. Thanks for the tips guys. And to be honest, I think that I do that without even thinking about it. I guess in my mind its always been that my art HAS to be the like the way the creators do it or else other people wont like it. I know that that is not the case, but it is hard to let go of that.
  17. Id be happy to make one for you, if you can provide me with some details as to what you would like.
  18. Did you try googling it? I googled Urahara wallpaper and came up with this. Hope thats what you need. [url]http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&q=Urahara+wallpaper&btnG=Search[/url]
  19. [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/42774506/?&q=by%3Atachikc+in%3Ascraps&qh=sort%3Atime]CLICK HERE[/URL] for the link. The things about it that I might change are the eyes (thier slightly off imo), and I should probably go over the wolf coat again and make the lines cleaner. I will eventually color this in PhotoShop, and amd currently thinking about a brown earthy theme. Please tell me what you think. Thanks.
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