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About neomonkey

  • Birthday February 19

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  • Biography
    I have deep brown hair, sexy blue eyes, a rounded head, I' 5"9' tall, and wiegh about *** lbs. Need more info, message me!
  • Occupation
    None as of yet.

neomonkey's Achievements

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  1. Sound's good! If you ever get it published, let me know! :animestun
  2. I was justlooking throught the "edit avatar" section of this site, and found that were no Vandread anime avatars. Why is that? Is it because we don't have any, or we don't have enough room for them, or is it something else?
  3. What if one day you were reading your favorite manga, finished it, and just before you close the book WHOOSH, your in the book? What would your life be like? What would happen? How would you react? It's time to find out. Those events have just started to happen to you. You just walked out of your local bookstore and you sit down on a bench you see on the sidewalk. You begin to read the book, and are swept away into the realism of this comic. In moments, you are so into the book that you don't notice anything around you. Then you notice that there's nothing around you... You only see black and white... nothing else. You look around and see the environment that was just in your book. You think, "This can't be happening. I'm in my manga book?!". Alot of the people that you have just read about are walking around and talking with each other. You walk up to one of them and say, "Hi, you're , right?". But they just ignore you. Soon you walk to a small town. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Character sheet: Name- Age- Gender- Appearance- Personality- Favorite manga- Crush from favorite manga- Post here with that info to join. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- My character: Name- Josh Age-13 Gender-M Appearance-He has blue hair, a semi-round head, Black shirt and pants, red sandals, light green eyes, and square reading glasses. Personality-He wierd but can be really cool sometimes. Favorite manga-One Piece Crush from favorite manga-Nami
  4. All over the United States where the next generation systems (PS3, Wii, Xbox360) were released, there were reports of campers, riots, and gunfire. Is all of this neccesary for video games?
  5. What if one day you were reading your favorite manga, finished it, and just before you close the book WHOOSH, your in the book? What would your life be like? What would happen? How would you react? It's time to find out. Those events have just started to happen to you. You just walked out of your local bookstore and you sit down on a bench you see on the sidewalk. You begin to read the book, and are swept away into the realism of this comic. In moments, you are so into the book that you don't notice anything around you. Then you notice that there's nothing around you... You only see black and white... nothing else. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Character sheet: Name- Age- Appearance- Personality- Favorite manga- Crush from favorite manga- Private message me with this sheet to join. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- My character: Name-Yoshi Age-13 Appearance-Blue hair, black pants and shirt, red shoes, very skinny body, blue eyes, and stylish glasses Personality-He's cool, but kind of a nerd. Favorite manga-Hikaru No Go Crush from favorite manga-None... yet
  6. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is completely random and just about thefirst (and last) of its kind. Bobobo was probably just a springboard for other animes yet to come. Bobobo Rocks! :hippy:
  7. I think that [B]Vandread should be remade and revived[/B]. It should have been a longer series, it was too good to cancel! :animecry:
  8. [QUOTE=neomonkey]Maybe you talk in your sleep? [B]Anyway, here's mine:[/B] At the time of dream, I looked almost exactly like Rock Lee from Naruto. So, I was Lee in my dream too. I was fighting Naruto, and he was throwin' out his best Nin and Gen jutsu, and I was right up next to him kicking him in the face, then I woke up. Naruto's goin' down next time!!! :flaming: :devil:[/QUOTE] It took about 3 months, but Naruto is finally K-Oed! :catgirl:
  9. Thanks everybody! :animesmil I appreciate it!
  10. I'm sorry if this is innapropriate. I'm new to this site, and can't find a moderator. Can someone help me figure out who they are?
  11. I got mine from a different forum. Neoseeker to be exact. Sorry if that's considered advertising. :animesigh
  12. Um... squeeze some extra strength gel between your fingers, run your hair through your fingers and pull. Gauranteed to work.
  13. [QUOTE=Raina][COLOR=Blue]I'm 19 years old (going to be 20 in November)... And I finally have a boyfriend for the first time in my life... (He's 22) It's a weird feeling... I don't really know how to explain it... Any way, I'm quite lost, because it's a whole new experience... So does anyone have any advice? For example, when we kiss, we hit our teeth... It doesn't have to be an advice... Maybe you would like to write your own experiences, or even experiences of other people...? [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Relationships are a good thing to get into, but if your unsure, wait about getting into one. I currently have a girlfriend and just had to temporarily break-up with her for my lack of dating knowledge. So, like I said, just wait before getting into one if your not ready. Also, make sure that you and our boyfriend are happy with each other.
  14. [QUOTE=Leon Fury]I got slapped by my former love interest. Dude...that was the best dream ever 'cept for the slapping part, this moring I woke up with a red mark on my face, and it hurt like crap. - Leon Fury.[/QUOTE] Maybe you talk in your sleep? [B]Anyway, here's mine:[/B] At the time of dream, I looked almost exactly like Rock Lee from Naruto. So, I was Lee in my dream too. I was fighting Naruto, and he was throwin' out his best Nin and Gen jutsu, and I was right up next to him kicking him in the face, then I woke up. Naruto's goin' down next time!!! :flaming: :devil:
  15. [quote name='Jubei Yagyou'] How do you go about enjoying Turkey Day?[/quote] Well, you know., the usual. A family get together, hunting of the fowl (not really:laugh: ), a greatly attended feast which is soon followed by unforgiving moaning and drunk relatives. :drunk: :laugh:
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