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Everything posted by thepinkprincess

  1. [COLOR=Magenta]umm, id say '-I R A colloge stewdent' lol...thats funny^^...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Magenta]hmm, i like it.. ......a couple weeks ago i went throught exactly what u wrote.. ..and now we're still friend, well written... ^^![/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Magenta]im starting to think love is a thoughtful desire.. ..and not a feeling, im 16 and i've said "i love u" to 3 ppl.... but i have only been 'inlove' once... its kinda weird, not anything that could be figured out, i think with experience it starts to become eaiser.. ....but still not completely understood.......[/COLOR]
  4. my dreams are pretty weird.... ...i dont think i could give them a particular reason for having them... .....as far as dreams being desires... hmmm, not sure id agree to that....i think dreams are just subconcious thoughts.. about anything, and most ppl have strong dreams when their stressed and frustrated.. ...as for me, when i sleep, i seem to be calmer when i think of a loved one... this seems like a never ending topic.....
  5. [COLOR=Magenta]owwwwwwwe^^!!!!!!!! that was pwettie^^!.. .....and so true, love is the strongest light of all^^![/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Magenta]i actually try to use the same naem... ..i came up with it cause im inlove with the color pink... ......though my sreen name was pinkgrounds, i try to keep the color pink in every name i chose... ..whether its a screen name, or email^^.....[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Magenta]i just watched saikano and that made me cry... ...not sure if any of u have seen it, but i suggest it to all who like romance and tragedy.... ..............[/COLOR]
  8. huh, some topic u guys got going, i wouldnt say money is 'THE ROOT OF EVIL'. ...but it could be, depending on ur life and how u use money.... just dont let money get to ur head, some ppl are over-powered with envy..... :rolleyes: [COLOR=RoyalBlue][INDENT][SIZE=1][B]thepinkprincess[/B] please improve your posts, here at OtakuBoards, we greatly emphasize the concept of having clear, easy to read posts. This includes correct use of spelling, grammar and punctuation. So please use something like word or hotmail as they both have a spell check feature. ~SunfallE[/SIZE][/INDENT][/COLOR]
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