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Everything posted by Kinetix

  1. [quote name='Axel Alloy']. [LIST] [*]Contract Killer (Lol. I know.) [/LIST][/QUOTE] There's nothing funny about the skill of being professional hitman.
  2. Spontaneity is one of life's greatest treasures. Monday night at midnight, my great friend Magnus called me and asked if I would like to go to New Orleans for Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras). Needless to say, I accepted. If you ever have the chance, go in numbers and be safe, but it will be the greatest time of your life.
  3. [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']Most guys, especially ones around your age, think Mardi Gras is about that sort've thing....and well it's turned into it. They make these drinks called hand grenades, couldn't tell you what went in it but they made the best I had that night.[/QUOTE] Like Chaos said, it's Tropical Isle and the drinks are great. I'm pretty sure that because they're so sweet, they have to be masking some hard liquor like Bacardi 151 or Everclear. They're pretty potent. As far as the debauchery and beads thing, I realized about three hours into the festivities that it's not really all about that. Sure, on the surface that's what you may see alot, but if you take a deep hard look, you'll see that Mardi Gras is truly a celebration of not only life, but culture and spirit and it's unlike any other experience.
  4. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]My car has over 1,000,000 miles.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] Wow. You must have been driving since before I was born.
  5. It's an age old trick, preying on the naive. I've always refused the air filter service because it's cheap and easy to do on your own. The one time I was nearly swindled though, was when I had air in my brake line. I wasn't very knowledgeable of the braking system yet and the mechanic had convinced me that my master brake cylinder was out. He charged me $250 to replace it and had it ready the next day. I was suspicious, so I figured out that all he had actually done was bled my brakes and that my master brake cylinder was indeed the old one (for I was promised a new one from the manufacturer), and I took pictures of it. I returned to his shop and demanded a refund, threatening to have the BBB shut his business down. I was given a refund and an apology immediately, which must have been most humbling, and I went on my way.
  6. Lrb with ease. Comical and well composed.
  7. [quote name='Ravenstorture'][COLOR="DarkGreen"][font=garamond]$840; or $140 an hour for six so far. Only one hour to go.[/font][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well it's incredible. Do you have any others?
  8. I expect the film to be half as entertaining as[COLOR="Red"] [b][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrvMTv_r8sA"]this[/URL][/COLOR] [/b]video.
  9. Wow, there is so much detail in that. How much has it cost you so far?
  10. Kinetix


    [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden'] I've liked all of Tim Burton's animated features (and yes I know this isn't Tim Burton, but it seems like it's in the same genre). [/QUOTE] It is actually produced by a close friend and associate of Tim Burton's, who has worked on all of his films.
  11. [quote name='David Grohl'] They brought them back, too. [/QUOTE] No, Guns 'n Roses will never exist again. The current incarnation is Axl Rose's Industrial Experiment and it is absolute crap. The eighties are coming back strongly though, with bands like Hinder and Buckcherry. The content in their songs isn't very thoughtful or meaningful, but it's sure balls-to-the-wall rock 'n roll, and I dig it. I don't agree that music is music though. Most of Hollywood Undead's music is samples from other songs and loose variations of popular trends intermingled in a way that can't be pleasing to many people's ears.
  12. Well, I have very limited resources at work and was just witness to a reference to the eighties, so I decided that an MS Paint throwback was in order. Unfortunately, I saved it as a JPEG and the quality went to crap.
  13. [quote name='Suikojin'] I had no idea they wore masks though... seriously? Masks? Ugh... [/QUOTE] Well, look at Slipknot. They wear masks and they're hugely famous (not necessarily that talented, but famous). They even claim that they're going to be larger than Metallica. :rolleyes: [quote name='Sabre']Where oh where is music going? Bring back the 80's.[/quote] Amen. More specifically, bring back Guns 'n Roses.
  14. [quote name='Darren'][CENTER][B]Pixies - "Hey"[/B] [/CENTER] Self-explanatory. I love the song and the meaning behind it. It's super mellow, like me and that's about it.[/QUOTE] I change my vote for best entry yet.
  15. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial] I might even start cheering. Lewdly. .[/FONT][/QUOTE] I think I'll join you on this endeavor. It sounds quite amusing.
  16. [quote name='Darren'] But hopefully, My Bloody Valentine 3D will cheer me up! :animesmil[/QUOTE] Oh, it will. It's a god awful movie, but the sheer excitement from gore and weapons constantly flying at you is quite enjoyable.
  17. I just bought this killer hat and thought I'd show it off.
  18. [quote name='Nerdsy'] [color=deeppink]It's really difficutl choosing which Weezer song would be best. It's like choosing which child lives which child dies in a hostage situation. And as descriptive of me as "In the Garage" is, I just couldn't bear to see "El Scorcho" killed.[/color][/QUOTE] This is quite possibly the best entry in the entire thread.
  19. Boo is easily the winner here. Kimmeh's design, I believe, was very intricate and has a great composition for a banner, but Boo won my vote before I saw the others with sheer simplicity and humor.
  20. [quote name='Darren'] Oh yeah, also: I totally got to elbow a guy in the face because he was trying to push passed me in the crowd. (He did this by grinding his knuckles into my rib cage. I was mad) But the point is, I got away with it and he didn't beat me up afterwards... So that's good.[/QUOTE] That's definitely a plus for rowdy concerts. Sometimes I like to just sit back and enjoy the music, but sometimes it's awesome to just let it all out to the point that you can't feel your body at the end of the night. Easily the most aggressive concert I've been to was [b]Rage Against the Machine[/b] at the [b]Voodoo Music Experience[/b] in New Orleans. I can't tell you how many people I had to punch just to stay standing. It was pretty intense. One great thing about the Rage concert was the encore. I've never really seen the point of raising lighters but all 200,000 people in the audience raised their lighter and it looked like a giant flame. This was followed by the chant "**** you I won't do what you tell me!" (From Killing in the Name of, which they subsequently came out and played). It was a pretty intense experience.
  21. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Wait. Bonnaroo, as in [I]Bonnaroo[/I]? As in Manchester, TN? As in, I live about twenty minutes from the town when I'm not at college? As in, the gol-durned event blocks off traffic for almost a week? Holy crap. Either you are located very close to me, or that thing is more popular than I thought it was. [/FONT][/QUOTE] Nope, Texas bred, Texas dead. Bonarroo is very popular. It was even plastered all over rollingstone.com for a month.
  22. [quote name='Boo'][size=1]I'm honestly very glad to say that I can't say anything like the above posts.[/size][/QUOTE] I'm in the same boat, my friend. I enjoy playing video games to a high degree, but I've never been so enthralled by or experienced in any particular game that I could walk on through it.
  23. [size=1]It's nearly impossible to choose a best concert, for most that I've gone to have been quite memorable and meaningful experiences. However, if I were to narrow it down, I'd say that the Bonnaroo Music Festival of '08 was the most astonishing event that I've attended. You're placed on a 600 acre farm in the middle of Tennessee with 300,000 hippies (I've never seen so many white dudes with dreadlocks) and around eight stages (amongst hundreds of booths and various events to partake in). You camp for four days here. Absolutely incredible. Out of this festival, probably my favorite performance was by The Raconteurs (Jack White's superior side band to The White Stripes). Although not my favorite, Pearl Jam was easily the most inspiring and memorable performance of the festival and probably the single concert that has shaped my attitude more than any other. If you ever have a chance to see Pearl Jam live or attend the Bonnaroo music festival, I highly recommend it.[/size]
  24. [size=1] I completely agree with you. I nearly went to a small music festival in Dallas that was featuring some great bands, but had Hollywood Undead and Staind playing as well. This was the deciding factor in waiting for a better event to come around. With the same concept, but on a nearly polar opposite level, Girl Talk (or Greg Gillis) is a far superior mash-up DJ. While he still uses the horrid "Get Crunk" hip hop, he defends it (admitting that it is crap), by letting people know that his music is entirely to party to. However, alongside all of the useless hip hop he uses, there are thousands of bits from classic rock and modern rock songs that he throws into the mix, as well as true hip hop on occasion. His songs are incredible only for the fact that on some occasions he will use samples from over forty songs on one track. What he creates is infinitely better that Hollywood Undead. [/size]
  25. [quote name='kenshinsbabe'][SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"][B] 510. Screw, kill, marry[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Quite possibly the entry that made me smile the most, for sheer hilarity. Every wednesday I play at an open mic jam and am always invited to sing with the house band at the end of the night because all of the musicians in there love my voice. That is easily the best feeling I know. Otherwise, sex.
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