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Everything posted by Kinetix

  1. [quote name='Boo'][size=1]The title of the thread has an awkward effect on how I read things. The "[b]pens[/b]" in Lrb's post was also easily misread. [/size][/QUOTE] [size=1] I've decided against the natural response that enters a 20 year old male's head when he is asked "What's in your pants?" for the sake of humility. Currently I am at work, so not alot, but: [LIST] [*]Antique Zippo Lighter (for smoking Marlboro Red 100s) [*]Marlboro Red 100s [*]A swanky smart phone and car keys [*]My wallet, which includes, but is not limited to: Cash, ID, various gift cards, a Jimi Hendrix (Limited Edition) guitar gick, a Guitar Center guitar pick, and a lucky half dollar [*]A hackey sack (you know, the little cloth balls you kicked around in high school) [/LIST] And that's about it. I try to sneak off from work as often as possible to smoke and play hackeysack. [/size]
  2. [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']Rev Theory- Voices. Sure its a wrestler's entrance music, but I don't see why we can't share.[/QUOTE] That's a good choice, but I'd have to say: [YOUTUBE="When the Levee Breaks"]9boJa3x7iUY&hl=en&fs=1[/YOUTUBE] for the sheer power emphasized by the drum and the slow tempo. It makes one wonder what life would be like if it was lived entirely in slow motion. Edit: Sorry for royally screwing the page with my previous YouTube tag.
  3. Don't feel so bad about Muniz. At least know that each and every time he's surrounded by gorgeous models, the thought process in his head is telling him that they are there for his money, not his childish demeanor. Even if Frankie Muniz is of drinking age and a professional racecar driver, I'm not sure that he'll ever be looked upon as a man.
  4. [quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I voted for Cat. Yes, I voted in favor of someone else. It's David Bowie. I need no further justification for my actions.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Vicky's and SaiyanPrincessX's banners were, to me, the most intricate in design and applied the heaviest technique. I was particularly drawn to Vicky's because of the theme that she chose, which I believe is very true. Yesterday I saw a wristband that said: Punk's not dead, it just really sucks these days. Very true. However, I could not pass up the nostalgic and amorable ties that I have to Cat's banner. Congratulations to Cat for the obvious choice, and congratulations to David Bowie for achieving a lifetime of extraordinary accomplishments.
  5. [quote name='TwistedChick'] "all dictionaries that are not complete, comprehensive, should be burned." I agree. Any word that is still commonly used, in speech, literature, or otherwise, shouldn't be dropped from any dictionary, and so-called "Junior" dictionaries shouldn't exist at all.[/QUOTE] I could not agree more. If a Junior Dictionary is aimed at shaping the minds of our youth through the education of words that will expand their horizons in a modern world, we should of course embrace modern lingo, but not cease the teaching of words that have shaped history. It makes no sense that they would distinguish the use of the word "acorn" (which I used today when I had an acorn fight with a friend) or "sin", which is obviously used countless times a day in this world, but they will encourage the use of absolutely meaningless words such as "bootylicious". Perhaps bootylicious, on some very basic level, has a meaning, but the use of it is more nostalgic and jestful that meaningful. I couldn't imagine using "bootylicious" in an everyday conversation, with the exception of perhaps mocking it.
  6. This is a very interesting agenda that you've created for yourself. Do you have a list of movies already devised or are you winging it from day to day?
  7. [quote name='Dragon Warrior'][size=1]I got my hair cut short, which trust me... is not me usually. I tend to have long punk hair. But eeehh... why not, right? I'm still trying to decide if I like short hair on me. It's just so... naked-feeling. [center][img]http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/233/bandanagavxj1.jpg[/img][/center][/size][/QUOTE] Wow, it's my first time seeing you man. Way cooler looking than I realized, haha. So the last time I posted on one of these was in like...2004 or something and I had this ridiculous little dirt-stache going. Thankfully, that's long since gone. [b]These first two are from Halloween. I dressed up as Bob Dylan and the girl next to me was posing as Amy Winehouse. Fun times all around.[/b] [IMG]http://i397.photobucket.com/albums/pp58/chriscole007/l_dd7e7798a73c4c61aa3f95a6791677fb.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i397.photobucket.com/albums/pp58/chriscole007/l_1a3dab1604294ee0b182512473c451ce.jpg[/IMG] [b]And then this one was from a little promotional photoshoot my friend did for me, trying to make posters for music shows at little honky tonk bars[/b] [IMG]http://i397.photobucket.com/albums/pp58/chriscole007/l_5d7a7fbd1db644e8a2acc80d839f68dc.jpg[/IMG]
  8. I should probably take more time to think about it, but off the top of my head I would choose either: [b]Back In Black[/b] by AC/DC (for the obvious reincarnation references) or [b]Lighthouse[/b] by Interpol The latter is my more likely choice because of the incredible soundscape that the band was able to create, and the moving lyrics: [SIZE="2"][SIZE="1"][CENTER]Slow now And let the waves have their way now Slow, and let the waves have their day And I want that Here I've been living on roofs made from sin Upward and outward, "Begin, begin." Here I've been lucid I'm living within Inwardly urgent, I'm sinking again[/CENTER][/SIZE][/SIZE]
  9. Virgin Records Music Stores are officially closing all locations across the U.S. by the end of this year, and the discounts are unbelievable. Just last week I bought the [B]Velvet Underground box set[/B] (without whom, we would not have Rock and Roll in the form that it is today), [B]The Doors box set[/B], [B]Mothership[/B] (a mini-box set for Led Zeppelin), [B]Appetite For Destruction [/B]by Guns 'n Roses, a[B] Buzzcocks [/B]compilation, and a [B]Jeff Buckley [/B]CD all for $150. An unbelievable price. So this past week I've been listening to: [img]http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:2g56KYj6GG4xsM:http://www.amiright.com/album-covers/images/album-The-Velvet-Underground-The-Velvet-Underground--Nico.jpg[/img] [b]The Velvet Underground box set[/b] The Velvet Underground began making records around 1966. There influence spreads to enormously popular musicians, such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie, and thousands more. Unfortunately, The Velvet Underground were not well renowned in their time, but are now considered by many the most influential band in Rock 'n Roll history. [b]AND[/b] [img]http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:fy5eOuDE10YXlM:http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/7726/073bc060ada0fa6bba27911ff8.jpg[/img] [b]The Doors box set[/b] This set includes each Doors album, as well as a booklet giving a synopsis of The Doors' history and influence around the time of each album. It also comes with a DVD with two videos for each album. The Doors are a must when exploring the musical revolution that was the 60s. They explored the dark side of reality while most other pop bands were writing love songs in the major scale. Don't misunderstand me, the Doors had a large amount of love songs, but not necessarily in the same vein as, let's say, The Beatles.
  10. [quote name='Magus'] Rap - *shrugs* Money, girls, cars... mumble jumble..... Half the time I barely understand what's being said now because of all that so-called gold, platinum, grillz that are in their mouth. It's sad too because I understand rappers that rap fast (Twista, Busta Rhymes, Bone Thugs n Harmony) moreso than these slow rappers.. with this stuff in their mouth. But nevertheless, I still listen to just very little of it though. .[/QUOTE] I'm glad that someone shares my disdain for modern rap. Old School hip hop, and even some underground artists of the modern age had/have such substance to their words. Many old artists such as any member of the Wu Tang Clan didn't even focus on an elaborate beat, but more of a simplistic rhythm that they could apply their very thoughtful words to. Many modern artists with substance do focus on an elaborate rhythm, but also focus heavily on the lyrical prose; artists such as Blue Scholars, Talib Kweli, Atmosphere, Mos Def, Jay-Z (to an extent), Del the Funky Homosapien, and countless other non-mainstream acts have very substantial music. I've never been a huge fan of hip-hop until recently when I found good hip-hop, which is not focused on money, drugs, and girls. Mainly though, I am enthralled by the pulse of screaming guitars and thumping drums, with bands like Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Stone Temple Pilots, Velvet Revolver, Audioslave, The Beatles, and really any good Rock 'N Roll. Unfortunately, the current state of up-and-coming Rock 'N Roll bands was on a very declined slope until this year when a resurgence of hard rocking bands with lyrics of substance began to appear, in opposition of this whiny, Minor Scale thrash bands. Hopefully we have a bright future full of exciting music coming. On a side note, please don't by Chinese Democracy, the new Guns 'n Roses album. It's not the true Guns 'n Roses album, but more like The Axl Rose Industrial Experiment. I'm all for Industrial Rock 'n Roll, but please don't use the alias Guns 'n Roses while creating.
  11. [quote name='Mr. Maul'][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]Luckily, I was born with impeccable musical taste, so I've never had this problem. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I too find myself in this predicament while viewing this thread. I'm still completely infatuated with everything I was listening to as an adolescent. Whether it be Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Guns 'n Roses or Pearl Jam, the music popular on radio stations as I was growing up, I listen to it all daily. Really anything from the late 80s / early 90s in that grunge era is pleasing to my ears still. What I've found is that I do not tire of the same old music, but it helps me explore other generations of music to see what it stemmed from, such as Pearl Jam being influenced by The Who, or Soundgarden by Led Zeppelin, or Stone Temple Pilots and Nirvana by the Beatles. Learning about the roots of modern rock 'n roll has helped me to appreciate it even more.
  12. When I think of Heavenly themes, I imagine this sort of blurry, ambiguous imagery with soft colors, and Cat's image captures this very well. The imagery of a tender moment being encapsulated by this imagery is a very strong technique and almost won my vote, but SaiyanPrincessX's design has won my heart with the superior composition. She has also used soft colors and heavenly imagery, and with a very creative composition, [b]SaiyanPrincessX[/b] gets my vote.
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