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About imablondeduh

  • Birthday 06/10/1992

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm a natural blonde. My hobbies have basically been my whole life.
  • Occupation
    Die Schulerin

imablondeduh's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Red]*First of all, I'd like to ask how old are you?[/COLOR] 14 [COLOR=Red]*How would you say you feel about abstinence? (A. Excellent, B. Good, C. Fair, D. Poor)[/COLOR] B [COLOR=Red]*And how many times have you been in a situation where you had to make a decision to abstain from sexual activity or not? (It's cool to estimate.)[/COLOR] Um, never (your talking about sex right?) [COLOR=Red]*How many relationships have you been in? (A numerical estimation is cool here too.)[/COLOR] 3 [COLOR=Red]*How often would you say you see public displays of affection?[/COLOR] Too many to count [COLOR=Red]*When you see these public displays of affection would you say you're offended in any way?[/COLOR] I wouldn't especially they were doing it heavy duty because I would probably end up embarressing myself. [COLOR=Red]*Would public displays of affection be alright for you to show?[/COLOR] I think the little things are ok. Like hand holding, hugging, quick kisses. If I wanted to do something more I would do it in a room with the door closed. Or outside if there wasn't anyone watching (heavy make out session- not sex) :p [COLOR=Red]*How far would you say is too far for a public display of affection? (A. Kissing, B. Hugging, C. Other. If other, could you provide me with a short explanation of what you consider too far?)[/COLOR] C.Making out pretty heavily and anything more than that. [COLOR=Red]*In your opinion have school dances become too sexual? Yes/No.[/COLOR] Yes: Especially when their like grinding so you wonder why their not in a room yet. [COLOR=Red]*At what age do you think that dating should begin? (Like, a real age not "Whenever!")[/COLOR] Around 7th grade. Personally I decided I needed to see what it was like to see if I was ready and that was in the 7th grade and it was a good decision for me. Like when puberty happening. [/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=2][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Well I think it depends on the anime show. I normally watch the first 5 episodes in both and if I don't like the dub than I stick with sub. Like Sailor Moon I definitely stick with sub becuase the people who dubbed sound so horrible :animeangr that I couldn't watch any more of it in dub. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  3. In the seventh grade my friend and I made stick figure comics in our daily planners we had to have for school. We called in [B]Carrot Man: The Saviour of Our World[/B]. It was pretty much this stupid little comic where a stick figure in a carrot mask who killed people we all the suddenly got mad at (from teachers, political figures, and the latest celebrities who did dumb stuff.) Now we just draw kind-of-chibi comics about ninjas. We've kind of upgraded.
  4. -Dimension 500x100 Ok so I have these charactars for a story that I am writing about and I was wondering if anyone was up for drawing these characters. The main story is about this firefighter that rescues this girl and they gradually fall in love (not to that part of the story.) Main guy is jealous of another guy. [B]Rich (main dude):"[/B][IMG]http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l290/imablondeduh_/the20twins.jpg[/IMG]I imagined him as the one on the right. He has yellow green eyes in the story.He's the goofy sweet type character. He's about 6' in the story. [B]Megan (main chick):[/B][IMG]http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l290/imablondeduh_/MeandKatie.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l290/imablondeduh_/MeontheBustoSwimpracticewithacoldhe.jpg[/IMG]
  5. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I started drawing because sometimes when I was little I couldn't express my thoughts or feelings well enough in words. Or at least I thought that, so I drew pictures and I colored, a lot.[/FONT]
  6. I really liked the 3rd picture on your first post. It is so life like, it reminds of someones profile picture on MySpace. I also thought that the blending of the colors weren't bad. They all went together. I don't really have anymore to say other than good job.
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