[SIZE=2][COLOR=Red]*First of all, I'd like to ask how old are you?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]*How would you say you feel about abstinence? (A. Excellent, B. Good, C. Fair, D. Poor)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]*And how many times have you been in a situation where you had to make a decision to abstain from sexual activity or not? (It's cool to estimate.)[/COLOR]
Um, never (your talking about sex right?)
[COLOR=Red]*How many relationships have you been in? (A numerical estimation is cool here too.)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]*How often would you say you see public displays of affection?[/COLOR]
Too many to count
[COLOR=Red]*When you see these public displays of affection would you say you're offended in any way?[/COLOR]
I wouldn't especially they were doing it heavy duty because I would probably end up embarressing myself.
[COLOR=Red]*Would public displays of affection be alright for you to show?[/COLOR]
I think the little things are ok. Like hand holding, hugging, quick kisses. If I wanted to do something more I would do it in a room with the door closed. Or outside if there wasn't anyone watching (heavy make out session- not sex) :p
[COLOR=Red]*How far would you say is too far for a public display of affection? (A. Kissing, B. Hugging, C. Other. If other, could you provide me with a short explanation of what you consider too far?)[/COLOR]
C.Making out pretty heavily and anything more than that.
[COLOR=Red]*In your opinion have school dances become too sexual? Yes/No.[/COLOR]
Yes: Especially when their like grinding so you wonder why their not in a room yet.
[COLOR=Red]*At what age do you think that dating should begin? (Like, a real age not "Whenever!")[/COLOR]
Around 7th grade. Personally I decided I needed to see what it was like to see if I was ready and that was in the 7th grade and it was a good decision for me. Like when puberty happening. [/SIZE]