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[FONT=Comic Sans MS] Every once and a while the urge to play that classic game gets the best of me. Recently me and a couple friends got caught up in a discussion regarding Super Smash Bros for Wii (Im trying to convince him to get one) When I told him they were working on that and a Mario Kart he was pretty much sold. Well after talking about what we were interested in for the next release, we ended up busting out the gamecube and running a few races.[/FONT]
I had a feeling there were some good ones out, I've checked out a few of the titles and some look really good. Are there any good websites or online stores out there that sell titles that are not available at your local video store. Thanks for all the great ideas, I will have to spend a night choosing through some promising anime.
Just a warning I have a feeling this is gonna be a large post, If you aren't interested in religious discussions or possibly a slight rant then feel free to ignore my post. [QUOTE=Albert Flasher][COLOR=Sienna] IMO the West is just using Saddam as a scapegoat. We caused the entire situation in the Middle East, especially the one in Iraq. When the Western Powers (The US and Britain especially) carved up theOttoman Empire after WWI, we invented countries were there were none and ultimetly left the Kurds with no country to call their own (We also forced religious extremeists to co-exist with other religious extremeists, which is never a recipe for success.). This caused the Kurds to rebel (Rightfully so... they deserve Kurdistan) and forced Saddam to put them down or risk destabilizing his entire nation. We're just blaming him for a problem we caused...[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Good point Albert and I completely agree. [QUOTE=Phaedrus] Your "bible" is just literature. God didn't write those words. Or anyway, "God" in the truest sense of the word didn't; maybe your "Him" God that people like you made up wrote it, but "He" was just an amalgamation of human ingenuity given some greatness that tries to give understanding and essence to the unknown. Do you have an actual quote from the bible where you think it could be interpreted to say, "killing is wrong, but it's all right to kill in revenge"? It is never right to kill in revenge. It only leads to more vengance. More and more of this eternal cycle of pointlessness that mankind's been charading about all these years of its existence. [/QUOTE] Ok I'm sorry but I can't help but voice a opinion to some of those statements. I'm not trying to start a fight or anything just thought I would give you a different perspective on the subject. First off I don't really see how the bible can be considered literature considering the dead sea scrolls are one of the oldest known documents that we know of at 1000 BC. I would consider it more of a historical text or at the very least a historians perspective of actual events. Of course if you don't believe the dates of the books of the bible found (and dated by respected scientists) then I suppose you could consider it literature. But for something so old and in detail it would have to be the hugest hoax in history. I don't think you would get that many historians and scientists in on that "little" scam. As far as an actual quote from the bible I'm not about to go searching for my bible though I am sure it's around somewhere, but the actual commandment doesn't read "Thou Shall Not Kill" most respected translations (and I say this because there are so many) reads "Thou Shall Not Murder" and trust me theres a huge difference. Throughout the entire old testament there are stories of governments putting people to death for all sorts of reasons (even such things homosexuality) this being said as time passes those governments become more humane in the way they deal with criminals and "evil" men. There is actually writings in the New Testament that speaks of god allowing governments and "kings of men" to take responsibility for their actions and how they handle such situations. They write in regards to death penalty's and the proper actions to take for specific crimes. See Leviticus : 19 I agree it's never right to kill in revenge but you have to see that statement from a different angle, Is it killing in revenge if a serial killer/rapist kills and rapes 20 women and is then caught and sent to prison. Is it revenge for those families to want some kind of closure to the lose of their loved ones. I don't think so I think they deserve whatever punishment a Judge deems fit. Now if those families hunted him down themselves and killed him I would consider that revenge as those people were unable to control there own sense of anger. If it were my mom or girlfriend I would want him dead, not out of revenge but for the fact that the man is clearly evil and not capable of contributing to society. Why take the chance of him possibly escaping and continuing his crimes. Another note worth mentioning is the bible would affect most Christians but most of Iraq is muslim and the koran has a way different view of the death penalty. And of course their country would reflect that as the foundations of most governments comes from religion. I think It's best to leave it at that, it would of been so much easier to just respond with the requested quote ;) Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same Oh and Vageta I got what you were trying to say :animesmil
[QUOTE=Albert Flasher][COLOR=Sienna]Ain't gonna happen, bro... Microsoft dumped a TON of money on EA and 2k's respective laps to make sure the only decent hockey game available will be on the 360. After 07 was such a tremendous dissapointment on everything but the 360, I doubt we'll be seeing any improvment! But yea, on the Wii it would be just awesome, haha. Would take a while to get used ta, mind you... [/COLOR][/QUOTE] That's to bad, I actually had a feeling they wouldn't release on Wii but I've recently discovered you can buy 360 controllers for PC, so it looks like I will be playing on my new computer for my hockey fix. That's ok though It will still be interesting to see how a Wii hockey title will play.
Hey Everyone Just recently started getting into anime, I'm really picky about the shows I will watch. I have been watching Samurai and my brother got me into Full Metal Alchemist, but now I'm hooked and need a new dose of anime greatness :animesmil Thought maybe someone would be able to recommend a good series. I'm over 18 and cant get into some of the titles but I am sure there is something out there that I have missed. Normally the only ones I will watch is the ones that come out at the local movie store. (not many) Gonna take a look through the forum and check out some titles that I haven't heard of
Snakes on a plane, not seriously. My brother said that it was good so I watched it. Two hours of my life that I will never get back. As for 2007 movies Pirates Of The Carribean will be amazing Hannibal Rising - Has to be interesting at the very least, I loved all of them Spiderman 3 - Enough said 28 Weeks Later - Sequel to 28 days 10.000 B.C - Looks interesting For music I normally listen to what is good on the radio. Somehow I forgot about T.V... Heroes and House are the only shows that I have been into lately.
As I regularly spar with friends and enjoy taking defense courses I enjoy watching the UFC fights at the bar with a few friends. I really don't like Tito though, he's such a punk. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Chuck show him how it's done. It's to bad you can't watch the fights on YouTube anymore, since google bought them out I haven't seen them.
We had the same problem on my parents computer. It sounds similiar to the bot that we got. Not sure what type of pop ups your getting but if they contain adult content or advertisements for anti spyware programs chances are you have an embedded bot or some type of spyware. Unfortunately programs like Norton and McAfee are unable to remove these but really only block them as they come in. I tried going into my boot (start up) and .dll files to take them out manually which is hard enough even when you do know what to look for. The only way I was able to get rid of them was to completely wipe the hardrive and reinstall windows. Not likely what you wanted to hear but it will fix the problem :animecry:
I really don't see how the Fullmetal games would work. With some spell games on the DS it's cool to do casting (ex. Taos Adventue) with the stylus but with Fullmetal the transmutation circle would be the same every time and it's very unlikely it would be used that way. I've never played any Fullmetal games but I honestly can't see them being nearly as good as the shows (which I loved).
Well I suppose there are a few console games I'm excited about. Zelda - My brother has had it since Christmas, why I haven't played it is beyond me. New Super Mario Bros. - Also beat it... great game. Fire Emblem - Can't get enough of these games. Gears of War - Though, I'm going to get it for the PC. Shhh, don't tell White. An NHL 2K game for the Wii - I know one hasn't been announced yet, but come on? Hockey on the Wii? Booyaka! Huxley - I am surprised no one has mentioned this one. There is alot of anticipation surrounding it. I've played so much Halo 2 that I'm really sick of it, so I'm not really excited for the third one (though Halo Wars looks interesting). [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1][b]PC[/b]: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars [b]Etc.[/b]: Upgrades to PC Consoles are for noobs.[/size][/QUOTE]lol, I might be the only one here who agrees with you.
I got upset when my brother changed my new computer to firefox from internet explorer but after using it for a few weeks theres no going back, the overall layout and design of firefox is much more user friendly and I like the way the tabs are set up. I guess its personnal prreference but I think microsoft had its chance and is now just implementing things that people have been asking for years. I think that even tho IE7 will be nice, when the new firefox comes out it will blow it out of the water, microsoft is now behind the eightball. (just my opinion)