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I do not exist

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Everything posted by I do not exist

  1. To be honest I believe that in every/any way a woman can ask a guy out but I have a fairly large ego and not so purdy face so i would never ask a guy out. some of the girls who are fearful have nothing to worry about...good looks...nice character but like me are just happy being near the person they like
  2. Why would I hide one single person against a zombie...what would i do through my computer at 'em and say engard no...I'd rather just face the fact that I will be killed and go back to playing viva pinata
  3. whats your favourite anime...no matter how lame...I would have to say chobits or naruto
  4. I do not exist

    Last Movie

    unless you count an anime movie I havent seen any in about a year :animesigh
  5. even some more recent things have been canceled :animesigh its as if people only want to watch the old school anime(sailormoon) but as soon as sonething becomes origonal and good it gets canceled and were left with stupid shows :animesigh beware spelling mistakes constant [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][INDENT]Beware, not using a program like word or hotmail to check for spelling errors is the road to being warned and then eventually banned as all members are expected to have clear and easy to read posts. So please work on improving your post quality as it is full of spelling errors. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. ...parody...when frosty melted to death
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