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Everything posted by Dragonfire1477

  1. Matt: *thinking* I never want this to end..... BEEEEEEEEEPPP!!!!!! Matt grabs the wheel again and pulls into the right lane. They pull into the mansion and everyone but Nobility and Matt leave. They just sit there. Matt: I'm sorry about your brother. This whole job, being an X-Man, it's not like I imagined at all. I thought I would make a difference, but I didn't want it like this. Matt picks up Nobility and carries her into her room and sets her on her bed. He kneels by her bedside. Matt: You should rest, you've been through too much today. They stare into each others eyes again. Matt leans over and gives her another kiss, then turns to leave.
  2. Since there's no other people to help Lady Katana, let's let that guy play. Right now it's three vs. one, so let's let him. Everyone say yay or nay.
  3. Matt holds Nobility close and closes his eyes, taking a moment to reflect on the past battle. Matt doesn't say anything, he just stands there. Nobility lifts her head slowly, still sobbing. Matt hands her a tissue. He puts his arm around her. Matt: Let's get you to the mansion. She tries to walk but staggers a little. Matt picks her up and walks to the truck. Matt: *thinking* I've never been at such a loss for words. I don't want to say anything wrong.... Matt drives Nobility, Ken, and the rest back to the mansion.
  4. I'm a brown belt 3rd stripe in Shaolin Goju. That's a mix style of both Karate and Tae Kwan Do. I also do Tai Chi, kickboxing, and very little ninjitsu on the side. My weapon of choice is the staff, I'm real good with it too :toothy: .
  5. Matt: Craig! Whatever you wanted the truck to be used for I think you should do it now! Matt performs a running exploder kick to Juggernauts face, sending him back into a tree. Matt punches him in the stomach with all his might, but Juggernaut just stood there and chuckled. Juggernaut: I've been wanting to get rid of you! Juggernaut picks Matt up as if he were nothing and holds him over his head. Matt:I hope you're fond of adamantium! Matt extends his claws and slashes Juggernauts arm, forcing him to drop Matt. Matt backs up to the others in his fighting stance. Matt: Ok guys, now what?
  6. I want to speak with every kind of living thing. Plants animals and the earth itself. I know it's juvenile but ever since I was a kid I wanted to save the planet and I loved animals. Anyone doesn't like you've got a digital wedgie with your name on it:devil: .
  7. Name: Matt Dragonfire Age: 16 Race: Human Powers: Ice (sub zero's) Location: Glaciers in the Arctic Sea Bio: Abandoned by his parents as a child for displaying strange behavior. They moved to Florida and Matt almost dies from the heat, so they abandoned him to avoid future problems. Trained by various masters in many forms, but his style of choice is Ninjitsu. Matt has spent many years training alone and perfecting his ice abilities in the glaciers. Side: Rebel
  8. Ken: Man, just let them go. Matt: I told Craig that I would follow his orders, he's not going to like this one bit. And neither do I. If they're attacked we can't do jack sh!t. Ken: Yeah, and what exactly are we doing? Just driving until we hit Juggernaut? Matt: I don't know why we're even driving this truck. We're here. Matt stops the truck and he and Ken get out and look around. Sean and Siren appear from behind some shrubbery. Ken: Well I see you guys didn't die. Sean: What you doubted us? Matt and Ken sweatdrop. Siren: So where's Craig and the others? Matt: They should be here now. I wonder where they are. Remember, we're in Juggernaut's territory, so keep an eye out.
  9. Matt: Siren, that's not a good idea. Craig said to stay together and that's what we're going to do. I will not be responsible for the death of a team mate because I couldn't hold us together. Just be patient, we'll be there soon. *thinking* I wonder how the rest are doing...And Nobility.....
  10. Matt: Kai! Fighting stance! Kai swings his tail blade up into attack possition and gets ready for an attack. Matt draws his sword and also assumes his fighting stance. Silva and Shiva also prepare to attack. Silva: Who are you?! Matt: That's what I was going to ask you. I am Matt, and now you tell me who you're working for! Silva: We're not working for anyone! Matt and Kai drop their fighting stances, as do Silva and Shiva. Matt then puts away his sword. Matt: I'm sorry for the confusion. You have my sincere apologies. You see, we're searching for the red Shadowman. He is a ruthless killer of humans and dragons alike. He must be stopped, and I have to suspect everyone of working for him if we are to defeat him.
  11. Matt shoots a worried look to Sean. Matt: Meet us at the park ok? Sean: Ok, when I'm done. He runs back to the classroom and get Asuka. They sneek out the window and run from the thugs without them seeing.
  12. Matt and Kai sneek up on Ryu and his small friends, very careful not to be noticed. Matt grabs Ryu by the mouth as does Kai to Ragear so they don't make a sound. Matt: I'm going to lift my hand now, and if you scream Kai here will snap your little friend's neck. Matt lifts his hand from Ryu's mouth and gets a confused expression. Ryu: Who are you? What do you want? Matt: I ask the questions here. Now I want to know who you're working for. Now! Ryu: I'm not working for anyone, I'm just a thief! Matt: You lie! Ryu: Never! Now let my dragon go! Matt nods to Kai and Ragear is set free. Matt: Hey, I'm really sorry about that. I'm tracking a dangerous killer and he's sent guys after me before, you can't be too careful. Ryu: Yeah well you COULD be a little gentler. Matt: I'm sorry. But I want to get that guy badly. What can you tell me about the girls in there? They could be working for him too.
  13. Kai: Weak? You will pay dearly for that remark! Dragonaire, drain it! The dragonaires gems light up again and it opens its mouth. Using the giga drain technique, the dark dragonaire sucks out most of the life force of the espeon and adds it to its own strength. The dark dragonaire is once again at full strength.
  14. I'm Scottish, Irish, English, even a little Native American. Maybe that's why I'm such an outdoorsy guy!:rolleyes:
  15. Matt: You can forget me leaving. That would go against everything I stand for as a martial artist. Besides, we're friends, and I know you'd do the same for me. So you guys can just bring it on! A smile crosses Sean's face as he turns to face the thugs again. Matt tenses his muscles, ready to attack.
  16. While flying in the air, Matt and Kai notice some motion coming from far below. Kai flies down quietly so not to be noticed. They rest next to the entrance. Matt peeks in. Matt: Ok, there are three people and three dragons. I think this will be a tough one, but how should we go about this? Kai: Maybe they are not with the red Shadowman. They could be possible allys. Matt: True, but we must suspect everyone. I think we should avoid a direct fight, the odds are against us. That ice dragon looks pretty powerful. Kai: Let's observe them longer before we act. Matt: Yeah, let's do that.
  17. Kai: Hmmm, my fight is next. I should be ready. Kai goes to normal form again and meditates by the arena. Kai: *thinking* No more training. If I am not ready by now, then I will never be ready.
  18. Matt: Ok, that's enough fooling. Let's get down to business so we can get warm again..Man I'm freezing here. The four X-Men trudge through the snow looking for the X-Truck. Finally, Matt spots it hidden among some shrubbery. Matt: Everyone in, I'm driving. The X-Men pile into the truck and Matt starts the engine, but it stalls over and over. Matt: Darn this cold. He keeps trying and finally the engine runs smoothly and team 2 heads out for Juggernaut.
  19. Feel free to join in Kool, we're just starting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt: Is there something you want? If it's my wallet, then it's yours. Thug 1: You don't got any money, but we'e gonna hurt ya. Sean stans with his fists clenched, biting his lip. Matt: So there's nothing I can do to get out of this? Thug 2: No, we're gonna hurt you no matter what you do, hehe. Matt: Then it's only fair to warn you. We're gonna mess you guys up real good. That's your warning, proceed at your own risk. The thugs crack their knuckles and step toward Sean and Matt. Matt gets in his fighting stance. Matt: *to Sean* Well, I warned them. No regrets.
  20. Matt: Got it, no problem. And...um...sorry about the attitude thing. I was kind of going through a hard time, but I should have thought about the team more. I'll follow your orders from now on the best I can. Craig: *smiles* Ok then, we all have our jobs. Matt walks over to SN in the corner. As he sits next to her, she backs off a little but. Matt: Mostly.....I'm sorry about hurting you. I didn't know it was you, but there's no excuse for attacking you. I was mad and I just lashed out at the first person. I'm so sorry....
  21. Bull crud. That's all that is. If you've ever seen the "all your base" craze, this is probably the same thing. It's amazing what people can do with computers, modifying images and everything. On top of all that, in America I think it would have been all over the news by now. And the mere thought of it makes me wonder what these people do in their spare time......:nervous:
  22. A boy riding a four winged dragon arrive at the scene of the fight. The boy dismounts and observes clues, and notices a peice of red cloth lying on the roof. He smells the material, then holds it to the dragon's nose. Matt: You know who this is? Kai: Srrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Matt: Right. It seems we're catching up to him, finally. He's going to pay for our parents death, him and his dragon! Kai: We must hurry if we are to find fresh clues, Matthew. Matt: Just Matt, not Matthew. And you're right. Wait! Matt notices a strange smell coming from the alley, and Kai catches on at about the same time. Kai: There were more people here. Matt: Yes, with dragons. Maybe they're like us. I think they went this way, yeah definately. Kai: Then let us depart. Matt mounts Kai and the two fly off into the night in search of the other Dragonials.
  23. Kai: Ok I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice! Dragonaire, hyper beam!! The dark dragonaire's gems glow a bright blue, and his eyes glow a darker shade. DDragonaire: Drraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! He thrusts his head forward, firing a huge yellow beam at the surprised espeon. It's eyes open wide as the beam makes contact, triggering an explosion. A red flash returns to its pokeball, the espeon is beaten. Kai: Score one for the rockets.
  24. Nothing for me. I'm proud enough of myself for building up the guts to ask a girl out. But she had "better things to do". Single is dandy for me:toothy: .
  25. Name: Matt Hunt Age: 16 Element: Thunder Weapon: Staff (spear) Personality: Very quiet, Matt likes to keep to himself. He is slow to anger but if it happens then he can accomplish phenominal feats. Description: Short reddish blond hair, spikey in the front. Small build, very quick and agile, but can pack a mean punch (or kick) if necessary. Eye Color: green Dragon: Kai Dragon's Element: Water Dragon's Description: Stands on two powerful hind legs. Has four huge wings, and relatively small forearms with curved claws. A flexible neck with outgrowing sharp body extensions (think hedgehog) covering parts of his body. A bone blade marks the tip of his tail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This sounds cool and I'm up for any RPG with dragons in it!
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