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Everything posted by Dragonfire1477

  1. Matt sits in his usual desk in the back of the room. He leaves his drawing pad in his pack, instead he sits with his head resting in his hands, pondering today's events. Matt: *to self* Where will this take us? How can things go back to the way they were? The classroom door opens so fast it almost comes off the hinges. The thugs that were following Sean and Asuka appear in the doorway, blocking the exit. Teacher: What is the meaning of this? Thug 1: Just sit down and you might not get hurt. Teacher: Now just one- Bam! The thug punches the teacher in the gut, knocking him back into his chair. The classroom goes silent and kids take their seats and prepare to listen. Meanwhile, Sean and Matt stand with their fists clenched. Sean looks back at Matt and he signals towards the window. It could be easily opened, which is good because the fight must be taken outside. Thug 2: Well, if it isn't our friends from outside! Sean: What do you want? Why did you follow us? The thug just cracks his knuckles, smiles, and chuckles in a bad sort of way. Asuka cringes in her seat, and Sean gives her a comforting glance, the thugs had not noticed her yet. Matt: At least let us take this outside.
  2. Matt: So that's it? Craig: Hey they were messing with my authority. Matt: Well you're messing with the team. Maybe we weren't the most organised group but we came through when it counted the most. Craig: Listen, you want to join them, then go ahead. Matt stands and walks to the door. He turns and gives Craig a cold glance, then heads out on his own. Matt: Fine. I can take Rampage and Quicksilver by myself anyway. I guess I should start searching. Retracing his steps, Matt finds a small clue as to where the gang of evil mutants went. He follows the trail, careful of every movement.
  3. Kai barely lifts his head to observe what is happening. He sees Aster unconcious beside him. Being in the Astral plane, her body is weakened in the ethral plane. If she is to die, the only way for bringing back life is through the eternal dragon. Kai crawls painfully over to Aster and places his hand on her back. Kai: You are stonger than me........you must fight.... In a flash of light, the rest of Kai's energy leaves him through his hand and enters Aster's body. She blinks her eyes and sits up and identifies the situation. *POOF* Kai: Hey I'm back! A halo appears over his head again and he appears in front of King Yamma. Yamma: Kai again! Hoho, you can't seem to stay alive for very long now can you? Kai: Great King Yamma, the New Planet Vegeta is under attack yet again. Only, it is by Duba again. We could not beat him before, but since we've all gotten stronger, I think we have a chance. But our chances improve greatly when we fight together! Please, I beg of you, grant me life so I can in turn protect life. Yamma: You have proven yourself before, time and time again, as have all the fighters from New Vegeta. I grant you life, in the name of all that is good! AND I boost your power with this orb. However, it has enough energy to release the hidden power in 6 more beings. Hoho, I believe there are that many fighting for the same cause. Fight well! Kai: Thank you King Yamma! Kai is teleported to the ethral plane again, holding the power orb. He transforms again, increasing his power like never before. Horns sprout from his head and his pupils disappear, making his eyes glow an eerie white. He flies to meet the other warriors on the ground and uses the orb, then meets Ken and Andrew and uses the orb on them. The orb then shatters. Ken: Amazing! I already feel stronger! Andrew: Me too! Now let's finish what he started. The rest of the warriors join Andrew Ken and Kai, and all of the warriors assume their fighting stances.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B]Asuka: ((Nice change from street to school hallway *laughs slightly*)) [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry about that I forgot I was in this RPG for a while :p
  5. Matt walks out of a classroom and sees Asuka and Sean. Matt: Hey guys- Sean: Keep walking. Matt: What's going on? Sean signals to the oncoming thugs. Matt walk beside the two down the hallway. Matt: It'll be ok. Let's just keep walking..... Sean: You can fight too right? Matt: Only if necessary...... The three keep walking.
  6. Matt get dressed in some baggy pants and a t-shirt and runs to the danger room. Matt: I'm so tired of this crap. I do my job and I do it well, all they need me to do is beat up people anyway. Making it to the danger room, makes checks his watch. Matt: 1 minute and 36.8 seconds, hehe, I'm getting better. Hey Craig, Ryu. Craig: Hey man. Get comfortable. Ryu: Yeah we may be here a while. Matt: Fun fun.
  7. Sorry, I've done homework all night so I'm not all here.:worried: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt workes like there is no tommorow in the danger room. He smashes blades and robots and almost demolishes the entire chamber in a matter of 2 hours. He comes out of the room sweating and takes a shower. Matt: I wonder what we should do about rogue mutants like Quicksilver and Rampage. I'll bet we could contain them somehow. Oh well, time for food! Matt makes his way into the kitchen of the mansion and is trying to make some food.
  8. Ok I know I'm a little late for this but let me put in my 2 cents. First off there were NO kamakazes in the bombing of Pearle Harbor. The Japanese used them, but they came later. And our fleet was NOT destroyed. I forget the exact statistics but they sank a destroyer and some smaller ships, and damaged even more. However, they didn't hit out subs, which was a mistake on their part. Try watching the movie "Tora Tora Tora", it was made right after WW2 and it's increadibly accurate. The funny thing is, the Japanese had already declared war on the US by the time the attack commenced, but the message was delayed by some ill-supplied troops. And we did know that it was coming at least a few hours before it happened, but those in higher power didn't want to believe the people who knew about it. So many lives could have been saved if it hadn't been for some Admirals and their power trips. *whew* So in conclusion I don't think FDR knew about the attack until after it actually happened. It's like the famous quote form the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto: "I fear we have only awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with enmity(i think thats the word he used).
  9. Back in the days when Hell had come to earth (middle school) my friends and I made an RPG club that focused on star wars (and I'm not even a fan). It was really awful. Since I came to the boards though I've started again and getting my friends into it, I'm even making sweet new plots and maps and stuff. R/Ping is awesome!!:D
  10. Matt walk up to join the conversation. Matt: Hey professor, I have to talk with you. Xavier: Alright. The rest of you back to class, and there will be no more skipping without consequences. Sean: Man.... The three walk off to their classes. Matt: I don't think I'm cut out for this school stuff. I'm trying my best, I'm giving it all I've got, but I'm still not cutting it. I just think I don't have what it takes here. Besides, I'm a lot better use to everyone fighting. I already go mosty by instinct, and that helps a lot. I just think I'm wasting time here when I could be training to better help the X-Men. Xavier: I see, but you must never lose hope. You are as capable as the rest of these students. I've looked into you mind and clearly you have been trying your hardest, and I am very proud of you for doing so. Matt: But I just don't have what it takes! I really can't see how people like Moon are such naturals at it and I just can't! Xavier: Let me show you something I think you would find interesting. Professor Xavier leads Matt back to the mansion and into the laboratory where Cerebro was developed. He hands Matt a strange device that looks like some kind of helmet. Xavier: Matt, it is said that a person's true intelligence is amplified in his or her subconcious. If you wear this device when you sleep, it will go over lessons and transmit information directly to your brain. It is only with the guarantee that you will wear this that I will allow you to miss school. Matt: Thank you professor. I can't tell you how much this means. I promise to always wear this when I sleep. Matt runs back to his room and places the helmet in a safe place. He then heads to the danger room to train. Matt: *a smile crosses his face* Bring me whatever you've got.
  11. I say toad because those would be the powers I'd want. Not the toung or the spit mind you, but to jump around like that and stick to walls would be really sweet.
  12. Matt nodes his head in research paper, until finally he falls completely asleep. Teacher: MATT!! Matt springs to a readied position. Teacher: Am I too boring for you? Matt: ......yes. Teacher: Fine! Your final paper is due tomorrow then! Matt: Well then, I'll see you later. Matt gets up and walks out of the class, despite the teacher's threats. *thinking* I am definately NOT going to do some paper that will take me 4 hours tonight. Time to go work out.
  13. Matt: *to self puching a bag again* Dang it! First I do something horrible, then I do nothing at all! *punhes bag harder* From now on, I'm going by instinct! Kill or be killed. The new Matt is born! With that, Matt puches the bag into the wall. It explodes and sand goes everywhere. Matt: Oops.... Sneaks out before anyone notices.
  14. Dude we're a team since when do you get private missions and not tell us?
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]It's what the pioneers ate when they had the first thanksgiving with the indians, lol :rolleyes: I think it's stupid if you ask me :p[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Just because it's a tradition doesn't mean its stupid. You don't have to have turkey if you don't want to, its obvious that some people don't like it. And that's ok, but don't call the Thanksgiving stupid.
  16. Matt helps Ken back inside, sets him at the bar and buys him a drink. Matt: Don't worry, we'll get whoever that was. Ken nodes. Matt: Just try to enjoy yourself. Matt goes to rest in chair.
  17. Turkey....from....pants? Lol. Yeah ham is really good. Thanksgiving isn't necessarilly about turkey, but about good food! And ham is good food! Yes, I kill my own turkey. If I didn't we'd be overrun by all of 'em.
  18. Sensing something was wrong, Matt looks around for Ken. He seems to be missing. Matt informs the others and they split up looking. Matt takes outside and sees Ken lying on the ground in pain. He runs over and helps him up. Ken: Watch it, there's someone here. Matt: Who? Who did this? Ken: I...don't know. Matt: I'll bet its the same guy who started the quake. The others come outside in time to see Ken tripped and Matt punched to the ground. Matt leaps to his feet again to fight, but the person is gone among the shadows and the cover of night.
  19. Or are you even having turkey this Thanksgiving? I just killed ours and its soaking in a bucket. Takes a long time to get it just right. Now lets hear what everyone is doing on Thanksgiving!
  20. Just for the record I don't point my claws at any X-Men. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt grabs Sean by the arm and takes him to the middle of the dance floor. Sean: What are you doing?! Matt: I taught you how to fight and you take on Siren without fear, but now you're suddenly afraid of dancing?! I challenge you! But the focus of his challenge is not sparring. The objective is to see how long each of the players will last........in a BREAK DANCING COMPETITION!!!!!! Matt: Just speed up the moves I taught you and just spin around on the floor a lot. Nothing to it, and you might get a chick or two out of it ;) .
  21. Matt: ...*blush*.......Hey look! Siren and Sean are ready! Let's go! Nobility::therock: Matt: Hey since we're not taking the Blackbird I'm driving my own car! Hops in his redone '72 Chevelle Malibu (my real life car!!!!!!) and rolls the window down, and revs the engine a little. Matt: Room for 3 more.
  22. The storm clears up as the X-Men wait for Sean and Siren to change.
  23. While Sean is practicing his technique, Matt performs some Tai Chi to ease his mind. Stormwind flys in. Sean: So you're skipping too? Siren: Yeah, kinda. Couldn't stay in the library either, I came to train. Matt: You're welcome to join us. I'm just trying to relax over here, but Sean is trying his technique. I'll bet he could use a sparring partner.
  24. Matt: *thinking* I'm a fighter. That's what I do. I'm not smart so why am I even here. I'll go with Sean. Matt waits until the teacher turns her back again, then sneaks out. Sean: So you'll teach me to fight? Matt: Well, it won't happen over night but I'll give you something to go by. Sean: Sweet! Matt: Ok, the park should be a good place. The two set their backpacks down and Matt shows Sean the basic fighting stance, Sanchin, and how to train himself. Matt: I can't teach you everything. To trully be a great fighter, you have to know every move you make. That's why you have to decide what style works for you the best. I'm giving you only the basics, you've got to take it from there.
  25. Matt: *still blushing* I guess I've never had anyone to talk to before the professor took me in. But I think Moon has made it clear she's not really interested. Anyway talking is good but I don't like talking about this subject much. *blushing more* I guess you should go on to class before the teacher gets too mad. Nobility: Aren't you coming too? Matt: I guess I will, I'm feeling better. Nobility and Matt walk into the classroom and the teacher shoots them an angry look. Matt: Sorry it was my fault we're late. Teacher: Fine then, you can serve both of the detentions, now take your seats. Nobility and Matt sit down. Matt: *thinking* Yeah we'll see how the professor likes your detentions hehe* The teacher turns her back and continues the lecture writing on the board. NPC: So why are you guys late? You weren't doing something I should report were you? Matt extends the middle claw on one hand, then starts writing notes down.
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