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Everything posted by Dragonfire1477

  1. Matt walks through the door and, crossing his arms over his chest, makes himself comfortable.
  2. Let me know if it's too late bu no ones picked wolverine yet! Name: Matt Mutant Power: Wolverine Age: 16 Bio: Like the comic character, Matt is quick to anger and even quicker to act. Armed with an adamantium skeleton, claws, the ability to heal, and extensive martial arts training, Matt is a formidable opponent indeed.
  3. Puts drawing notebook away and pays attention for a minute, then relaxes seeing that nothing is happening. Matt: *to self* I guess my schedual will be easier than I though.
  4. Kai: Draco, huh? I hope he shows up, I am curious to see where his taining has taken him. Kai makes himself comfortable in a corner and continues to train on the astral plane, you can never be to careful! Kai: Go get 'em Siren.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]and ya Dragonfire1477, the wall was a good idea [i]except[/i] the french built it. :smirk: [/B][/QUOTE] Lol. I mean it made sense because at the time no one had been able to scale the mountains the Germans crossed.
  6. Hey I hate French class as much as the next guy who failed it, but the Maginot Line (I'm taking a WW2 class) was a nice setup, the French simply didn't have enough funds to complete it. I doubt they would anyway. I could name a lot of things they did at the war that was dumb but I'm lazy now:p .
  7. Diablo 2 and starcraft. Now that's a niiiiiiiiiiiice combination. Wonder how many hours I've spent playing that, days would be a better word :cross:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B] well man you can try [/B][/QUOTE] Again and again, excuse after excuse. Believe me I've tried and been shot down. It's not so bad cause all this talk about people scared about being alone well I'm coping with it real good:toothy:
  9. Walks into classroom and greets teacher and student already in the classroom. Matt then finds the desk in the back corner and makes himself comfortable drawing until class begins. Matt: *thinking* and I was just getting used to summer....
  10. Never had a g/f, soul mate, or even a date. Probably never will, but that's just me. Whether people at school think I'm a geek or not, I'm fine by myself. It's always "but you're such a good friend", well I'm tired of being the friggen nice guy. Maybe if I change cities....
  11. I've had a fair share of alcoholic beverages, and they all tasted terrible! I've never been to a drinking party, probably wouldn't go anyways. I guess I'm a panzy. Da** my parents for raising me with morals:flaming:
  12. Maybe if we just start the battle ourselves some other people will join, so here goes. Kai: Dragonaire, thunder wave, paralyze it! DDragonaire: Dragooooonaaaaaaaaaaire! Thunder erupts from the jewels lining the dark dragonaires body and fly at the mesmirized(can't spell) gyarados. Immediately the serpent is engulfed in flames and howls in pain before it falls to the floor, twitching.
  13. Seeing Aster and Andrew walk in the diner, Kai decides to speak to them. Kai pays for his food. Kai: King Andrew*bowing*, Aster, always a pleasure. I hope I have proven myself to your planet, and I hope to help again in the future. With your permission, I will take my leave, I have much training to comence with.
  14. Name: Matt Hunt Alias: "Kai" Age: 16 Height: 5'3 Bio: Son of an ambassador to the planet Mars, Kai has recieved much experience in the way of technology. Traveling all over both Earth and Mars with his father, the two have been able to collect only the best parts in hope of building a machine able to be piloted by the both of them. However, this all changed when Kai's father was assassinated while on a trip to Mars, and Kai's plans changed. Using the parts collected by his father, Kai seeks to build the ultimate robot so he can fight for what he believes. AC Name: Blue Tiamat AC Description: This AC is based mostly on speed and agility. Because of his speed, his defense is at best ok, and his power is limited to mainly light-weight guns. AC Weapons: Pulse Cannon: Rifle that fires quick beam rounds, it must recharge after a while though for cooling. Scorpion Missle Launcher: Fires homing or aimed missiles, up to three at a time. Located on shoulder. Beam Staff: Long pole with beam lasers on each end capable of causing extreme damage.
  15. Definetly has potential. Add some more depth to it then post it, I want to here more and I think other people do to. I have the same dream to be an anime artist and I'm getting quite good at the expense of my GPA :p
  16. Kai: Where does he get all his power from?! I've got to crank it up if we're gonna get out of his one! Kai once again leaps into the air with another barrage, wondering if he is even capable of beating such a creature as Duba.
  17. Sounds cool. Name: Matt Age: 16 Description: Mostly quiet and likes to keep to himself. Able to be very outspoken when the time calls for it.
  18. Kai: For the planet! RAAAAAAAAAA! Kai leaps from his resting spot towards the warriors locked in combat. Kai appears next to Ken and throws his own kicks and punches at near light speed. Duba phases behind the fighters to avoid the onslaught, but before he could even fully reappear Aster was on him like a pack of dogs on a three-legged cat. Half a second after Kai has his fist buried in Duba's gut and Ken is pummeling his head. However, it is not enough as Duba sends the fighters flying as he powers up to full. Duba: Youll have to do much better than that! The warriors are up again and the battle rages on. Rocks fly around and wind rages for the intense energy released has disrupted the gravity of the area. The warriors fight like there is no tomorrow, for there is none if the fighters of the new Planet Vegeta hold anything back.
  19. Sensing Duba is back and help is needed more than ever, Kai says his goodbyes to King Kai. Kai: *telepathically* Aster, it's time. Please revive me. Aster: *chants revival spell* The halo disappears and Kai appears on the living plane next to the warriors. Kai: *to Duba* You disgust me Duba. You cause death and destruction without remorse. You have no honor, and without honor you have no right to live! You will pay the price for your actions! Kai growls a low growl as the wind rages around him. His muscles bulge and his cloths ripple in the raging cylinder of wind. The horns reappear on his head and his pupils once again disappear. Duba: Been there, killed that. You don't scare me lizard man. Kai sneers unleashes his full power in a huge blast of light. Trees are uprooted and boulders overturned as if to flee from the source of the great power. When the smoke clears, Kai is floating in the center of a huge crater created purely by his surrounding energy. Duba stands with a surprised look on his ugly mug. Kai: Now is not the time to hold back everyone. We must give it all we've got if we want to save the planet and everyone you love. I ask all the fighters of this planet to band together for your own survival! (everyone post quick so we can fight together!) Kai's new stats: Strength: 2,500,000 Speed: 3,000,000 Agility: 3,000,000 Dexterity: 2,500,000 Ki: 2,500,000
  20. After a while traveling on snake way, it hits Kai that he is not transformed anymore...Oh well. After reaching King Kai, Kai trains like the dickens to obtain a greater level. With several tons of weight on each arm and leg, Kai catches Bubbles and smashes Gregory, even mastering the Kaio Ken and Spirit Bomb. Kai's new stats without transformation: Strength: 900,000 Speed: 1,000,000 Agility: 1,000,000 Dexterity: 900,000 Ki: 900,000
  21. Kai: hehe...now you're gonna get it...Duba. Kai falls limp as his spirit leaves this world for the next dimension. Kai: Hey, snakeway! *telepathically* Hey Ken, I got a halo! Kai dashes down snake way at full speed in hopes of being trained by King Kai. *Telepathically* Get him guys, for me.
  22. Kai is on the ground not moving. Duba is floating down to him with an evil laugh. Duba: What did you hope to accomplish? Your power is but a fraction of mine! Your life has no meaning! Kai: You fool....your gonna get yours.... Duba: :therock: Kai: Ken....good to have you..back. Take this Duba, as a parting gift....*telepathically*Everyone shield your eyes! Struggling to lift his hands in the air, Kai emmits a powerful light, temporarily blinding Duba. Kai falls motionless again. Kai: Ok Andraig....he's yours.
  23. Kai: Daaaaaaaaa!!!! Kai leaps from the ground towards the unsuspecting Duba. Kai glows with speed and power as he pummels Duba DBZ style with kicks and punches. Duba retaliates and smashes Kai to the ground, but Kai leaps back again with another barrage. Again he is knocked to the ground, but his spirit is not easily broken. Charging for a second, Kai lets loose the fury of his dragon cannon blast, firing Duba into the stratosphere before he gets off the beam. Kai rushes in, knowing Duba will not be defeated so easily. The raging battle continues. Kai: *to self* Must hold on....a little longer....
  24. Overhearing Aster's conversation, Kai has an idea. He flies over to Aster. Kai: Aster, you have a healing ability right? Aster: Yes, but- Kai:(to Aster and telepathically to Craw) I need you to help me with this! It may be our only chance. I will provide a distraction for Duba. While he's preoccupied, Aster can blast Craw until he's almost dead. Then you can heal him, and his power will have increased immensly! This may be our only chance so think it over quickly....
  25. I am 16, and my parents are always making make Christmas lists. I keep saying I don't want anything, and when I say just gift certificates they get angry. I go to church on Christmas eve till about 6 and then have dinner with my dad's side of the family. Christmas we get up at like 6 and open stuff, have breakfast, then at about 11 we go for Christmas at my mom's side of the family. Then I rot my brain of the video games I got until school starts back up:toothy:
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